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Atas section of rant

a guest
Feb 16th, 2019
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  1. Tony, I don't understand why you mentioned my name in that light. I was under the impression that everything was over and done with and we all could move on, with no hard feelings at all. But you go on to talk shit about me? I was informed that you thought that I wanted to leave because "i hAtE FuRrIeS". I understand why you would think this, but this was far from the case. I might as well explain myself now. I didn't appreciate the attitude and mindset of you and your discord. You had this constant "I told you so", soccer mum attitude that was frankly unbearable, constantly labelling me for my age. It's like you have some obsession with ages, always throwing out 12 year old this and 14 year old that. Ironically that is quite an immature thing to do. During the early stages of me being in the server, everyone was quite welcoming of me being there, but in some kind of reverse fashion, as I got older and as more time passed, more insults began being tossed at me about how I was 13 and didn't know what I was talking about, yadda yadda. I want to make the point now that no, I do not hate furries, I do apologise if it got irritating whenever I made those kinds of jokes. Thing is, I regularly posted in the vent channel that if I were becoming too toxic or annoying that I would immediately stop if you tell me. Instead of getting any warning or anything, I was just dealt with in a passive aggressive manner and was labelled for being 13. I felt uncomfortable being in your server because I felt that constant "HAHA HES 13 HAHA STOOPID". If you send Wills pastebin to the discord I do wanna say I'm appreciative of the guys who didn't do the age thing. It was never anything to do with you Tony, me leaving, but now as I look back on my time in the group I see how you had such an unbearable attitude to absolutely everything which honestly made me really dislike you. Example being the music issue. It’s like you couldn’t grasp the fact that people can enjoy different music to you. Constantly insulting the demographic for an artists fanbase because of their age, going into the age labelling thing. It’s like you thing you have some kind of superiority of people because they are younger than you. It’s not just the music too. You had this irritating mindset about everything, how you couldn’t understand why people enjoyed things you didn’t. Fuck you could see a kid doing a backflip on a trampoline and you’d question it and be like “Why are children athletic?”. Or you’d go to a café and order a coffee but someone next to you orders a different coffee so you look into their eyes and say “Why?”. I just hoped honestly that you had forgotten about me, but you still do the thing that I disliked the group for, despite me not even being there. Hell I've grown to like Dan more than you and that's saying something cause I used to dislike him. Not to bring him into this, or Kav. I hope you remain close friends with them and I wish you well in your art endeavours. To sum it up, I love furries, your group is shit and toxic, and youre a soccer mum with a stinky attitude. Of course I’m not trying to play the morale high ground like a lot of people in your discord do, I’ve had my fair share of mistakes and I hope we can both learn from this. Goodbye Big Man.
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