

Feb 16th, 2017
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  1. Name: Placeholder
  2. Nickname:
  3. Race: Human
  4. Age: 21
  5. School: Shade
  6. Year: 3rd
  7. Gender: Male
  8. Occupation: Student
  9. History: (A general background of your character, where did they come from? What was their family like? When did they enroll as a student? Anything that happened after that? Focus on key events. Must be a minimum of 10 lines.)
  11. Personality: (What is your character like? Fill in to the best of your ability, minimum of 5 lines.)
  12. Likes: (minimum of 3)
  13. Dislikes: (minimum of 3)
  14. Hobby:
  15. Dreams: (at least 1)
  16. Fears: (at least 1)
  17. Quirks: (anything unusual about your character? Do they always wear a certain color? Do they hate humans/faunus? Do they click their nails?)
  19. Appearance: (what does your character look like? A picture does not save you from adding a description. Don't just say "look at the picture". Please include height, weight, hair color, eye color and skin tone at least. Six sentence minimum.)
  20. Attire: (what does your character wear? Six sentence minimum.)
  21. Emblem: (Most characters in Rwby have an emblem to call their own. You can put a picture if you'd like but a description is necessary.)
  22. Aura Color: (Every character's aura has a certain color to it. ONE color, but it can be any color you want.)
  25. Semblance:
  26. Weapon(s): (Your RWBY universe weapons. A description is necessary, but a picture is not. Make sure to mention EVERY function of the weapon and keep things logical. There is a great deal allowed within the RWBY universe, but some things are simply TOO over-powered. Also include your weapon(s) name(s) please.)
  27. Fighting style: (What is your character's go to tactic in battle? Are they the type to put on the pressure and rush forward? do they focus on keeping distance? Get creative! Six sentence minimum.)
  28. Team Name and Members: (Who is in your team? What is the name of the team, and how do you say it? ex. RWBY(Ruby) or SSSN(Sun) And, who is the team leader. If your character is just starting at the school, leave this blank.)
  30. RP sample: (Just a small sample of you role-playing as your character. It can be whatever you like.)
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