
Session 03: Explosives and the Kinkiness of Mistletoe

Dec 14th, 2013
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  1. [2013-12-13 16:15:10] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Accessing system
  2. [2013-12-13 16:15:21] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> System boot interupted
  3. [2013-12-13 16:15:29] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> ...
  4. [2013-12-13 16:15:55] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> To this day ponies gather around dimly lit rooms and share stories of the great Crimson Cleaver. Stories of the glorious and bloody path of destruction and mayhem that he carved over a twenty year period, of his three ships brimming with spoils and plunder, of his merciless band of thieves and murders.
  5. [2013-12-13 16:16:18] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> Some hated him, others loved him, all feared him and his blade for no being who sailed the waves was safe. The water was his kingdom, and there he was untouchable, master of all he served.
  6. [2013-12-13 16:16:40] * GreatAndPowerfulGM With every passing year his fame and fortune would grow as he would sail in and out of the maze like clockwork with the season. Then there came a year when he did not return, then another, and with his absence came a new calm to the Missipony River.
  7. [2013-12-13 16:17:06] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Some say he retired somewhere far away and lives in the lap of luxury, others say his crew mutinied, others claim that tartarus dragged him back along with his crew. None know for certain, but one thing is known...
  8. [2013-12-13 16:17:37] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Captain Cleaver may be gone but he is not Forgotten.
  9. [2013-12-13 16:17:58] * GreatAndPowerfulGM ...
  10. [2013-12-13 16:18:08] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Connection Restablished
  11. [2013-12-13 16:18:26] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Welcome to Bronco Network: Have a nice day
  12. [2013-12-13 16:19:50] * Thomas_OMalley keeps watch over the cargo and the boat. Those who commit murder would have little qualms over stealing the cargo.
  13. [2013-12-13 16:20:10] * Flora_Bloom comes back into the cafe, having left a pony at the acadamy library she looked a tiny bit annoyied, but mostly happy with her situation. She moves into the cafe and sits down next to Heartmend.
  14. [2013-12-13 16:20:43] * Gerlinde continues towards the cafe... but suddenly stops! A thought occurs. A thought of revenge. Eyes in the sky, Gerlinde looks about the town for a vegetable stand...
  15. [2013-12-13 16:21:45] * Cap_Rat makes his way to the boat, whistling cheerfully.
  16. [2013-12-13 16:22:01] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Captain Fathom Storm trots from around a corner towards the cafe in question, whistilng a jaunty sailing tune, tiping his large hat to ponies that pass. Steping inside he looks about for his crew.
  17. [2013-12-13 16:22:20] * Heartmend looks over the menu of the cafe not like any thing she sees
  18. [2013-12-13 16:22:45] -->| SlashySmiley ( has joined #CryMeARiver
  19. [2013-12-13 16:22:47] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Gerlinde finds the bustling markets of Batpone Rogue, a lively open market surounded by larger shops. Here many things can be found.
  20. [2013-12-13 16:23:03] * Flora_Bloom waves a bit to the captain. It seems only Heartmend and Flora_Bloom are at the table.
  21. [2013-12-13 16:23:08] =-= SlashySmiley is now known as Midnight_Bliss
  22. [2013-12-13 16:25:19] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Captains Grace sits idoly by the dock, still tied firm with half her cargo stacked on deck. Trotting down the dock is a fairly well dressed unicorn colt in a tweed jacket and specticals. His eyes move from a peice of paper in his telecinetic grip to the ship as he approches.
  23. [2013-12-13 16:26:06] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom approches Heartmend and Flora, "Greetings, first to show eh? How has yur day been going so far, fine sailing?"
  24. [2013-12-13 16:26:48] * Flora_Bloom smiles a bit. "Well.. here and there. Got some news but maybe it should wait for the others." Flora says
  25. [2013-12-13 16:27:24] * Heartmend gives a little shrug "Not much time to do much in this town."
  26. [2013-12-13 16:27:48] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the captain nods, "Fair enough, I got me hooves on yer bonus right here in me bags. Had to go get some supplies but Im ready to pay up as soon as the others show there muzzle"
  27. [2013-12-13 16:28:35] * Midnight_Bliss Remains in her perch on the ships Crow's nest, spying through her guns scope
  28. [2013-12-13 16:28:36] * Cap_Rat decides to go to the cafe to get his pay.
  29. [2013-12-13 16:28:48] * Gerlinde approaches the first vendor that might have carrots. "Hey. Carrots. Got em?"
  30. [2013-12-13 16:30:17] * GreatAndPowerfulGM a earth pony looks up from a vegitable stand, "12 caps"
  31. [2013-12-13 16:30:23] <Flora_Bloom> "Well, the Pegasus might just stay on the ship, guarding it. She's not too social." He sighs and shrugs
  32. [2013-12-13 16:30:29] <Flora_Bloom> she*
  33. [2013-12-13 16:31:09] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Midnight sees the specticaled tweed wearing unicorn stop at the gangplank and look up at the ship, seemingly startled by the apearance of the pegasus looking through her weapons scope. "My word!"
  34. [2013-12-13 16:31:18] * Thomas_OMalley flies down from the Crow's Nest, landing on the deck in front of the cargo. He leans back against it, and waves to the unicorn. "What I can do for you?"
  35. [2013-12-13 16:31:56] * Midnight_Bliss keeps the tweed wearing unicorn in her sights without a hint of her expression changeing, her hoof on the trigger in case of trouble
  36. [2013-12-13 16:32:26] * Gerlinde 's eyes narrow. "How about 2 caps and a beer." Her talons tap on the ground.
  37. [2013-12-13 16:32:56] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Captain Fathom nods, "Well its there fault if they miss the pie, I told em it was the best around. Pardon me a tick while I put in an order". Fathom stands and moves to go pay for a fresh pie.
  38. [2013-12-13 16:33:38] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the earth pony gets into full barter mode. "9 caps and a beer!"
  39. [2013-12-13 16:34:30] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the fussy looking Unicorn takes a few steps onto the gangplank as he shoves his face back into the floating note, "I-Im looking for a Captain Fathom Storm, is he about?"
  40. [2013-12-13 16:35:31] * Gerlinde huffs. "I only have 2 caps." She frowns. "2 caps, a beer, and... some crispy squirrel bits."
  41. [2013-12-13 16:36:18] * GreatAndPowerfulGM scratches her chin, then grabs some carrots by there root and sets them down on the card table where she has set up shop. "Deal"
  42. [2013-12-13 16:37:23] * Thomas_OMalley smiles to the unicorn. "Mo chagren mon ami, but de capitan be out. Can I take de message for you?"
  43. [2013-12-13 16:37:52] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Captain Fathom returns to the table, nudging Flora as he takes a seat in the booth. "Yer going to love it, best apple pie along the Missipony"
  44. [2013-12-13 16:38:10] * Gerlinde gives the merchant a healthy glare before placing the caps, beer, and bits on the counter. She grabs the carrot and deposits it in her bags, flying away.
  45. [2013-12-13 16:39:48] * Gerlinde begins to fly for the cafe.
  46. [2013-12-13 16:40:05] * Midnight_Bliss focuses intently on the Tweed wearing unicorn, looking for anything out of the ordinary on them
  47. [2013-12-13 16:41:11] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the unicorn looks up, milling over Toms question. "I dont seem why not, I am from the Batpone Rouge Academey School of Higher Learning. Specifically from the finacial department, I am here to inspect some objects that were purchased with our funding. I know the deal was with Hidden Tomb but following his unfortunate death it falls to me to see to our aquisition of the cargo"
  48. [2013-12-13 16:42:01] * Flora_Bloom smiles a bit. "Well in the Missipony maybe, but nothing can beat my mother's homemade apple pie." She smiles at the captian.
  49. [2013-12-13 16:42:13] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> The tweed pony apears to be out of sorts, clearly flustered from the trip down to the docs. From his dress, beyavior, and appearance its clear he dose not get out much.
  50. [2013-12-13 16:43:09] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom chuckles, "Well mothers cooking is a catigory all its own, is it not?". From inside Gerlinde can here Flora and Captain fathom talking, there is also the heavy smell of fresh baked goods.
  51. [2013-12-13 16:44:31] * Cap_Rat gets to the cafe, waving to the group.
  52. [2013-12-13 16:45:07] * Flora_Bloom gives a smile and a nod. "True, true." She says, noticing the gryph and almost imediately scowling, but then two things happen, one she sees Cap_Rat and gives a small smile, and two, she remembers Thomas's words to her and tried to get along with Gerlinde.
  53. [2013-12-13 16:45:17] * Gerlinde grins, sniffing. She has her carrot, and she has her plan. Gerlinde steps into the cafe, looking for Thomas and Flora.
  54. [2013-12-13 16:45:34] <Midnight_Bliss> "Threat level, Minimum" she says mainly to herself but just loud enough for Thomas
  55. [2013-12-13 16:45:56] * Gerlinde flaps over to the others before landing. She gives a short nod to the group, then turns to Flora_Bloom, smirking lightly.
  56. [2013-12-13 16:46:26] <Thomas_OMalley> Thomas's smile fades and he shakes his head. "We heard about de unfortunate passing. May Luna guide dat pony to rest." The bat pony spends a moment of silence before straightening up again. "Unfortunately, we must deliver de cargo to de next of kin. Did de late Hidden Tomb have any relatives?"
  57. [2013-12-13 16:46:31] * Flora_Bloom tilts her head but returns a grin to Gerlinde, trying to be polite.
  58. [2013-12-13 16:46:41] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Captain waves to the two arrivals, "There ye be, had a good day so far?"
  59. [2013-12-13 16:47:28] * Thomas_OMalley nods his head slightly, hearing the pegasus on watch.
  60. [2013-12-13 16:47:42] * Cap_Rat gets himself a seat. "I've talked to a mare that sees the future!" He grins
  61. [2013-12-13 16:48:16] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the unicorn looks sudden flustered as he ducks behind the note, "Oh... oh dear, yes he did but Im afraid its not his proporty to pass on. This shipment was purchased with Academy funds and therefor belongs to us", his words lower in volume as he continues to speak
  62. [2013-12-13 16:48:58] * Flora_Bloom blinks lightly to Cap_Rat. "Did you now?"
  63. [2013-12-13 16:49:13] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Captain Fathom laughs, "Ye found one of them about did ya? Never fails to suprise me how many of them are about"
  64. [2013-12-13 16:49:19] * Gerlinde nods. "Yeah. I did. Got some things on the way from the market." Her smirk widens, eyes wandering over to Flora.
  65. [2013-12-13 16:49:24] * Heartmend slaps down the menu "There just not a thing I want. Oh... hello Gerlinde, and are doing well?" she asks with some concern as she looks the griffon over from her seat
  66. [2013-12-13 16:49:41] * Gerlinde quirks her head at Heartmend. "Yeah, fine. Why?"
  67. [2013-12-13 16:50:10] <Cap_Rat> "Yup!" He frowns a bit. "She said some sinister stuff is going to happen, but I can handle whatever." He nods confidently
  68. [2013-12-13 16:51:21] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Captain Fathom pats Cap Rat on the back, "There ye go, make yer own fortune I say. Ye might muddle it up but at least you can say it was by yer own hoof. Besides, them types is a dime a dozen. Find me all about ye do"
  69. [2013-12-13 16:51:42] * Flora_Bloom doesn't notice Gerlinde and smiles at Cap_Rat. "Well that sounds promising, if not a bit concearning."
  70. [2013-12-13 16:52:17] <Heartmend> "Well the drugs should still be in your system, even if your not feeling it."
  71. [2013-12-13 16:52:17] * Thomas_OMalley nods his head, leaning in as if to hear the unicorn better. "Oh? Dat I did not know. You brought de paperwork? And dere be no reason to be frightened... I do not bite." The batpony winks to the unicorn, his fangs flashing in the sunlight.
  72. [2013-12-13 16:52:38] * Gerlinde frowns, shaking her head at Heartmend. "I said, I'm fine."
  73. [2013-12-13 16:53:10] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom looks around a bit, "hey now, easy with that talk there"
  74. [2013-12-13 16:53:12] <Heartmend> "Just seeing if your alright is all."
  75. [2013-12-13 16:54:11] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the captain looks back to Cap Rat, "Still, they are good for a laugh every now and then. What ells she say to ya?"
  76. [2013-12-13 16:55:15] * Flora_Bloom nods, looking to Gerlinde. "You do need to be careful with drugs, they can be very dangerous." She says quietly.
  77. [2013-12-13 16:55:39] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Tweed Pony dares a glance over the note and eeps before ducking back. "I-I ahhhh.. yes, I have all the paperwork right here"
  78. [2013-12-13 16:55:55] * Gerlinde huffs. "I don't need to be told that, I'm fine!" She mumbles, "It was only a couple..."
  79. [2013-12-13 16:57:06] * Midnight_Bliss even had to blush at the Batpony's words
  80. [2013-12-13 16:57:38] -->| LuckyLeaf (LuckyLeaf@wandering.fateweaver) has joined #CryMeARiver
  81. [2013-12-13 16:57:39] =-= Mode #CryMeARiver +qo LuckyLeaf LuckyLeaf by ChanServ
  82. [2013-12-13 16:58:32] * Heartmend looks at Flora_Bloom then back to the griffon with a wisper "We don't know the after effects on that bach we pawned off, so the moment you feel off tell me ok."
  83. [2013-12-13 16:58:53] * Flora_Bloom gives a small nod to her.
  84. [2013-12-13 17:00:11] * GreatAndPowerfulGM captain Fathom looks about, "where be the rest of the crew I wonder?"
  85. [2013-12-13 17:00:23] * Gerlinde sees this is going nowhere. She frowns and nods.
  86. [2013-12-13 17:00:27] * Thomas_OMalley continues to smile, his silver eyes twinkling as he slowly inchest closer. "Now, why you hiding? Dat face should see de light of day." The batpony reaches forward and gently lowers the paperwork from the unicorn's face. "See? Dat's much better padron." Thomas's face is only half a foot away from the unicorns and he keeps smiling. "De Academy... de always send de cute ones to get de cargo, or...
  87. [2013-12-13 17:00:27] * Thomas_OMalley ...just my lucky day?"
  88. [2013-12-13 17:00:48] <Heartmend> "Oh they had gone back to the ship it seams."
  89. [2013-12-13 17:01:29] * Flora_Bloom nods. "The Pegasus said something about gaurding. Thomas left to talk to her I assume."
  90. [2013-12-13 17:02:15] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom nods "So, the all business one is guarding and the smooth talker is with her? I think its safe to say that we can start without them".
  91. [2013-12-13 17:02:19] * Midnight_Bliss bites her lips as she watches the Batpony flirt with the Academy pony
  92. [2013-12-13 17:02:36] * Flora_Bloom gives a nod. "Hopefully yes."
  93. [2013-12-13 17:03:05] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The tweed pony blushes and pulls his head back, taking a half step backwards. "I-Im afraid that I dont know what you mean sir. In any case these papers are proof of ownership"
  94. [2013-12-13 17:05:14] * Gerlinde looks around. "So... didn't the cap't mention pie? I didn't miss it, did I?"
  95. [2013-12-13 17:05:15] =-= LuckyLeaf is now known as Cap_Rat
  96. [2013-12-13 17:05:21] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom nods, "Well then if nopony ells is of a diffrent mind Ill hoof out your bonus for yer work in Easy Passing. 50 caps each, fair bit of change that is. Ill get the others there share later when they catch up". Fathom pulls out a sack of caps and starts to count.
  97. [2013-12-13 17:05:48] * GreatAndPowerfulGM almost on que a waitress shows up with a tray of pies and sets them on the table
  98. [2013-12-13 17:07:19] * Flora_Bloom gives a nod. "Well then I suppose I should mention. Cap_Rat and I weren't able to deliver the letter. Hidden Tomb is dead, and we believe he was murdered for something."
  99. [2013-12-13 17:08:19] * Gerlinde pays no attention to whatever Flora_Bloom is talking about. Instead, she focuses on the pie. Licking her beak, Gerlinde begins munching, but slowly so that she can savor it.
  100. [2013-12-13 17:08:50] * Heartmend sniffs at the slices of apple pie
  101. [2013-12-13 17:09:35] * Cap_Rat nods to Flora. "It was really weird."
  102. [2013-12-13 17:09:40] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom pauses as he gos to take a bite of pie, "He is what now? You telling me he kicked the bucket?"
  103. [2013-12-13 17:09:54] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the pie smels great
  104. [2013-12-13 17:10:26] * Thomas_OMalley steps in a little closer, reaching forward to take the papers. "Now how about you come over and help me wit dis paperwork? Give us a chance to know each other... I'll be moving de packages for you, after all." The batpony gestures with a wing to come over, even patting a bit of the deck right next to him.
  105. [2013-12-13 17:10:33] * Heartmend pokes at the apple pie slice in ftont of her
  106. [2013-12-13 17:10:42] * Flora_Bloom smiles as she takes a bite as well. "Yup, something about a robery gone wrong, but I don't buy it. We found a few odd documents. And I'm pretty sure Thomas found something out with the Cargo itself.
  107. [2013-12-13 17:10:56] <Midnight_Bliss> "We shouldn't hand it over, Any change should be discussed with our captain"
  108. [2013-12-13 17:12:14] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom Shrugs, "Eh, not a huge loss. We pass it along to the harbor and they wait around for somepony to claim it. He paid up front anyway, no big loss. We can be heading out then when everypony is ready, may stay in dock overnight to resuply though. Anypony have plans?"
  109. [2013-12-13 17:12:18] <Cap_Rat> "Did you know him?" He asks the captain.
  110. [2013-12-13 17:13:36] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom looks to Rat, "Who, The resently departed worm farm? Nah, we met once to talk price on the shipment down at the docs. Only picked me as I was already set to go that direaction"
  111. [2013-12-13 17:14:40] * Heartmend shakes her head "No plans so far, maybe some other time if we come this way again."
  112. [2013-12-13 17:15:02] * Flora_Bloom gives a small blush. "I have small plans but nothing too big. I'd like to stay over night if we can."
  113. [2013-12-13 17:15:18] * Gerlinde doesn't answer, too busy enjoying the pie. She simply shakes her head.
  114. [2013-12-13 17:15:51] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Tweed pony inches closer to Thomas, "Well... alright then, I just need your captains signature and we can load the... packages off the ship"
  115. [2013-12-13 17:17:37] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The captain nods, "Sure sure, we stick the the schedule and leave in the morning. Be sure ye are on the ship and ready to go by then. Dont need to be runing any later than I already am with the tabaco"
  116. [2013-12-13 17:18:19] * Flora_Bloom gives a nod, getting up. "We should check on the other crew. Anypony want to come with me?" She offers.
  117. [2013-12-13 17:18:58] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Captain Fathom nods, "we finish up our pie and head there then"
  118. [2013-12-13 17:19:02] * Gerlinde sighs happily as she finishes her pie. Finally coming to and hearing those around her, she nods to Flora. "Sure," she smirks. "Just going to the ship?"
  119. [2013-12-13 17:19:09] * Thomas_OMalley nods, taking a seat as he starts looking through the documentation. "Well, dat might be de tricky ting. De capitan be off de ship." The batpony looks up from the paperwork, this time leaving the papers so his muzzle is concealed, the silver eyes glimmering over the top of the paper. "Though... if you wanted to wait, de company would not be unwelcome. De Academy folk always know de best way...
  120. [2013-12-13 17:19:09] * Thomas_OMalley pass de time."
  121. [2013-12-13 17:19:34] * Cap_Rat salutes the captain.
  122. [2013-12-13 17:19:49] * Cap_Rat gets up, nodding to Flora. "Sure."
  123. [2013-12-13 17:20:09] * Flora_Bloom gives a nod. "Yeah, just heading there." She looks to Cap_Rat and smiles. "When we get there we should do more research on our mystery."
  124. [2013-12-13 17:20:15] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Tweed pony blushes deeply, "Oh.. my..."
  125. [2013-12-13 17:21:14] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom quickly polishes of the pie.
  126. [2013-12-13 17:22:05] * Gerlinde stands, wings flapping and bringing her a few inches off of the ground. "Alright... whenever. I'm ready to go."
  127. [2013-12-13 17:22:23] * Gerlinde nods to Fathom. "And... thanks for the pie. It was great."
  128. [2013-12-13 17:23:01] * Flora_Bloom smiles. "Thank you for the pie Captian." She says, looking to Heartmend. "Will you come too doc?"
  129. [2013-12-13 17:23:03] * Heartmend eats the pie after some time examining it
  130. [2013-12-13 17:23:16] * Midnight_Bliss continues to stare at Thomas and the Academy pony
  131. [2013-12-13 17:23:27] <Heartmend> "In a bit ok."
  132. [2013-12-13 17:24:00] * Flora_Bloom gives a short nod. "Alright then." She looks to Gerlinde and Cap_Rat. "Let's get going."
  133. [2013-12-13 17:24:12] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom stands, "well im ready whever you ponies are"
  134. [2013-12-13 17:24:49] * Cap_Rat trots along with the group
  135. [2013-12-13 17:25:38] * Thomas_OMalley grins and stands, stretching his legs and taking an accidental step next to the academy pony. He drapes a wing over the academy pony shoulders, giving back the papers. "Dey look all together, like you said. Now... what can we do to pass de time? Any ideas?"
  136. [2013-12-13 17:26:05] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Midnights catches a breif flare out of the corner of her eyes, from across the docs she spots a pony on a nearby ship aiming a spy glass at the ship, watching the tweed pony and Thomas.
  137. [2013-12-13 17:26:45] * Flora_Bloom nods to the Captian. "Let's get going then, time's wasting. "She says, thinking about the mare she had left, worried about her for a moment and then trotting towards the docs
  138. [2013-12-13 17:26:51] <Flora_Bloom> docks*
  139. [2013-12-13 17:27:20] * Midnight_Bliss turns her head alerted by the flare, focusing her scope on the source "We got someone watching us Mr. Thomas"
  140. [2013-12-13 17:27:22] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The Tweed pony looks hopeless, traped in a battle he cannot hope to win. "Ummm... I .... errr.... like books?"
  141. [2013-12-13 17:28:35] * Gerlinde flies above along with the group.
  142. [2013-12-13 17:29:32] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Pony on the other ship tucks away the spy glass and ducks out of sight.
  143. [2013-12-13 17:29:33] * Thomas_OMalley nods his head. "Oh? Any books dat I might like?" The batpony turns his head and looks over at Midnight_Bliss. "Dey be dangerous?"
  144. [2013-12-13 17:29:45] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom chats as they move along, reaching the docs.
  145. [2013-12-13 17:29:57] * Heartmend trots off after the captian and others
  146. [2013-12-13 17:30:21] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The tweed pony's head lowers as his blush deepens, "R-romance novels"
  147. [2013-12-13 17:30:21] * Flora_Bloom glances around for their boat, trying to spot Midnight and Thomas
  148. [2013-12-13 17:30:37] <Midnight_Bliss> "I am Looking for signs of hostility"
  149. [2013-12-13 17:32:19] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> Flora and the group spie Thomas at the end of the doc with a strange tweed suit wearing unicorn who is blushing enough to burn a hole in the doc.
  150. [2013-12-13 17:33:12] * Flora_Bloom gives a small chuckle as she comes up on the ship, waving at Thomas_OMalley. "Hey Tom, who's this? You're new coltfriend?" She asks jokingly.
  151. [2013-12-13 17:33:40] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The boat the pony spie was on seems to be relitivley small, a large radio entina pokes out of the top of it. No signs of further activity can be seen onboard of it. Printed along the side is the name, "Bob"
  152. [2013-12-13 17:34:42] <Midnight_Bliss> "I see no immediate signs of danger from the ship, just the one watching you and the Academy pony. Ship is named Bob"
  153. [2013-12-13 17:35:14] * Thomas_OMalley raises an eyebrow and is about to respond, but then smiles over to Flora_Bloom. "Oh? Dis is a pony from de Academy. He be here to collect de cargo... we were just passing de time till de capitan arrived." Thomas turns back to the unicorn. "I'm afraid I must be working. De talk was wonderful, though I didn't get your name."
  154. [2013-12-13 17:35:27] * Gerlinde rolls her eyes at Tom as she flies up towards the crow's nest, checking if Midnight is there.
  155. [2013-12-13 17:36:33] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the tweed unicorn looks up, "I-Inkwell". He pratically jumps when Fathom steps forward and addresses him, "Looking for me are ya? Suppose its more bloody paperwork then".
  156. [2013-12-13 17:37:15] * Midnight_Bliss continues to focus on the pony watching them but nods to Gerlinde's arrival "Welcome back"
  157. [2013-12-13 17:38:08] * Gerlinde raises an eyebrow. "So, take it you didn't want pie?"
  158. [2013-12-13 17:38:43] * Thomas_OMalley steps back from the unicorn and bows to him. "Den until we meet again, Inkwell. I'll have to find you at de Academy... you can show me dose books." The batpony walks back onto the ship and over toward Flora_Bloom. "So... want to see de painting?"
  159. [2013-12-13 17:38:54] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Small vessel Bob is inactive, the blinds on the port holes covered and no motion on deck.
  160. [2013-12-13 17:39:21] <Midnight_Bliss> "I didn't find the current company there enjoyable"
  161. [2013-12-13 17:39:24] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom and Inkwell start to go over the paperwork together
  162. [2013-12-13 17:39:51] * Flora_Bloom nods lightly. "Yes please." She sighs a bit and gives a weak smile
  163. [2013-12-13 17:40:35] * Gerlinde snickers. "So you came here alone, or with Tom?" The griffon waggles her eyebrows suggestively.
  164. [2013-12-13 17:40:55] * Thomas_OMalley smiles to Flora and puts a wing over her shoulder, leading her below deck, to where the paintings are being kept. "Why de long face, Flora?"
  165. [2013-12-13 17:40:56] * Heartmend goes below deck and works at setting up a better med bay
  166. [2013-12-13 17:41:16] <Midnight_Bliss> "Mr. Thomas was here when I arrived"
  167. [2013-12-13 17:41:35] * Flora_Bloom frowns. "I fucked things up bad with Midnight." She says simply.
  168. [2013-12-13 17:41:36] * Cap_Rat trots to Flora and the group.
  169. [2013-12-13 17:42:03] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom and Inkwell trot off together down the doc.
  170. [2013-12-13 17:43:28] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> Heading bleow Deck Heartmend hears an odd sort of crackling sound.
  171. [2013-12-13 17:44:18] * Gerlinde huffs. That wasn't the reaction she wanted. She shakes her head, landing and taking her comfortable position within the nest.
  172. [2013-12-13 17:45:35] * Thomas_OMalley frowns. "Oh? Did someting happen dat you can talk about, padron?"
  173. [2013-12-13 17:46:12] * Heartmend stops in her tracks and looks back behind her self "A is any one down below deck?" she yells at the rest thet can hear her
  174. [2013-12-13 17:46:48] * Flora_Bloom sighs. "Nothing too much. "She says. "I pushed some info i shouldn't have." She glances back and gives a small smile to Cap_Rat. "So then, this painting, where is it?" She asks.
  175. [2013-12-13 17:46:54] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Gerlinde since there appeared no direct trouble from the ship at the moment "Is there some manner of problem?" she asked Gerlinde
  176. [2013-12-13 17:47:57] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The Sound seems to be coming from the cargo area. No pony or other being answers, but a new sounds joins the crackling, a low grown and a rushing sound.
  177. [2013-12-13 17:48:11] * Gerlinde shrugs. "Not really. Teasing doesn't seem to work on you though, which cuts down on my entertainment."
  178. [2013-12-13 17:49:25] * Cap_Rat smiles, following them to the painting. "If we find a real treasure it will be really neat."
  179. [2013-12-13 17:49:38] * Midnight_Bliss nods before looking back to the boat "One should not falter by anothers action or words"
  180. [2013-12-13 17:50:52] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Flora_Bloom. "Ah... dat mare be private... sometimes, de mares and stallions, de must be coaxed... de can not be forced." Thomas opens his mouth to say something more, when his ears perk. "You hear dat? Heartmend? You ok?"
  181. [2013-12-13 17:51:26] * Gerlinde rolls her eyes. "But that's boooooring. Do you ever have fun?"
  182. [2013-12-13 17:51:39] * Heartmend with a huff goes and gets Gerlinde "A Gerlinde can you come with me, I think we may have an intruder below deck."
  183. [2013-12-13 17:51:54] * Flora_Bloom nods to Cap_Rat happily and then blinks. "What? Heartmend?" She asks to Thomas_OMalley.
  184. [2013-12-13 17:52:04] * Gerlinde is up on the Crow's nest and unfortunately does not hear Heartmend!
  185. [2013-12-13 17:52:16] <Midnight_Bliss> "Fun isn't neccesary to finish ones mission"
  186. [2013-12-13 17:53:02] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the boat pitches slightly, leaning to the side a few inches, ropes groaning and pulling taunt.
  187. [2013-12-13 17:53:25] * Gerlinde shrugs. "Not like that means you -can't- have fun."
  188. [2013-12-13 17:53:36] * Midnight_Bliss turns "I believe they are calling for you..."
  189. [2013-12-13 17:53:45] * Midnight_Bliss feels the boat lurch
  190. [2013-12-13 17:53:52] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Ya... de mare be shouting below de deck." Thomas takes a step forward when the boat pitches. "Shit! Get de cargo on de dock!"
  191. [2013-12-13 17:54:29] * Cap_Rat blinks. He lowers his eyebrows and scurries to the lower deck, silently.
  192. [2013-12-13 17:54:32] * Gerlinde grunts as the boat lurches, frown forming on her beak. She flies up and looks down, trying to figure out why the boat might be lurching.
  193. [2013-12-13 17:55:06] * Midnight_Bliss rushes from the crows nest, weapon in her hooves "Alert!"
  194. [2013-12-13 17:55:11] * Thomas_OMalley takes off down off into lower deck, praying that it isn't what he thinks it is that is causing the boat to suddenly lurch and groan.
  195. [2013-12-13 17:55:37] * Flora_Bloom 's eyes widen as she rushes towards the upper deck, wanting the cargo to be okay
  196. [2013-12-13 17:55:39] * Heartmend sighs and look to Thomas_OMalley "I hear some thing moveing below deck and I'm not sticking my muzzle in to it, but we may have an intruder on the ship?"
  197. [2013-12-13 17:56:01] * Gerlinde notes Thomas heading below deck and bolts after him, talons ready.
  198. [2013-12-13 17:56:11] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Rat hits teh bottom step into the lower deck, hoof finding water. From towards the cargo area is the sound of rushing water and crackling.
  199. [2013-12-13 17:56:14] * Midnight_Bliss hits the deck and ducks down blending intot he shadows
  200. [2013-12-13 17:56:41] * Midnight_Bliss heads below deck in search of the intruder
  201. [2013-12-13 17:56:56] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> The cargo on the ship moves slightly as the ship continues to roll.
  202. [2013-12-13 17:57:34] <Cap_Rat> "The hull is broken." He whispers back.
  203. [2013-12-13 17:57:58] * Thomas_OMalley flies over to the cargo area where the cracking is loudest. "Get de cargo off de ship! I'll try to fix de hole!"
  204. [2013-12-13 17:58:36] <Cap_Rat> "Shit!" He tries to drag something that isn't going to break his back along with him
  205. [2013-12-13 17:59:14] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> Thomas Finds a strange sight, two holes roughly two hooves in size have been cut into the hull, a third is currently being carved. Great sparks shoot inwards as molten metal drips down as whatever is doing this continues its work. Water flowing in.
  206. [2013-12-13 18:00:01] * Flora_Bloom gives a curse as she attempts to grab at least the painting, or what she can assume is the painting
  207. [2013-12-13 18:01:33] * Heartmend goes off to gather up her supplies "Well this was a short trip."
  208. [2013-12-13 18:01:37] * Thomas_OMalley frowns and points. "Get dat ting off de hull!" The batpony gets to work trying to patch the holes and slow the flow of water.
  209. [2013-12-13 18:04:16] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Cap Rat pulls at a large creat, sliping and acidentally opeing it up. Spilling out from inside is a emergancy supply box featuring 3 self enflating survival rafts.
  210. [2013-12-13 18:05:42] * Gerlinde frowns, looking at the holes in the hull. "...Should I... try to punch whatever's making the holes?" Gerlinde frowns. Metal-melting devices do not seem like a good thing to punch.
  211. [2013-12-13 18:08:59] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> Thomas sees plenty of material that could fix the ship but it takes time, he dose however spot a bellows that could be used to pump water out of the ship. If he can get it started, the thing looks pretty old...
  212. [2013-12-13 18:09:18] * Thomas_OMalley looks at the hole being cut. "Go around de outside, take em out!" Thomas darts over to the bellows. Get them started, then patch holes.
  213. [2013-12-13 18:09:35] <Cap_Rat> "Can you swim?" He asks, slogging to the colder holes with the rafts. "We can cover the holes with these."
  214. [2013-12-13 18:10:12] * Flora_Bloom manages to grab the painting, looking to get off the ship as fast as she can.
  215. [2013-12-13 18:11:18] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Rafts inflate to fill the holes, slowing the water but not stoping it. Buying the crew precious moments to reverse the damage and save the ship.
  216. [2013-12-13 18:12:20] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Bellows start to purr as it comes to life, sucking water out of the ship and spitting it back out into the Missipony.
  217. [2013-12-13 18:12:32] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Cap and does precisely as he was taught by his papi to start an old engine. He pulls the cord and then kicks it. "Alright, dat is how we do it!"
  218. [2013-12-13 18:12:43] * Gerlinde nods to Thomas and flies quickly. Once outside, she looks for the perpetrators on the outer hull.
  219. [2013-12-13 18:13:22] * Midnight_Bliss finding nothing she can do inside she heads outside, looking around the ship for their attackers
  220. [2013-12-13 18:13:30] * GreatAndPowerfulGM looking down Gerlinde can see a dark shape highlighted by bright bursts of light along the side of the ship a few feet underwater.
  221. [2013-12-13 18:13:55] * Cap_Rat looks around for anything else that can help sealing the holes
  222. [2013-12-13 18:14:07] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Midnight Bliss spots the spy once again, back on Bob watching their ship.
  223. [2013-12-13 18:14:19] * GreatAndPowerfulGM He appears to have a radio in hoof
  224. [2013-12-13 18:15:01] * Gerlinde frowns. Taking a jolt of buck, her frown quickly turns into a grin and she dives underwater...
  225. [2013-12-13 18:15:25] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Cap Rat finds a large surplus of scrap metal for Thomas to work with as well as spare welding rods for a small welder that is located on the ships work bench.
  226. [2013-12-13 18:16:20] * Heartmend finishes gathering up her medical supplies and head on up to the top deck and look at the ships situation
  227. [2013-12-13 18:16:40] * Thomas_OMalley gets over to trying to seal the holes with Cap Rat. "Dose rafts gonna be a good start, but we got a ways to go!" The batpony spits on his hooves and grabs the welder... and the workbench to boot, if the welder is attached!
  228. [2013-12-13 18:16:42] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> the ships pitch has corrected itself slightly
  229. [2013-12-13 18:18:08] * Cap_Rat floats all the scrapmetal to the holes and pulls the straps of his overalls. "Let's get this fixed!"
  230. [2013-12-13 18:19:28] -->| The_Blossom ( has joined #CryMeARiver
  231. [2013-12-13 18:19:50] * The_Blossom rushes towards the Bob, moving onto deck as quickly as the green clad superhero can.
  232. [2013-12-13 18:19:59] <Gerlinde> As soon as Gerlinde reaches the culprit, she delivers a series of buck-enhances swipes of her razor-sharp talons!
  233. [2013-12-13 18:22:19] <Gerlinde> enhanced*
  234. [2013-12-13 18:22:45] * Thomas_OMalley gets to work with the welder and the scrap, doing what he can to halt the water's flow more permanently.
  235. [2013-12-13 18:23:21] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> The dock near the ship buckles as The Blossom runs along it, Midnight Bliss can clearly see this green clad hero as she runs for the Bob. Leaping onto the deck The Blossom finds a small ship with various bits of salvage equipment onboard along with a suprised Earth pony with a spy glass and a radio pressed to her ear dressed in a wet suit. "Hey, what are you doing hear?"
  236. [2013-12-13 18:23:42] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the first hole is patched and work from the outside on the third has stoped.
  237. [2013-12-13 18:24:37] * Cap_Rat retrieves the rafts back as the holes are closed properly, holding the metal against the breaches for Thomas
  238. [2013-12-13 18:24:47] * The_Blossom takes out her whip and looks at the earthpony. "I'm here to bring justice to those who are without it." She says staring at the pony. "I am, The Blossom!" She moves and readies to attack
  239. [2013-12-13 18:25:33] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> the waters around the sabature in Gerlindes talons tints red with blood under her savage attack. The pony in question weakly swings at the griff with a underwater welding tool.
  240. [2013-12-13 18:26:12] * Heartmend look about in confusion
  241. [2013-12-13 18:28:31] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> The tool scalds Gerlinde as the water around it boils, but after two wild swings the mare drops it into the brink below and attempts to flee in fear.
  242. [2013-12-13 18:29:18] * Midnight_Bliss looking at the pony on the Bob through her scope and noticing the super hero on deck, she took her shots at the one that had been spying before since the hero was distracting him
  243. [2013-12-13 18:30:05] * Thomas_OMalley Thomas continues to weld, creating an almost steady stream of scrap metal into new hull. By the time he's finished, its hard to tell there was a hole to begin with...
  244. [2013-12-13 18:32:11] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the wet suit wearing mare raises her brow, "Say what now?". She is inturupted as she is struck by a sudden rain of energy weapon fire from the Captains Grace. Crying out in pain the mare falls prone on the deck and calls over the radio, "Abort, Abort!"
  245. [2013-12-13 18:32:36] * Gerlinde squawks (almost chocking on the water) and rushes forward, wings carrying her through the waves. As she reaches the fleeing mare, she attempts to tackle her towards the hull of the ship.
  246. [2013-12-13 18:33:06] * Cap_Rat wraps himself on a cloak and dashes upstairs
  247. [2013-12-13 18:33:45] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Mare is pressed against the steel hull, a loud crack ringing inside for Thomas and Cap Rat to hear. She is rendered instantly unoncious.
  248. [2013-12-13 18:35:50] * Gerlinde smirks, pinning the mare against the hull. "Nice try."
  249. [2013-12-13 18:35:56] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> Cap Rat finds Heartmend on deck
  250. [2013-12-13 18:36:31] * The_Blossom moves and pins the injured mare, kicking away the radio. "You will not countinue this injustice!"
  251. [2013-12-13 18:36:54] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Shot Mare on the deck of Bob chokes for air as she bleeds.
  252. [2013-12-13 18:36:57] * Heartmend now see's Cap_Rat "How goes it down there?"
  253. [2013-12-13 18:37:32] * Thomas_OMalley leans back from his repairs and then checks the welds. Yup, they didn't move. Good for now. He walks over, checking on the billows and making sure that nothing will come and clog them.
  254. [2013-12-13 18:37:36] * Cap_Rat grins "We got it fixed. Where are the sabotteurs?"
  255. [2013-12-13 18:39:31] * Midnight_Bliss flys up to get a better vantage point through her scope at the blossom and the pinned pony
  256. [2013-12-13 18:39:38] * GreatAndPowerfulGM a voice crackles over the radio, "Floatsum, are you there. Whats going on? The dock is primed by I think somethings wrong. The ship aint sinking yet"
  257. [2013-12-13 18:40:16] * Heartmend gives Cap_Rat a shrug "I haven't the slightest idea, but Midnight_Bliss up there is tacking pot shots at that boat over there." as she points a hoof
  258. [2013-12-13 18:41:03] * Gerlinde yells up to the ponies on deck. "Hey! Got another one pinned against the hull!"
  259. [2013-12-13 18:41:19] <Midnight_Bliss> "Good, we only need one"
  260. [2013-12-13 18:41:38] <Cap_Rat> "So there they are. Great!" He dashes to the upper deck. "Let's get him over here."
  261. [2013-12-13 18:41:44] * Thomas_OMalley smiles as he moves about, trying to see if he can fix any of the other leaks.
  262. [2013-12-13 18:41:44] <Midnight_Bliss> "Kill them"
  263. [2013-12-13 18:43:13] * Heartmend gives Midnight_Bliss a glare
  264. [2013-12-13 18:43:25] * Midnight_Bliss ignores the Glare
  265. [2013-12-13 18:43:45] <Cap_Rat> "Hey, easy there!" He shakes his head. "They can tell us a lot of good stuff."
  266. [2013-12-13 18:44:05] <Midnight_Bliss> "Which is why we need only one"
  267. [2013-12-13 18:44:53] * Gerlinde carries her pinned pirate up to the deck, dropping her roughly.
  268. [2013-12-13 18:44:57] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Radio crackles again, "Flotsum, you there?"
  269. [2013-12-13 18:45:34] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the "pirate" is a young mare in a now partially damaged wetsuit complete with diving gear.
  270. [2013-12-13 18:45:48] <Cap_Rat> "I guess so. But which?" He tilts his head. "How about the one who lies less?" He looks down at the pirate delivered.
  271. [2013-12-13 18:47:34] * Midnight_Bliss looks from the one on the deck to the one on the Bob "I believe that one over there was calling the shots, this one is most likley following orders"
  272. [2013-12-13 18:48:25] * GreatAndPowerfulGM A thick tangle of vines bind the evil doer, another daring deed by ... THE BLOSSOM!
  273. [2013-12-13 18:48:29] * The_Blossom moves and places a seed right where she is pinning the mare. "Stay here." she says as she grows the mistle toe around her hooves, then picking up the radio. "Flotsum is captured. Your evil plans have been foiled by The Blossom. I suggest you do not countinue them or I promise you, I will hunt you down and bring all of you to justice." She moves to give Flotsum the radio by her head.
  274. [2013-12-13 18:49:50] <Cap_Rat> "Which means that one is more likely to lie. It's a smart pony." He looks at the mare. "We can ask both."
  275. [2013-12-13 18:50:10] * Gerlinde just now notices The_Blossom, and smirks. While Blossom is trying to be serious, Gerlinde flies behind the pinned mare and into Blossom's field of vision. Her talons waggle, something pinched between them-- A carrot.
  276. [2013-12-13 18:50:43] <Midnight_Bliss> "I can loosen there tongues"
  277. [2013-12-13 18:50:53] <Midnight_Bliss> "Grenades are good for that"
  278. [2013-12-13 18:51:39] * Cap_Rat raises an eyebrow. "Geeze, cleaning that is not fun."
  279. [2013-12-13 18:51:47] <Heartmend> "No you'll not lay a hoof on them you hear me."
  280. [2013-12-13 18:52:32] * Midnight_Bliss only gives Heartmend half a glance "You do not command me"
  281. [2013-12-13 18:53:50] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the voice on the radio pauses, "... Aw crud, and this was such a cushy gig. You on the ship?"
  282. [2013-12-13 18:54:15] * The_Blossom blinks for a moment. "Yes. I am." She says calmly, thinking about things
  283. [2013-12-13 18:54:27] * Cap_Rat chuckles. "Would you look at that." He glances out of the boat at The_Blossom.
  284. [2013-12-13 18:54:54] * Gerlinde continues to waggle the carrot where The_Blossom can see, allowing it to stand as a forewarning for what is to come. Revenge.
  285. [2013-12-13 18:54:59] * GreatAndPowerfulGM a voice clears itself at the edge of the gangplank, "I however am", Fathom walks back onto his still slightly tilted ship looking about. "Report, what the hay did I miss?"
  286. [2013-12-13 18:55:17] * The_Blossom looks up at Gerlinde, not bothering to give her much attention as there is something more pressing at hoof.
  287. [2013-12-13 18:55:40] * The_Blossom eyes widen and she curses. "You wired the ship to explode." She says into the radio.
  288. [2013-12-13 18:55:48] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the voice on the other end of the radio chuckles, "Ok, well thats good at least. Makes clean up easier on me. You know what they say, dead mare tells no tale and all that. Tootles!"
  289. [2013-12-13 18:55:55] * Midnight_Bliss salutes the captain "Sir, an attempt to sink this ship has been thwarted"
  290. [2013-12-13 18:55:59] <Heartmend> "It appears that no one commands you, but they where not trying to kill us, so you don't get to kill some helphelpless prisoners."
  291. [2013-12-13 18:56:22] * Gerlinde blinks. "Wait. What? The ship... is going to explode?"
  292. [2013-12-13 18:56:29] * The_Blossom looks to Gerlinde. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" She screams and picks up the trapped mare, diving off the boat towards the docks
  293. [2013-12-13 18:57:49] * Gerlinde frowns, nodding... and seeing The_Blossom slowing in her attempted escape, assists! After all, she needs The_Blossom alive for -her- revenge! As the 'hero' slows, Gerlinde attempts to pick her up, diving off the boat.
  294. [2013-12-13 18:59:46] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> The Astounding Blossom arches through the air as the ship erupts in flames, splinters flying in all directions. However her jump is just barely short and is doomed to hit the water when, WOOSH! saved by Gerlinde.
  295. [2013-12-13 19:00:13] * The_Blossom sighs happily as she holds onto the mare that she had trapped. "Thank you" She says to Gerlinde.
  296. [2013-12-13 19:00:21] * Midnight_Bliss looks over as the other ships explodes...and it not being her fault made her frown
  297. [2013-12-13 19:01:04] * Gerlinde shrugs. "Yeah, yeah." She lets go of The_Blossom and smiles faintly. "The carrot still stands."
  298. [2013-12-13 19:01:21] * Cap_Rat witnesses the dramatic escape of the two and laughs, clapping his hooves. "Look at that! Amazing!"
  299. [2013-12-13 19:01:22] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom is about to bark orders when the fireball erups behind him. Turning he looks beyond puzzled, "What the Buck is going on abouts this dock? I leave for less than five minutes, and tarturs breaks out!"
  300. [2013-12-13 19:01:56] * The_Blossom nods. "You'll get your revenge some day." She says, a smirk appearing on her lips before she moves to leave. "Don't kill the mare. She's our link." She says before dashing off.
  301. [2013-12-13 19:02:31] * Gerlinde rolls her eyes and nods, watching the mare.
  302. [2013-12-13 19:04:09] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom groans, "Ok, Heartmend tend to whoever the bucking hell this is on my deck and anypony injured from that fireball over yonder. I want answers RIGHT NOW, for what happened on my ship, in detail!"
  303. [2013-12-13 19:05:40] * Thomas_OMalley comes back up on deck, soaking wet but smiling a simple grin... until he sees the devastation wrought by the other exploding ship. "Oh, buck me. I just got through fixing tings! Oh, capitan, we need to go to a dry dock."
  304. [2013-12-13 19:05:42] * Heartmend follows the captians orders and starts to work on the pony on the deck
  305. [2013-12-13 19:06:13] * Flora_Bloom comes back out, panting a bit as she looks to the mare on the dock and then to Gerlinde. "Oh my what happened?" She asked with a tired form of a voice, thinly veiling her lie.
  306. [2013-12-13 19:06:27] * Midnight_Bliss stands at attention still salluting "Sir. while you were absent a pony was spotted on said other ship spying, shortly afterwards your ship began to sink as a result of sabotage from outside forces, Thanks to your crew the ships sinking was prevented and one of the perpetrators was captured from under water cutting holes in the hull while myself with the thanks of some masked pony incapacitated the one relaying orders "
  307. [2013-12-13 19:06:28] <Cap_Rat> "They were trying to open a hole in the hull of the ship. Gee, why would they go through all that trouble?" He looks at the captain.
  308. [2013-12-13 19:06:57] * Gerlinde rolls her eyes as she sarcastically replies, "Oh, The_Blossom showed up again. I can't even -imagine- where you were, Flora."
  309. [2013-12-13 19:06:59] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom face hooves, "Dry dock? that is going to break me! WHY WOULD MY SHIP OF JUNK AND TABACO BE A TARGET!"
  310. [2013-12-13 19:07:40] * Thomas_OMalley winces. "Easy now capitan. Its probably dat painting dats the reason."
  311. [2013-12-13 19:07:40] * Cap_Rat blinks and glances at Flora, then at Gerlinde.
  312. [2013-12-13 19:07:53] <Flora_Bloom> "I can't either." She says to Gerlinde. "Now then, lets get back to the ship." She turns and sees Cap_Rat. "Oh hi there."
  313. [2013-12-13 19:08:06] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom groans, "Wat painting be ye on about?"
  314. [2013-12-13 19:09:16] * Thomas_OMalley spends a few minutes looking around before he spots the crate with the paintings in it. "De one in here." Thomas gets to work opening up the crate to show the captain.
  315. [2013-12-13 19:10:17] <Flora_Bloom> The painting happens to be gone
  316. [2013-12-13 19:10:34] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom continues to stand on deck with his hoof on his face, "What dose a painting have to do with me ship?"
  317. [2013-12-13 19:10:42] <Cap_Rat> "Hi!" He wavest to Flora. "Are you okay?"
  318. [2013-12-13 19:11:12] * Flora_Bloom nods. "Just fine, not a scratch!" She smiles.
  319. [2013-12-13 19:11:18] <Midnight_Bliss> "My guess sir, is to sink the ship and salvage the cargo"
  320. [2013-12-13 19:11:24] * Thomas_OMalley frowns as he looks in the crate. "Buck... anypony seen dat painting? Midnight?"
  321. [2013-12-13 19:11:53] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Thomas "Much was being moved during the sinking, did not one of the others carry it off?"
  322. [2013-12-13 19:12:25] * Cap_Rat is dripping from helping in the leak, covered with a cloak
  323. [2013-12-13 19:13:49] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head to Midnight_Bliss. "Naw padron, I was patching de hull with Cap. Flora, Gerlinde, Heartmend? Any of ya take a painting?"
  324. [2013-12-13 19:14:04] * Gerlinde shakes her head. "Nope."
  325. [2013-12-13 19:14:36] * Heartmend shacks her head "I was below in the med bay."
  326. [2013-12-13 19:14:40] * Flora_Bloom nods. "Yep." She says. "It's by my strawberries."
  327. [2013-12-13 19:15:05] * Cap_Rat glances towards them.
  328. [2013-12-13 19:16:01] * Thomas_OMalley takes a deep breath and sighs in relief. "Ah, dat's good den. So.. what's wit de wreckage?"
  329. [2013-12-13 19:16:30] * Flora_Bloom gives a shrug. "I don't know, ask Gerlinde."
  330. [2013-12-13 19:16:57] * Gerlinde groans. Seriously. "Some kind of job to sink the ship. When they failed, they just blew it up."
  331. [2013-12-13 19:17:37] * Midnight_Bliss "Makes sense, Destroy the evidence to hide your trail. "
  332. [2013-12-13 19:18:20] * Flora_Bloom shrugs. she looks back to the mare wrapped in mistletoe. "Well it seems someone caught somepony off the ship."
  333. [2013-12-13 19:18:22] * Cap_Rat shakes his head. "What a waste." He frowns. "There must be something there they didn't want to see. Whoever is behind it can afford blowing up ships."
  334. [2013-12-13 19:19:30] * Thomas_OMalley sighs. "Damn... always hate ta see de waste of a good ship." Thomas walks over... and spots the bound mare. "Dose vines... I know more dan a few dat pay good caps for dat treatment."
  335. [2013-12-13 19:19:58] * Flora_Bloom blushes lightly and coughs. "Well whatever, she's trapped."
  336. [2013-12-13 19:20:12] * Midnight_Bliss looks to the bound mare "Both should be stowed away, blindfolded"
  337. [2013-12-13 19:20:17] * Cap_Rat chuckles.
  338. [2013-12-13 19:20:44] * Gerlinde snickers. "Maybe Flora could replicate it, Thomas? She -is- good with plants, after all." She smirks at Flora. "Who knows, maybe -she's- into it too."
  339. [2013-12-13 19:21:18] * Flora_Bloom 's green face turns red as she hears these things. "Y-you two hush!"
  340. [2013-12-13 19:21:47] * Cap_Rat grins at Midnight_Bliss. "You are so greedy."
  341. [2013-12-13 19:21:53] * Thomas_OMalley chuckles. "Well, Flora is a part of de Academy. De quiet ones, dey always be de ones you got to watch." Thomas wiggles his eyebrows and laughs. "As for blindfolding dem, no point. Dey already saw us, and de ship."
  342. [2013-12-13 19:22:30] <Midnight_Bliss> "Blindfolding them is not to hide ourselves"
  343. [2013-12-13 19:22:30] * Cap_Rat shakes his head at Tom. "It's not about what they know."
  344. [2013-12-13 19:24:10] * Flora_Bloom glances to Midnight_Bliss. "And you guys called me kinky."
  345. [2013-12-13 19:24:38] * Thomas_OMalley smiles over at Flora_Bloom. "Nah, we didn't. Just suggested it... you admitting it?" Thomas sticks his tongue out at her.
  346. [2013-12-13 19:24:47] * Midnight_Bliss nods "Cutting of sensory input causes their mind to go into overdrive translating other sensory input, doing so can lead to panicing and weaken willpower"
  347. [2013-12-13 19:25:13] * Flora_Bloom blushes again. "I admited nothing!" She then hears Midnight_Bliss's explination of that and shivers. "I sure hope thats not your kink."
  348. [2013-12-13 19:25:24] * Cap_Rat laughs.
  349. [2013-12-13 19:25:36] * Midnight_Bliss looks at Flora "This is not a kink, this is Interogation 101"
  350. [2013-12-13 19:26:31] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "Dey just blew up de boat dey came on. I don't tink dey won't be willing to talk. And if dey don't, we let dem go." Thomas grins. "After all, why we let dem go unless dey help us?"
  351. [2013-12-13 19:26:48] <Cap_Rat> "It doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy it. But maybe it's just because she likes being mean." He glances back at Midnight. "Who would know."
  352. [2013-12-13 19:27:51] * Flora_Bloom nods. "Alright then, at least your partner doesnt need to worry about stuff like that. "She jokes and then looks to her starwberries, which have started to fruit. "Oh, who wants strawberries?"
  353. [2013-12-13 19:27:59] <Midnight_Bliss> "They blew up their boat, this is likley a fallback maneuver, they didn't intend to be on it when it happened. When lives are in jeapardy, they may sing a different tune"
  354. [2013-12-13 19:29:36] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Midnight_Bliss. "Dat's true... but let's save dat for last. Can't undo dat easy." Thomas smiles over to Flora and trots over. "Oh, I'll like some."
  355. [2013-12-13 19:30:41] * Gerlinde doesn't answer Flora, as she doesn't think she'd be given strawberries if she'd say yes.
  356. [2013-12-13 19:30:54] * Midnight_Bliss keeps her expression neutral at Tom's carefree additude about the situation
  357. [2013-12-13 19:31:19] <Cap_Rat> "It doesn't have to be that way, though. They are out of a job, their boss would like to kill them. I think they would be happy if we were nice to them." He opens a sly smile. "We just need to know them better."
  358. [2013-12-13 19:31:24] * Flora_Bloom plucks some strawberries as she gives three to Tom. "anypony else? I've got a bunch. I've always been a perfect farmer."
  359. [2013-12-13 19:31:49] * Cap_Rat grins. "Ooh! Me!" He waves, dashing to Flora_Bloom
  360. [2013-12-13 19:32:01] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Flora "Negative,"
  361. [2013-12-13 19:33:00] * Gerlinde keeps her beak shut.
  362. [2013-12-13 19:33:03] * Flora_Bloom shrugs and gives Cap_Rat three as well.
  363. [2013-12-13 19:33:26] * Midnight_Bliss flaps her wings and returns to her crows nest to keep a look out for more trouble
  364. [2013-12-13 19:33:42] * Cap_Rat eats one and puts the others inside his saddlebags
  365. [2013-12-13 19:35:33] * Flora_Bloom moves and gives three more to Heartmend and then three to Gerlinde. She eats one herself, smiling. "Perfect ripeness!"
  366. [2013-12-13 19:36:13] * Gerlinde blinks. "Uh." She looks down at the strawberries held in her talons. "...Thanks."
  367. [2013-12-13 19:36:26] <Cap_Rat> "Mmm~" He smiles to Flora. "Those are very good. It's hard to find them fresh like this."
  368. [2013-12-13 19:36:43] * Thomas_OMalley smiles and slowly eats one. "Ooo... dis is delightful." The stallion looks to the two prisoners, and sets the other two strawberries in his saddle bags as well.
  369. [2013-12-13 19:37:15] * Heartmend looks at the strawberries then puts them into her saddlebags and gets back to the pony that Gerlinde gutted and fished out
  370. [2013-12-13 19:37:17] * Flora_Bloom smiles. "Thank you all, fruits and veggies is my specialty."
  371. [2013-12-13 19:38:07] * Gerlinde stashes the strawberries for now.
  372. [2013-12-13 19:39:21] * Midnight_Bliss lays back in the cowsnest, spying out through her scope
  373. [2013-12-13 19:40:37] * Thomas_OMalley strips out of his armor, taking a chance to dry off. "Flora, dere has to be someting I can do to repay you. De strawberries are de best I've had in a long time."
  374. [2013-12-13 19:41:13] * Flora_Bloom blinks at Thomas_OMalley. "No, please. It's fine. It's just some stupid plants." She smiles softly. "I don't need anything."
  375. [2013-12-13 19:41:44] * Thomas_OMalley chuckles and shakes his head. "Oh, dat's not true. Everyone needs someting."
  376. [2013-12-13 19:42:35] * Flora_Bloom shakes her head. "I can't think of much right now."
  377. [2013-12-13 19:43:26] * Cap_Rat trots to the lower deck.
  378. [2013-12-13 19:43:30] <Heartmend> "If you ever get the chance Flora_Bloom can you grow me up some green herbs and such?"
  379. [2013-12-13 19:43:31] * Gerlinde gives the two ideas! "Flora was showing interest in being tied up with plants earlier."
  380. [2013-12-13 19:45:02] * Flora_Bloom nods to Heartmend. "If you can find the seeds I sure can." Then she hears Gerlinde and blushes greatly. "W-what?! I was not!"
  381. [2013-12-13 19:45:21] * Gerlinde nods with certainty. "I think you were."
  382. [2013-12-13 19:46:35] * Midnight_Bliss yawns on her perch, she has been awake too long
  383. [2013-12-13 19:47:02] * Thomas_OMalley taps a hoof against his chin. "Well, I could do dat for you, but you might need de night off~" Thomas winks at Flora.
  384. [2013-12-13 19:47:20] * Cap_Rat trots back wearing a trader outfit under his cloak.
  385. [2013-12-13 19:47:23] * Gerlinde snickers.
  386. [2013-12-13 19:47:38] * Flora_Bloom blshes greatly and coughs. "N-no!" She says, her face red
  387. [2013-12-13 19:49:38] * Midnight_Bliss looks over the destruction of the other ship, again feeling a paing of jealousy that she wasn't the one to blow it up
  388. [2013-12-13 19:51:07] * Thomas_OMalley walks around Flora, giving the mare an appraising look. "I don't know... be a shame to tie up such a fine mare. De ropes can chafe... do, maybe I could teach someone else to do it. Anyone you like, Flora?" The batpony's silver eyes twinkle with mischief.
  389. [2013-12-13 19:52:30] * Gerlinde feels that it is time to enact her master plan when Flora_Bloom is most vulnerable. Her eyes narrow and her smirk widens. She lowers herself to the ground, preparing for attack. 'Revenge!' Gerlinde mouths to herself, and suddenly, Gerlinde lurches forward.... Her talons wrench out at Flora's head, but with carrot between said talons, she attempts to push it into Flora's mouth!
  390. [2013-12-13 19:53:46] * Gerlinde succeeds! Her talons push the carrot of JUSTICE (revenge) forward... and into Flora's mouth!
  391. [2013-12-13 19:54:52] * Cap_Rat chuckles. He sit against the wall of the boat and levitates a notebook to himself, writing into it.
  392. [2013-12-13 19:55:03] * Gerlinde promptly falls over laughing. Sweet, sweet revenge! In her fit, the following can be understood, "I... heh... hear it's good... heheheh... for your eyesight, eh Flora?"
  393. [2013-12-13 19:55:03] <Flora_Bloom> ACTION starts to try and deny any claims to Thomas, as she feels somethng large and round enter her mouth. She blushes as she felt the weight, of someone around her head, closing her eyes and feeling the carrot, which she didn't quite know it was yet, get put into her mouth. She shivered and suckled the carrot lightly, not sure what to do as some terrible memories started to surface, She tried to spit the carrot out as she star
  394. [2013-12-13 19:55:11] <Flora_Bloom> to do as some terrible memories started to surface, She tried to spit the carrot out as she started to remember them
  395. [2013-12-13 19:56:34] * Thomas_OMalley freezes in place as Gerlinde takes action... and then he reacts. "Gerlinde!" The batpony stepped forward, doing what he could to try and help Flora. "Flora, are you ok?" The batpony walks over setting a wing on her shoulder and gently patting her on the back, doing what he can do get the carrot out of her mouth.
  396. [2013-12-13 19:57:34] * Gerlinde sits up after a few more moments of snickering and raises an eyebrow. "What? It's just a carrot."
  397. [2013-12-13 19:58:07] * Midnight_Bliss does her best to ignore the commotion below
  398. [2013-12-13 19:58:19] <Flora_Bloom> The carrot pops free as Flora coughs, her eyes still closed tight, trying to forget that terrible night. "N-no..." She says, feeling male hooves on her back she tries to buck the male off her.
  399. [2013-12-13 20:00:17] * Thomas_OMalley removes the wing as Flora bucks, making sure it isn't hit. "Flora?" The batpony stays close, but doesn't touch the mare. "Padron?"
  400. [2013-12-13 20:01:15] * Cap_Rat looks up from his notebook and closes it down, observing the scene. "Gerlinde, what did you do?"
  401. [2013-12-13 20:01:44] * Flora_Bloom pants for a few moments, her eyes opening, already red as she felt tears mat her cheeks. "I... please don't..." She says quietly. "i don't want it..."
  402. [2013-12-13 20:02:14] * Gerlinde frowns, confused and feeling... something. It's not even her fault! She was just getting revenge... a-and Flora started it! She scrapes her talons at the ground, thinking. "I just... it was only a carrot..."
  403. [2013-12-13 20:02:34] * Heartmend stops attending her patient and quickly trots over to Flora_Bloom "Are you all right hun?" as she put a hoof around her neck
  404. [2013-12-13 20:03:15] * Thomas_OMalley sits down in front of Flora. "Flora... it be me, Thomas, remember? De carrot isn't a problem anymore." And to emphasize the point, Thomas kicks the carrot off the deck.
  405. [2013-12-13 20:04:53] * Flora_Bloom feels a more female figure around her, and she quickly latches onto her. "P-please.. I don't want them... don't let them do that to me." She says quietly, so softly only Heartmend can hear her.
  406. [2013-12-13 20:06:11] * Thomas_OMalley looks from Flora to Heartmend, confused. The batpony isn't quite sure what he did...
  407. [2013-12-13 20:06:33] * Cap_Rat closes his eyes and casts Soft_Light at Heartmend. "Tom, Gerlinde, maybe we should check if everything is in order in the lower deck."
  408. [2013-12-13 20:06:49] * Heartmend nods "Ok lets get you below deck. Some place safe."
  409. [2013-12-13 20:07:48] * Midnight_Bliss looks down, the commotion impossible to ignore. she flys down, haveing caught most of what was happening and trots up to Flora_Bloom , slapping her across the cheek with a hoof
  410. [2013-12-13 20:08:51] * Flora_Bloom takes some deep breathes, shaking her head. "I'm fine. I just. Bad memo-" She recoils as she's slapped. "Ow!" She says loudly, holding her cheek. "Luna cretor in her holy tailhole! That bucking hurt!" She says rubbing it
  411. [2013-12-13 20:10:04] * Thomas_OMalley looks over at Cap_Rat and then back to Flora before nodding. "Alright. Let's..." Thomas turns just as Midnight flies down and slaps Flora. He turns at the sudden exclamation. "Wha? Dammit, when does hitting solve anyting?"
  412. [2013-12-13 20:10:23] * Gerlinde 's eyebrows furrow in confusion and she quirks her head at Flora_Bloom. "Are you feeling... better?"
  413. [2013-12-13 20:11:11] * Heartmend yells at Midnight_Bliss "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"
  414. [2013-12-13 20:11:31] * Flora_Bloom rubs her cheek. "Better? I just got fucking assulted!" She says, sighing, then looking around she blinks a bit. "Wait. what happened?"
  415. [2013-12-13 20:12:27] * Cap_Rat facehooves. "Everypony, lets not make this more of a problem that already is."
  416. [2013-12-13 20:12:40] * Midnight_Bliss ignores the yells and turns her back on them "You were haveing flashbacks"
  417. [2013-12-13 20:13:19] <Flora_Bloom> "Of what?" She says, groaning. "I dont do much battle. So it's not like I have PTSD." She says.
  418. [2013-12-13 20:13:54] * Gerlinde winces. "Uhm... maybe this would be better without... everyone around."
  419. [2013-12-13 20:14:06] * Thomas_OMalley looks at Flora with concern. "Gelinde grabbed you, stuck a carrot in your mouth. Den you started muttering a few tings. Tried bucking my wing."
  420. [2013-12-13 20:14:11] * Heartmend lightly hugs Flora_Bloom
  421. [2013-12-13 20:14:21] <Midnight_Bliss> "PTSD manifests in different ways. Not just combat"
  422. [2013-12-13 20:15:08] * Flora_Bloom blushes a bit from the hug and tilts her head, shaking it. "I... I just remember you talking about asking who I liked." She sighs. "Then I got fucking slapped." She says, still thinking hard. "I... I really don't know."
  423. [2013-12-13 20:16:07] * Cap_Rat opens his notebook again. writing down on it. "Maybe it's better that way."
  424. [2013-12-13 20:16:14] * Thomas_OMalley looks at Flora with some concern. "Are you sure padron? You were crying."
  425. [2013-12-13 20:16:38] * Midnight_Bliss looks back at Flora "Judgeing by your reactions, I'd say you were flashing back to some form of Sexual Assault"
  426. [2013-12-13 20:17:08] * Heartmend hus Flora_Bloom a little tighter
  427. [2013-12-13 20:17:33] * Flora_Bloom looks to Midnight_Bliss, chuckling lightly. "what?" she feels Heartmend hugging her. "Impossible.. I'm a..." She blushes a bit. "Im a virgin."
  428. [2013-12-13 20:20:02] <Thomas_OMalley> Thomas's eyes widen in realization. "Oh! Ma chagrin. I'll stop wit de flirting den. I did not know."
  429. [2013-12-13 20:21:57] * Midnight_Bliss "Out of my epertise to diagnose anything beyond what i've seen. " flaps her wings and flies back to her perch
  430. [2013-12-13 20:22:27] * Flora_Bloom looks to Thomas. "What?" She asks, starting to feel a bit frustrated. "Look, i would know if I had some sort of sexual assult." She says to them. "Right? I mean, you don't just forget something as serious as that."
  431. [2013-12-13 20:23:05] * Heartmend hus Flora_Bloom a little tighter still
  432. [2013-12-13 20:23:35] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "No, I did not mean dat. No, de first time is special. It should always be wit someone dat you truly care for. So, unless dat happens between us, I will stop wit de flirting."
  433. [2013-12-13 20:24:14] * Flora_Bloom feels her cheeks redden from Heartmend's hugging, not knowing why the previously casual mare was so huggy all of a sudden. She looks to Thomas. "I don't mind your flirting, I see you do it with everypony, why would I be different?" She asks
  434. [2013-12-13 20:24:30] * Cap_Rat closes his eyes, sighing. Then he closes his notebook again. "Who knows? There are spells to mess with memories. But even those don't take all scars away."
  435. [2013-12-13 20:25:06] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Flora. "Because flirting is an offer. One dat I make wit everyone."
  436. [2013-12-13 20:25:33] <Thomas_OMalley> "Unless dey be a virgin. Den I don't want to ruin dat first time."
  437. [2013-12-13 20:25:37] * Heartmend slow ly lets Flora_Bloom go and trots below deck
  438. [2013-12-13 20:26:11] * Flora_Bloom is honestly very confused with this situation, not knowing what was happening. She looks to Gerlinde and smiles softly. "You try the strawberries yet?" She asks, as if the entire confritation hadn't happened, which to her, it didn't.
  439. [2013-12-13 20:26:12] * Cap_Rat coughs.
  440. [2013-12-13 20:27:29] * Gerlinde looks down and shakes her head, her throat oddly dry and making it difficult to speak. "No... not yet."
  441. [2013-12-13 20:28:34] * Flora_Bloom nods a bit and shrugs the ponies around her off. "Geeze, this isn't because of the explosion right?" She asks, pointingto the other ship.
  442. [2013-12-13 20:29:27] * Cap_Rat climbs to the perch
  443. [2013-12-13 20:31:22] * Thomas_OMalley smiles and shakes his head. "No padron, it is not. Though, you sure you didn't knock your head on some of de cargo? It did shift."
  444. [2013-12-13 20:32:33] * Gerlinde shakes her head, still looking to the ground. Her thoughts are muddled, and... she can't quite find out why. "Hey," she looks up to Flora, speaking noticeably softer than usual, "can we talk, in private?"
  445. [2013-12-13 20:33:57] * Flora_Bloom rubs her head and nods. "Maybe." She says as she looks to Gerlinde. "Yeah I suppose." She smiles.
  446. [2013-12-13 20:36:00] * Gerlinde nods and flaps her wings, bringing her up a few feet into the air. "Inside, or outside?"
  447. [2013-12-13 20:36:34] <Flora_Bloom> "Inside is fine, I've got an Orchid to water." She trots to the cartographers room, with a potted plant inside
  448. [2013-12-13 20:37:14] * Thomas_OMalley shrugs and goes to check on the cargo, and make sure that nothing is broken.
  449. [2013-12-13 20:40:11] * Gerlinde nods, following Flora into the room. Inside, Gerlinde slumps against one of the walls, thinking of what to say. After several moments, she asks, "You don't remember what happened before you were slapped? ...And after Tom flirted?"
  450. [2013-12-13 20:41:10] * Flora_Bloom waters her plant. "I... was there something around that time? It felt like it just happened."
  451. [2013-12-13 20:43:07] * Gerlinde frowns, nodding. "Yeah." She sighs. "I was just doing what you did, I stuck a carrot in your mouth... and then I was gonna say, 'good fight, Blossom.'" She shakes her head. "...'We should do it again sometime.' But... you were freaking out, with the carrot..."
  452. [2013-12-13 20:43:58] * Gerlinde adds, "When we fought, I thought it was fun," she smiles faintly. "You're a good fighter. But... the spandex is a little odd."
  453. [2013-12-13 20:44:30] * Flora_Bloom thinks for a moment, remembering the fight earlier. "Yeah, the one where you broke my ribs." She said, rubbing her chest, reminded of old wounds. "But I still don't... know exactly what you're talking about." She looks to her and smiles at the last comment. "Well, it's a costume, can't be known like this."
  454. [2013-12-13 20:47:32] * Gerlinde nods. "Mighta overdone it in the fight, but it was fun... at least for me. Sorry." Gerlinde frowns. "When I... the carrot, when you spat it out, you hugged Heartmend, said something like, 'don't let them do that'..."
  455. [2013-12-13 20:48:18] * Flora_Bloom blinks for a moment, shivering and shrugging. "I-I don't exactly know what that could mean. Are you sure I said that?"
  456. [2013-12-13 20:50:29] * Gerlinde nods, looking down once more. "Yeah. You were crying... and when Tom tried to comfort you, you got really upset."
  457. [2013-12-13 20:51:59] * Flora_Bloom shakes her head. "No... I wouldn't. Tom's a good friend, maybe I was just feeling faint for a shockwave from the explosion." She tries to make excuses.
  458. [2013-12-13 20:53:47] * Gerlinde shakes her head. "I'm sorry... I didn't... I just wanted to get 'revenge'. I didn't think it'd bring up something like... this."
  459. [2013-12-13 20:54:54] <Flora_Bloom> "Hey, whatever happened, or at least whatever you thought happened. It wasn't your fault. I mean I didn't like attack you, right?"
  460. [2013-12-13 20:56:07] * Gerlinde shakes her head. "No... you didn't." She sighs, looking up with slightly teary eyes, which she quickly wipes dry. "Do you remember anything? From before?"
  461. [2013-12-13 20:56:14] <Gerlinde> "When you were in the academy?"
  462. [2013-12-13 20:57:48] * Flora_Bloom smiles softly. "I... I had a lot of classes there. I was in that school for quite a long time, about 8 years." She says. "I got bullied alot too, mostly because my only magic is growth magic."
  463. [2013-12-13 21:01:20] * Gerlinde sighs. "Just... sorry. For whatever happened. And whatever memories I brought up."
  464. [2013-12-13 21:02:13] * Flora_Bloom shakes her head. "I still don't think anything happened. Just, please don't break my ribs again?"
  465. [2013-12-13 21:03:35] * Gerlinde nods, smile forming on her beak, albeit strained. "Deal."
  466. [2013-12-13 21:04:51] * Flora_Bloom nods. "No problem then. Unless you got something else to bring up?" She looked curiously at her.
  467. [2013-12-13 21:07:49] * Gerlinde shakes her head. "Nah." She turns, opening the door to leave. "See ya later." Gerlinde's wings unfold once more, bringing her to fly out of the room with the final words, "While I said that spandex is 'weird', it's also pretty hot!"
  468. [2013-12-13 21:08:48] <Thomas_OMalley> /me is going through the cargo on the deck , making sure its locked down and none of it broke with the shifting.
  469. [2013-12-13 21:08:58] * Flora_Bloom gave a thick blush and called after her. "You'll see how hot it is after I tie you up like that mare!" She only realizes that these words aren't the best.
  470. [2013-12-13 21:09:04] <Flora_Bloom> After she says them
  471. [2013-12-13 21:10:21] * Gerlinde smirks, flying out. Instead of the Crow's nest, however, she takes her place at the fo'c'sle.
  472. [2013-12-13 21:11:17] * Flora_Bloom trots out. Thomas had seemed a bit down when she had left to talk with Gerlinde. She passed by Cap_Rat, smiling and waving friendly before moving towards the cargo hold. "Thomas, you in here?"
  473. [2013-12-13 21:12:32] * Cap_Rat just climbed down the perch.
  474. [2013-12-13 21:13:45] <Cap_Rat> He stretches and trots down to the lower deck, to check on his drying overalls
  475. [2013-12-13 21:13:57] * Midnight_Bliss remains in the perch, yawning now as she waited for the one who was supposed to take the day watch
  476. [2013-12-13 21:15:26] * Thomas_OMalley is currently checking the straps on some of the furniture. Slightly waterlogged... but serviceable. "Aye padron!"
  477. [2013-12-13 21:15:41] <Gerlinde> After a few more minutes alone, Gerlinde does indeed fly up to the Crow's nest, nodding to Midnight.
  478. [2013-12-13 21:16:17] * Flora_Bloom smiles a bit, moving in the water. "Geeze, glad you saved this place." She says to him. "So what's wrong? You looked troubled ealier."
  479. [2013-12-13 21:16:38] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Gerlinde and nods back to her "Ready for your shift?"
  480. [2013-12-13 21:16:55] * Gerlinde nods, looking out.
  481. [2013-12-13 21:19:46] * Midnight_Bliss holsters her rifle and leans back against Gerlinde's feathery wings
  482. [2013-12-13 21:19:50] * Thomas_OMalley looks over to Flora and shakes his head. "What happened... it scared me, padron."
  483. [2013-12-13 21:20:46] * Flora_Bloom tilts her head. "What?" She asks, looking innocent.
  484. [2013-12-13 21:26:03] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "When you were... well... you weren't you. You didn't hear what I say. Nothing I did would help." Thomas looks down, then looks over at strap, tapping it again. "Not being able to help a friend... dat's what scared me."
  485. [2013-12-13 21:26:52] * Flora_Bloom blinks. "Did... I really do something?" She asks, the others wouldn't play a joke like that on her, Midnight alone was incapable of joking.
  486. [2013-12-13 21:29:16] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Tears... muttering 'i don't want it'... 'no'..."
  487. [2013-12-13 21:30:06] * Flora_Bloom gives a short nod. "S-something happened then. I dont remember... or maybe I don't want to." She said softly.
  488. [2013-12-13 21:35:04] * Thomas_OMalley leans up against the sofa. "Dat..." Thomas looks back to his cutie mark. "You know dat constellation?"
  489. [2013-12-13 21:36:34] * Flora_Bloom blinks as she looks to the batpony's flanks. "Yeah, it's the Scales, Libra. I took a few classes in astronomy."
  490. [2013-12-13 21:39:38] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "It expresses in de way I talk. My talent... it be balance. Bringing out dat what others keep hidden... what keeps dem out of balance. Generally, dat's dere preferences." The batmare chuckles.
  491. [2013-12-13 21:39:52] <Thomas_OMalley> ((*batpony, not batmare))
  492. [2013-12-13 21:40:36] * Flora_Bloom chuckles softly. "Well I thank you for trying, but... I'm fine. I've been fine right?" She asks.
  493. [2013-12-13 21:47:24] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "Dat... I don't know." The stallion takes his bangs and slicks them back... and they fall forward again. "I'm good wit my tongue... " The stallion winces and twists his head. "Dat's a bad habit I should really stop." The stallion shakes his head. "I'm good wit words. But not knowing what is wrong wit de one I talk wit."
  494. [2013-12-13 21:48:54] * Flora_Bloom smiled and nodded. "Then how about we settle this. Do you have a sexual interest in me?" she asks him, casually, not even blushing.
  495. [2013-12-13 21:49:32] * Thomas_OMalley looks at Flora, gobsmacked.
  496. [2013-12-13 21:50:38] * Flora_Bloom blinks. "Are you gonna answer?" She asks, smiling to see the batpony with no words.
  497. [2013-12-13 21:53:49] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head and blinks several times. "Dat's cutting straight to de chase." The batpony chuckles. "And dat's cheating. But... yes. I tink you are a beautiful and intelligent mare, dat is a great friend. But!" The stallion shakes his head. "You a virgin, and I have my code."
  498. [2013-12-13 21:55:08] * Flora_Bloom smiles lightly. "Then I don't have anything to worry about, your flirts are empty." She says. "So don't worry about them."
  499. [2013-12-13 21:57:57] * Thomas_OMalley gives a wry grin. "Well, dat is a interesting take on it. But... why worry?"
  500. [2013-12-13 21:59:40] <Flora_Bloom> "Hmm? You seemed to be tripping over accidently flirting with me." She smirks. "I'd rather one of our smooth talkers stays smooth."
  501. [2013-12-13 22:01:55] * Thomas_OMalley raises an eyebrow and grins. "Dat's a clever answer. But... why would you be worried? If I trip up wit my words, it only be when talking wit you. So... why you be worried?"
  502. [2013-12-13 22:02:34] * Flora_Bloom smiles. "I don't want friends to be uncomfortable."
  503. [2013-12-13 22:05:37] * Thomas_OMalley looks at Flora for a moment... and then nods. "Alright... but only one condition. If de flirting, it ever make you uncomfortable or afraid, dat you tell me."
  504. [2013-12-13 22:06:58] * Flora_Bloom nods. "No problem Tom, I'll tell you with a whip to the back." she gives a chuckle and a wink, attempting to flirt herself
  505. [2013-12-13 22:12:14] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. Dat might just encourage me more... like de vines dat can wrap you up." The stallion winks and laughs.
  506. [2013-12-13 22:13:33] * Flora_Bloom smirks and chuckles. "Gerlinde and I are doing fine by the way... I think, I'm not sure if she was teasing, but she might have an interest." She blushes.
  507. [2013-12-13 22:16:23] * Thomas_OMalley laughs. "Some of de mares run hot. Some of de mares run cold."
  508. [2013-12-13 22:16:55] * Flora_Bloom blinks. "What?" She asks, confused
  509. [2013-12-13 22:20:04] * Thomas_OMalley cocks his head. "You never heard dat nursery rhyme? 'Some like it hot, some like it cold'..."
  510. [2013-12-13 22:21:32] * Flora_Bloom shakes her head. "No... I haven't."
  511. [2013-12-13 22:25:58] * Thomas_OMalley hops on to the couch, laying on it. He reaches out and boops the mare on the nose. "Dat nursery rhyme applies to mares. De mares who run hot... dey be aggressive and passionate, like Gerlinde. De mares who run cold, dey be distant and secretive, like Midnight."
  512. [2013-12-13 22:27:16] * Flora_Bloom blinks at the boop, thinking of all this and nodding. "So, wouldn't you need to cool the hot ones down and heat the cold ones up?"
  513. [2013-12-13 22:29:49] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "When Midnight... de mare dat runs cold. Did you try and get close? Heat her up?"
  514. [2013-12-13 22:31:26] * Flora_Bloom blinks and nods a bit, remembering how it went. "So how... do I get close?"
  515. [2013-12-13 22:33:13] * Thomas_OMalley smiles. "Don't."
  516. [2013-12-13 22:35:06] * Flora_Bloom looks rather confused. "Umm... then..." She thinks. "what do I do?"
  517. [2013-12-13 22:37:04] * Thomas_OMalley cocks his head at Flora. "Come know, I know you got da smarts. Tink. If you can't try and get close, what do you do?"
  518. [2013-12-13 22:38:34] * Flora_Bloom blinks and thinks hard, relationships and uch was never her strong suit. "Wait until they get close?"
  519. [2013-12-13 22:40:53] * Thomas_OMalley looks at Flora and smiles. "On de right track. When you tried to get close... you ever ask what she wanted to talk about?"
  520. [2013-12-13 22:42:36] <Flora_Bloom> "I... no.." She sat down. "I didn't."
  521. [2013-12-13 22:46:44] * Thomas_OMalley leans back on the sofa and thinks for a bit while Flora processes the information. Maybe, if they stayed to get the ship fixed up, he'd go visit Inkwell after his excursion with Midnight. It'd been a while since he'd been with a unicorn, and they always knew the niftiest tricks.
  522. [2013-12-13 23:05:13] * Thomas_OMalley lets Flora occupy the sofa and he heads up on to the deck to take another look at the cargo on it.
  523. [2013-12-13 23:07:18] * Midnight_Bliss opens her eyes, her attempts to sleep are futile for the moment despite her fatigue. She stretches her wings and floats off, landing on the deck to try and work off any excess energy she has
  524. [2013-12-13 23:08:18] * Thomas_OMalley nods his head to Bliss and starts to move some of the cargo, stacking it up tighter. "Been a crazy day."
  525. [2013-12-13 23:11:06] * Midnight_Bliss nods to Thomas as she trots around the deck "I've seen worse"
  526. [2013-12-13 23:12:17] * Thomas_OMalley grunts a bit as he shifts one of the heavier crates. "But to tell would be classified, no?"
  527. [2013-12-13 23:14:44] * Midnight_Bliss nods again as she watches Thomas and decides moving cargo might help wear her out. She trots over and helps him move stuff about
  528. [2013-12-13 23:20:56] <Midnight_Bliss> "How is Ms. Flora?" she asked as she moved cargo as well
  529. [2013-12-13 23:22:15] * Thomas_OMalley is looking at the strength of each box versus its weight, trying to figure out a better way to stack it. "She be... good. Shaken, but good." Thomas starts shifting a couple boxes to move things. "So... dat ting you said. About PTSD. You you learn about dat?"
  530. [2013-12-13 23:24:57] * Midnight_Bliss gives a shrug "It is something covered in Enclave military curiculum, and a common enough occurance that it is not Classified intel or training"
  531. [2013-12-13 23:27:38] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Is dere a way to fix it?"
  532. [2013-12-13 23:28:58] * Midnight_Bliss shook her head "Trained therapists help you past it. there is no fix. You simply learn to live with it"
  533. [2013-12-13 23:30:39] * Thomas_OMalley sighs. "Dat... is a terrible ting. Oh well. At least can help her wit dat."
  534. [2013-12-13 23:33:23] * Midnight_Bliss nods "Today has shown there is more to this mission than meets the eye, she will need help so as not to endanger us all at the worst moment"
  535. [2013-12-13 23:34:50] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "But not like dere be many terapists on de Missipony. Hrm... maybe..." Thomas looks at Midnight for a moment, and then shakes his head.
  536. [2013-12-13 23:35:28] * Midnight_Bliss gives Thomas a curious look "What crossed your mind?"
  537. [2013-12-13 23:37:37] * Thomas_OMalley smiles. "Well... dere was one ting. She be really interested in to interact, to try and date. Might be good to have someone dat be willing to help her open up. Only so much I can teach."
  538. [2013-12-13 23:39:36] * Midnight_Bliss gives a shrug "Well, good luck finding someone"
  539. [2013-12-13 23:40:29] * Thomas_OMalley chuckles. "Oh? You been keepin' an eye on all us. Any suggestions?"
  540. [2013-12-13 23:41:53] <Midnight_Bliss> "I do not watch the crew, I watch for threats outside the ship, I do not watch the crew"
  541. [2013-12-13 23:43:45] <Thomas_OMalley> "Even when not on duty?"
  542. [2013-12-13 23:45:07] * Midnight_Bliss shrugs "It is not my business until someone endangers the mission."
  543. [2013-12-13 23:46:49] * Thomas_OMalley cocks his head. "So... you just stay to yourself?"
  544. [2013-12-13 23:49:24] * Midnight_Bliss nods "When this mission is over, we will likely go our seperate ways, it will be a short time together, personal attachments will just get in the way"
  545. [2013-12-13 23:50:08] <Thomas_OMalley> /me frowns. "Dat must be lonely."
  546. [2013-12-13 23:52:20] * Midnight_Bliss shrugs and goes about her work
  547. [2013-12-13 23:53:20] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head and continues to move the cargo. "Hrm. So... you know much about de Cleaver?"
  548. [2013-12-13 23:55:14] * Midnight_Bliss shakes her head "I've never heard of him"
  549. [2013-12-13 23:56:31] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Ah. Dat's a pity. Wonder if dat's what got folk so stirred up."
  550. [2013-12-13 23:59:05] <Midnight_Bliss> "So, what's he about? some folklore? I recall that painting within a painting you found mentioning him"
  551. [2013-12-14 00:14:47] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Oh... de Cleaver existed. Last seen when I was a colt. His treasure is said to be like de Canterlot treasury, before de bombs fell."
  552. [2013-12-14 00:15:24] * Midnight_Bliss nods "Impressive if true"
  553. [2013-12-14 00:18:49] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "It explains why dey would chase it... if it true."
  554. [2013-12-14 00:20:11] * Midnight_Bliss continues moving cargo "Ponies will chase legends easily rather than build a fortune of their own"
  555. [2013-12-14 00:22:01] * Thomas_OMalley shifted another box, sliding it into place like a large jigsaw puzzle. "Dat be true but... dat don't explain why dey sought to sink de ship. Would ruin de cargo... dese crates aren't waterproof."
  556. [2013-12-14 00:25:57] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Thomas "Well, that leaves 3 options, 1: They are incompetant, 2: something in the crates is waterproof, 3: they were preventing others from getting them"
  557. [2013-12-14 00:27:44] * Thomas_OMalley pushed another box. "Well, de painting may have been waterproof, but was so poorly packed dat don't make much sense. Haven't looked through de rest... though, may have been unreleated. Sink the ship... get the cargo and just refurbish it. Or, just get de ship."
  558. [2013-12-14 00:29:26] * Midnight_Bliss nods "Always assume your enemy knows something you dont"
  559. [2013-12-14 00:31:45] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Dat probably be true in our case. Since they know who dey are."
  560. [2013-12-14 00:34:44] * Midnight_Bliss nods again "But they will now know we are onto them, the element of surprise is gone, plus they may suspect we have their comrades. No matter their faith in them we should also assume that they'll assume we will get what we need to know out of them. Though the option of false information is still on the table. If this is about treasure, then they may do all in their power to kill any who get in their way."
  561. [2013-12-14 00:35:42] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "And if dis is about protecting dey treasure, dey can just send us on a merry chase."
  562. [2013-12-14 00:37:00] * Midnight_Bliss shrugs again "I am not on this crew for some treasure hunt, I am on to deliver the cargo, then get off and go about my business"
  563. [2013-12-14 00:39:50] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Dat be true though... dis boat should see a dry dock. Dey repairs be solid, but holes in de hull mean de boat should get a once-over."
  564. [2013-12-14 00:40:34] * Midnight_Bliss narrows her eyes annoyed at the ship "I suppose its an... understandable delay"
  565. [2013-12-14 00:42:16] * Thomas_OMalley nods with a sigh. "Better dan de ship sinking on de way to New Horseleans."
  566. [2013-12-14 00:43:20] * Midnight_Bliss nods "Not everyone on board can fly"
  567. [2013-12-14 00:44:03] <Thomas_OMalley> "Dat be true. Not sure how long de boat be in de dry dock though."
  568. [2013-12-14 00:45:12] * Midnight_Bliss lets out an annoyed growl at the situation but nodded "If it takes too long, I will need to secure other transport, or fly to the destination myself"
  569. [2013-12-14 00:46:38] * Thomas_OMalley raised an eyebrow at the growl. "Why you in a rush?"
  570. [2013-12-14 00:47:16] <Midnight_Bliss> "Thats Classified"
  571. [2013-12-14 00:48:00] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Well... is it on a timer? Or is dat classified too?"
  572. [2013-12-14 00:49:30] * Midnight_Bliss nodded "Classified"
  573. [2013-12-14 00:50:38] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Is dere anyting you can tell me about why it be so important? Might be able to get de boat into dry dock quicker."
  574. [2013-12-14 00:51:38] * Midnight_Bliss shook her head "Anything I could say would betray my mission"
  575. [2013-12-14 00:52:23] * Thomas_OMalley shrugs. "Well... alright. So... I just have to trust you?"
  576. [2013-12-14 00:54:08] * Midnight_Bliss shook her head "I dont require your trust either, Just cold hard facts. I will watch this ship until it interferes with my mission, If you can expidite this ships depature that means I watch over you as well. Logical and simple"
  577. [2013-12-14 00:57:20] * Thomas_OMalley scratches his head, leaning against a box. "So... convenience, den? You get passage and paid. Dat makes sense." His face says he is still confused, though.
  578. [2013-12-14 01:01:50] <Midnight_Bliss> "I dont care about being paid, the caps are merely a conveniance. While you take care of this ship and get me to my destination, you are my ally. Yes, an ally of convenience"
  579. [2013-12-14 01:04:52] * Thomas_OMalley sighs. "Ah, I see. Pity den."
  580. [2013-12-14 01:06:09] <Midnight_Bliss> "We all had reasons to get on this boat, I take mine seriously"
  581. [2013-12-14 01:11:02] <Thomas_OMalley> "De reason for getting on de boat? Nothing as serious as yours." The batpony chuckles.
  582. [2013-12-14 01:13:03] * Midnight_Bliss raises an eyebrow at Thomas "What is such a pity? We do this, finish our goals, and go about our personal missions. Is this not expected?"
  583. [2013-12-14 01:15:50] <Thomas_OMalley> "I suppose, if you see your life as a mission. But... life is more dan a mission. Its de little tings. The smiles and da tears. And now I'm babbling." The stallion facehoofs.
  584. [2013-12-14 01:20:04] <Midnight_Bliss> "And what do you hope to get on this mission? You seek out companionship often"
  585. [2013-12-14 01:22:31] * Thomas_OMalley chuckles. "Dat's just it. I don't seek anyting on dis job. De companionship is fun for me, but I wander."
  586. [2013-12-14 01:25:34] * Midnight_Bliss raised an eyebrow "You have no goal? No mission?"
  587. [2013-12-14 01:30:39] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Is dat so hard to believe?"
  588. [2013-12-14 01:32:53] * Midnight_Bliss rubs her head confused "How do you operate without a goal?"
  589. [2013-12-14 01:38:27] * Thomas_OMalley smiles. "I simple go to what seems like it would be fun. Dis ship, travelling down the Missipony? Seemed fun."
  590. [2013-12-14 01:41:24] * Midnight_Bliss shook her head "Beyond me"
  591. [2013-12-14 01:42:26] * Thomas_OMalley shook his head. "Nah... try acting on impulse. Relax! Have fun."
  592. [2013-12-14 01:47:06] * Midnight_Bliss shook her head again "No, Acting on impulse is wreckless behavior leading to damages and injury or death of squadmates and allies or property."
  593. [2013-12-14 01:47:40] * Thomas_OMalley smiles. "Only if you do it with weapons. Have you ever played a game?"
  594. [2013-12-14 01:50:44] <Midnight_Bliss> "Wargames, chess, Hoofball..."
  595. [2013-12-14 01:51:22] * Thomas_OMalley thinks for a moment. "What about poker?"
  596. [2013-12-14 01:53:47] * Midnight_Bliss nods "The ability to lie without words and push a bad hand as a positive one was found to be good training"
  597. [2013-12-14 01:55:31] * Thomas_OMalley smiles and nods. "Alright... what about truth or dare?"
  598. [2013-12-14 01:56:19] * Midnight_Bliss shakes her head "Never heard of it"
  599. [2013-12-14 01:58:20] <Thomas_OMalley> "Truly? It is a good way to get to know a group." Thomas puts on a worried expression.
  600. [2013-12-14 02:00:10] <Midnight_Bliss> "I grew up in a barracks, we all knew eachother well enough"
  601. [2013-12-14 02:01:08] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Ah. Well... den what about dancing?"
  602. [2013-12-14 02:02:27] * Midnight_Bliss shakes her head "Never danced, it was deemed frivilous "
  603. [2013-12-14 02:04:51] * Thomas_OMalley stares in shock at Midnight_Bliss. "A pretty mare like you never danced?"
  604. [2013-12-14 02:05:48] * Midnight_Bliss shakes her head with a straight face "It was never a neccesary skill"
  605. [2013-12-14 02:07:23] <Thomas_OMalley> "Der is not a skill dat is ever unnecessary. Dey just aren't de best for a given situation."
  606. [2013-12-14 02:10:20] * Midnight_Bliss rubs her chin in thought "That is.... not untrue..."
  607. [2013-12-14 02:12:38] * Thomas_OMalley smiles and claps his hooves together. "Den I know just de ting we will do. Tonight, you and Flora will get pouponer and I will take you both out dancing. Assuming we stay de night, dat is."
  608. [2013-12-14 02:13:28] * Midnight_Bliss looks at the crows nest "But the Night watch is my shift"
  609. [2013-12-14 02:14:13] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Don't worry. We be back wit plenty of time for your shift."
  610. [2013-12-14 02:15:41] * Midnight_Bliss rubbed her chin in thought again "Very well, Learning this skill....may possibly be useful in the future"
  611. [2013-12-14 02:17:18] <Thomas_OMalley> "Don't worry. Dancing, it be always useful. And who knows? Might even get a smile on dat pretty face." The batpony smiles, fangs flashing in the sunlight.
  612. [2013-12-14 02:19:30] * Midnight_Bliss turned her head and went back to stacking cargo "Smiling isn't neccesary, this is a skill gaining mission"
  613. [2013-12-14 02:22:13] * Thomas_OMalley flies up, lifting some of the smaller cargo to the center of the stack. "Oh, but dat's de trick. If you are not smiling and having fun, den de dancing, it not be done right. Dancing, it is about de give and take, de connection between de two dat dance. It be a conversation of dere bodies, and, in some places, de most intimate form of battle."
  614. [2013-12-14 02:27:21] * Midnight_Bliss shrugs "I will learn to fake them then"
  615. [2013-12-14 02:29:13] * Thomas_OMalley sighs, shaking his head. "Den... you will never perfect de skill. And you seem like de pony dat doesn't learn de skill half-way."
  616. [2013-12-14 02:30:16] <Midnight_Bliss> "I will see how it plays out. It may be a skill beyond my grasp"
  617. [2013-12-14 02:33:10] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "So, let's see... dat's explosives shopping, den some food, den some dancing. And, who knows what can happen under Luna's moon?" The batpony places another crate and looks down at the pegasus, silver eyes twinkling.
  618. [2013-12-14 02:36:51] * Midnight_Bliss nods "It's a full list of activities to accomplish in one night"
  619. [2013-12-14 02:39:30] * Thomas_OMalley nods as he finishes up placing the last of the cargo. "Well, dat's it. I'm gonna head below and check de hull for any missed leaks. Get some sleep, Midnight. I'll see ya tonight."
  620. [2013-12-14 02:41:38] * Midnight_Bliss nods to the batpony "Sounds good. I will awake before sundown"
  621. [2013-12-14 02:44:08] * Thomas_OMalley salutes the pegasus (no doubt poorly, but sincerely tries) and flies down below deck to go check on any leaks.
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