
Ach'remoc Mythology Breakdown for Aurora4X AAR

Dec 22nd, 2017
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  1. ---
  2. Key:
  4. (Body) Name if present/known: Divine Title (Archetype; mythological lore)
  6. Pantheon & Creation Myth:
  7. (Multiverse): MASALU the Most Ancient / ENIR / The Origin of All-Things / Equilibrium / Primordium (Amorphous; bears no distinct archetype. Found only in the most archaic myths that suggest our universe was born from an older universe, or more specifically, a cascade of universes either in sequence or forming an inter-connected variable web of realities from which ours claims descent. It is for the most part discarded as mere conjecture in terms of modern Ach'remoc mythology. Only the most comprehensive forms of creation myth bother to reference the Origin of All-Things.(MASALU: Sumerian: "Equal"(To make equal).).(Enir: Sumerian for "Brightness" ("House of Brightness").).)
  8. (Pre-Creation): MULKI / ANUR / The Void (Hermaphroditic; Amorphous; decadent; remnant of a dying precursor universe where a Big Crunch, Heat Death, False Vacuum Event, Big Rip, or other such variant precludes the continuation of the universe. These events are mostly defined by the shelf-life of photon decay (10 to the 18th power/1 billion-billion/1 Quintillion Earth years); and Proton Decay (10 to the 36th power/1 Undecillion Earth Years up to 6 Duodecillion or 6 times 10 to the 39th power).(MULKI: Sumerian for "Celestial Body" (the celestial body that had been cleaved apart).) (ANUR: Sumerian for "Celestial Horizon").)
  9. (Creation): KASHURRA / ENIR / The Matriarch / Voice of Creation (Varied; an extremely vague and archaic archetype denoting the principal instance of universal creation, referencing Starsong whole or in part, yet often attributing dominant characteristics of Starsong to a greater, preceeding, or altogether undocumented form(s) and force(s). In the oldest texts and oral traditions, ENIR is often interchangeable between the Matriarch and the All-Thing. Although Enir seems to describe both, there are instances where Enir and Kashurra are used side-by-side, almost as if they were separate but connected entities. (Kashurra is Sumerian for "Awesome", specifically "Pure which opens") OR (Enir: Sumerian for "Brightness" ("House of Brightness").).)
  10. (Higgs Mechanism) ABEGHHK'TH / (Source: Abeghhk'th is an acronym formed from the names of all the researchers who directly worked on discovery of the Higgs Mechanism.)
  11. (Planck Epoch to Photon Reionization/Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Formation): ENIR / MELAMMU / Starsong / Echo (Amorphous; denotes the physical and energetic forces that immediately followed creation - and possibly ignited creation - prior to matter coalescing into first-generation proto-bodies. The term "Starsong" refers to the expansion of Space-Time, the mechanisms of its expansion, and the matter/energy under its earliest direct influence. "Starsong" typically ceases to be applicable toward anything resulting from the initial formation of proto-stars, although the "Echoes of Starsong" may reference ancient nebulae, super-massive black holes, or anything else that outdates the general progression of stellar formation and decay by a significant measure. As such its application is vague and contradictory at best, yet it remains a central theme of the Ach'remoc creation myth. (Melammu: Sumerian for "bright" ("Awe-inspiring luminosity").).)
  12. (Stellar Precusors): Apsu-Mul / Mul-Apsu; The Exiled (Various; earliest instances of stellar formation, whose dissolution (super/kilo/-nova) scattered the "seeds" by which modern planetary systems might one day be born. (Apsu is Sumerian for "Begining" ("One who exists from the beginning.") Some confusion exists in the transliteration of ancient Ach'rim oral traditions to early text, where the lack of a fundamental frame of reference causes Apsu to seemingly reference anything from All-Thing down to the Wanderers. This may be due to Apsu serving as both a proper and casual noun. Apsu-mul/Mul-apsu more accurately denotes the Exiled and avoids misinterpretation However it is most often attributed to Starsong and the forms that immediately followed, ending far before the progeny of Shemesh.(Mul: Sumerian for "Celestial Body" (who shine in the heights).).)
  14. (Nova Remnant Diffusion): Mulki; The Wanderer(s) (Unknown; plurality in some myths implies a M-F breeding couple, or a group of such couples. These denote the unknown stellar formations whose novae, supernovae, and kilonovae provided the raw matter and energy necessary to form the Ach'remoc star system. Some instances reference cataclysmic variable stars: denoting typical nova-formation where two main sequence stars in a binary system react. A red giant decays into white dwarf (and accompanying planetary nebula); sub-giant; or two red dwarves that siphon the companion star's hydrogen into a thin atmospheric accretion disk. Within 25-80+ days this ignites a hydrogen runaway fusion event that produces an intense light flare and subsequent matter ejection. As such novae can occur repeatedly in a binary where only small amounts of stellar mass have been shed each, the process can gradually siphon and eject a significant volume of both light and matter over repeated nova events.(Mulki: Sumerian for "Celestial Body" (the celestial body that had been cleaved apart).).)
  15. (Local Sun)Ach'remoc-A: Šhemešh the Golden Krone / Lightbringer (Daughter of The Wanderer(s); variant of "Shamash" (Akkadian: ŠamašUD 𒀭𒌓) solar deity in ancient Semitic religion, corresponding to the Sumerian god Utu. Shamash was also the god of justice in Babylonia and Assyria. Original term is male, but the decidedly patriarchal nature of most modern Earth faiths and the early Human propensity toward proto-religious female deities prodded me to put a matriarchal spin on it. Sue me.)
  16. (long-dead precursor star(s)): ilānu the Oathbreaker(s)("ilānu" pluralistic Akkadian variant meaning "gods". Variants of archaic Ach'remoc creation myths describe singular, plural, and/or nuclear versions. Term purposely designed to reinforce controversy and contradiction of early myth. Within lore, it is used to describe the gods aka stars who broke the covenant with Masalu The Most Ancient, Origin of All-Things.)
  17. (Super-Jovian) Ach'remoc-A V: Natuf the Shrouded Giant / Natuf-Asar (Male) (Reference to Epipaleolithic "Natufian" proto-culture remnants, dated 12,500 to 9,000 BC, whose descendents founded the original city of Jericho and are the earliest evidence of sedentary settlements at the decline of the last Ice Age. "Celestial / Burning Shroud of Natuf the One-Eyed" references the colossal crater and ravine featured near Ach'remoc-A V's dark red storm band, which look like a mouth and single eye shrouded in flames. (Asar: Sumerian for "Eye" (all-powerful, awesome, all-seeing eye).).)
  18. (Homeworld) Ach'remoc-A V - Moon 8: Akhva'ar the Unchained (Female; divine heir) (Kishargal: "Great Princess of Firm Ground" in Sumerian)
  19. (Inner Moons) Ach'remoc-A V - Moons 1-9: The (Nine) Malku (Sumerian: "Princes." Akhva'ar is one such prince, and heir to Natuf's power.)(Outer/Captured Moons) Ach'remoc-A V Moons 10-15: The (Six) Wardum ("slaves" in Sumerian)
  20. (Progenitor of the Ach'rem'oc): Kishargal / Ach'rem the Hemophile (Kishargal: "Great Princess of Firm Ground" in Sumerian); (Ach'rem: "Forsaken Daughter" in my custom language)
  21. (Progenitor of the Ach'rim'enos) Ninagal / Ach'rim the Enchained (Ninagal: "Prince of Great Waters" in Sumerian); (Ach'rim: "Forsaken Son" in my own language)
  22. (PC Species) Ach'rem'oc
  23. ilānu the Oathbreaker (Son of Natuf; Father of the Ach'ri'em Twins; ) -> Ach'rem (Sister of Ach'rim; Daughter of ilānu; Mother of Ach'rem'oc) /Ach'rim (Brother of Ach'rem; Son of ilānu; Father of Ach'rim'enos) (-> Ach'rem'oc (PR species; Daughters of Ach'rem) / Ach'rim'enos (NPR species; Sons of Ach'rim.)
  24. Mythology on the Ach'r Duality: Ach'rem/Kishargal and Ach'rim/Ninagal, sister and brother, were stripped of their divine names and banished from the Heavens for incestuously bedding one another and obscuring their crimes in defiance of the Golden Code. To avoid discovery, Ninagal declared that no child of theirs could be spared if they were to escape the consequences of their unholy crime. Kishargal initially protested but her love for her Ninagal overcame love of her own creations. Beyond the first few who Kishargal stole away and exiled, their brood was birthed in secret then callously murdered. Ninagal threw his sons into the frozen sea, dismembered and cooked them, or fed them to ravenous vermin. Kishargal buried her daughters alive, burned them to ash, or cast them from great heights. Those who survived went on to scorn their creators by thriving where naught but death was to be expected. Angered by the sins of their creators, so survived and flourished the progenitors of birds, fish, amphibians, rodents, insects, and others still.
  25. Akhva'ar the Unchained - sensing the Twins' essence in these new creations - immediately told Natuf the Shrouded Giant, who plucked out his own eye and cast it toward the heavens with a cry of anguish and rage. Shamash saw this and cast her light upon Natuf, who in turn reflected upon Akhva'ar: revealing the horrors the Twins had committed.
  26. Ninagal swore vengeance upon Akhva'ar, Natuf, and his brood for betraying his crimes to Shemesh. He vowed to hunt and mercilessly kill every single being spawned of his essence, who by this time had interbred with and become part of the living world. Kishargal, not wanting her offspring to suffer again further, began to steal the newborn spawn of her own offspring's creation, hiding them from both Shemesh and Ninagal alike. Enraged, Shemesh cast back Natuf's very eye and sundered Akhva'ar from throat to rim, blasting away his earthly flesh out toward the heavens. Upon one such chunk lay Ninagal himself; Kishargal herself upon another; with countless of their brood caught in the throes of heavenly onslaught.
  27. Natuf the One-Eyed, not wishing harm upon Akhva'ar his Son by virtue of innocence, reversed the Burning Shroud of Heaven and sundered his own flesh - that it might coat Akhva'ar's wounds and grant him respite. For this mercy, knowing Natuf would not sunder his own flesh in vain, Shemesh cried great tears which coalesced and fled from her sight. In awe of Natuf's sacrifice in light of Akhva'ar's suffering, the Six captive Wardum flayed themselves alive and carpeted Akhva'ars remaining wounds with their own flesh. Thus the flesh of Natuf and his martyred Wardum brought life to Akhva'ar once more, sealing the fissured wounds that bled in great seas of fire. After all was said and done, Ninagal and Kishargal were brought before Shemesh to be sentenced for their heinous crimes against the Golden Code of Creation: Starsong.
  28. For the crimes of cruelty, genocide, apathy, and ego, Ninagal was stripped of his senses, shrunken to to the size of common vermin, cut into living segments, and horribly disfigured by ravaging disease. Unworthy of his divine name, he became merely Ach'rim: the Forsaken Son.
  29. For the crimes of complicity, kidnapping, manipulation, and extortion, Ach'rem was blinded, her tongue and limbs severed, skin flayed alive, and uterus removed. Unworthy of her divine name, she became merely Ach'rem: Forsaken Daughter.
  31. The Ach'rem'oc (Daughters of Ach'rem) were blinded and malformed, forced to feed upon lesser beings as sustenance and breeding hosts. Never to walk again, they slithered upon their bellies or grew tendrils and took root. The two most prominent daughters were named Animalia and Plantae.
  32. The Ach'rim'enos (Sons of Ach'rim) were stunted and each respectively born deaf, blind, or mute. Enchained to one another's fate or doom by way of individual weakness, they were forced to band together for survival or mutual destruction. The three most prominent sons were named Fungi, Protista, and Monera.
  33. When all was said and done, Shemesh levied one final punishment upon the Twins and their brood. Their very essence was made toxic to the other - alternatively relying upon either oxygen OR methane - that they might never break the Covenant of the Golden Code again: for in doing so, both would die a swift and painful death.
  34. Due to the extremely particular modes of punishment, the evolutionary path of each sibling's brood diverged to various extremes - despite descending from common ancestors. Although the sundering of Akhva'ar cast a great many of these offspring unto the flesh of other worlds, the dominant caste of each sibling remained relatively static over the aeons.
  36. The favored methane-breathing Ach'rem'oc developed into/from blind, fiercely individualistic quasi-parasitic organisms; requiring living or dead flesh to serve as host to their spawn. Their distant offspring went on to found the Ach'remoc Dominion upon the scarred flesh of great Akhva'ar.
  37. While the favored oxygen-breathing Arc'rim'enos developed into/from three primary sub-species: each containing their own base strengths and dire weaknesses. Their divergent offspring went on to found the Ach'rim Triumvirate on the flesh of an exiled god, ruled by a council of three to this very day.
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