
Meta in Equestria 1

May 26th, 2012
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  1. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  2. >Finding yourself once more sitting at your desk writing in your journal in your continuing efforts to document the events of the past months.
  3. >It has been nearly 2 years since Equestria was brought into existence in this place.
  4. >This realm of imagination.
  5. >A place that exists between thought and reality.
  6. >It is the place where all that is created in the mind of mankind is brought into being.
  7. >Equestria was born of the minds of the writers of a children’s cartoon called my little pony and roared into existence from the combined imaginations of countless boys, girls and overgrown manchildren.
  8. >In the beginning it was wonderful.
  9. >As new episodes would air in the real world new characters and locations would appear.
  10. >Your world was taking shape right before your eyes and it was a wonderful time.
  11. >As time went on strange things began to happen.
  12. >Canterlot and Ponyville began to fill out with more detail.
  13. >As did the rest of Equestria.
  14. >Items began to appear and ponies began to interact with each other in ways never detailed in the show.
  15. >Lyra and BonBon began living with each other and though never stated it was obvious they were now each other’s special someponies .
  16. >Alcohol, previously nonexistent, was now available in the market including Applejack Daniels which is apparently made by the apple family.
  17. >It was as though someone had been adding to the stories, independently filling in the blank spaces left open in the show.
  18. >Over time you came to learn this was the work of fanfiction.
  19. >This was an interesting, if sometimes unusual and even disturbing, turn of events.
  20. >You did your best to document each change and its effect on Ponyville.
  21. >Most were simply background details that gave the town more depth and made it feel more real somehow.
  22. >A few of the changes unfortunately had been truly disruptive.
  23. >Berry Punch for example became an alcoholic after a bar had opened on the edge of town.
  24. >The everfree has become more dangerous as creatures that were once a rare sight grew in number. >Timberwolf sightings have increased and some ponies have even gone missing.
  25. >The last time some of them had been seen was entering sugarcube corner.
  26. >When you asked Pinkie about it she simply smiled and said they had helped her with some cupcakes and the last time she had seen them they had left the shop and headed in the direction of the everfree. >Searches had found no trace of them in or around the forest but you still held hope they would be found.
  27. >It wasn’t long after that THEY began to arrive.
  28. >Strange bipedal creatures that seemingly appeared from nowhere.
  29. >Some fell from the sky, others wandered into ponyville, still more were found injured in or near the everfree and some simply popped into existence in the middle of town.
  30. >Most were human, almost all of them were adult males.
  31. >They wore cloths that covered most of their bodies.
  32. >A few wore heavy metal armor and ranted about xenos or some such nonsense.
  33. >Few of them knew how they had arrived here and fewer still knew what Equestria was.
  34. >Their personalities varied from individual to individual ranging from kind and caring to selfish jackasses to hate filled and near homicidal.
  35. >Though they differed wildly they shared a peculiar trait.
  36. >When asked their name they all identified themselves as Anonymous.
  37. >When the first one arrived he was treated as one would expect.
  38. >He was greeted with a mixture of curiosity and fear but once meeting you and your friends the fear subsided and a Pinkie welcome party ensued.
  39. >He was taken to meet the Princess and given permission to build a home in poniville.
  40. >Everything seemed to return to normal until another Anon arrived.
  41. >Only he did not come alone, with him came…Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Applejack.
  42. >These copies of your friends seemed normal and exactly like the ones you had known for so long.
  43. >That is until Fluttershy and Applejack started fondling the Anon they had arrived with.
  44. >Which annoyed the new Dash to no end as she started fighting them off.
  45. >It was decided that the new Anon would live with the previous one at his new home and the new ponies would live with their respective selves.
  46. >Having extra copies of your friends around seemed like it would be strange but it worked out quite well.
  47. >2 Applejack meant they could get their work at the farm done while still having the market stall open so they were happy.
  48. >The Fluttershys were able to take care of even more animals than before and Rainbow Dash spent most of her time hanging out with her Anon or protecting him from the advances of the other 2.
  49. >The situation did not turn out as bad as you had feared and you were grateful for that.
  50. >That is until more Anons began to arrive.
  51. >Every week or so a new Anon would arrive.
  52. >Sometimes they arrived alone sometimes with their own versions of Applejack Raibow or Fluttershy. >A few came with a Rarity or Pinkie pie as well.
  53. >There were even a few that arrived with their own Twilight Sparkles.
  54. >That was always a bit unnerving, standing there talking to yourself.
  55. >Especially that one socially awkward Twilight that moved into your home.
  56. >All she does is stay in your bedroom watching anime and posting silly drawing to her deviantart account.
  57. >That is when she isn’t masturbating or rutting that Anon she arrived with.
  58. >Though some of the alternate selves could be annoying they were not the only problem.
  59. >It’s been months since the Anons began appearing.
  60. >It wasn’t long before the Anon house became overcrowded and had to be remodeled.
  61. >New bedrooms added to make room for the new arrivals. With the near constant rape attempts from the Fluttershys and Applejacks they had to reinforce the doors windows and walls.
  62. >It looks more like a fortress now than a home.
  63. >Ponyville was not alone when it came to these problems.
  64. >Even Princess Celestia has been forced to deal with unwanted doppelgangers.
  65. >When you first learned of the Celestias that now inhabited Canterlot Castle you were overcome with excitement to meet them.
  66. >Thought you quickly learned not all of them were the same kind caring teacher you love so much.
  67. >The first one you met greeted you coldly her eyes staring at you with a look of disinterest as if you were beneath her.
  68. >Another of the Princesses greeted you warmly saying how nice it was to…see…you.
  69. >Her eyes locked on your flank and a grin plastered on her face as she just watched you.
  70. >You are still unsure why the leering princess made you so uncomfortable.
  71. >Perhaps it was that predatory look in her eye.
  72. >The same look Pinkie gets when she sees a tray of freshly frosted cupcakes.
  73. >As it stands you were thoroughly creeped out and proceeded to back out of the room.
  74. >One of the Celestias was quite friendly, even if she did giggle a lot, offering to send you a spell that may help change your perspective on events.
  75. >Upon returning home Spike informs you of the scroll that arrived.
  76. >Reading over the spell and what you need to do you begin to cast it.
  77. >Your horn glows bright as the energy envelops you.
  78. >As you open your eye you find yourself unable to see because your mane is in your face
  79. >Shakeing your head you are unable to move it from your field of vision.
  80. >Hearing Spike stifling laughter you growl in frustration.
  81. “What’s so funny?”
  82. >”One sec Twi I’ll be right back.” He says as he rushes off giggling
  83. >As he returns with a mirror and says “Ok raise your taila bit.”
  84. >Doing so allows you to see into the mirror and realize your face and buttocks have switched positions on your body.
  86. >You swear you can hear her laughter all the way from Canterlot.
  87. >Fucking Trollestia
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