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Jul 10th, 2018
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  1. ast week was just unreal. Let's start with this little bombshell that was dropped on the evening of July 3rd, so as to not catch the eye of any interested parties. "The Senate Select committee on intelligence is conducting a bipartisan investigation into a wide range of Russian activities relating to the 2016 US presidential election. The committee has now concluded an in-depth review of the intelligence community assessment produced by the CIA, the NSA, and the FBI in January 2017 on Russian interference in the 2016 US Presidential election. The committee has initial findings to share with the American people. The committee finds that the intelligence community assessment of Russian meddling in the election is a "sound intelligence product". The committee heard consistently that analysts were under no politically motivated pressure to reach any conclusions. As the inquiry has progressed since January 2017, the committee has also seen additional examples the Russias attempts to sew discord, undermine democratic institutions, and interfere in US elections. The committee concurs with US Intelligence and open source assessments that the Russian influence campaign was approved by President Putin. Moscow also did seek to denigrate Secretary Clinton."
  3. Let's break that down for a moment. This is a resounding statement from the intelligence committee and the Senate saying when that report came out in January 2017, just as the Obama administration was leaving and the Trump administration was revving up, the assessment that said the Russians meddled in the election to throw it to Trump, was solid. And over time, it's only been more proven out by what we've since learned. Now in contrast, this past week, Trump has literally quoted Vladimir Putin and the Russian government in their denials that they ever meddled in the 2016 election. The report from last year says oh yes they did, and this report that just came out says that report is bulletproof. This seems important, given that the sitting POTUS continues denying Russia's involvement. This is an important report, so why did the intelligence community sneak this out the door with no notice, no announcement on the night before the 4th of July? This is controversial, this is big news. But they have designed this release to get as little news coverage as possible. That's why it is good you are here to read this from ol Alex Danielski, because any time people are counting on you to not watch the news, is when you should pay the closest attention.
  5. And on the very same day this report was released, eight Republican senators were in Russia. They talked to the Russian government about how they were excited to let bygones be bygones, so we can all start working together again since we are all such good friends. One senator said he hoped the upcoming meeting between Putin and Trump would be "very big". What the hell does that even mean? Senator Shelby also told the head of Russian Parlament that "we should strive for a better relationship". That's not exactly what they've been doing for the past few years is it? Among the Russians, they met with was Sergei Kisliac, who was Russian ambassador to the US during their attack on our election. He is now back in Moscow, where he received tons of awards upon his return. So yea, why not hang out with him if you're a visiting American government official? He was quoted as saying "Yes it is good everyone traveled here to talk. It is a good indicator that we are ready to start a dialogue". To be clear, he doesn't mean a secret backchannel phone line like the one Jared Kushner was using to make deals with Russia.
  7. Ahead of this trip, Bloomberg reported that Republicans were reportedly traveling there to tell Putin "Election meddling has to stop". But once they arrived they were told no, worry he won't have time to meet with you. But apparently during the entire time Republicans were there, the issue if meddling did not come up. Not once. The Russian Parliament told the Washington Post that whatever the Americans told the US press they were going to do once they got to Russia, it didn't quite go that way. One Russian government official said he had "met with many American lawmakers in years past, but this was one of the easiest ones in my life". Yes, he said that. Another member said that the question of Russia meddling in the US election was resolved quickly because "the question was phrased in a general form. One should not interfere in elections. Well, we did not interfere". Done and done. Another Russian lawmaker bragged to an NPR correspondent that the visiting Republicans not only didn't pressure the Russian government about fucking with our election, but did not put any pressure them about anything else either. He said they "did not bring up Crimea" during the Moscow meeting. "I did not hear the word Crimea once in 2 hours". I wonder if the phrase Russia's Bitch ever came up?
  9. After Russia hit our election in 2016, that sort of gave us 2 big worries as a country right? One is what that means in terms of our current president, who they helped elect. But there is also now the prospect or expectation that Russia might keep doing it. To benefit the Kremlin and hurt us as a country, because hey no consequences right!? What does this say about Trump? Is he compromised? And does he now owe them in some way, or do they have something on him? Because now concern A and B are coming together as we approach the 2018 elections. Trump officials say they have received no instruction for protecting the nation against a replay of the 2016 Russian attack. The president himself is not only not warning anyone about the Russians, but he is now quoting their denials that they ever interfered in the first place. He apparently believes them.
  11. Now leading up to the 2018 elections, Trump has embarked on this run of giving Russia stuff it wants. Announcing that Russia should be allowed to rejoin the G7, which it was kicked out of after invading Crimea. Also, he is saying that maybe now the US would formally recognize that Crimea belongs to Russia. WTF? AND the president unilaterally agreeing to cancel joint military exercises between the US and South Korea. This was an ask directly proposed to Trump by Putin on one of their secret telephone conversations. We have also learned that Trump offered France financial incentives if they too would leave the European Union, just like the UK did. Then we learned last week that the POTUS sent letters to every member of NATO criticizing them, specifically threatening that the US MIGHT LEAVE NATO, which Putin has expressed many times is a long time goal of his. And finally, the big giveaway Trump appears to be planning on for his meeting with Putin is to let Russia have Syria. Russia has been fighting on the side of the dictator Asad in Syria's civil war for the past several years, while the US has been on the side of the rebels. Apparently, that is about to change, and we are ready to switch sides.
  13. Then this. A disturbing story broke regarding alleged sexual assaults that took place at Ohio State regarding their wrestling team's doctor. Jum Jordan, a prominent Republican Congressman, appears to be caught up in what appears to be a very nasty scandal. Multiple wrestlers alleged that he knew the abuse was going on but did nothing about it. Two victims claimed they went directly to Congressmen Jordan, but he refused to help. The school has hired a major law firm to investigate the matter, and Mr. Jordan will likely be called in to testify. The doctor in question worked there from 1991 to 2005, and Jim Jordan's tenure overlapped for 8 of those 14 years. He reportedly had a locker that was right next to the accused physician. It is one thing to be adjacent to someone else's scandal, but it is another thing entirely to have multiple survivors say on the record you knew about the abuse and did not act to stop it.
  15. Congressman Jordan is a favorite of Republican hardliners across the country. He is a high profile member of the so-called freedom caucas, and tea party members have said they would like him to replace Congressman Paul Ryan as speaker of the house. Also, he and Devin Nunez have to lead the most aggressive criticism in Congress on the special counsel's investigation into Russian collusion with the election. Now multiple victims are on record are willing to talk on the record about the abuse and Jordan's role therein. Why do influential Republicans, especially those so close to Donald Trump, continue to be embroiled in scandal after scandal, all the while the support of their base never waning?
  17. If that isn't enough news in one week to get you hopping, I don't want to know what it would take to take to churn your butter. Good night, and good luck. Oh, and you're welcome for assembling all this insanity into one neat and easy to read package. Buckle your seatbelt, it's only going to get worse.
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