
Shut up, you dont have BPD

Apr 10th, 2018
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  1. Smokeless: Dori sighed as she made her way to Mrs. Coopers office. She was not looking forward to this appointment but her mother had already yelled at herfor missing the last one. She looked at the door and snapped out of it walking into her office. She touched her nose which was rather sore from her little rebelious action of getting her septum pierced. She played with one of her braids and looked around the waiting room.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Ms. Cooper sat at her desk in her office, her fingers running over the keyboard of her computer as she checked her schedule and closed out a few of her appointments.-
  3. Smokeless: Dori took a deep breath and looked at the secatary. "Dori Sanchez for Ms. Cooper." she lookd around and tapped her long nails on the desk before the woman.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -The secretary sat at her desk and looked up at Dori when she approached. She leaned into the intercom, buzzing her in. "Ms. Sanchez is here for her appointment." Redirecting her attentiont o Dori, she gestured to Ms. Cooper's door. "Go ahead in."-
  5. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head "Thanks." she made her way into the office and found a seat plopping down and looking at the end of her braid. She looked at Ms.cooper and waved her fingers at her before pulling out a note from the rehab center. The letter from the doctor stated that Dori was diagonsed with BPD Borderline Personality disorder. She was to see someone on a regular bases and even had a list of the medicine she was suppose to be taking. -
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Ms Cooper looked up from her computer when Dori walked in, swiveling in her chair to face her more easily. "Hello Ms. Sanchez. How are you this evening?"-
  7. Smokeless: Dori shrugged her shoulders some. "Okay I guess. I was told to come here." she pointed to the letter she had just set on Ms. Coopers desk. -
  8. Alexithymiaa: "You were told by who?" She asked, looking down at the letter and picking it up to scan it quickly. Once she was finished reading, she lifted her eyes to Dori. "Ms. Sanchez... you're required to see a licensed therapist. I'm a school counselor and advisor, I'm not licensed to medically advise or assist you in any way..."-
  9. Smokeless: Dori groaned and sighed. "Well I didn't know. I'm new to all of this. Do you have any suggestions?" she looked at Ms. Cooper. She seemed a bit annoyed. "I am sorry. I've had a rather rough day. "
  10. Alexithymiaa: "I understand. I can definitely recommend you to the wonderful outpatient program at the rehab facility in Central Portland." She reached into her drawer, fingering through her files and pulling out a photocopied page and several business cards of doctors working at the facility, passing it over. "I have a handful of students I've recommended to them and have had no complaints thus far."-
  11. Smokeless: She reached over and grabbed the page and business cards. she looked over them slightly. "I really apperciate it." she looked up at Ms. Cooper and smiled.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Of course. We want to make sure all of our students are mentally healthy and happy and anything we can do to assist that is my pleasure. Now, I can't in good conscience advise you on any of your current medical concerns, but I'd be more than happy to listen if you need an ear."-
  13. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head and she listened to Ms. Cooper. "I apperciate it. So I just call one of these people and get help." she took a deep breath." I really don't have alot to talk about. I really haven't been talking to anyone. I don't want to bother anyone."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "But isnt that what we're here for? You're not bothering anyone by talking during an appointment you scheduled for yourself." She raised a brow, tipping her head to the side.-
  15. Smokeless: "No what I meant is I don't have anything to talk about I just go to class and Practice and home. I don't have friends I don't go out. Just school home and practice." she shrugged some.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Why don't you go out? Why don't you have friends?" She asked, picking up the pen on the desk in front of her and twiddling it between her fingers.-
  17. Smokeless: She shrugged some. " Well With my disorder I feel its best not to really have friends. I tried to have a relationship and that went to hell. He was a monster. Everyone hated him." she looked down at her lap and started to pick at her fingers. "That's a thing with my disorder people like me have shitty relationships. We obessed over a person. We go to extenses that other people don't. Because we don't want to feel abandoned or left alone." she drew in a deep breath. "I guess that's why I thought I loved a monster." she sighed and slumped in her seat.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "With all due respect Ms. Sanchez, you're wrong. I know a handful of students living and thriving in relationships that have been diagnosed with BPD. If you ask me, it sounds like your making excuses for yourself so you don't get hurt. But half the fun and experience in life is putting yourself out there. There is no reward without risk."-
  19. Smokeless: She shrugged her shoulders a little. "I probably am making excuses for myself. I don't know. Are we done? I should probably head home. Maybe catch one of the girls at home see if we can get that routine down."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "We're done if you want to be done, Ms. Sanchez. I'm just trying to listen to your concerns. I think it would be beneficial for you if you reached out to your peers and made some friends."-
  21. Smokeless: "I will try." she nodded her head trying to think who the best person would be to talk to. She stood up and gathered her stuff. "Thank you again for the referance.."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Of course. Please be well and take care of yourself." She said with a gentle smile to Dori.-
  23. Smokeless: Dori smiled back and nodded her head. "will do" she made her way out of the office and towards her car to head home.
  24. Smokeless has left the chat
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