

May 7th, 2012
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  1. Summer Ghost Stories
  2. By
  3. James R. Wordsworth
  4. Chapter One: In the shadow of Summer
  5. ***
  7. The season of summer had come to Romani Ranch. And so too along with it came the many perks and draw backs of the season. Gone now where the woolen tunics and dress of winters heart and spring birth. Now the garments worn where light cotton dress’s and shirts, sandals sewn and stitched from leather and strips of cotton now took the place of heavy boots and work shoes.
  9. Summer was also a time for exploring and one of the many popular haunted locations that dotted the lush and colorful land. Many of brave souls armed with only there wits and a bow or sometimes a sword would travel from the lowland’s of Woodfall to the highland of Snowhead, in search of rumors and new stories.
  11. ***
  13. The moist summer air was filled with the chipping of Cinders and soft buzzing of mosquito’s filled the air. The sounds of nature and summer where all about and one could not forget about the faint animal noises the grazing cows made as the looked up from there evening meal of hay and grass.
  15. Slowly with there black noses poking into the air they peered with there small beady eyes toward the sight of two young children tweens one would say making there way down the hard packed yellow dirt road that connected one of the outlaying fields with the main cobblestone paved road.
  17. “Boy gathering milk is a real pain in the but.” Said the one to the two. He had long golden blond hair and. Befitting the season he wore a lose fitting cotton blue tunic and good home-made pair of Sandal’s money had been short this year and the struggling new family had once more been forced to make a good bit of there clothing.
  19. “Look on the bright side, the cows are giving a lot of milk, the chickens are laying more eggs that they should and are little vegetal garden is really coming along. We still have some late crops coming in. And if all goes to plan, we can finally collect some back wages.” Said the girl. She spoke with a commanding flare.
  21. “Hmm three and a half a hour. Still that’s pretty good I guess.” Said the boy of the pair. His long golden locks of hair seemed to drape easily over his shoulder blades. This paired with his honey golden arms and his budding form was enough for one to form a image of a young prince or a strong well cut farm hand.
  23. “Well we did agree to work for half wages. Sides, sister can only afforded to pay us that.” Said the girl with pretty long red hair in response the boys whining. There was a slight musical quality of her tone of voice. A trait that was pretty common to her family.
  25. “True and we are getting room and board out of the deal. Anyway I hope Cremia-san cooked that roast tonight she been promising use she’ll cook one for a whole week and a half now.” Said Link. He wore a crooked smile as he spoke these words “Hey Romani do you think she also fixed chocolate budding too, if so that’s going to make the meal all but complete.” He quickly added.
  27. Romani blinked and slowly she gave the boy a crooked grin of her own. “Link please do tell me there more on your mind than just food and sweets is it not?” She teased a little. They where drawing nearer and nearer to the manner house now and the sticky summer air was quickly becoming thick with the smells of cracked black pepper and other herbs used to season and spice beef and dish’s.
  29. “Well going by the smell it seems she did cook a roast,” Said Link, easily brushing off red head’s teasing.
  33. Romani could only roll her eyes once more at the comment Link made, but she did have to agree with him the air was scented with the wonderful savory smell of roasting beef and the masterful selection of herbs and spices that where the hallmark of her sisters cooking. Soon the pair found themselves standing the middle of the small kitchen of the manner house.
  35. The Kitchen was a small simple room, weather worn of interconnecting floorboard formed the floor of the room. A well oiled and maintained potbelly stove took up one corner of the room. Both sides of the stove where flanked by wooden kitchen cabinets that held a rang of cooking ware, some pieces where as old as the hills themselves some would say. A newly brought iron box as tall as a man stood by the door.
  37. The iron box was newest thing in the handy down kitchen. Deep within its bowls it held eggs and milk and pints of bottled small beer and Deku Juice. A large block of ice stored towards its held kept the items inside a nice cool temperature and even chilled some of them too.
  39. “Wow sister, you have the kitchen smelling nice indeed you do.” Said Romani smiling as she made her way into the kitchen. Quickly she wrapped her fingers around the wooden handle of the fridge and with a quick tug pulled it open. She was greeted with a blast of cold air.
  41. “Hey sister, we need to added nuts and seeds to the list,” She said peering over the varies items stored within. Slowly she reached over the varies Jars and earthen jugs tilled her fingers could wrap themselves around the neck of one of the many chilled glass bottles.
  43. “You know, we can just gather Deku Nuts and Deku Seed’s from the swamp.” Said Link walking over to Romani and peering over her shoulder. “Might give you a chance to practice your swordsmanship too, you know those Deku buds do attack and fight back unlike those wooden dummies you have been using.” Came the teasing response of link as he reached over her shoulder and quickly snatched a small beer by the neck.
  45. “The only dummy I see here is a blonde hair brat that is cruising for a punching.” Retorted Romani as she playfully punched Link in the arm. She gave him scowl that quickly vanished from her face once she took her seat at the family dinner table.
  47. Link could only roll his eyes knowing that in a away he had earned the quick punch to the arm. And so without another word being said he took his allotted seat at the family’s table. Slowly his round almond shape sapphire blue eyes shifted toward Romani and slowly he could feel a little smirk forming upon his lips.
  49. “You know, you punch pretty hard for a girl.” He teased as he reached up and gently ran his palm of his hand over the punched area. Slowly a pink blush spread from one corner of his round cheeks to the other as took his allotted seat at the family table and screwed upon the metal cap of his small beer.
  51. “And your pretty dumb, even if you are a boy.” Answered Romani as she drew in a deep as she reached for her drink and with a quick flick of the ringers removed the metal cab from the bottle. Slowly she lifted the bottle to her mouth and slowly she signed as the dark brown ale flooded her mouth, dispelling the thirst that had once cursed her throat.
  53. Cremia could only roll her eyes as she watched Romani and Link’s mild forms of flirting. She too had been in her sisters shoes. And how by the grace of the goddess she had made it pass that stage without getting throwing into the towns jail for kidnapping one of the towns boys and doing strange and wonderful things to him still escaped her seasoned mind. Thankfully it seemed Romani did not share in her sisters early lust.
  55. “Okay children settle down now.” Called Cremia as she placed two oven mittens upon her hand and walked over to the small stove. Quickly and with all with the skill of a seasoned and experienced home maker she reached into the over and pulled out the well made iron skilled that held the king size roast. Quickly she carried the steaming skilled over to the center of the table where it was deposited.
  56. “Looks wonderful sister,” Commented Linked as peered toward the savory roast beef. The smell of the salt and ground pepper filled his noise and tickled his taste buds as he peered toward the nice piece of beef that seemed like a island, a island that was surrounded on all sides by brown gravy.
  58. “Yes you’ve really outdone yourself this time sister.” Chimed in Romani as she unfolded her napkin and placed it in her lap. She said offering her praise to the wonderful dish that seemed to tease her very noise and tickle the tip of tongue.
  60. A deep blush graced Cremia’s face as she peered down at her shoes. “Thanks you.. I mean thank you guys so very much for you know your praise.” She said giggling like a school girl in the presents of a rising kendo star.
  62. A chorus of giggles filled the kitchen as both Romani and Link took in the sight of the blushing Cremia. There was something cute about seeing with there own eyes the often overbearing and strict older sister standing in there presents blushing like a humble school girl in the presents of a group of sweaty sports boys.
  64. “All of you hush!” She said turning her waist around a little and lifting her hands up to cover her blushing cheeks. This was so embarrassing and yet part of her was a bit happy about being for once the center of attention. “Well both of you hurry up and finish your meal.. we gotta lot to cover tonight. As I’m sure both of you know tomorrow where leaving for clock town to sale some of are early summer crops” She said rubbing her face a little to ease the blushing color that had settled into her cheek bones.
  66. “Oh sister can we stop by the cake shop and toy store too or the book seller stales.” Piped up Romani with a little smile as she picked up her napkin and cleaned her face of any traces of beef gravy and juices.
  68. “And don’t forget Romani-Chan needs another dolly to sleep with,” Said Link turning his face and sticking his tongue out at Romani. Links teasing was all in good teasing one could tell by his half hearted tone of voice that filled each word as they where spoken.
  70. Romani turned toward linked and blinked and blinked again.
  72. “Okay guys stop your flirting.” Said Cremia leaning forward and planting a kiss upon Romani forehead and then in turn Links forehead. “Okay now both of you guys place nice, its been a long day for me and I’m in need of a bath and a good nights rest. Romani, you’re a young women now and I’m not going to tell you how long to stay up or when to go to bed. Though I will tell you this, we have a early morning tomorrow. So you best get a good nights sleep.” She added leaning back up and suppressing a deep yawn.
  74. “Night Sister!,” Chirped Romani as her round sapphire blue eyes followed Cremia up the stairs. The creaking of old wooden bedroom door that connected the sisters shared bedroom with the upper hallway of the house filled the air. A few seconds passed before the faint closing of the wooden door could be heard.
  76. “So Romani,” Said Link turning to Romani with a twinkle in his eye and a smirk upon his lips. “Do you feel like testing luck tonight?” He said peering his head toward the twilight bathed rolling field’s and pastor land.
  78. “Sure…” Said Romani feeling a little blush settling into her cheeks as a sudden romantic vision of Link as her knight in shining armor fills her young tween mind.
  80. “Okay, go get your bow and I’ll fetch my sword.” He said still peering toward the setting sun. “And…we’ll be off…I’ll tell you more once we’ve cleared the front gate, but you gotta promise me something Romani.” Said Linking holding up one finger.
  82. “Sure anything!” Said Romani her tone of voice raising just a hair as she felt a sudden spike in tension fill the room.
  83. “You can’t tell anybody about what your about to see, for as you know legend’s and folk tales walk the hot earth during the swelling of Augustus mensis.” He said using the proper name of the month of August for a dramatic effect.
  85. Romani blinked and nodded her head as she turned over the spoken words in her head as she felt the power of them twirl around in her head. It was a classic speech and the chosen words where perfect for the occasion that presented itself.
  87. “Good, now fetch are needed things and let us be off. For the night is young and we have at best four or five hours before the ghost of the dance will appear upon stone mushroom shape rocks.” Said Linking reaching down and wrapping his fingers around the old brass door handle. And with that he crossed the fresh hold of the door.
  89. Romani could only nodded her head and watch with a little smirk as Link put on his little show, the boy should she often said should be strolling across the stage of the Clock Players. A theater troupe that often graced the wooden stage of the community theater in town.
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