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Apr 23rd, 2019
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  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <stdlib.h>
  3. #include <stdbool.h>
  4. #include <string.h>
  5. #include <stdint.h>
  6. #include <ctype.h>
  8. #define MAX 50 //maximum input files
  9. #define list(Type, Name)\
  10. typedef struct Name{\
  11. Type data;\
  12. int size;\
  13. struct Name *next;\
  14. struct Name *last;\
  15. }Name;\
  16. Name* Name##_new(){\
  17. Name* node = (Name*)malloc(sizeof(Name));\
  18. node->size = 0;\
  19. node->last=node;\
  20. node->next = NULL;\
  21. return node;\
  22. }\
  23. void Name##_add(Type t, Name* head){\
  24. Name* new_node = Name##_new();\
  25. ++(head->size);\
  26. head->last->data = t;\
  27. head->last->next = new_node;\
  28. head->last=new_node;\
  29. }
  30. list(char*, list_char); //inicialization of the string list
  31. unsigned int overall_point;
  33. typedef struct {
  34. char ID[6];
  35. char name_student[100];
  36. list_char *chr;
  37. list_char *not_taken_classes;
  38. } student;
  40. student *student_new() {//constructor of the student
  41. student *st = (student *) malloc(sizeof(student));
  42. st->chr = list_char_new();//init the list to store classes of student
  43. st->not_taken_classes = list_char_new();
  44. return st;
  45. }
  47. typedef struct {
  48. char name_TA[100];
  49. list_char *chr;
  50. int8_t runned_classes;
  51. } TA;
  53. int chars_read = 0;
  55. TA *TA_new() {//constructor of the TA
  56. TA *ta = (TA *) malloc(sizeof(TA));
  57. ta->chr = list_char_new();//init the list to store classes of TA
  58. ta->runned_classes = 4;
  59. return ta;
  60. }
  62. typedef struct {
  63. char name_professor[100];
  64. list_char *chr;
  65. int8_t number; //number of running classes
  66. } professor;
  68. professor *professor_new() {//constructor of the professor
  69. professor *prof = (professor *) malloc(sizeof(professor));
  70. prof->chr = list_char_new();//init the list to store classes of professor
  71. prof->number = 2;
  72. return prof;
  73. }
  76. list(professor, list_professor);//inicialization of the professor list
  77. list(TA, list_TA);//inicialization of the TA list
  78. list(student, list_student);//inicialization of the student list
  79. typedef struct {
  80. char name_class[100];
  81. unsigned int num_students; //at least one
  82. unsigned int labs_required; //at leaыt one
  83. professor run_prof;
  84. list_TA* run_ta;
  85. list_student* run_st;
  86. } class;
  87. class *class_new(){
  88. class *new = (class *)malloc(sizeof(class));
  89. new->run_ta = list_TA_new();
  90. new->run_st = list_student_new();
  91. }
  92. list(class, list_class); //inicialization of the classes list
  93. typedef struct result{
  94. list_TA *ta;
  95. list_class *cl;
  96. list_student *stu;
  97. list_professor *prof;
  98. } result;
  99. typedef struct{
  100. char name_class[100];
  101. unsigned int point;
  102. professor prof;
  103. list_TA *ta;
  104. list_student *st;
  105. }res_course;
  108. int valid(char str[]) {//check the validity af inputed number
  109. if(str == NULL) {//if the string is null error
  110. return 0;
  111. }
  112. int i = 0;
  113. if(str[0] == '0') {//insighnificant zeros
  114. return 0;
  115. }
  116. for(; i < strlen(str); i++) {//check every symbol of the string
  117. if(!isdigit(str[i])) {//if it is not digit output error
  118. return 0;
  119. }
  120. }
  121. return 1;
  122. }
  124. result *find(result *table){
  125. char c='0';
  126. // printf("\n%d",table->cl->size);
  127. res_course result[table->cl->size];
  128. res_course res[table->cl->size];
  129. list_class *class = table->cl;
  130. list_TA *ta = table->ta;
  131. TA new_ta[table->cl->size][table->ta->size];
  132. list_char *st_cl = table->stu->data.chr;
  133. list_student *st = table->stu;
  134. int s = 0;
  135. unsigned int mask = 1ull << (table->cl->size);
  136. for (int i = 0; i<mask;++i) {
  137. printf("\n0\n");
  138. class = table->cl;
  139. for(int j = 0; j<table->cl->size;++j){
  140. ta = table->ta;
  141. printf("1");
  142. if ((i>>j)&1){
  143. printf("\n in \n");
  144. while(ta->next != NULL) {
  145. list_char *ta_cl = ta->data.chr;
  146. while(ta_cl->next != NULL){
  147. if(strcmp(ta_cl->data, class->data.name_class)==0){
  148. c='1';
  149. new_ta[j][s] = ta->data;
  150. printf("%s", new_ta[j][s].name_TA);
  151. ++s;
  154. break;
  155. }
  156. ta_cl = ta_cl->next;
  157. }
  158. ta = ta->next;
  159. }
  160. if (c!='1'){
  161. strcpy(res[i].name_class,class->data.name_class);
  162. res[i].point = 20;
  163. printf("\n%d ",res[i].point);
  164. if (class->next == NULL){break;}
  165. class = class->next;
  166. }
  167. }
  168. else{
  169. strcpy(res[i].name_class,class->data.name_class);
  170. res[i].point = 20;
  171. printf("\n%d ",res[i].point);
  172. if (class->next == NULL){break;}
  173. class = class->next;
  174. }
  176. }
  177. }
  178. return table;
  179. }
  180. void write(int i) {//function to process the input
  181. char inp[11];//to store path to input file
  182. char out[19];//to store path to output files
  184. //variables to store parts of the input
  185. char str1[100];
  186. char str2[100];
  187. char str3[10];
  189. char c; //to store char get from input and return it back in some cases
  191. FILE *input;
  192. FILE *output;
  193. sprintf(inp, "input%d.txt", i);//write in inp formated string
  194. sprintf(out, "RavidaSaitovaOutput%d.txt", i);//write in out formated string
  195. input = fopen("input1.txt", "r"); //open file for reading only
  196. output = fopen(out, "w"); //open file for writing
  198. if(input == NULL) { //writes to output if there is no such file in such derictory
  199. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  200. return;
  201. }
  203. list_class *listc = list_class_new();//init new list to store inputed classes
  204. while(true) {
  205. class new_class = *class_new();//init new class
  206. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", str1);//scan class name
  207. strcpy(new_class.name_class, str1);//copy to the name field of the new class
  208. if(strcmp(str1, "P") == 0) { break; }//read file until P
  209. c = fgetc(input);//get next symbol(first space)
  210. if(c == '\n') {//if there is new line
  211. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  212. return;
  213. }
  214. c = fgetc(input);//get the symbol after space
  215. if(c == ' ' || c == '\n') {//if double spacing or new line
  216. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  217. return;
  218. } else {
  219. ungetc(c, input);//return symbol to the input stream
  220. }
  221. printf("%s", str1);
  223. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", str2);//reads the number of required labs
  224. if(!valid(str2)) { fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__); } //check the input on correctness
  225. new_class.labs_required = (int) strtol(str2, NULL, 10);//assign to the new class' field
  226. printf("%d", new_class.labs_required);
  227. c = fgetc(input);//get next symbol (first space)
  228. if(c == '\n') {//if there is new line
  229. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  230. return;
  231. }
  232. c = fgetc(input);//get the symbol after space
  233. if(c == ' ' || c == '\n') {
  234. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  235. return;
  236. } else {
  237. ungetc(c, input);//return symbol to the input stream
  238. }
  240. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", str3);//reads the maximum number of students
  241. if(!valid(str3)) { fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__); } //check the input on correctness
  242. new_class.num_students = (int) strtol(str3, NULL, 10);//assign to the new class' field
  243. printf("%d\n", new_class.num_students);
  244. fgets(str1, 100, input); //reads remaining string on the first line
  245. if(strlen(str1) > 1) {//if there is more than one symbol('\n')
  246. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  247. return;
  248. }
  249. list_class_add(new_class, listc);//push new instance to the list
  250. }
  252. list_professor *listp = list_professor_new();//list of professors
  253. while(true) {
  254. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", str1);//scan professors name
  255. if(strcmp(str1, "T") == 0) { break; }
  256. professor new_professor = *professor_new();//init new professor
  257. c = fgetc(input);//get next symbol (first space)
  258. if(c == '\n') {//if there is new line
  259. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  260. return;
  261. }
  262. c = fgetc(input);//get the symbol after space
  263. if(c == ' ' || c == '\n') {
  264. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  265. return;
  266. } else {
  267. ungetc(c, input);//return symbol to the input stream
  268. }
  269. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", str2);//scan professors surname
  270. sprintf(str1, "%s %s", str1, str2);//formate string(combine name and surname)
  271. strcpy(new_professor.name_professor, str1);//assign name to professor
  272. c = fgetc(input);//get next symbol (first space)
  273. if(c == '\n') {//if there is new line
  274. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  275. return;
  276. }
  277. c = fgetc(input);//get the symbol after space
  278. if(c == ' ' || c == '\n') {
  279. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  280. return;
  281. } else {
  282. ungetc(c, input);//return symbol to the input stream
  283. }
  284. printf("\n%s", new_professor.name_professor);
  285. while(1) {
  286. char *cls = calloc(100, sizeof(char));
  287. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", cls);//input class
  288. list_char_add(cls, new_professor.chr);//add it to professor's class list
  289. c = fgetc(input);//get next symbol (first space)
  290. if (c=='\n'){ break;}
  291. c = fgetc(input);//get the symbol after space
  292. if(c == ' ' || c == '\n') {
  293. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  294. return;
  295. } else {
  296. ungetc(c, input);//return symbol to the input stream
  297. }
  298. list_char *current = new_professor.chr;//delete it !!!
  299. while(current->next != NULL) {
  300. printf("%s ", current->data);
  301. current = current->next;
  302. }
  303. }
  304. list_professor_add(new_professor, listp);//push new instance to the list
  305. }
  307. list_TA *listt = list_TA_new();//list for TA's
  308. while(true) {
  309. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", str1);//read name
  310. if(strcmp(str1, "S") == 0) { break; }
  311. TA new_TA = *TA_new();//init new TA
  312. c = fgetc(input);//get next symbol (first space)
  313. if(c == '\n') {//if there is new line
  314. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  315. return;
  316. }
  317. c = fgetc(input);//get the symbol after space
  318. if(c == ' ' || c == '\n') {
  319. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  320. return;
  321. } else {
  322. ungetc(c, input);//return symbol to the input stream
  323. }
  324. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", str2);//read surname
  325. sprintf(str1, "%s %s", str1, str2);//combine name and surname
  326. strcpy(new_TA.name_TA, str1);//update the name of new TA
  327. c = fgetc(input);//get next symbol (first space)
  328. if(c == '\n') {//if there is new line
  329. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  330. return;
  331. }
  332. c = fgetc(input);//get the symbol after space
  333. if(c == ' ' || c == '\n') {
  334. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  335. return;
  336. } else {
  337. ungetc(c, input);//return symbol to the input stream
  338. }
  339. printf("\n%s", new_TA.name_TA);//update name of TA
  340. while(1) {
  341. char *cls = calloc(100, sizeof(char));
  342. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", cls);
  343. list_char_add(cls, new_TA.chr);
  344. c = fgetc(input);//get next symbol (first space)
  345. if (c=='\n'){ break;}
  346. c = fgetc(input);//get the symbol after space
  347. if(c == ' ' || c == '\n') {
  348. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  349. return;
  350. } else {
  351. ungetc(c, input);//return symbol to the input stream
  352. }
  354. list_char *current = new_TA.chr;//delete it!!!
  355. while(current->next != NULL) {
  356. printf("%s ", current->data);
  357. current = current->next;
  358. }
  359. }
  360. list_TA_add(new_TA, listt);//push new instance to the list
  361. }
  363. list_student *lists = list_student_new();//list for students
  364. while(true) {
  365. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", str1);//scan name
  366. if(chars_read <= 0) { break; }
  367. student new_student = *student_new();//init new student
  368. c = fgetc(input);//get next symbol (first space)
  369. if(c == '\n') {//if there is new line
  370. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  371. return;
  372. }
  373. c = fgetc(input);//get the symbol after space
  374. if(c == ' ' || c == '\n') {
  375. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  376. return;
  377. } else {
  378. ungetc(c, input);//return symbol to the input stream
  379. }
  381. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", str2);//scan surname
  383. sprintf(str1, "%s %s", str1, str2);//format by combining
  384. strcpy(new_student.name_student, str1);
  385. printf("\n%s ",new_student.name_student);
  386. c = fgetc(input);//get next symbol (first space)
  387. if(c == '\n') {//if there is new line
  388. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  389. return;
  390. }
  391. c = fgetc(input);//get the symbol after space
  392. if(c == ' ' || c == '\n') {
  393. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  394. return;
  395. } else {
  396. ungetc(c, input);//return symbol to the input stream
  397. }
  398. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", str3);//scan ID
  400. if(strlen(str3) != 5) {
  401. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  402. return;
  403. }
  404. list_student *current = list_student_new();//list for students
  405. current = lists;//delete it!!!
  406. while(current->next != NULL) {
  407. if(strcmp(str3, current->data.ID) == 0) {
  408. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  409. return;
  410. }
  411. current = current->next;
  412. }
  413. strcpy(new_student.ID, str3);
  414. printf("%s ", new_student.ID);
  415. while(1) {
  416. char *cls = calloc(100, sizeof(char));
  417. chars_read = fscanf(input, "%s", cls);
  418. if(chars_read <= 0) break;
  419. list_char_add(cls, new_student.chr);
  420. c = fgetc(input);//get first space
  421. if (c=='\n'){ break;}
  422. c = fgetc(input);//get the symbol after space
  423. if(c == ' ' || c == '\n') {
  424. fprintf(output, "Invalid input.%d", __LINE__);
  425. return;
  426. } else {
  427. ungetc(c, input);//return symbol to the input stream
  428. }
  429. }
  430. list_char *current1 = new_student.chr;
  431. while(current1->next != NULL) {
  432. printf("%s ", current1->data);
  433. current1 = current1->next;
  434. }
  435. list_student_add(new_student, lists);//push new instance to the list
  436. }
  437. result *table = (result*)malloc(sizeof(result));
  438. table->cl=listc;
  439. table->ta=listt;
  440. table->stu=lists;
  441. table->prof=listp;
  442. result *finish = find(table);
  443. fclose(input);
  444. fclose(output);
  445. }
  449. /*
  450. * Check if a file exist using fopen() function
  451. * return 1 if the file exist otherwise return 0
  452. */
  453. int cfileexists(int i) {
  454. /* try to open file to read */
  455. char inp[10];
  456. sprintf(inp, "input%d.txt", i);
  457. FILE *file;
  458. if(file = fopen(inp, "r")) {
  459. fclose(file);
  460. return 1;
  461. }
  462. return 0;
  463. }
  465. int main() {
  466. int max;
  467. for(int i = 1; i <= MAX; ++i) {
  468. if(cfileexists(i)) { max = i; }
  469. }
  470. for(int i = 1; i <= max; ++i) {
  471. write(i);
  472. }
  473. return 0;
  474. }
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