
Forget me not. [RGRE] [WIP]

Sep 14th, 2016
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  1. >Been a while since you've arrived to Equis.
  2. >Other than the strange talking animals, everthing seems to be the same as earth.
  3. >Or rather.
  4. >The dark ages of western civilization.
  5. > You've been working at a barber's for a while now, cutting hair and stitching wounds.
  6. >You don't exactly have the equipment you used to have, but at least the pay's good.
  7. "All right Mrs Hang Dry, just make sure you keep of the bad leg and soak it in warm water twice a day. It should stop aching."
  8. >"Thank you young man, it's nice to see such an knowledgeable boy."
  9. "Thank you Mrs Hang Dry, have a safe trip home."
  10. *rumble*
  11. "ugh, that was the last one, Clean Cut I'll be heading home now."
  12. >"I expect to find that sweet piece of rump here before sunrise young man."
  13. "And I'm not working a second more unless you pay me more"
  14. >The both of you share a short laugh.
  15. >You stare at her with a smile on your face.
  16. >It takes a while for it to sink in.
  17. >"Oh, right. Here's your pay for the week.
  18. See you in the morning."
  19. "Thanks Clean Cut. I'll see you tomorrow."
  20. >You take some time weighing the pouch in your hand.
  21. >This is your pay
  22. >The same pay you're going to spend on booze.
  23. >Whoo somebody's gonna get smashed tonig-
  24. *sob* *sob*
  25. >Shit
  26. >It's non of your business Anon. Just move on.
  27. >"B-But you need some too, Celly."
  28. >"It's okay Lulu, you take it. We still have some more, see?"
  29. >Just a couple of gutter rats, that's all.
  30. >"I know the bag's empty Celly, I checked last night."
  31. >"Then I'll just go get some more later. It's fine"
  32. >Yeah, just ignore it and keep walking.
  33. >"The-they'll kill you if they catch you stealing again."
  34. >Keep walking down that road you son of a bitch, you barely have enough cash to feed yourself.
  35. "What's going on here?"
  36. >Guess who's not drinking tonight?
  37. >The white one scrambles to her feet.
  38. >"N-nothing sir, don't mind us."
  39. >She has a horn. Unicorn? No, wings too.
  40. >Peculiar
  41. "What's this I hear about stealing?"
  42. >"Nothing sir, were were just kidding, that's all."
  43. >She's painful to look at, skin with patchy white fur that clings to her frame. [spoiler]Skeletal frame.[spoiler] Her stomach were sunken in. Her wings lacked any plumage as many of the feathers have fallen off. You doubt she is even capable of proper flight. Hell, if she laid still you would've thought she was a corpse.
  44. >The dark blue one behind her begins to sob. She's no better off. Slightly smaller, and her leg was in a makeshift cast.
  45. >You just had to be the nice guy didn'tcha.
  46. >Fuck you, brain.
  47. >Suck a dick, heart.
  48. "Come on, let's get you someplace with a roof. It's going to rain soon."
  49. >"No. We'll be fine on our own."
  50. >Well, color you surprised, this one's got some spirit in her. But the growling thunder overhead reminds you of the situation at hand.
  51. >Sighing, you pick up the blue one. And you feel a soft butt against your side.
  52. >It was so soft, you almost missed it.
  53. >"Put her down. NOW"
  54. >You look down to the bundle of hungry and crying in your arms. You pull aside the bandages on the cast and lo and behold, it's infected. She wouldn't last the week out here.
  55. >You keep feeling a soft prodding at your side as the white one attempts to impale you over and over again.
  56. >"Why can't you ponies just leave us be?."
  57. >Tears begin to drip down her face.
  58. "She needs medical attention. I'm going to take her with me, whether you follow is up to you."
  59. >You begin walking back towards the direction of your home.
  60. >You hear a soft weak trotting behind you.
  61. >She was crying.
  62. >badfeelsfilly.
  64. >You arrive at your home, a dinky little house near the outskirts of town.
  65. >It's not much, but it's home.
  66. >You carry the blue one in leave the door open for whitey.
  67. "Shut the door behind you."
  68. >You place the blue one on the couch gently, taking care not to disturb her wound.
  69. "What's your name Dear?"
  70. >You turn around to rummage for the medicine you need. Coriander, Sage, Thyme, and some cinnamon just to be sure.
  71. >The door shuts shortly after. You hear the soft clip clop of hooves stop.
  72. "Come on, I need to know what to call you. Can't go calling you dear the whole time. You're a pony."
  73. >"I... I-I'm Luna"
  74. >Rule #1: Learn the patient's name, it creates a false sense of aquaintance and puts the patient at ease when you call them by name.
  75. >Water set to boil, sterilize the scizzors, lancet, forceps, canula, needle holder, glass bowl, and gloves.
  76. >You begin pounding the leaves into a mash and look over to the white pony.
  77. "How about you? What's your name"
  78. >She remains silent.
  79. "C'mon I need to call you something."
  80. >The white pony refuses to talk to you.
  81. "Well, fine. Listen to me, I need your help."
  82. >She refuses to look you in the eye.
  83. >You walk over to her and use both your hands to cup her cheeks, turning her head gently to face yours, but she just shuts her eyes. She smells pretty bad.
  84. "Look at me, pony"
  85. >She opens her eyes and you can see the fear in them. Fear and distrust. It reminds you of the earthquake back in 2017. So many orphans.
  86. "That pony's life is in danger and I'm going to need your help if I'm going to help her. If this situation continues, she's going to experience a high fever that will destroy her brain or kill her altogether. So I need to know now. Can I rely on you to help her?"
  87. >You feel her try to nod softly in your hands.
  88. "Good, I see you have a horn, that means you can do magic, yes?"
  89. >She nods slightly
  90. "I need you to hand me my tools when I ask for them. Just lift up and send them my way. Can you do that?"
  91. >She nods again.
  92. "Come, I need you to remember the names of the tools."
  93. >Water's boiling, you take the bottle of the alcohol you distilled.
  94. >God this is going to cost you.
  95. >No
  96. >You don't regret this, a patient is a patient.
  97. >You pour over half the bottle of alcohol onto the tray.
  98. "White, take the tools and put them into the tray."
  99. >She obeys and slowly brings the tools out from the kitchen and onto the tray.
  100. >Equipment sterilized, you go to the patient.
  101. "So, Luna, I'm going to asse- check your wounds. Now I'm going to tap the wounds and you tell me where it hurts, got it?"
  102. >"Y-yes"
  103. >You remove the makeshift cast and bandages and check the injury.
  104. >No skeletal fracture
  105. >Good
  106. >Wounds are badly inflamed, that's bad. Some abscesses under the skin.
  107. >Have to cut those out.
  108. "I'm going to start tapping now."
  109. >"Okay"
  110. >Tapping down her injured leg you are greeted with sounds of discomfort.
  111. >Still feels pain, good.
  112. "Alright, now, I'm need you to breathe this in. It's going to numb you, so it doesn't hurt as much."
  113. >You take out the sterilized bowl and drip some ether into it, then take some fire and put it beneath the bown, slowly heating the ether.
  114. "Take deep breaths, slowly, that's right."
  115. >Luna begins to go limp and you help her back onto the bed as she slowly drifts into the land of dreams.
  116. >"What did you do to her!?" You hear the voice from behind you exclaim.
  117. "Sshh, we'll need her unconcious for this. Are you ready?"
  118. >She reluctantly nods
  119. "All right, hand me the lancet."
  120. >You make a small incision, breaking the dermis and epidermis. Pus begins to seep out.
  121. "Wipe"
  122. >A clean cloth is handed to you and you immediately begin soaking up the pus.
  123. >An hour passes.
  124. "I need the canula."
  125. >You insert it slowly, draining the pus from the sub-dermal abscess into a pan.
  126. "Sterilize this" you say, handing her the canula.
  127. >Below you, Luna begins to stir and groans out in discomfort.
  128. "She's waking, Ether and gauze"
  129. >Another two hours pass in the same manner.
  130. "Lancet, sterilize the second set of forceps and get me the first set"
  131. "Wipe"
  132. "Okay, the forceps and the needle holder. Sterilize this pair of gloves and get me another."
  133. >You can tell that White is on her last foot... hoof.
  134. >But you're close to done, just the last incision to sew up.
  135. >Carefully...
  136. >And you're done.
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