

Sep 12th, 2011
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  1. [02:06:22] <Eris> I think the biggest problem with MA
  2. [02:06:29] <Eris> is the fact it doesn't pan well against ARMS
  3. [02:06:43] <Eris> a 2 feat dip in Arms usually equals better damage then most of what MA offers =/
  4. [02:07:30] <@Paradox> hmmm
  5. [02:07:31] <@Paradox> HMMM
  6. [02:07:44] <@Paradox> what if improved combat
  7. [02:07:47] <@Paradox> only worked on moves?
  8. [02:07:51] <@Paradox> not arms attacks?
  9. [02:08:00] <@Garlyle> (I have suggested this before)
  10. [02:08:15] <@Garlyle> (And am therefore in agreement with it pretty much)
  11. [02:08:24] <~Happymancer> I'm not
  12. [02:08:29] <@Paradox> I dunno, it's kinda gimpy for WM
  13. [02:08:39] <~Happymancer> That would mean that WM would need a buff to even be worth it
  14. [02:08:46] <@Garlyle> if WM was able to work around it, it might be fine. BUT
  15. [02:08:49] <@Paradox> I dunno if THAT's true
  16. [02:08:59] <@Garlyle> (Even just as a note that Master's Expertise removes that limitation)
  17. [02:09:00] <@Paradox> since they have great features and awesome accuracy
  18. [02:09:02] <~Happymancer> And is dumb from the point of view that why are these strong fuckers who train with weapons not any better than a researcher
  19. [02:09:03] <@Garlyle> The main issue I see with it is that
  20. [02:09:16] <@Garlyle> Functionally, you do not start MA with a combat Move
  21. [02:09:21] <@Garlyle> [Unless that changes]
  22. [02:09:31] <Eris> Mmmm True
  23. [02:09:31] <@Paradox> that's a thought
  24. [02:09:35] <~Happymancer> I don't think it should change
  25. [02:09:40] <@Garlyle> Therefore, Improved Combat that cannot be applied to arms features is... kind of useless if done that way
  26. [02:09:47] <@Garlyle> Until you can invest in a Move
  27. [02:09:51] <~Happymancer> Having the two lines of two features each, would be even worse if you had to take the first of both
  28. [02:10:03] <~Happymancer> At worst, add a third feature
  29. [02:10:11] <@Paradox> what about
  30. [02:10:13] <~Happymancer> But don't just outright say, no this doesn't work
  31. [02:10:22] <@Paradox> if Endurance was only one feat
  32. [02:10:27] <@Paradox> but you didn't start off with it?
  33. [02:10:27] <~Happymancer> Yes
  34. [02:10:27] <zoofman> I think weapon master should retain its focus on arms feats, so if you did go with that change, I'd have to say it'd have to be adjusted to work around it somehow.
  35. [02:10:31] <~Happymancer> errr
  36. [02:11:08] <~Happymancer> Hrmm
  37. [02:11:15] <~Happymancer> What would the move be that you start with?
  38. [02:11:28] <Eris> oh Garlyle; random tangent
  39. [02:11:28] <Eris> CRITICAL HIT! You call forth a Fiery Mace of Penne, which strikes your opponent for 386 (+772) damage.
  40. [02:12:17] <castfromhp> Hm, Weapon of Choice could also say you're allowed to apply Improved Combat bonuses to that weapon.
  41. [02:12:29] <~Happymancer> I still say that it gimps them too much
  42. [02:12:39] <~Happymancer> After weapons got nerfed as well
  43. [02:13:22] <Eris> Mmmm here's a thought
  44. [02:13:27] <~Happymancer> Suddenly a researcher with a WIS weapon is doing more damage than a MA with a blade
  45. [02:13:28] <Eris> how about an MA feature
  46. [02:13:35] <Eris> that allows you to use your ARMS damage in place of move damage?
  47. [02:13:47] <~Happymancer> why
  48. [02:13:48] <@Paradox> dumb
  49. [02:13:59] <Eris> *Shrugs* some moves you want for effect or type
  50. [02:14:19] <~Happymancer> MA only has normal or fighting moves
  51. [02:14:32] <Eris> yea, but you can also build it into Aura
  52. [02:14:38] <Eris> or Ninja
  53. [02:14:39] <Eris> or so on
  54. [02:14:54] <~Happymancer> Having a feature that needs an advanced class to be worth it isn't good
  55. [02:15:07] <@Anise> ...researcher?
  56. [02:15:12] * @Anise devil's advocates
  57. [02:15:16] <~Happymancer> ?
  58. [02:15:34] <@Anise> researcher is a feature that needs an advanced class to be worth it etc
  59. [02:15:34] <~Happymancer> Are you talking about the Happymancer> Suddenly a researcher with a WIS weapon is doing more damage than a MA with a blade comment?
  60. [02:16:00] <~Happymancer> What?
  61. [02:16:02] <~Happymancer> The class?
  62. [02:16:05] <@Paradox> okay, radical and possibly dumb idea;
  63. [02:16:10] <@Anise> yes
  64. [02:16:12] <@Anise> that is the joke
  65. [02:16:15] <~Happymancer> Bullshit
  66. [02:16:22] <Eris> okay. Karate chop is 2d10, Crits on 17-20.
  67. [02:16:29] <Eris> or Fist Weapons Proficiency, 1d10+15
  68. [02:16:32] <~Happymancer> Researcher is fairly powerful when you're playing with a battle grid
  69. [02:16:39] <@Paradox> We nerf Improved Combat all around. But let MA's add their STR or DEX -stat- to moves used through features?
  70. [02:16:41] <Eris> These are both at-will, 1 feature dips
  71. [02:16:43] <castfromhp> Yeah, we have a skewed view of Researcher.
  72. [02:16:47] <castfromhp> Because we don't use maps.
  73. [02:16:49] <@Paradox> that way moves become more worth it and arms still get a boost
  74. [02:17:01] <@Anise> goddamn it was just trolling people
  75. [02:17:15] : castfromhp pats Anise. I got the joke.
  76. [02:17:17] * ~Happymancer bans Anise from everything D:<
  77. [02:17:21] <~Happymancer> No trolls allowed
  78. [02:17:29] * @Paradox paps Happymancer tenderly.
  79. [02:17:30] * @Anise bans herself from all games with happy in
  80. [02:17:31] <@Anise> >:
  81. [02:17:37] <@Paradox> shooosh
  82. [02:17:38] <~Happymancer> ;-;
  83. [02:17:41] * @Paradox paps Anise too.
  84. [02:17:43] <~Happymancer> hooooonk
  85. [02:17:52] * @Paradox doublepaps
  86. [02:18:02] <@Anise> hooonk.
  87. [02:18:03] <~Happymancer> Anyway, Paradox
  88. [02:18:07] <Eris> It's just hard to take most moves seriously. If i was an MA I'd do better sustained damage going Ma -> Fist Profic -> Fist Arms, then any moveset your offering
  89. [02:18:09] * @Anise hugs. <>, etc
  90. [02:18:17] <~Happymancer> Were you saying that there would be no way to get +ST and +DEX to damage?
  91. [02:18:25] <@Paradox> no
  92. [02:18:33] <@Paradox> you can add one
  93. [02:18:35] <@Paradox> but not both
  94. [02:18:42] <~Happymancer> and
  95. [02:18:53] <~Happymancer> So was that a yes, or a no there's not a way
  96. [02:19:00] <~Happymancer> ^Both of those are the same
  97. [02:19:07] <@Paradox> yes there is a way. you get to add one of them
  98. [02:19:08] <Eris> 2d12+21 (Before str/dex) vs.... Mega Punch (2d12+16); Daily/10 Levels
  99. [02:19:09] <+DiceMaid-9001> Eris, (Before str/dex) vs.... Mega Punch (2d12+16): 34 [2d12=2,11]; Levels: 10 []
  100. [02:19:09] <@Paradox> just not both
  101. [02:19:09] <@Librarian> Eris, 2d12+21: 25 [2d12=3 1]
  102. [02:19:11] <~Happymancer> No
  103. [02:19:12] <Eris> Blah
  104. [02:19:14] <~Happymancer> I asked for AND
  105. [02:19:16] <~Happymancer> Not OR
  106. [02:19:24] <@Paradox> okay
  107. [02:19:30] <@Paradox> well then no there's not a way.
  108. [02:19:35] <~Happymancer> So there would be no way to add both
  109. [02:19:40] <~Happymancer> Then fuck no to that proposal
  110. [02:19:48] <castfromhp> Eris, arms feats have a 20% less chance to hit and have no chance of type advantage without taking a further feat (arms mods).
  111. [02:20:34] <Eris> >The hit chance sucks, but the fact is its still regularly stronger then a feature that you get Daily/10 Levels.
  112. [02:21:02] <zoofman> I don't think you know what > implies
  113. [02:21:09] <Eris> I just like using > :3
  114. [02:21:15] <~Happymancer> >implying > implies anything
  115. [02:21:24] <castfromhp> Well, it's confusing because it means something totally different for most of us.
  116. [02:21:25] <zoofman> >implies implications
  117. [02:21:25] <Eris> Ahh, either/or
  118. [02:21:37] <Eris> The hit chance sucks, but the fact is its still regularly stronger then a feature that you get Daily/10 Levels.
  119. [02:21:37] <castfromhp> Anyway, we're talking about ways to make moves worth taking, aren't we?
  120. [02:21:39] <Eris> There, fixed
  121. [02:22:31] <Eris> Yes :) but I was pointing out the level of discrepancy
  122. [02:22:55] <Eris> (Spelling error i think but meh, its late)
  123. [02:23:09] <Eris> I do like the idea of the STR or DEX only on pokemon moves, because that can help fix it a lot
  124. [02:23:18] * UnderHoof (UnderHoof@24D7E563.E4E1A4F8.1FFB14D1.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)
  125. [02:23:22] <~Happymancer> That doesn't fix anything
  126. [02:23:24] <~Happymancer> That makes it worse
  127. [02:23:46] * UnderHoof (UnderHoof@24D7E563.E4E1A4F8.1FFB14D1.IP) has joined #pokeymans
  128. [02:23:52] <~Happymancer> And with MA that are slanted one way, it's not even much of a nerf
  129. [02:24:07] <~Happymancer> OH no, I lose out on 3 points of damage on Sam with anything that uses Dex as a main stat
  130. [02:24:29] * Eris hmms
  131. [02:24:41] <Eris> Maybe rather then messing with Ma, level reqs on Arms?
  132. [02:24:51] <~Happymancer> Shafts low levels
  133. [02:25:02] <@Anise> that'll really hurt anyone who isn't an MA and wants a weapon too
  134. [02:25:15] <~Happymancer> 6 rattata kill an entire party because they weren't high enough level to buy fist
  135. [02:25:18] <Eris> I dunno, low levels having master level damage shafts low level pokemon encounters
  136. [02:25:37] <@Garlyle> Not nearly as bad as it used to, but... yeah. You still kind of have a level requirement in stats as is
  137. [02:25:54] <@Garlyle> though you can meet that without too much difficulty
  138. [02:26:06] * Dr_Mr_Stark ( has joined #pokeymans
  139. [02:26:07] <zoofman> master level isn't nearly as silly as it used to be.
  140. [02:26:10] <@Garlyle> Heystark
  141. [02:26:11] <castfromhp> Hi Stark.
  142. [02:26:11] <Dr_Mr_Stark> too many
  143. [02:26:11] <@Paradox> heyo Stark
  144. [02:26:15] <Eris> Yea, i could pull Master level by level 3
  145. [02:26:18] <Eris> That's... kinda nuts
  146. [02:26:21] <@Paradox> t-too many?
  147. [02:26:21] <Dr_Mr_Stark> there's too many features in rune master
  148. [02:26:26] <@Anise> let's see
  149. [02:26:28] <@Garlyle> >by level 3
  150. [02:26:29] <castfromhp> Huh? There are 12.
  151. [02:26:30] <@Anise> start at 14 max
  152. [02:26:36] <Dr_Mr_Stark> it doesn't fit
  153. [02:26:39] <Dr_Mr_Stark> and like
  154. [02:26:41] <@Garlyle> how the heck would you get to 20 by level 3
  155. [02:26:48] <Eris> its 19 now
  156. [02:26:55] <Dr_Mr_Stark> i'm working on getting it to fit
  157. [02:27:01] <zoofman> oh you mean like
  158. [02:27:04] <zoofman> it literally does not fit the page
  159. [02:27:06] <zoofman> ahahaha
  160. [02:27:07] <castfromhp> Ohhh, that's what you mean. Formatting.
  161. [02:27:19] <Dr_Mr_Stark> yeah
  162. [02:27:23] <@Anise> let's see
  163. [02:27:25] <Eris> oh nope, your right, level 4 earlier :)
  164. [02:27:30] <castfromhp> If it's a tight squeeze, some wordings could be simplified?
  165. [02:27:30] <Eris> Earliest*
  166. [02:27:31] <@Garlyle> You still could not get 20 AND have Master
  167. [02:27:32] <@Paradox> you could always cut the dumbest feature~
  168. [02:27:45] <@Garlyle> So yes, level 4 is theoretically possible.
  169. [02:27:57] <Dr_Mr_Stark> er...
  170. [02:28:07] <Dr_Mr_Stark> so i added a feature to base mystic
  171. [02:28:08] <@Paradox> Explosive Runes or Sentry Runes I'd say
  172. [02:28:11] <@Paradox> since they're so long
  173. [02:28:21] <castfromhp> But those are the fun ones. ;-;
  174. [02:28:23] <Dr_Mr_Stark> that might make sentry runes redundant?
  175. [02:28:37] <zoofman> I do kinda think they are fun but redundant.
  176. [02:28:38] <Eris> so yea, level 4 trainer swinging 2d12+21+Stat. That's..... I dunno what kinda pokemon you tend to fight at TL 4, but not many i know can stand up to that for more then 1-2 rounds
  177. [02:28:50] <zoofman> Eris, you could do similar things w/ an egg move.
  178. [02:28:51] <Dr_Mr_Stark> Expierience Shared:
  179. [02:28:51] <castfromhp> What's the new base Mystic feat?
  180. [02:28:52] <@Anise> gastlys.
  181. [02:28:56] <~Happymancer> That's implying that any low level fights last longer than 2 fights
  182. [02:28:59] <Dr_Mr_Stark> Prerequisites: Mystic, level 8, 16 WIS
  183. [02:29:07] <Dr_Mr_Stark> static
  184. [02:29:08] <Dr_Mr_Stark> You may see through the eyes of any Channeled Pokemon. You may hear anything a Channeled
  185. [02:29:09] <~Happymancer> Also yeah, mostly everyone wants Normal type weapon attacks
  186. [02:29:18] <~Happymancer> That is changing, right?
  187. [02:29:23] <zoofman> hmmmm.
  188. [02:29:31] <zoofman> that's interesting, Stark.
  189. [02:29:58] <castfromhp> That doesn't -quite- do what Sentry Runes does though. Because it's about having to not have pokemon stuck in a place, and having multiple Runes set down in different locations.
  190. [02:30:16] <castfromhp> It's pretty far I'd say. How much space do you need to free up?
  191. [02:30:31] <Dr_Mr_Stark> 16 lines
  192. [02:30:35] <zoofman> jesus.
  193. [02:30:36] <castfromhp> Oh jegus.
  194. [02:30:40] <castfromhp> You can't go over the next page?
  195. [02:30:52] <zoofman> okay lemee look at the pastebin
  196. [02:30:56] <Dr_Mr_Stark> yeah. only other person who takes up as much space is tag battler
  197. [02:30:58] <castfromhp> That's a few feats you can fit, and there have been emptier pages.
  198. [02:31:04] <Dr_Mr_Stark> except they're only overflowing 4 lines
  199. [02:31:04] <Eris> Anyway I'm just pointing it out :) It seems too strong for level 4-5
  200. [02:31:11] <castfromhp> Hm.
  201. [02:31:32] <castfromhp> I don't really see a problem with going over to the next page.
  202. [02:31:48] <castfromhp> While on that, is it possible to have single pages rather than fused double pages?
  203. [02:32:17] <@Paradox> Maybe that can change on the fabulous update, but it'd be silly for him to do all that work now.
  204. [02:32:26] <castfromhp> True.
  205. [02:32:28] <Dr_Mr_Stark> cast: i swear on all that is mighty that i will figure out how to do that by the fabulous update
  206. [02:32:40] <castfromhp> Haha okay.
  207. [02:32:47] <Dr_Mr_Stark> during fabulous update, i'm actually remaking each pdf
  208. [02:33:02] <zoofman> I think cutting explosive OR sentry would be okay.
  209. [02:33:02] <castfromhp> Are you doing this in InDesign? If that's the case I could take a look if you don't mind.
  210. [02:33:03] <Dr_Mr_Stark> and transferring info to the next pdf piece by piece
  211. [02:33:06] <zoofman> they ARE very redundant.
  212. [02:33:08] * Eris_ ( has joined #pokeymans
  213. [02:33:22] <castfromhp> I'd say Explosive Runes are less in-flavor for Rune Masters.
  214. [02:33:27] <zoofman> agreed.
  215. [02:33:28] <Dr_Mr_Stark> i am, and when the time comes, cast i'd be very pelased if you could help out
  216. [02:33:34] <@Anise> butbut
  217. [02:33:36] <@Anise> explosive runes
  218. [02:33:39] <@Paradox> sometimes I wonder
  219. [02:33:44] * ~Happymancer pat pats Anise
  220. [02:33:45] <~Happymancer> It's ok
  221. [02:33:51] <~Happymancer> I'll let you blow things up with wailords if you want
  222. [02:33:56] <@Paradox> if it wouldn't be easier for you to have everything on a wiki? You could make your own, lock all the pages
  223. [02:33:59] <@Paradox> and just edit the page there
  224. [02:34:08] <castfromhp> I'd be glad to do that.
  225. [02:34:13] <Dr_Mr_Stark> anise, just get an engineer friend, make a proximity mine, make it give a signal when it trigger
  226. [02:34:30] <@Anise> but explosive runes ;_;
  227. [02:34:30] <@Anise> also
  228. [02:34:32] * @Anise bans happy
  229. [02:34:39] <~Happymancer> Oh uhoh, you can't
  230. [02:34:44] <~Happymancer> woop woop
  231. [02:35:01] <~Happymancer> But I don't know if you saw, Weapons Features going back to Normal type
  232. [02:35:03] <~Happymancer> Yay nay?
  233. [02:35:10] <@Anise> makes sense for me
  234. [02:35:14] <@Anise> to me
  235. [02:35:23] <~Happymancer> Stark
  236. [02:35:34] <Dr_Mr_Stark> heym cast, keep sentry runes in mind
  237. [02:35:42] * Eris ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  238. [02:35:52] <Dr_Mr_Stark> because, post fabulous update there will be more room
  239. [02:36:04] <~Happymancer> Hrm
  240. [02:36:05] <castfromhp> I'd say remove Explosive rather than Sentry, but okay.
  241. [02:36:06] <~Happymancer> Doxykins
  242. [02:36:09] <Dr_Mr_Stark> but right now, i dont want any class taking up more than 3 pages
  243. [02:36:15] <Eris_> god damn this war takes foreeeever
  244. [02:36:19] <Dr_Mr_Stark> sorry
  245. [02:36:22] <~Happymancer> Think you should post MA?
  246. [02:36:30] <@Garlyle> Oh boy the war 8D
  247. [02:36:30] <@Paradox> we've only just started on it
  248. [02:36:36] <@Garlyle> Are you doing the sidequests Eris?
  249. [02:36:38] <castfromhp> Because Explosive is kinda strange for Rune Master to have compared to Sentry.
  250. [02:36:39] <~Happymancer> Yeah it's not going in this update
  251. [02:36:41] <~Happymancer> Obviously
  252. [02:36:46] <~Happymancer> But just to ask for opinions
  253. [02:36:47] <Eris_> No, i normally do but i wanna see the new Valhalla
  254. [02:36:52] <@Garlyle> Well uh
  255. [02:37:02] <@Paradox>
  256. [02:37:03] <@Garlyle> Each sidequest you do doubles the total 'kills' per adventure at the battlefield
  257. [02:37:06] <@Garlyle> If you don't do any of the sidequests?
  258. [02:37:07] <@Paradox> welll, there's the one I linked before
  259. [02:37:08] <~Happymancer> Does that have the old one
  260. [02:37:10] <@Garlyle> It takes _1000_ adventures to finish the war
  261. [02:37:11] <Dr_Mr_Stark> i'll remove explosive instead then
  262. [02:37:11] <Eris_> ...... God damn it
  263. [02:37:11] <~Happymancer> Ok yeah
  264. [02:37:14] <@Paradox> but I haven't updated yet
  265. [02:37:36] <Eris_> Rat bastard sidequests
  266. [02:37:42] <@Garlyle> haha
  267. [02:37:46] <@Garlyle> Which side are you doing it as?
  268. [02:38:18] <~Happymancer> We're going through right now and trying to figure out how to do the Endurance and Combat into something halfway balanced, and also the training session was switched up to where you can sacrifice daily uses of features to grant exp, Stark
  269. [02:38:29] <~Happymancer> But what do you think should be done with the two
  270. [02:38:49] <Eris_> Hippy
  271. [02:38:52] <Eris_> i dunno why
  272. [02:38:55] <@Paradox> this was put up like literally half an hour ago
  273. [02:39:02] <@Paradox> so we're not really very far into testing
  274. [02:39:12] <~Happymancer> So yeah, nowhere near ready, but looking promising, at least better than current
  275. [02:39:39] <@Garlyle> Hippy's got two easy sidequests and one variable-difficulty one
  276. [02:40:07] <@Garlyle> For the shop, just pump Item Find; and the ducks one is either about 28 adventures or 43 depending on if you look up the trick to half the ducks or not
  277. [02:40:09] <@Paradox> > roommate walks down the stairs
  278. [02:40:18] <@Paradox> > turn to look at him
  279. [02:40:26] <~Happymancer> >he's actually a monster
  280. [02:40:29] <@Paradox> > he kicks the laudry door, shattering it, and walks off
  281. [02:40:34] <@Garlyle> The nuns can be done pretty quick IF you have the meat boosters (Leprechaun at decent weight, equipment, etc) but if you don't have meat boosters it's _slow as hell_
  282. [02:40:36] <@Paradox> well someone is angry
  283. [02:40:37] <@Garlyle> ... o.o;
  284. [02:40:37] <~Happymancer> Whoa
  285. [02:40:40] <@Garlyle> He's a bear
  286. [02:40:55] <@Paradox> I dunno if I should be like 'what's wrong bro' or if he just wants to be left alone
  287. [02:41:10] <castfromhp> Holy shit. Uh, I'd say the latter is a safer guess for now.
  288. [02:41:17] <~Happymancer> What's he generally like?
  289. [02:41:21] <Eris_> also not using booze sucks atm
  290. [02:41:24] <@Paradox> yeah, I've already seen what he can do to a poor door, I don't wanna be next :B
  291. [02:41:37] <Eris_> Whoa wtf
  292. [02:41:49] <@Paradox> he's a chill bro, but in the rare occasion he loses his temper, he does dumb things like ... break our laundry door. :BBB
  293. [02:41:51] <~Happymancer> Did they get forced to stop playing ELO?
  294. [02:41:59] <@Paradox> ahaha
  295. [02:42:02] <~Happymancer> because I could understand it then
  296. [02:42:06] <Eris_> right now im doing lighthouse dude
  297. [02:42:20] * hellomynameis ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  298. [02:42:23] * Eris_ is now known as Eris
  299. [02:42:47] <~Happymancer> ohgodsternum
  300. [02:44:00] <~Happymancer> Fuck I wish i knew when i screwed up by back/chest so I could have never done it
  301. [02:45:30] <~Happymancer> ANYWAY
  302. [02:45:37] <~Happymancer> Anything else going on?
  303. [02:45:44] <@Paradox> you're going on
  304. [02:45:44] <~Happymancer> I DC'd didn't I
  305. [02:45:48] <~Happymancer> oh cool :D
  306. [02:45:55] * ~Happymancer goes on
  307. [02:45:58] <@Anise> I'm farming chainsaws
  308. [02:46:09] <~Happymancer> Would you say you have a....
  309. [02:46:11] * ~Happymancer sunglasses
  310. [02:46:17] <~Happymancer> Wait wait
  311. [02:46:21] * ~Happymancer unsunglasses
  312. [02:46:28] <~Happymancer> Would you say your business is...
  313. [02:46:30] * ~Happymancer sunglasses
  314. [02:46:33] <~Happymancer> Revving up?
  315. [02:46:36] <~Happymancer> YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
  316. [02:46:58] <Dr_Mr_Stark> so today at work drained me so fucking much, but seeing as the new week is starting, i might as well be putting in everyone damned thing in the doc into the next update :D
  317. [02:46:58] <@Anise> I will
  318. [02:47:00] <@Anise> murder you
  319. [02:47:04] <Dr_Mr_Stark> i'm actually really excited
  320. [02:47:18] <Dr_Mr_Stark> this is a section form the patch log, for example
  321. [02:47:26] <~Happymancer> ?
  322. [02:47:43] <Dr_Mr_Stark> - Mystic Class revamped.
  323. [02:47:54] <Dr_Mr_Stark> FFF i dunno what happened there
  324. [02:48:05] <~Happymancer> Ctrl enter to do multiple lines
  325. [02:48:13] <~Happymancer> Depending on client
  326. [02:48:17] <Dr_Mr_Stark> did anyone get that post?
  327. [02:48:23] <~Happymancer> Just the Mystic bit
  328. [02:48:24] <@Garlyle> Just the first line
  329. [02:48:35] <Dr_Mr_Stark> it's like, 3 of the same list but not in list form
  330. [02:48:42] <Dr_Mr_Stark> - Channeler Advanced Class replaced with Shaman.
  331. [02:48:43] <@Paradox> I'm not sure I like Sparring Session being beased on feature uses
  332. [02:48:50] <Dr_Mr_Stark> - Bodysnatcher has been entirely reworked.
  333. [02:48:50] <@Paradox> because it seems to make it very volatile
  334. [02:48:56] <Dr_Mr_Stark> - Buffet has a new Mechanic.
  335. [02:48:56] <~Happymancer> Oh boy
  336. [02:48:59] <~Happymancer> Here comes the posts
  337. [02:49:01] <Dr_Mr_Stark> - Buffet2019s Empower, updated.
  338. [02:49:05] <Dr_Mr_Stark> - Guardian has been entirely reworked.
  339. [02:49:07] <~Happymancer> unless you're doing that manually
  340. [02:49:10] <Dr_Mr_Stark> - Godspeaker2019s Legendary Cry, Life Beam, Praise Me, updated.
  341. [02:49:12] <Ulphia> ~
  342. [02:49:14] <Dr_Mr_Stark> - Rune Master has been entirely reworked.
  343. [02:49:20] <Dr_Mr_Stark> That's just one section
  344. [02:49:34] <~Happymancer> Paradox, really?
  345. [02:49:51] <Dr_Mr_Stark> i like all this work you guys have done,
  346. [02:50:15] <~Happymancer> If it would be better there could be a cap of a certain amount of exp
  347. [02:50:19] <~Happymancer> or a certain amount of features
  348. [02:50:22] <Dr_Mr_Stark> each class is still the 'same,' but you powered down the OP and fixed all the stuff that people had problems with in mystic
  349. [02:50:32] <@Paradox> yeah, because it either offers practically no benefit, or just gives fuckloads of exp daily
  350. [02:50:42] <castfromhp> There are more revamps coming. Mons, Zoof, Gar, and I have been discussing the elemental psychics.
  351. [02:50:51] <Dr_Mr_Stark> cool
  352. [02:51:02] <castfromhp> And I did a bit for Watcher, but people haven't looked at it much yet.
  353. [02:51:05] <zoofman> that one isn't super drastic.
  354. [02:51:12] <Dr_Mr_Stark> well damn, i better get to work on the coordinator advanced 5, or i'll look like i do jack shit for this game
  355. [02:51:15] <zoofman> but yeah just some cleaing up sweeps
  356. [02:51:30] <~Happymancer> Hah
  357. [02:51:35] <@Anise> hey stark
  358. [02:51:42] <@Anise> just give us equal shares of the royalties
  359. [02:51:45] <@Anise> 8]
  360. [02:51:51] <~Happymancer> >Royalties
  361. [02:51:53] <~Happymancer> ;-;
  362. [02:52:06] <@Garlyle> Hahaha
  363. [02:52:12] <Dr_Mr_Stark> hahaha, fyi there is a reason why i keep a list of everyone who has worked on this, but i seriously doubt this would ever fly with nintendo
  364. [02:52:50] <Dr_Mr_Stark> and as for L:TA, i can't release it for a bit, because i'm using L:TA as my resume for wizards
  365. [02:52:52] <@Paradox> really?
  366. [02:53:01] <@Anise> ooooooh
  367. [02:53:10] <@Paradox> > CTRL:F 'Paradox'
  368. [02:53:14] <@Paradox> > noresulsts;-;
  369. [02:53:19] <Dr_Mr_Stark> pfft
  370. [02:53:19] <Dr_Mr_Stark> dox
  371. [02:53:26] <Dr_Mr_Stark> another line from the udpates
  372. [02:53:43] <Dr_Mr_Stark> under "All"
  373. [02:53:47] <Dr_Mr_Stark> - Credits pages, updated.
  374. [02:54:02] <Dr_Mr_Stark> who do you think I am?
  375. [02:54:07] <@Anise> that reminds me
  376. [02:54:13] <@Garlyle> Haha
  377. [02:54:21] <@Anise> if you guys need someone to go over wording for features or stuff ask me
  378. [02:54:26] <@Anise> it is the only thing I am good at baww
  379. [02:54:26] <@Paradox> <3
  380. [02:54:29] * ~Happymancer pat pats Dox
  381. [02:54:41] <@Paradox> I hadn't even noticed the credits section
  382. [02:54:42] <@Paradox> before just now
  383. [02:54:43] <@Paradox> :B
  384. [02:54:46] <@Paradox> so I'm not complaining
  385. [02:54:57] <castfromhp> L:TA?
  386. [02:55:02] <@Paradox> LEGO
  387. [02:55:05] <Dr_Mr_Stark> Lego: Tabletop Adventures
  388. [02:55:06] <castfromhp> Oh whoa.
  389. [02:55:12] <Dr_Mr_Stark> it's actually completely done
  390. [02:55:13] <castfromhp> :O That sounds awesome. I love Legos.
  391. [02:55:19] <~Happymancer> I like how Kamen is on there twice
  392. [02:55:20] <Dr_Mr_Stark> and i play it a lot with my friends
  393. [02:55:51] <Dr_Mr_Stark> over the summer i fine tuned it and now we play L:TA all the time, because it lasts a few hours and its done
  394. [02:56:03] <@Anise> neat
  395. [02:56:10] <@Anise> I wanna be the guy with the orange chainsaw
  396. [02:56:22] <Dr_Mr_Stark> A "Brawler"
  397. [02:56:25] <Dr_Mr_Stark> they use melee
  398. [02:56:34] <@Paradox> do you use actual legos?
  399. [02:56:37] <Dr_Mr_Stark> or "Snipers" who use bows and guns
  400. [02:56:40] <Dr_Mr_Stark> yes, i do
  401. [02:56:40] <@Paradox> because if not I am disappoint
  402. [02:56:45] <~Happymancer> TRANSPARENT ORANGE CHAINSAWS
  403. [02:56:56] <Dr_Mr_Stark> the 3rd 'class' is "Wizard"
  404. [02:57:13] <Dr_Mr_Stark> and the final class, which doesn't really fight and is just a map manipulator is the "Brickmancer"
  405. [02:57:29] <castfromhp> Do the mechanics involve actually building lego structures?
  406. [02:57:33] <Dr_Mr_Stark> manipulates the lego lord's map
  407. [02:57:36] <Dr_Mr_Stark> yes
  408. [02:57:40] <Dr_Mr_Stark> for the brickmancer
  409. [02:57:40] <@Anise> man
  410. [02:57:45] <@Anise> I hope your brickmancer isn't a dick
  411. [02:57:53] <castfromhp> Haha lego prisons for everyone. >:D
  412. [02:57:54] <@Anise> 'oh I built a pit under you lololol'
  413. [02:58:00] <Dr_Mr_Stark> brickmancer summons bricks onto the map, which is built before the game by the lego lord
  414. [02:58:00] * @Anise high fives cast
  415. [02:58:08] <@Anise> clearly we are going to be banned from this game
  416. [02:58:20] <Dr_Mr_Stark> brickmancer was OP, but not anymore
  417. [02:58:23] <castfromhp> Clearly we would ALL play Brickmancers and be total dick tier.
  418. [02:58:49] <Ulphia> inb4 first public game ran is brickmancers-only
  419. [02:58:56] <Dr_Mr_Stark> well, the thing is, brickmancers spend so many lego points building, they cant really get much in their armor stat
  420. [02:59:00] <Dr_Mr_Stark> which is needed
  421. [02:59:02] <Dr_Mr_Stark> since.
  422. [02:59:05] <Dr_Mr_Stark> 4 HP max
  423. [02:59:14] <castfromhp> But build a fortress. Who needs armor?
  424. [02:59:18] <Dr_Mr_Stark> start with 4, never can upgrade it
  425. [02:59:23] <@Anise> ...
  426. [02:59:23] <@Anise> guys
  427. [02:59:25] <@Anise> GUYS
  428. [02:59:26] <Dr_Mr_Stark> brickmancer bricks can be broken
  429. [02:59:29] <@Anise> l:ta dorf fort
  430. [02:59:33] <castfromhp> YES
  431. [02:59:37] <Dr_Mr_Stark> hahaha
  432. [02:59:43] <castfromhp> Brickmancer is in a fey mood!
  433. [02:59:50] <@Anise> stark: there's your campaign example
  434. [03:00:05] <castfromhp> Alternatively, Terraria?
  435. [03:00:25] <@Anise> terraria involves fewer fey moods and death spirals
  436. [03:00:32] <Dr_Mr_Stark> well, i'm sure i'll release it online eventually, but for now, seeing as legos loves making cross-property contracts and most recently, tabletop games, we'll see
  437. [03:00:51] <@Garlyle> Haha
  438. [03:00:57] <@Anise> oh man
  439. [03:01:00] <@Garlyle> I know a few people who are like "fuck yes I'd play that" so
  440. [03:01:07] <@Anise> the samurai enemies in this game yell CHESTO as they attack
  441. [03:01:37] <Dr_Mr_Stark> the whole p:ta project though, i mean it was always for fun, because nintendo hates their older audiences
  442. [03:01:45] <Dr_Mr_Stark> and has severed all ties with wizards
  443. [03:02:12] <Dr_Mr_Stark> because they didn't want a good card game, they wanted a money making card game
  444. [03:02:24] <Dr_Mr_Stark> and so, p:ta will always be... what it is
  445. [03:02:39] <Dr_Mr_Stark> oh, by the way.
  446. [03:02:52] <Dr_Mr_Stark> "fabulous update" is when we can stop calling it beta
  447. [03:03:02] <Dr_Mr_Stark> i'll still be patching things
  448. [03:03:20] <Dr_Mr_Stark> but, that'll be enough "beta"
  449. [03:03:35] <@Paradox> whoop whoop
  450. [03:03:36] <Dr_Mr_Stark> just thought you guys ought to know
  451. [03:03:39] <castfromhp> Yayness
  452. [03:04:09] <Dr_Mr_Stark> i mean, the game has been playable for a while, you guys obviously know that.
  453. [03:04:19] <Dr_Mr_Stark> but seriosuly, you guys kick ass
  454. [03:04:29] <Dr_Mr_Stark> and now i'm tired. and i'm going to bed.
  455. [03:04:30] <castfromhp> You too Stark.
  456. [03:05:05] <Eris> gnight starkies
  457. [03:05:18] <@Garlyle> See ya later
  458. [03:05:19] <castfromhp> 'Night Stark.
  459. [03:05:20] * Dr_Mr_Stark ( Quit (Quit: Dr_Mr_Stark)
  460. [03:07:41] <~Happymancer> Doop doop doop
  461. [03:07:47] * ~Happymancer rolls around
  462. [03:07:50] <Eris> is it bad i want to cry when i realize i made a ... Tsundere is the term i think 12 year old?
  463. [03:09:06] <Ulphia> It's bad that you did make a tsundere 12-year-old.
  464. [03:09:25] <Ulphia> Crying isn't enough, however, unless your tears are gasoline and you light them afterward.
  465. [03:10:01] <Eris> I'm not 100% Sure she's Tsundere, i forget offhand what it means, but i think thats the violent girl stereotype who has awkward moments with the boy she likes
  466. [03:10:15] <Ulphia> No, that's yandere.
  467. [03:10:21] <castfromhp> I would say it's neither.
  468. [03:10:30] <Ulphia> T-Tsundere is the one who gives you gifts b-but not because she likes you or anything, y-you idiot!
  469. [03:10:33] <@Paradox> I would say you're all weaboos
  470. [03:10:38] <Eris> oohhh, okay well either ways she's a violent bitch who doesn't beat the hell out of one boy
  471. [03:10:40] <castfromhp> Or at least that isn't enough description to classify solidly.
  472. [03:10:48] <Eris> Paradox, I would say its after Scoots :3
  473. [03:10:53] * Eris sticks her tongue out
  474. [03:10:56] <Adel> tsundere is a terrible anime personality :(
  475. [03:11:00] <Ulphia> ^
  476. [03:11:13] <@Paradox> you're all terrible non-anime personalities :(
  477. [03:11:17] <Ulphia> be a real animu stereotype, like yangire
  478. [03:11:23] <Ulphia> dorodere is okay too
  479. [03:11:29] <castfromhp> Yandere is the best.
  480. [03:11:42] <Adel> fuck yandere
  481. [03:11:47] <Ulphia> Yangire > Yandere > Dorodere > Everything else > Tsundere
  482. [03:14:37] <~Happymancer> Kuudere>All
  483. [03:14:43] <Ulphia> someone had to say it
  484. [03:14:48] : castfromhp hugs Happy.
  485. [03:15:15] <Eris> yknow what, fuck this
  486. [03:15:21] <Eris> my rpol GM's sheet is so fucking confusing
  487. [03:15:22] <~Happymancer> Bitches don't know about my /a/ time
  488. [03:15:26] <Eris> I'm making my own text for this char
  489. [03:15:40] * Naya ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  490. [03:16:18] <Eris> Paradox, Garlyle
  491. [03:16:21] <Eris> I pokes tho
  492. [03:18:09] * @Garlyle pokes back
  493. [03:18:42] <Eris> Since we never found a specific time for it, and we're previously in dev hell/heaven, should i hold out hope for Torkoal-bashing or is it too late/early/etc
  494. [03:19:23] <castfromhp> Gar, just read your post. You're okay with doubling up on PokEO and Egondra?
  495. [03:19:36] <@Garlyle> I am
  496. [03:19:37] <@Garlyle> Wouldn't be the first time
  497. [03:19:52] <@Garlyle> I think we agreed on Monday or Tuesday
  498. [03:19:59] <@Garlyle> (that last bit is to Eris)
  499. [03:20:03] <castfromhp> Yeah, was gonna say, you don't have to keep doing that since it seems to happen when Egondra does make-ups.
  500. [03:20:09] <Eris> (It's monday :3)
  501. [03:20:21] <@Garlyle> (As in Monday Night. So Tuesday Morning for you)
  502. [03:20:26] <Eris> (Grrr)
  503. [03:20:37] <Eris> hehe anyway im wide awake so figured it doesn't hurt to poke (unless i forget the lube)
  504. [03:20:50] * Naya ( has joined #pokeymans
  505. [03:25:32] <~Happymancer> Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko
  506. [03:25:36] <~Happymancer> This shit is so funny
  507. [03:27:35] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Hey, Happy. I probably wont be able to game this Tues.
  508. [03:28:21] <~Happymancer> Ahh ok
  509. [03:28:59] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Going to a Concert at 8.
  510. [03:29:19] * @Paradox ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  511. [03:31:56] <Eris> Opinion; What are some of the best Fighting Dual-type choices?
  512. [03:32:33] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Fighting/Psychic.
  513. [03:32:34] <~Happymancer> Like
  514. [03:32:37] <~Happymancer> Fighting/?
  515. [03:32:42] <Eris> Type-shifting to /fighting
  516. [03:32:42] <Eris> yea
  517. [03:32:52] * Paradox ( has joined #pokeymans
  518. [03:32:52] * UboaServ sets mode: +o Paradox
  519. [03:32:55] <~Happymancer> I like fighting/Grass
  520. [03:32:58] <@Paradox> damn internets
  521. [03:33:00] <@Paradox>
  522. [03:33:03] <@Paradox> dunno if that went through
  523. [03:33:06] <~Happymancer> But that's just because of Breloom/Virizion
  524. [03:33:11] <Eris> omg, so many weaknesses
  525. [03:33:14] <~Happymancer> But yeah, fighting/Psychic is probably best
  526. [03:33:15] <Eris> not looking at specific pokeymans
  527. [03:33:19] <Eris> :) just dual type
  528. [03:34:27] <Eris> right now she has a Riolu, Shinx, Croagunk, Machop, Gastly, and Tyrogue
  529. [03:34:31] * ~Happymancer thumbs up
  530. [03:34:42] <Eris> The tyrogue needs a lobotomy though
  531. [03:34:45] <~Happymancer> Err
  532. [03:34:46] <castfromhp> Fighting/steel is pretty good, but you have a Riolu already.
  533. [03:34:48] <~Happymancer> Hrmm
  534. [03:34:49] <~Happymancer> Actually
  535. [03:34:57] <Eris> Gastly I'm debating type-shifting
  536. [03:35:03] <Eris> cause a ghost/fighting just sounds awesome
  537. [03:35:06] <castfromhp> Fighting/ghost has good offensive coverage.
  538. [03:35:10] <~Happymancer> Ouch that kinda rapes dex or str lopsided MA
  539. [03:35:21] <~Happymancer> With the 20/20, 18/18 requirements
  540. [03:35:37] <@Garlyle> Well to be fair
  541. [03:35:44] <Eris> the shinx will be ditched (poor guy), and the machop unless i lobotomize it too
  542. [03:35:55] <@Garlyle> I--wait no, they use halves
  543. [03:35:58] <@Garlyle> Nevermind
  544. [03:35:58] <@Paradox> well
  545. [03:36:03] <@Paradox> that's the same problem Aces have
  546. [03:36:12] <@Paradox> Improved Attacks Z+ requires 20 STR and CON
  547. [03:36:24] <@Garlyle> also >implying we should be making it even easier to play single-stat
  548. [03:36:32] <@Paradox> in the grand scheme of things 20 isn't that high though
  549. [03:36:36] <~Happymancer> Except this is for the trainer that is running in themselves and getting their ass kicked
  550. [03:37:08] <~Happymancer> This only applies to the trainer, while attack applies to every pokemon they command
  551. [03:37:51] <~Happymancer> It sucks that the base features suddenly require you to balance the two stats, when before you could go either way
  552. [03:37:59] <@Paradox> maybe we could lower them by 2 each
  553. [03:38:02] <@Paradox> 16/16 and 18/18
  554. [03:38:04] <~Happymancer> That would be fine
  555. [03:38:04] <@Garlyle> I don't mind that; but 20 is pretty high, yeah
  556. [03:38:09] <@Paradox> but I don't think it should be any lower than that
  557. [03:38:10] <@Garlyle> I'm fine with that too
  558. [03:38:12] <castfromhp> 16 and 18 sound good.
  559. [03:38:13] <Eris> huh
  560. [03:38:19] <Eris> Fighting/Water Blastoise sounds kinda cool
  561. [03:38:29] <castfromhp> It's been done. PokEO has one.
  562. [03:38:34] <OmegaX[Desktorp> NORMAL/FIGHTING BLISSEY
  563. [03:38:36] <Eris> >Not in PokEO
  564. [03:38:42] <Eris> .............
  565. [03:38:47] <Eris> Thats so fucking demented, i might do it
  566. [03:38:52] <@Garlyle> Hahaha
  567. [03:38:57] <~Happymancer> Halfway done
  568. [03:39:02] <OmegaX[Desktorp> haha yeah
  569. [03:39:04] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Sumoto. :3
  570. [03:39:09] <@Paradox> if Sumoto doesn't get a fighting shift sometime
  571. [03:39:10] <~Happymancer> You wouldn't notice if Sumoto was typeshifted at all
  572. [03:39:15] <@Paradox> I'm going to rageknit the campaign
  573. [03:39:20] <~Happymancer> <:3
  574. [03:39:43] <~Happymancer> When they hit Rosewood again
  575. [03:39:44] <~Happymancer> Maybe
  576. [03:39:55] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Only problem is, is that I gain so many more weaknesses.
  577. [03:39:55] <@Paradox> can you get typeshifts in rosewood or something? :O
  578. [03:39:58] <OmegaX[Desktorp> and so few resists.
  579. [03:40:09] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Fluff-wise... Fits like a glove.
  580. [03:40:09] <@Paradox> or do you just mean coz that's the faitan city
  581. [03:40:14] <~Happymancer> Yeah
  582. [03:40:17] <~Happymancer> faitan
  583. [03:40:29] <~Happymancer> HNNNGH
  584. [03:40:34] * ~Happymancer wants to play PMH now :S
  585. [03:40:37] <~Happymancer> IM READY
  586. [03:40:40] <@Paradox> durn
  587. [03:40:41] <~Happymancer> INTERACTIONS AND SHIT HAPPENIN
  588. [03:40:50] <Ulphia> your body is TOO ready
  589. [03:40:56] <@Paradox> We should petition Beard to allow us to RP freely
  590. [03:41:01] <@Paradox> as long as we stay in the guild hall
  591. [03:41:02] <@Paradox> or something
  592. [03:41:02] * ~Happymancer bites his keyboard
  593. [03:41:03] <~Happymancer> SO READY
  594. [03:41:04] <@Garlyle> Haha
  595. [03:41:09] <OmegaX[Desktorp> So ready for what?
  596. [03:41:16] <@Paradox> huntan monsters. duh
  597. [03:41:19] <@Garlyle> We were going to play tonight but
  598. [03:41:26] <@Garlyle> Beard had an exam he needed to sleep for
  599. [03:41:26] <~Happymancer> yeah that fell through
  600. [03:41:33] <@Garlyle> So he left right after scoots
  601. [03:41:33] <OmegaX[Desktorp> D:
  602. [03:41:41] <~Happymancer> Man
  603. [03:41:49] <~Happymancer> I don't even care if I don't go on missions
  604. [03:41:58] <~Happymancer> As long as I can reliably interact with Brook and everyone
  605. [03:42:09] <@Paradox> I just wanna build a garden with taters
  606. [03:42:11] <Eris> okay
  607. [03:42:13] <Eris> random tangent
  608. [03:42:14] <Eris> im confused
  609. [03:42:17] <@Paradox> my bugs can pollinate
  610. [03:42:19] <~Happymancer> With Space/West going every other week I'm all oh god arrrgh
  611. [03:42:21] <@Paradox> :D
  612. [03:42:23] <Eris> in the pokedex.... tyrogue evolves into hitmonchan with superior DEFENSE?
  613. [03:42:24] <~Happymancer> :D
  614. [03:42:36] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Yep
  615. [03:42:37] <@Paradox> my first priority is to catch a caterpie
  616. [03:42:43] <OmegaX[Desktorp> If his def stat is higher than its attack
  617. [03:42:44] <@Paradox> should hopefully be fairly easy
  618. [03:42:52] <Eris> weird
  619. [03:42:55] <Eris> i thought chan was attack
  620. [03:42:57] <Eris> and lee was defense
  621. [03:42:58] <~Happymancer> * Hitmonlee if his Attack is higher than his Defense.
  622. [03:42:59] <@Paradox> nope
  623. [03:43:00] <~Happymancer> * Hitmonchan if his Defense is higher than his Attack.
  624. [03:43:01] <~Happymancer> * Hitmontop if his Attack and Defense are the same.
  625. [03:43:03] <@Paradox> lee is attack
  626. [03:43:07] <@Paradox> because lee is a boss
  627. [03:43:07] <Eris> Weiiiiiird
  628. [03:43:09] <Eris> but awesome
  629. [03:43:13] <Eris> i prefer chan
  630. [03:43:18] <~Happymancer> Kicks are more powerful than punches
  631. [03:43:24] <@Paradox> I prefer Lee. But Chan is better :<
  632. [03:43:31] <~Happymancer> And boxing is as much about guarding your face
  633. [03:43:39] <Eris> in my game i got a def natured tyrogue
  634. [03:43:42] <Eris> so im good with this
  635. [03:43:43] <@Paradox> Chan ends up more offensive anyway with those elemental punches + Iron Fist
  636. [03:43:48] <@Paradox> which sucks butt
  637. [03:43:52] <~Happymancer> Lee always freaked me out
  638. [03:43:54] <Eris> Just
  639. [03:43:56] <~Happymancer> NOFACE
  640. [03:44:01] <Eris> need to make sure i can learn his movelist at 20
  641. [03:44:03] <Eris> otherwise, fuck
  642. [03:44:10] <@Paradox> I shoulda named Thrash that
  643. [03:44:15] <@Paradox> Noface Thrash
  644. [03:46:16] <~Happymancer> Even though Muk's Red, Blue, and LeafGreen Pokédex entries state that its footprints are poisonous, Muk does not have a footprint in the Pokédex, or even feet.
  645. [03:46:21] <~Happymancer> CANTANKERA NOFEET
  646. [03:46:40] <OmegaX[Desktorp> lol
  647. [03:47:14] <~Happymancer> SUP BRAH
  648. [03:47:33] <OmegaX[Desktorp> and then Ash died of Acute Muk poisoning.
  649. [03:47:33] * @Librarian pokes her head in before going to sleep
  650. [03:47:37] <@Librarian> Is Anise here?
  651. [03:47:50] <~Happymancer> I think so
  652. [03:48:01] * @Librarian pokes Anise.
  653. [03:48:06] <@Librarian> Are you here, Anise?
  654. [03:48:26] <@Paradox> <OmegaX[Desktorp> and then Ash died of Acute Muk poisoning.
  655. [03:48:31] <@Paradox> I spit out my juice
  656. [03:48:36] <~Happymancer>
  657. [03:48:42] <~Happymancer> >Muk showing affection for Professor Birch
  658. [03:48:44] <~Happymancer> D'awwww
  659. [03:48:46] <@Paradox> I couldn't help but read it as "Ash died of acute kum poisoning
  660. [03:49:03] <@Garlyle> oh god
  661. [03:49:46] <~Happymancer> Why is Muk so adorable <:3
  662. [03:50:02] <@Paradox> Muk is besttier
  663. [03:50:33] <@Librarian> Aww, Anise isn't here
  664. [03:50:50] * Gorbash ( has joined #pokeymans
  665. [03:50:54] <~Happymancer> She was a bit ago
  666. [03:50:56] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Yeah, Muk is pretty cool.
  667. [03:50:59] <~Happymancer> Hey Gorby
  668. [03:51:08] <OmegaX[Desktorp> As is Koffing.
  669. [03:51:13] <OmegaX[Desktorp> JIMMY! :3
  670. [03:51:15] <~Happymancer> Jimmy :D
  671. [03:51:27] <@Paradox> poison types are bros
  672. [03:52:19] <~Happymancer> Anyway, imma go grab a drink for these chips and then crash
  673. [03:52:33] <~Happymancer> TONIGHT, stuffs might happen
  674. [03:52:43] <~Happymancer> We can ask Beard about maybe a general channel
  675. [03:53:28] <@Paradox> I'ma go crash as well
  676. [03:53:47] <@Paradox> oh wait nvm, new episode of Doctor Who~
  677. [03:53:49] <@Paradox> that first then
  678. [03:53:58] * Gorbash ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  679. [03:53:59] <@Librarian> Dox: It's decent, not the greatest.
  680. [03:54:33] * @Librarian is glad she got someone hooked on Who
  681. [03:55:19] <~Happymancer> I need to watch the newest season
  682. [03:55:32] <~Happymancer> i can't remember if I even saw the christmas special
  683. [03:57:02] <@Paradox> I'll show you a christmas special
  684. [03:57:03] <@Paradox> ;D
  685. [03:58:25] <~Happymancer> ',:3
  686. [03:58:46] <~Happymancer> >Go through youtube favorites
  687. [03:58:53] <~Happymancer> >Ga Rei Zero OP
  688. [03:59:04] <~Happymancer> >start thinking of that endin
  689. [03:59:08] <~Happymancer> ;~;
  690. [04:07:22] <@Garlyle> Oh man
  691. [04:07:29] <@Garlyle> Youtube Favourites diving sounds like a great idea 8D
  692. [04:07:33] <Botherer> Can someone tell Mons when he wakes up that I built a !prime command at his suggestion?
  693. [04:07:39] <castfromhp> !prime
  694. [04:07:41] <Botherer> You've unleashed the POWER! It's 1d10+12 Flying - 1d10+12 Dragon - 1d10+12 Dark - 2d12+16 Ground - 2d12+16 Ice
  695. [04:07:41] * @Garlyle discovers Yume Nikki. Also MMEXE vs 4x BassXX oh god what
  696. [04:07:47] <castfromhp> Nice.
  697. [04:07:49] <@Garlyle> :3c
  698. [04:08:02] <castfromhp> Yume Nikki!
  699. [04:08:04] <Botherer> Also, Oh GOD what the hell did I miss when I went to sleep?!?!?
  700. [04:08:11] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Yeah, Im playing that right now, heh.
  701. [04:08:14] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Goddamn that game is nuts.
  702. [04:08:26] <castfromhp> My roommate convinced me to buy a rug 'cause the design reminded us of the black and white portion of Yume Nikki.
  703. [04:08:28] <Botherer> ( As in in my game - WHY did I think it was a good idea to leave them unattended at a hot spring?!? )
  704. [04:08:37] <OmegaX[Desktorp> HAHA Im in that level right now.
  705. [04:09:00] <@Garlyle> I don't know Botherer
  706. [04:09:03] <@Garlyle> But that's a terrible idea
  707. [04:09:06] <@Garlyle> And you should have known this
  708. [04:09:12] <castfromhp>
  709. [04:09:14] <castfromhp> This one.
  710. [04:09:32] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Oh wow. That DOES.
  711. [04:09:44] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Ok Im in a different chunk.
  712. [04:09:50] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Im in the DARK room.
  713. [04:10:40] <castfromhp> It was a decent price compared to most things in IKEA too.
  714. [04:10:54] <castfromhp> Jesus I'd forgotten how overpriced new furniture could be.
  715. [04:11:13] <OmegaX[Desktorp> and Ikea and Target furniture's the cheapest of that.
  716. [04:11:20] <@Librarian> At least you don't have to knit it together with an allen key.
  717. [04:11:57] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I actually got a 100 dollar IKEA desk in my alley a few years ago.
  718. [04:12:26] <castfromhp> I've had the luck of picking up furniture from a friend who was graduating and from the previous tenants. Still had to fill in some holes though.
  719. [04:12:47] <@Garlyle> anyway here
  720. [04:13:03] <OmegaX[Desktorp> OH GOD WHAT
  721. [04:13:04] <OmegaX[Desktorp> FOUR?
  722. [04:13:19] <@Garlyle> I KNOW RIGHT
  723. [04:14:16] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I never did play 5.
  724. [04:15:27] <@Garlyle> If you can get the DS version of 5
  725. [04:15:30] <@Garlyle> It might be the best in the series
  726. [04:15:56] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I already own the GBA one.
  727. [04:16:02] <@Garlyle> Ah
  728. [04:16:04] <OmegaX[Desktorp> got it on clearance.
  729. [04:16:20] <OmegaX[Desktorp> 4 was SO bad though.
  730. [04:16:26] <@Garlyle> The DS one adds some minor things, like being able to use the other navis outside of Liberation Missions, maps, and having both versions of the game in one
  731. [04:16:35] <OmegaX[Desktorp> LOVED 3, still need to beat 2, and still need to play 1.
  732. [04:16:37] <@Garlyle> 4 was alright if you were just going through it once, bu
  733. [04:16:39] <@Garlyle> *but
  734. [04:16:47] <@Garlyle> 1 is painful to go back to if you played any other game in the series
  735. [04:16:55] <@Garlyle> Like, physically painful
  736. [04:17:01] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Thats what Ive heard.
  737. [04:17:09] <@Garlyle> It's only real good point
  738. [04:17:20] <@Garlyle> Is that there's a minimum of required sidequests during the main game
  739. [04:17:38] <@Garlyle> No "do all this shit to get a B license before you can progress the plot" and stuff
  740. [04:17:58] <@Garlyle> Which was 3's biggest problem
  741. [04:18:08] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Yeah.
  742. [04:18:12] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I really liked 3 though.
  743. [04:18:17] <@Garlyle> I did too
  744. [04:18:49] <@Garlyle> 3, 5DS, and 6 are usually the ones people list as their favourites
  745. [04:18:57] <@Garlyle> (I didn't get along with 6 though)
  746. [04:19:00] <OmegaX[Desktorp> But yeah, 4 wasnt bad if you were only going through it ONCE, and called it done, but goddamn.
  747. [04:19:05] <OmegaX[Desktorp> One of my friend's favorites is 2.
  748. [04:19:12] <@Garlyle> 2 is also acceptable
  749. [04:19:18] <@Garlyle> 1 and 4 were kind of trainwrecks though
  750. [04:20:18] <@Garlyle> And as for side games... everyone hates Battle Chip Challenge even though lots agree it could've been cool, everyone hates Operation Shooting Star because it's really just 1.01; nobody has played 4.5; and people either love or hate Network Transmission. No middle ground.
  751. [04:21:00] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Does the series have a real end with 6?
  752. [04:21:05] <@Garlyle> Yes
  753. [04:21:08] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Since there is no 7, and they moved to starforce?
  754. [04:21:09] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Oh good.
  755. [04:21:14] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Ill DEFINATELY have to play 5 and 6 now.
  756. [04:21:17] <@Garlyle> And then Star Force is a canon sequal series, which also has an official end at the end of 3
  757. [04:21:32] <OmegaX[Desktorp> was starforce any good?
  758. [04:22:00] <@Garlyle> 1 was a bit of a step back gameplaywise since they removed the complexity a lot in favour of action, but story-wise it was actually a LOT better written than the entire BN series
  759. [04:22:14] <@Garlyle> 2 had online battles but otherwise was a fucking trainwreck
  760. [04:22:55] <@Garlyle> And then 3 brought back almost everything missing since BN, had good plot, a fucking massive chip library (twice the size of the other games easily), and the best form system. Plus the best online.
  761. [04:23:00] <@Garlyle> And is one of my favourite games.
  762. [04:23:20] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I might have to add those to the collection then.
  763. [04:23:42] <@Garlyle> You can safely skip 2
  764. [04:23:59] <@Garlyle> It has maybe one or two plot points with any effect, and the rest is just painful
  765. [04:24:08] <~Happymancer> bloop doop poop moop
  766. [04:24:11] * Happymancer is now known as Happysleepan
  767. [04:24:14] <@Anise> ar tonelico beat
  768. [04:24:17] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Night, Happy.
  769. [04:24:25] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Hey, Anise. Dox was looking for you.
  770. [04:24:31] <@Anise> was he
  771. [04:24:33] <OmegaX[Desktorp> PARADOX. WAKEY WAKEY.
  772. [04:24:33] <@Anise> what he wanted
  773. [04:24:33] <@Paradox> no I wasn't
  774. [04:24:34] <~Happysleepan> Brook Rook Cook
  775. [04:24:37] <~Happysleepan> Shay was
  776. [04:24:41] <OmegaX[Desktorp> OH RIGHT.
  777. [04:24:42] <OmegaX[Desktorp> DERP.
  778. [04:24:42] <~Happysleepan> Not Dox
  779. [04:24:44] <@Anise> goddamnit make up your mind
  780. [04:25:04] <@Garlyle> Ahahaha
  781. [04:25:09] <~Happysleepan> Nerea Fairy-a Carry-a Larry-up
  782. [04:25:21] <@Anise> go to bed happy
  783. [04:25:57] <~Happysleepan> Mira Peer-a leer-a Sear-a
  784. [04:26:17] <@Anise> go to bed
  785. [04:26:18] <@Librarian> Ohai, Anise
  786. [04:26:30] * ~Happysleepan falls asleep on Anise
  787. [04:26:39] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Anyways, im always willing to play bad games. I used to play games I'd find on SA's Rom Pit.
  788. [04:26:39] <@Librarian> Can I ask you a question?
  789. [04:26:54] <@Anise> sure
  790. [04:27:17] <OmegaX[Desktorp> O_o I just got the FAT effect.
  791. [04:27:36] * Botherer is now known as Bother|OhGodWhy
  792. [04:27:43] <@Librarian> Does the word "nimane" mean anything to you?
  793. [04:27:49] <@Anise> no
  794. [04:27:50] <castfromhp> What's wrong Bother?
  795. [04:27:55] <@Librarian> Okay then
  796. [04:28:06] <Bother|OhGodWhy> Just finished reading the logs from when I left :|
  797. [04:28:14] <OmegaX[Desktorp> D:
  798. [04:28:17] <castfromhp> From when you left?
  799. [04:28:32] <Bother|OhGodWhy> From when I went to sleep and left my PCs alone at the hot springs
  800. [04:28:59] <castfromhp> ...Oh dear.
  801. [04:29:04] <castfromhp> What did they *do*?
  802. [04:29:39] <Ulphia> you
  803. [04:29:41] <Ulphia> you don't want to know
  804. [04:29:48] <Ulphia> You just don't.
  805. [04:29:55] * muteKi_ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  806. [04:30:17] <OmegaX[Desktorp> You in the campaign or something, Giantree?
  807. [04:30:32] <Ulphia> Nah, I'm just... in an unfortunate spot where I get to see all this madness happening.
  808. [04:30:43] <Bother|OhGodWhy> An extremely EXTREMELY awkward sexual encounter :| ( I don't even know how it happened - Like I know HOW it happened, but still... HOW?!? )
  809. [04:30:53] <Eris> Gents
  810. [04:31:22] <Eris> mfw I realize 'Gents' explains everything
  811. [04:31:22] <+Hugbox-5000>
  812. [04:31:30] <OmegaX[Desktorp> ^
  813. [04:31:35] <Ulphia> ^
  814. [04:33:42] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I dont think anything bad would happen if I left my PCs in a hot springs. Total Sausage fest as far as the characters go.
  815. [04:34:07] <@Garlyle> Altho will have a hot springs episode someday.
  816. [04:36:13] <castfromhp> Good luck getting chicks for that.
  817. [04:36:30] <Bother|OhGodWhy> >implying we need any chicks for that in Altho
  818. [04:36:35] <castfromhp> True.
  819. [04:36:35] <@Garlyle> :3c
  820. [04:36:44] <castfromhp> But there won't be -pregnancies- without chicks.
  821. [04:36:46] <castfromhp> Jesus fuck man.
  822. [04:36:52] <Bother|OhGodWhy> True
  823. [04:36:58] <OmegaX[Desktorp> o_O
  824. [04:37:03] <castfromhp> Your players are crazy Bother.
  825. [04:37:08] <Bother|OhGodWhy> ( My one female PC WOULD get pregnant in a hot spring )
  826. [04:37:08] <OmegaX[Desktorp> ^
  827. [04:37:25] <Ulphia> Jesus, I've already been in two hotsprings scenes in #mans groups
  828. [04:37:33] <Ulphia> and nobody even showed minor interest in anybody during any of them
  829. [04:37:42] <Ulphia> I am both relieved and envious
  830. [04:37:44] <@Garlyle> "Lan proceeds to stuff his mother head first into the microwave, shoving battlechips into her socks and screaming out to use a WideSword. "
  831. [04:38:01] <OmegaX[Desktorp> wat
  832. [04:38:07] <@Garlyle>
  833. [04:38:21] <OmegaX[Desktorp> lol
  834. [04:38:25] <@Garlyle> The mental image is too good
  835. [04:38:46] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Ok botherer, Im gonna fucking regret this, but link me the pastebin. ;_;
  836. [04:38:51] <Bother|OhGodWhy> ( The fact that of four male PCs, one's gay, another's a penguin, the third sold his virginity and got a chick pregnant with twins in another campaign, and the fourth still thinks the romance he had in a dream was real and is clinging onto that... I STILL don't know how this works! )
  837. [04:38:55] <castfromhp> I'm skimming and wow fuck.
  838. [04:39:33] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Also, how much of it is Gent's fault?
  839. [04:39:50] <Bother|OhGodWhy> <<< Line 370 is where they first make it to the hotsprings, 741 is when the hot springs shenaniganry starts
  840. [04:40:03] <castfromhp> I...don't think any of it is Gents's fault actually.
  841. [04:40:04] <Bother|OhGodWhy> You have been warned Omega
  842. [04:40:28] <Bother|OhGodWhy> I never said it was - That was Eris
  843. [04:40:38] <Bother|OhGodWhy> Gents just made that REALLY weird :|
  844. [04:40:47] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Well, it WAS a safe assumption.
  845. [04:41:19] <castfromhp> I dunno about that. The whole group is crazy. It's just out of them we mostly see Gents.
  846. [04:42:34] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Ah.
  847. [04:42:49] * OmegaX[Desktorp has no idea who's who in bother's campaign.
  848. [04:43:12] <Bother|OhGodWhy> Vincent = Gents, Lyonel = Xom, Marianne = TheBMW, and Estel and Lux are people who don't visit here at all
  849. [04:43:34] <OmegaX[Desktorp> ah
  850. [04:44:11] <Eris> I fucking laughed
  851. [04:44:16] <Eris> well, a little
  852. [04:44:21] <Eris> yea Gents DID make that awkward
  853. [04:44:37] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I assume Lyonel = Leeroy?
  854. [04:44:40] <@Paradox> Gents Trolling 10/10
  855. [04:44:45] <Bother|OhGodWhy> Nope
  856. [04:45:06] <Bother|OhGodWhy> 'cause Lyonel's a penguin
  857. [04:45:12] <OmegaX[Desktorp> ah
  858. [04:45:18] <castfromhp> Then who's Leeroy?
  859. [04:45:19] <Bother|OhGodWhy> A big, overlevelled penguin in a suit of armor with a bad habit of kleptomania
  860. [04:45:21] <Ulphia> Yeah, you should've corrected that, Estel and Leeroy
  861. [04:45:27] <Ulphia> Psyche and Lux are the PLAYERS.
  862. [04:45:30] <OmegaX[Desktorp> aaah ok
  863. [04:45:36] <Bother|OhGodWhy> Oh whoops
  864. [04:45:46] <Ulphia> I almost said something but timid girl'd out of it
  865. [04:45:47] * Bother|OhGodWhy 's mind is full of fuck right now - Leave him alone ;~;
  866. [04:45:56] <Ulphia> my shoulder is still open for crying
  867. [04:45:59] <Ulphia> don't forget what I told you
  868. [04:46:07] * Bother|OhGodWhy takes advantage of that shoulder to cry on.
  869. [04:46:17] <Ulphia> There, there... it'll be okay...
  870. [04:46:30] <Ulphia> (it won't actually, your timid girl's gonna have twins bro)
  871. [04:47:14] <@Paradox> oh come off it, it wasn't that bad.
  872. [04:47:29] <Bother|OhGodWhy> Still not something you wanna wake up to
  873. [04:47:29] <@Paradox> anyway, done with doctor who, off to bed with me
  874. [04:47:49] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Night, Dox.
  875. [04:49:28] * Ulphia is now known as Giantree
  876. [04:50:28] <Bother|OhGodWhy> >Reading logs from the OOC channel
  877. [04:50:32] <Bother|OhGodWhy> [01:32:51] <Marianne> is he like some sort of sassy gay black hole that just sucks shit in, then spits it out ten times sassier?
  878. [04:50:53] * Eris is now known as Eris_Anime
  879. [04:51:29] <Bother|OhGodWhy> . . . I think I should probably stop reading this first thing in the morning
  880. [04:54:06] <OmegaX[Desktorp> D:
  881. [04:54:13] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Not as bad as it could have been but wtf
  882. [04:59:42] * @Garlyle lazes
  883. [05:02:06] * @Anise paws at Gabe
  884. [05:03:04] <@Garlyle> hinisu
  885. [05:04:08] <@Anise> higabu
  886. [05:05:23] * Kaingaskhan ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  887. [05:05:51] * Kaingaskhan ( has joined #pokeymans
  888. [05:05:53] * Bother|OhGodWhy is now known as Botherer
  889. [05:06:30] <Botherer> Okay, that's done now.
  890. [05:13:14] <OmegaX[Desktorp> POOP HAIR GET
  891. [05:13:16] <OmegaX[Desktorp> O_o
  892. [05:14:14] <Eris_Anime> I gotta state
  893. [05:14:17] <Eris_Anime> God damn Soul Eater
  894. [05:14:22] <Eris_Anime> great job with OCD char
  895. [05:14:41] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Haha, I think that's my favorite character.
  896. [05:14:59] <Eris_Anime> I feel bad for his weapons
  897. [05:15:06] <Eris_Anime> "YOUR BREASTS AREN'T SYMMETRICALLLLL"
  898. [05:15:07] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Indeed.
  899. [05:19:48] <Eris_Anime> I also dislike how death the kid holds his guns
  900. [05:19:51] <Eris_Anime> makes me wanna smack him
  901. [05:20:08] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I dont remember how he holds em.
  902. [05:20:14] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Ive only seen the first few eps.
  903. [05:20:21] <Eris_Anime> Pinky to pull the trigger, thumb on the bottom
  904. [05:20:26] <Eris_Anime> Underhanded style
  905. [05:20:32] <OmegaX[Desktorp> lolwut
  906. [05:20:35] <Eris_Anime> <- just watched ep 3
  907. [05:20:39] <Eris_Anime> yea
  908. [05:20:42] <Eris_Anime> hence, slight twitch
  909. [05:20:51] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Its also been over a year.
  910. [05:21:00] <OmegaX[Desktorp> and I watched it with my college animu club.
  911. [05:21:13] * Lyonel ( has joined #pokeymans
  912. [05:21:43] * Lyonel ( has left #pokeymans
  913. [05:22:01] <Eris_Anime> okays back to afkin
  914. [05:22:14] <OmegaX[Desktorp> k
  915. [05:29:18] * kamenphone (AndChat@1FC1FC91.F4DB61C5.63DD8465.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)
  916. [05:31:01] * Genshuku|DISGAEA4 is now known as Genshuku|Zzz
  917. [05:39:36] * Eris_Anime is now known as Morgan
  918. [05:39:52] * Giantree is now known as Violenne
  919. [05:42:15] <@Garlyle> Oh memories (of destroying any form of difficulty ever)
  920. [05:43:17] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Only 5 more effects to find.
  921. [05:44:09] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Can you do anything with the peopleish NPCs besides stab them to death
  922. [05:44:09] <OmegaX[Desktorp> ?
  923. [05:44:43] <@Garlyle> I don't think so but I could be wrong. There's tonnes of easter eggs in Yume Nikki
  924. [05:44:44] <castfromhp> You can make them start and stop moving with the trafficlight.
  925. [05:44:55] <OmegaX[Desktorp> haha
  926. [05:44:56] <OmegaX[Desktorp> nice
  927. [05:45:05] <OmegaX[Desktorp> and yes there are tons of easter eggs.
  928. [05:45:44] <castfromhp> This reminds me that I need to play Yume 2kki.
  929. [05:45:55] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Oh? Whats that?
  930. [05:46:03] <castfromhp> It's a fan-made 'sequel' of sorts.
  931. [05:46:12] <castfromhp> Basically a game in the same style.
  932. [05:46:13] <OmegaX[Desktorp> ah
  933. [05:46:15] <castfromhp> It's more expansive, I believe.
  934. [05:46:40] <castfromhp> Flow is another one in a similar vein, and it has more of a horror tone to it.
  935. [05:47:04] <@Garlyle> Huhn.
  936. [05:47:09] <@Garlyle> I wasn't aware of those
  937. [05:47:46] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Does every effect have a use in YN?
  938. [05:47:56] <castfromhp> I don't think so.
  939. [05:48:07] <OmegaX[Desktorp> ok
  940. [05:48:16] <castfromhp> I think actually a lot of them are mostly decorative. If by "use" you mean you need them to access areas or to get further effects.
  941. [05:48:33] <OmegaX[Desktorp> or easter eggs
  942. [05:48:54] <OmegaX[Desktorp> If you pull a knife on black and white dude, he starts running.
  943. [05:49:03] <castfromhp> Haha, yeah. The piano guy?
  944. [05:49:06] <OmegaX[Desktorp> yeah
  945. [05:49:12] <castfromhp> So you've gone to Mars then.
  946. [05:49:15] <@Anise> masuda ;_;
  947. [05:49:25] <castfromhp> Everyone kills Masuda. :3
  948. [05:49:44] <OmegaX[Desktorp> How do you find out their nameS?
  949. [05:49:51] <castfromhp> By looking online.
  950. [05:49:56] <OmegaX[Desktorp> oh
  951. [05:49:57] <castfromhp> I think most of them are fan-named, right?
  952. [05:51:26] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I wanna beat it before I look up anything else online.
  953. [05:51:33] <castfromhp> That's fair.
  954. [05:51:46] <castfromhp> Some of the shit is really time-consuming to figure out though.
  955. [05:51:52] <castfromhp> Like the teleporter maze and whatnot.
  956. [05:52:15] * Morgan is now known as Eris
  957. [05:52:18] <OmegaX[Desktorp> The Red Path, or the wardrobe maze?
  958. [05:52:27] * Eris is now known as Eris_Anime
  959. [05:53:47] <@Garlyle> And then the really obscure to find stuff
  960. [05:53:56] <@Garlyle> Like Kyukyu-kun and UBOA
  961. [05:54:04] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I found Mother 1 land earlier.
  962. [05:54:16] <@Garlyle> Oh, so, you probably visited where Uboa is
  963. [05:55:28] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Yeah, been there.
  964. [05:55:37] <OmegaX[Desktorp> had to look up WTF Uboa is though.
  965. [05:55:43] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I gotta try that.
  966. [05:56:13] <OmegaX[Desktorp> cant remember how the hell to get back to Mother 1 land though.
  967. [05:58:35] <OmegaX[Desktorp> awwww. I cant knife the me in the closet.
  968. [05:59:05] * Kain ( has joined #pokeymans
  969. [05:59:32] * Kaingaskhan ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  970. [06:08:23] * @Gorby|Away ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  971. [06:09:00] * @Anise didn't kill masuda :T
  972. [06:10:09] <OmegaX[Desktorp> heh, just found him again.
  973. [06:10:17] <OmegaX[Desktorp> seems to be a dead end. :/
  974. [06:10:45] <castfromhp> Have you gone to Mars?
  975. [06:10:55] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Not that Im aware of?
  976. [06:11:01] <castfromhp> Er, or was it the moon? I forget now.
  977. [06:11:18] <castfromhp> Okay, do you mind if I say something that could be done there, or do you want to figure it yourself?
  978. [06:11:27] <OmegaX[Desktorp> How obscure is it?
  979. [06:11:45] <castfromhp> Not particularly.
  980. [06:12:49] <OmegaX[Desktorp> eh, go ahead.
  981. [06:12:51] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Im derping.
  982. [06:13:40] <castfromhp> Go to the bed in the spaceship.
  983. [06:13:54] <castfromhp> The lights should dim and you'll go to Mars.
  984. [06:14:34] <OmegaX[Desktorp> ah.
  985. [06:14:38] <OmegaX[Desktorp> It didnt work the first time I tried that.
  986. [06:14:49] <castfromhp> Yeah, you gotta try a few times. I think it may be random.
  987. [06:15:37] <OmegaX[Desktorp> thats definately mars
  988. [06:16:24] <castfromhp> :D
  989. [06:16:56] <OmegaX[Desktorp> whoa
  990. [06:17:03] <castfromhp> Cool shit, right?
  991. [06:17:16] <OmegaX[Desktorp> yeah I went into that hole.
  992. [06:20:36] <@Anise> Shurelia's costume makes me feel very uncomfortable :T
  993. [06:21:47] <OmegaX[Desktorp> those weird things on her hips look uncomfortable.
  994. [06:22:01] <OmegaX[Desktorp> as do the weird clawy things on her breasts.
  995. [06:22:03] <@Anise> I'm more referring the the crotchplate but that too
  996. [06:22:26] <OmegaX[Desktorp> what is with Japan and Crotch plates? :|
  997. [06:23:25] <castfromhp> There are worse things Japan does.
  998. [06:23:36] <OmegaX[Desktorp> This is very true.
  999. [06:23:48] <OmegaX[Desktorp> *Cough* Nomura *Cough*
  1000. [06:23:59] <@Anise> also I swear Shurelia's japanese voice is the same VA as whotserface from SRWOGSEF
  1001. [06:24:26] * @Garlyle rolls
  1002. [06:25:25] <@Anise> also possibly kos-mos? I am not sure
  1003. [06:29:08] <OmegaX[Desktorp> yay! Found my way back to Mother1 land
  1004. [06:29:29] <@Garlyle> Yay 8D
  1005. [06:29:31] <@Garlyle> Do you know how to UBOA?
  1006. [06:29:37] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I ended up looking it up.
  1007. [06:29:39] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Also, UBOA isnt here.
  1008. [06:29:41] <@Garlyle> Okay
  1009. [06:29:52] <@Garlyle> ...I was pretty sure it was, but maybe I'm thinking of somewhere else
  1010. [06:29:57] <OmegaX[Desktorp> You are.
  1011. [06:30:06] <OmegaX[Desktorp> UBOA is in ponytail girl's house, right?
  1012. [06:30:10] <@Garlyle> Yes
  1013. [06:30:13] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I also ended up looking up the worlds.
  1014. [06:30:16] <OmegaX[Desktorp> So Im actually in JCWorld.
  1015. [06:30:21] <@Garlyle> Which I was pretty sure was in the Mother 1 area
  1016. [06:30:30] <@Garlyle> But it's been a few years
  1017. [06:31:26] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Nah. She's in the land of prisms and baloons.
  1018. [06:31:31] <OmegaX[Desktorp> well prismatic water.
  1019. [06:31:39] <OmegaX[Desktorp> which IS reminiscent of Mother1 Magicant.
  1020. [06:33:16] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Wow that guy took a LOT of stabs.
  1021. [06:37:14] <OmegaX[Desktorp> bah im gonna have to look something up.
  1022. [06:38:13] <@Garlyle> haha
  1023. [06:41:56] <OmegaX[Desktorp> ah
  1024. [06:41:59] <OmegaX[Desktorp> It IS a dead end.
  1025. [06:42:01] <OmegaX[Desktorp> FC house.
  1026. [06:43:12] * @Garlyle ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1027. [06:44:11] * Tyrone ( has joined #pokeymans
  1028. [06:46:15] <OmegaX[Desktorp> anyways time for me to go to sleep.
  1029. [06:46:18] <OmegaX[Desktorp> again
  1030. [06:46:18] <OmegaX[Desktorp> later
  1031. [06:49:06] <castfromhp> 'Night Omega
  1032. [07:17:11] <BB> >Go to sleep right after playing Yume Nikki.
  1033. [07:17:38] <castfromhp> That's not so bad. I wouldn't mind Yume Nikki-esque dreams.
  1034. [07:17:53] <castfromhp> Some of the similar games like Flow might be a bit freakier in atmosphere though.
  1035. [07:31:41] * Moriarty ( has joined #pokeymans
  1036. [07:34:39] * Naya ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1037. [07:39:53] * Naya ( has joined #pokeymans
  1038. [07:46:30] * Webmetz ( has joined #pokeymans
  1039. [08:18:46] * Bother (Botherer_@13DF692.FAEA8C38.1A1318BB.IP) has joined #pokeymans
  1040. [08:20:27] * Eris ( has joined #pokeymans
  1041. [08:20:36] * Eris_Anime ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1042. [08:21:46] <Bother> Hai guise :D
  1043. [08:22:37] * @Paradox locks Bother in the cupboard.
  1044. [08:23:26] <Bother> ;~; Why would you DO that?!?
  1045. [08:24:30] * Garlyle ( has joined #pokeymans
  1046. [08:24:30] * UboaServ sets mode: +o Garlyle
  1047. [08:24:52] <@Garlyle> Herpidy Derpidy
  1048. [08:25:41] <Bother> Hai Gar! Dox is being dix right now and locked me in a cupboard
  1049. [08:25:59] * @Garlyle unlocks the cupboard
  1050. [08:26:00] <@Paradox> if you let him out, I'm going to ban you.
  1051. [08:26:02] <Eris> hi Garlyle
  1052. [08:26:05] * @Paradox turns the page in his book.
  1053. [08:26:15] <@Paradox> Damnit Garlyle :(
  1054. [08:26:18] <@Garlyle> :3c
  1055. [08:26:36] <Bother> *quickly flees*
  1056. [08:26:48] <@Garlyle> Also: Ow.
  1057. [08:26:56] <Bother> { I cannot into /me on my iPod }
  1058. [08:28:23] <@Garlyle> My left leg is locked up tonight and it's making sitting in the confined space of my closetbedroom painful D:
  1059. [08:28:29] <@Paradox> D:
  1060. [08:28:33] * @Paradox patpats Gar
  1061. [08:28:58] <Bother> ;~;
  1062. [08:30:58] <Bother> Why'd you go and lose the key for your leg?
  1063. [08:32:37] <@Garlyle> :3c
  1064. [08:32:49] <@Garlyle> Well it's not so bad if I'm lying down, it seems
  1065. [08:33:14] <@Anise> gabe's a pirate?
  1066. [08:33:45] <BB> No ur a pirate.
  1067. [08:33:59] * BB swashbuckles with Anise.
  1068. [08:34:17] * @Anise swashes bb's buckles
  1069. [08:34:54] <BB> o bby
  1070. [08:35:20] * hellomynameis ( has joined #pokeymans
  1071. [08:36:01] <BB> Your name is?
  1072. [08:39:21] * Ryuu ( has joined #pokeymans
  1073. [08:39:26] <Bother> Looks like a Steve, maybe?
  1074. [08:39:35] * Ryuu appears
  1075. [08:39:44] <@Garlyle> Steve?
  1076. [08:39:49] <@Garlyle> Get Steve on it!
  1077. [08:39:53] <@Garlyle> Steve, meet Steve.
  1078. [08:39:57] <@Garlyle> NEVER TRUST A GUY NOT NAMED STEVE
  1079. [08:39:58] * @Garlyle is shot
  1080. [08:41:49] <OmegaX[Desktorp> fffffff
  1081. [08:42:03] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Goddamn banks.
  1082. [08:42:04] <@Paradox> Is Stevimaru okay to trust?
  1083. [08:42:20] <Ryuu> <.<? >.>?
  1084. [08:42:25] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Its taken over a week for this check to go through.
  1085. [08:42:37] <Ryuu> dm9001 !lastlines #50
  1086. [08:42:44] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Until it goes through, I have whatever cash is in my wallet (Not much), and .34
  1087. [08:42:56] <OmegaX[Desktorp> and random change lying around.
  1088. [08:42:57] <Ryuu> I think I did that wrong...
  1089. [08:43:23] <Ryuu> !dm9001 lastlines #50
  1090. [08:44:34] <@Garlyle> Oh dear lord it's Elite Beat Finalfantasy
  1091. [08:44:37] <Ryuu> I still didn't find out what's going on... >.>?
  1092. [08:46:39] <Bother> That's okay Ryuu - Everything's better taken out of context anyways.
  1093. [08:48:23] * DamienLunas ( has joined #pokeymans
  1094. [08:48:51] <@Garlyle> Hey, uh, anise. That's a poring, right?
  1095. [08:48:52] <DamienLunas> !dm9001 lastlines #40
  1096. [08:48:53] <Ryuu> :P
  1097. [08:49:01] <@Garlyle> I'm not seeing things?
  1098. [08:49:18] <Ryuu> I heard that game's based on RO
  1099. [08:50:30] * Bother (Botherer_@13DF692.FAEA8C38.1A1318BB.IP) Quit (Client exited)
  1100. [08:51:36] <@Garlyle> Oh boy oh boy that's right, TGS is this week
  1101. [08:51:44] * Ryuu looks at theatrhythm
  1102. [08:51:45] <@Garlyle> That means gameplay footage of P4U
  1103. [08:51:46] <Ryuu> ....
  1104. [08:51:54] <Ryuu> why do I feel like I don't want to play that...? D:
  1105. [08:53:37] <@Anise> gabe: yes, that's a poring
  1106. [08:53:39] <Ryuu> P4U though.... why only in PS3 :(
  1107. [08:53:47] <@Anise> and those are ragnarok orcs
  1108. [08:53:56] <@Anise> and it's called ragnarok odyssey
  1109. [08:54:02] <@Garlyle> Yes they are. Definitely looks to be RO world
  1110. [08:54:15] <@Garlyle> (Except monster-hunter-ish with more RPG and made by the developpers of Grandia)
  1111. [08:54:25] <@Garlyle> Ryuu: Because 360 and Vita as well, I believe they've said
  1112. [08:54:26] <@Anise> couldn't be worse than ragnarok ds
  1113. [08:54:38] <@Garlyle> Was it that bad?
  1114. [08:54:43] <@Anise> yes
  1115. [08:55:10] <@Anise> imagine playing on a 1x/1x/1x server with no one else and everything used shitty touch controls
  1116. [08:55:46] <@Garlyle> D:
  1117. [08:56:11] <Ryuu> :3c I'm getting P4U when it comes for 360 then
  1118. [08:56:21] * Eris is now known as Eris_PUPPYPILES
  1119. [08:56:23] <Ryuu> D:
  1120. [08:56:26] <Eris_PUPPYPILES> brb
  1121. [08:57:00] <@Garlyle> Oh boy oh boy
  1122. [08:57:07] <@Garlyle> Nintendo and Sony conferences at TGS are tonight 8D
  1123. [08:57:18] <@Garlyle> --No, wait, just Nintendo's
  1124. [08:57:25] <@Garlyle> ...And NIS is having its own conference what
  1125. [08:57:37] <@Anise> disgaea mmo, callin' it
  1126. [08:57:50] <@Anise> (seriously though, disgaea would make a perfect mmo, wouldn't it)
  1127. [08:57:51] <@Garlyle> That's what D4 is kinda
  1128. [08:57:58] <@Garlyle> (It really would)
  1129. [08:58:16] <@Anise> (and it comes with its own obsessive fanbase and grinding built in)
  1130. [08:58:19] <@Anise> (OH SNAP)
  1131. [08:58:29] <@Garlyle> Ahahaha
  1132. [08:58:43] <@Anise> ....she said as she completed the bonus stages of Ar Tonelico :3c
  1133. [08:58:44] <@Garlyle> Lessee...
  1134. [08:58:50] <@Garlyle> PSO2's being shown...
  1135. [08:59:11] <@Garlyle> There's a new Tales game being announced...
  1136. [08:59:12] <@Anise> eh, psu was kinda crappy. ps0 was good though
  1137. [08:59:20] <@Anise> isn't that that tales of xillililia thing
  1138. [08:59:25] <@Garlyle> No, it's a new one
  1139. [08:59:35] <@Anise> damn, churning them out a little fast, are we
  1140. [08:59:41] <@Garlyle> They put up a teaser site with a "New Tales Of" and a countdown
  1141. [08:59:49] <@Garlyle> Xillia just made it out in Japan, but yeah
  1142. [08:59:50] <@Anise> (bring back tales of eternia online ;_;)
  1143. [08:59:55] <@Garlyle> So I'm guessing it's a spinoff of some sort
  1144. [09:00:09] <@Garlyle> (People noticed it's the Destiny font so it might be another remake or something D:< )
  1145. [09:00:15] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I really hope PSO2 doesnt suck.
  1146. [09:00:21] <OmegaX[Desktorp> PSU fucking sucked, especially if you pre-ordered.
  1147. [09:00:32] <OmegaX[Desktorp> GAME WAS MISSING 3/4ths ITS FUCKING CONTENT ON RELEASE.
  1148. [09:00:39] <OmegaX[Desktorp> AN ENTIRE PLANET WAS NO ACCESS.
  1149. [09:00:49] <@Garlyle> Phoenix Wright vs Layton's being shown off ;_;
  1151. [09:01:16] <OmegaX[Desktorp> They're probably keeping a tigher lid on it or something.
  1152. [09:01:50] <@Anise> gabe: but gyakuten kenji ended up coming out
  1153. [09:02:03] <@Garlyle> But not Gyakuten Kenji 2
  1154. [09:02:14] <@Anise> it was out in japan
  1155. [09:02:21] <@Garlyle> And they've apparently said before that they have no plans to localize GK2 or PWvPL
  1156. [09:02:55] <@Anise> >no pwvpl
  1157. [09:02:57] <@Anise> why ;_;
  1158. [09:05:42] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Thats news to me.
  1159. [09:05:52] * Ryuu is reading pokespe Diamond/Pearl arc
  1160. [09:06:14] <Ryuu> I kinda feel sorry that Dia is constantly being hit by Pearl...
  1161. [09:15:02] * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as RichterBelmont
  1162. [09:15:23] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Did GK1 not do well or something?
  1163. [09:15:39] <@Garlyle> I've heard it didn't do as well as they wanted
  1164. [09:15:44] <@Garlyle> (It was a fantastic game though)
  1165. [09:15:51] <OmegaX[Desktorp> (Yes it was.)
  1166. [09:16:03] <@Anise> it was
  1167. [09:16:07] <Webmetz> Ryuu, you'll like how it ends up. Also, it is part of their act
  1168. [09:16:11] <Ryuu>
  1169. [09:16:15] <@Garlyle> I'm still excite for 999 sequal
  1170. [09:16:21] <Ryuu> yep, that I know
  1171. [09:16:29] <OmegaX[Desktorp> 999?
  1172. [09:16:49] <@Garlyle> DS had "Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine Doors", or 999 for short
  1173. [09:17:02] <@Garlyle> Which was a fucking fantastic visual novel/mystery/escape-the-room-puzzle game
  1174. [09:17:03] <@Anise> 999 sequel not on anisystem ;_;
  1175. [09:17:07] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Weird. Never heard of it.
  1176. [09:17:15] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Ill have to try and find it.
  1177. [09:17:19] <@Garlyle> You really need to play it if you have a DS, yeah
  1178. [09:17:29] <@Garlyle> It's getting a sequal on Vita
  1179. [09:17:45] <OmegaX[Desktorp> HAhaha oh wow. M Rated DS game. Those are rare.
  1180. [09:17:51] <OmegaX[Desktorp> That being said, I have one, but still.
  1181. [09:18:01] <@Garlyle> Haha
  1182. [09:18:07] <@Anise> just that, resident evil, and SMTDS
  1183. [09:18:10] <@Anise> I think
  1184. [09:18:15] <OmegaX[Desktorp> There's a few others, actually.
  1185. [09:18:18] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I looked it up once.
  1186. [09:18:56] <OmegaX[Desktorp> When did it come out anyways?
  1187. [09:19:00] <OmegaX[Desktorp> It was never on my Radar.
  1188. [09:19:09] <@Garlyle> About... half a year ago at least
  1189. [09:19:12] <OmegaX[Desktorp> ah ok
  1190. [09:19:15] <@Garlyle> Possibly earlier
  1191. [09:19:19] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Maybe ill be able to find a copy at gamestop.
  1192. [09:19:31] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Failing that, ill try amazon eventually.
  1193. [09:19:36] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Which I know has it.
  1194. [09:19:37] <@Garlyle> Either way it was great
  1195. [09:19:45] <Ryuu> logging out now, sleep awaits
  1196. [09:19:59] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Which reminds me, I need to preorder Persona2.
  1197. [09:20:02] * Ryuu ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1198. [09:32:28] * Kain ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  1199. [09:32:32] * Kaingaskhan ( has joined #pokeymans
  1200. [09:35:35] * @Paradox ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  1201. [09:35:43] * Paradox ( has joined #pokeymans
  1202. [09:35:43] * UboaServ sets mode: +o Paradox
  1203. [09:41:42] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Huzzah. One of my old players is rejoining my campaign.
  1204. [09:44:09] * Naya ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1205. [09:49:18] * Naya ( has joined #pokeymans
  1206. [09:54:16] * Eris_PUPPYPILES is now known as Eris
  1207. [09:58:14] * @Garlyle lays out in bed. Lazily.
  1208. [10:00:06] * Eris lazily lays next to Gar
  1209. [10:01:44] * OmegaX[Desktorp jumps into the bed on top of them both CRUSHING them.
  1210. [10:01:58] <@Garlyle> D:
  1211. [10:02:43] <Eris> omega so fat
  1212. [10:02:43] <Eris> D:
  1213. [10:02:58] <OmegaX[Desktorp> ^________________________________________^
  1214. [10:05:42] * Bother (Botherer_@13DF692.FAEA8C38.1A1318BB.IP) has joined #pokeymans
  1215. [10:06:00] * @Paradox lays in between Eris and Garlyle.
  1216. [10:06:08] <Eris> G'morning doxxy
  1217. [10:06:14] <@Paradox> mornin' :3
  1218. [10:06:22] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Mornin'.
  1219. [10:06:35] <@Garlyle> Yay snooze pile :3c
  1220. [10:06:42] <Eris> Except for Omega
  1221. [10:06:44] <@Paradox> snooze? pft
  1222. [10:06:46] <Eris> he's too Snorlaxxy
  1223. [10:06:49] * @Paradox dances
  1224. [10:06:50] * @Anise shoves everyone off the bed
  1225. [10:06:53] <@Anise> MINE
  1226. [10:06:56] <@Garlyle> ;_;
  1227. [10:07:03] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Roll STR, Anise.
  1228. [10:07:04] * @Anise curls up right in the middle and glares at people
  1229. [10:07:09] * Eris leaps onto bed, and onto Anise
  1230. [10:07:11] <Eris> KING OF THE BED!
  1231. [10:07:12] * @Paradox grabs anise and dances.
  1232. [10:07:13] * Eris shoves Anise off
  1233. [10:07:14] * @Anise would also shed all over the bed if it were possible
  1234. [10:07:14] <Bother> *glues Anise to the bed*
  1235. [10:07:16] <@Anise> AUGH
  1236. [10:07:25] * @Anise is abused in so many ways ;_;
  1237. [10:07:30] <Eris> oh please
  1238. [10:07:32] <OmegaX[Desktorp> 1d20+4
  1239. [10:07:33] <+RichterBelmont> OmegaX[Desktorp, 1d20+4: 13 [1d20=9]
  1240. [10:07:33] <Bother> You can have it >:(
  1241. [10:07:33] <@Librarian> OmegaX[Desktorp, 1d20+4: 7 [1d20=3]
  1242. [10:07:36] <Eris> I haven't even gotten out the crop and handcuffs
  1243. [10:07:41] <Eris> this is just play
  1244. [10:07:42] * OmegaX[Desktorp stays on the bed.
  1245. [10:07:43] <@Anise> 1d20+4 >:
  1246. [10:07:44] <+RichterBelmont> Anise, >:: 22 [1d20=18]
  1247. [10:07:44] <@Librarian> Anise, 1d20+4: 23 [1d20=19]
  1248. [10:07:49] <Bother> Crop?
  1249. [10:07:50] <Eris> 1d20+4
  1250. [10:07:50] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Or not.
  1251. [10:07:51] <+RichterBelmont> Eris, 1d20+4: 9 [1d20=5]
  1252. [10:07:51] <@Librarian> Eris, 1d20+4: 23 [1d20=19]
  1253. [10:08:00] <Eris> Well if she wants abuse
  1254. [10:08:01] * OmegaX[Desktorp falls with a thud.
  1255. [10:08:06] * Eris waggles her eyebrows lecherously at Anise
  1256. [10:08:27] <@Anise> I need an adult ;_;
  1257. [10:08:52] <Eris> awww I'm sorry, but that's not the (safe)word of the day!
  1258. [10:09:00] <@Paradox> Just work that body, work that body
  1259. [10:09:04] <@Paradox> Make sure you don't hurt nobody
  1260. [10:09:09] <Eris> WHAT?
  1261. [10:09:12] <Eris> hurting people is fun
  1262. [10:09:14] <@Paradox> Get wild and lose your mind
  1263. [10:09:14] <Eris> T_T
  1264. [10:09:23] <@Paradox> Take this thing into over-time
  1265. [10:09:26] * @Paradox spacejams.
  1266. [10:09:30] <Eris> Yay, paradox, entertain me
  1267. [10:09:35] <Eris> holy isn't starting for awhile D:
  1268. [10:09:53] * @Garlyle comes on and slams. Welcome to the jam~
  1269. [10:09:54] <@Paradox> oh I'll entertain you
  1270. [10:10:07] <Eris> Welcome to the space jaaaam
  1271. [10:10:10] * Eris rocks out
  1272. [10:10:11] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Yeah, Cyprus doesnt have internet to my knowledge yet.
  1273. [10:10:17] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Wait, yes he does.
  1274. [10:10:19] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I think.
  1275. [10:10:21] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Maybe.
  1276. [10:10:22] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Not sure.
  1277. [10:10:23] <Eris> Well, holy is 3+ Players and GM
  1278. [10:10:43] <@Paradox> man I'm still hyper
  1279. [10:10:44] <Eris> Start time is monday AM when 3+ Players are on
  1280. [10:10:50] <@Paradox> bluh bluh bluh
  1281. [10:10:58] <OmegaX[Desktorp> D: Its monday morning now?
  1282. [10:11:07] <@Paradox> my roommate and I made fancy breakfast food and danced for like an hour
  1283. [10:11:09] <@Garlyle> Yes it i
  1284. [10:11:11] <@Garlyle> *is
  1285. [10:11:16] <@Paradox> still have to much energyyyyy
  1286. [10:11:23] <Eris> Awesome
  1287. [10:11:53] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Does Cyprus know about the time change?
  1288. [10:11:58] <Eris> time change?
  1289. [10:12:01] <Eris> It's always been that way
  1290. [10:12:14] <Eris> unless i have my days wrong
  1291. [10:12:16] <Eris> which i might
  1292. [10:12:28] * BigTentacruel ( has joined #pokeymans
  1293. [10:12:39] <OmegaX[Desktorp> My game starts at 3PM Monday. :|
  1294. [10:12:51] <OmegaX[Desktorp> And Cyprus has class mondays. :|
  1295. [10:12:53] <@Paradox> man I hate mondays
  1296. [10:13:04] <@Paradox> no one is in the house the entire day
  1297. [10:13:08] * @Garlyle makes some lasagna for Dox
  1298. [10:13:09] * DamienLunas ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1299. [10:13:10] <@Paradox> but I don't have class OR work
  1300. [10:13:16] <@Paradox> so I'm just like BLUH BLUH WHAT DO
  1301. [10:13:22] <Eris> Oh
  1302. [10:13:23] <Eris> i know
  1303. [10:13:24] <Eris> Pick me!
  1304. [10:13:26] * Eris raises hand
  1305. [10:13:29] <@Garlyle> I hate Mondays because I do work but it's like... completely unremarkable
  1306. [10:13:29] * @Paradox picks up Eris.
  1307. [10:13:41] <Eris> TORKOAL GOODNESS
  1308. [10:13:42] <Eris> :3
  1309. [10:13:42] <BigTentacruel> Dox
  1310. [10:13:48] <BigTentacruel> Go to class for me
  1311. [10:13:51] <BigTentacruel> Do my homework
  1312. [10:13:52] * Eris throws up pompoms, yaaay
  1313. [10:13:53] <BigTentacruel> I will trade
  1314. [10:13:55] <BigTentacruel> gladly
  1315. [10:13:55] <@Paradox> if Garlyle is up for it, I guess
  1316. [10:14:05] <Eris> oh, i was mostly joking. I just have a penchant for bugging you
  1317. [10:14:07] * Eris grins
  1318. [10:14:10] <@Paradox> :(
  1319. [10:14:11] <Eris> its no fun if your not on your toes!
  1320. [10:14:12] <@Paradox> :(((
  1321. [10:14:16] * @Paradox cries
  1322. [10:14:17] <Eris> But yea, i'll play
  1323. [10:14:18] <Eris> would be nice
  1324. [10:14:24] * Bother (Botherer_@13DF692.FAEA8C38.1A1318BB.IP) Quit (Client exited)
  1325. [10:14:26] * Eris kisses the tears away
  1326. [10:14:27] <@Garlyle> Um... I guess I am?
  1327. [10:14:34] <@Paradox> <3
  1328. [10:14:37] <Eris> I'mma catch me a stove!
  1329. [10:14:45] <@Garlyle> I was going to fall asleep but it's not like I don't have a good 13 hours until I have to leave for work again
  1330. [10:14:59] <@Garlyle> Also screw you IT'LL BE MY NEW FORGE D:<
  1331. [10:15:01] <@Paradox> !dm9001 join #AlizarinForest
  1332. [10:15:02] <+RichterBelmont> Paradox, sure thing, boss! Joining channel #AlizarinForest!
  1333. [10:15:05] <Eris> oh that reminds me, i DO need pokeballs
  1334. [10:15:07] <Eris> paradox :3
  1335. [10:15:23] <@Paradox> you have noooooone
  1336. [10:15:24] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Mind if you get another? I dont have anything to do for ~5 hours.
  1337. [10:15:39] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Plus I still need to like, actually CATCH Bidoof.
  1338. [10:15:40] <Eris> silly snorlaxsizedomega
  1339. [10:15:50] * Bother (Botherer_@13DF692.FAEA8C38.1A1318BB.IP) has joined #pokeymans
  1340. [10:15:55] <@Garlyle> Oh god
  1341. [10:16:08] <@Garlyle> I need to stop watching this speedrun of Epic Yarn if I want to play asshole riagan
  1342. [10:16:13] <@Garlyle> it's too cute
  1343. [10:16:20] <OmegaX[Desktorp> lol
  1344. [10:16:25] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I own that game. :3
  1345. [10:16:30] <@Garlyle> I do too
  1346. [10:16:34] <@Garlyle> It's so goddamn diabetic
  1347. [10:16:41] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Indeed.
  1348. [10:16:43] <@Paradox> join #AlizarinForest
  1349. [10:16:44] <@Paradox> derp
  1350. [10:16:50] <Bother> Don't spoiler anything for me - chances are I'm gonna end up having to play it for my brother soon
  1351. [10:17:01] <@Garlyle> Botherer, all you need to know
  1352. [10:17:03] <@Garlyle> Is that HNNNNNNGH
  1353. [10:17:13] <@Garlyle> also if your brother can't beat it something is HORRIBLY WRONG
  1354. [10:17:14] * Eris is now known as Lorelei
  1355. [10:17:15] <@Garlyle> seeing as how you can't die
  1356. [10:17:20] * Garlyle is now known as Arawn
  1357. [10:17:37] <OmegaX[Desktorp> brb on laptorp
  1358. [10:17:58] <@Arawn> (I'm not kidding. You can't die. If you get hit or fall down a pit the game just rescues you and your accumulated gems go flying)
  1359. [10:18:00] <Bother> He'll find a way. Trust me on it :p
  1360. [10:18:35] * OmegaX ( has joined #pokeymans
  1361. [10:18:36] * UboaServ sets mode: +o OmegaX
  1362. [10:18:48] * OmegaX is now known as Terri
  1363. [10:19:10] <@Terri> Whats the channel again? :3
  1364. [10:19:31] <@Arawn> #AlizarinForest
  1365. [10:20:15] <Bother> Speaking of Oran, EVENTUALLY I'm gonna get that fishy thing with Iona, right? (Keep forgetting and remembering to ask at bad times)
  1366. [10:21:03] <@Anise> yes but not now because I am so tired I am doing the shaky appendages thing
  1367. [10:21:12] <@Anise> hopefully I will be able to stay asleep this time
  1368. [10:21:29] <@Arawn> Go sleeps nisu
  1369. [10:21:39] * @Arawn puts anise in pillows and covers with blanket
  1370. [10:21:44] <Bother> I'm on an iPod anyway so that would be BAD
  1371. [10:21:56] * BigTentacruel is Nisey's blanket.
  1372. [10:22:14] <@Anise> oh man
  1373. [10:22:18] <@Anise> blanket and food source
  1374. [10:22:29] <@Anise> BT is so very versatile
  1375. [10:22:33] <@Anise> calamari~
  1376. [10:22:54] <Bother> Damnit Anise I don't wanna be hungry right now
  1377. [10:24:33] <BigTentacruel> I am hungry
  1378. [10:24:36] <BigTentacruel> and sleepy
  1379. [10:24:44] <BigTentacruel> but I also need to do homework
  1380. [10:24:44] <BigTentacruel> and study
  1381. [10:24:47] <BigTentacruel> SO MANY THINGS
  1382. [10:24:51] <BigTentacruel> NOT ENOUGH TIME
  1383. [10:25:22] * Aeros ( has joined #pokeymans
  1384. [10:25:22] * UboaServ sets mode: +ao Aeros Aeros
  1385. [10:26:50] <@Arawn> Oh god our entire team sucks for this boss doesn't it
  1386. [10:27:04] <@Arawn> WE PLACE OUR HOPES IN BLAST HARDCHEESE
  1387. [10:27:06] <@Arawn> I MEAN MR. DREAM
  1388. [10:27:09] * Tyrone ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1389. [10:27:18] <Lorelei> Hey
  1390. [10:27:20] <Lorelei> PAX might work
  1391. [10:27:53] <Bother> Wanna borrow Button? :D
  1392. [10:28:07] <@Arawn> Haha
  1393. [10:37:19] * Plutonis (Plutonis@EC6B8665.13BF446F.B65C4779.IP) has joined #pokeymans
  1394. [10:37:51] <@Arawn> Well that could theoretically have been much worse
  1395. [10:40:19] <@Anise> I bet you wished you had some water power on your side~
  1396. [10:40:51] <Bother> Or something better than 1 SpAtk Water Gun
  1397. [10:42:37] <@Anise> aina has all the spatk
  1398. [10:42:52] * Ramiel ( has joined #pokeymans
  1399. [10:45:00] * BB bats at Anise.
  1400. [10:45:12] * @Anise throws a d8 at BB
  1401. [10:46:35] * BB retaliates with a d12
  1402. [10:47:56] * BB then lunges forth in an attempt to gouge out Anise's eyes with d4s.
  1403. [10:48:09] <BB> ...
  1404. [10:48:10] <BB> Ow.
  1405. [10:48:15] <BB> I cringed as I wrote that.
  1406. [10:48:15] * @Anise ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1407. [10:48:43] <Plutonis> Thanks BB
  1408. [10:48:47] <Plutonis> you gouged her eyes
  1409. [10:48:49] <Plutonis> you fuck
  1410. [10:48:55] <BB> ._.
  1411. [10:49:24] <@Terri> Fucking hell, my belt just broke. ;_;
  1412. [10:49:26] <@Terri> I HAVE NO BELT.
  1413. [10:49:27] <@Terri> D:
  1414. [10:49:34] <@Terri> Well no other working belts.
  1415. [10:51:12] <BB> Then how are you going to beat kids?
  1416. [10:51:43] <@Terri> With my backscratcher.
  1417. [10:55:41] <Plutonis>
  1418. [10:55:44] <Plutonis> Well fucking cheers
  1419. [10:56:12] * muteKi ( has joined #pokeymans
  1420. [10:57:19] <@Arawn> Haha
  1421. [10:58:04] <Plutonis>
  1422. [11:04:54] * Kaingaskhan ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  1423. [11:05:22] * Kaingaskhan ( has joined #pokeymans
  1424. [11:08:16] <@Paradox> transform and roll out
  1425. [11:08:17] * +Hugbox-5000 transforms and rolls out!
  1426. [11:16:00] <Plutonis> ...
  1427. [11:16:02] <Plutonis> you know
  1428. [11:16:13] <Plutonis> someone should boost pokébots' explosion attack
  1429. [11:16:42] <Plutonis> 2000 bucks for 1d20 damage sounds a bad deal to me imho
  1430. [11:17:42] <Plutonis> and the additional features are not very well explained
  1431. [11:20:34] <Plutonis> i'm wanting to do one, but it looks pretty friggin expensive
  1432. [11:20:47] <@Terri> Yeah, its a bit redonkulous.
  1433. [11:21:30] * Ramiel ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100401080539])
  1434. [11:40:47] * Bother (Botherer_@13DF692.FAEA8C38.1A1318BB.IP) Quit (Client exited)
  1435. [11:40:50] <Plutonis>
  1436. [11:41:08] <Plutonis> me as the pillow
  1437. [11:49:45] * zoofman ( Quit (Quit: POOF.)
  1438. [11:56:54] <&Aeros>
  1439. [11:56:57] <&Aeros> makes me hungry.
  1440. [12:00:01] <@Arawn> That rainbow looks moldy
  1441. [12:00:08] * BigTentacruel ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1442. [12:02:42] <&Aeros> arawm: its the italian flag
  1443. [12:04:22] <Plutonis> italian flag on food always owns
  1444. [12:04:29] <Plutonis> margherita pizza :3
  1445. [12:05:43] <BB> So true
  1446. [12:08:56] * Kit ( has joined #pokeymans
  1447. [12:09:19] <BB> Also:
  1448. [12:09:20] <BB>
  1449. [12:09:46] * Kit rolls in and tosses a sweaty towel aside
  1450. [12:09:57] <Kit> kickboxing, y u so different each time
  1451. [12:12:07] <Kit> sup guys
  1452. [12:12:15] <Kit> I've got about an hour before class starts
  1453. [12:12:17] <Kit> talk to me
  1454. [12:12:24] <@Arawn> Hikit
  1455. [12:13:15] <Kit> who're you :<
  1456. [12:13:19] * Arawn is now known as Garlyle
  1457. [12:13:24] <Kit> hey Garlyle
  1458. [12:13:30] <@Garlyle> :3c
  1459. [12:13:33] <Kit> you're mibbit thing makes it hard to whois you
  1460. [12:13:33] <@Garlyle> Was just in Oran
  1461. [12:13:44] * Lorelei is now known as Eris
  1462. [12:13:44] <Kit> cause you has numbers instead of some sort of name
  1463. [12:13:47] <@Garlyle> Catching a badass glass cannon of a Torkoal
  1464. [12:13:48] <Kit> pft
  1465. [12:13:55] <Kit> Oran, the lame game
  1466. [12:14:00] <@Terri> brb I need to take a shower before I GM.
  1467. [12:14:04] <Kit> it's not even a real game!
  1468. [12:14:08] * Kit teases
  1469. [12:14:13] <@Paradox> you're not even a real game!
  1470. [12:14:15] <@Garlyle> ./kb Kit
  1471. [12:14:32] * UboaServ sets mode: +o Kit
  1472. [12:14:34] <@Kit> :3
  1473. [12:14:51] <@Garlyle> D:
  1474. [12:15:20] <@Kit> I find it amusing when Shay deops me
  1475. [12:15:22] * BigTentacruel ( has joined #pokeymans
  1476. [12:15:29] <@Kit> and I just reop myself
  1477. [12:16:46] * Paradox sets mode: -o Kit
  1478. [12:16:50] * UboaServ sets mode: +o Kit
  1479. [12:16:56] <@Paradox> oooh
  1480. [12:16:57] <@Paradox> that is fun
  1481. [12:17:01] <@Kit> :3
  1482. [12:17:19] <@Kit> It's more amusing since Shay usually expects me not to be able to do anything
  1483. [12:19:17] * KamenWriter ( has joined #pokeymans
  1484. [12:19:18] * UboaServ sets mode: +ao KamenWriter KamenWriter
  1485. [12:19:23] <@Kit> hey Kamen
  1486. [12:19:28] <@Kit> Kamenwriterrrrrrrr
  1487. [12:19:30] <&KamenWriter> Hi
  1488. [12:20:09] <&KamenWriter> How are you Kit? :o
  1489. [12:20:29] <@Kit> waiting for a bit until my next class starts, cooling off from kickboxing
  1490. [12:22:12] <@Paradox> heya Kamen
  1491. [12:24:32] <@Kit> anyway, I'm probably going to let this video finish downloadin, then head over to the annex to watch it where it's a bit quieter
  1492. [12:24:45] <&KamenWriter> Hi Doxy
  1493. [12:25:18] <&KamenWriter> I have... eight hours until rehersal
  1494. [12:25:29] <&KamenWriter> And I need to go get cat food about halfway through that
  1495. [12:26:08] <&KamenWriter> Sooooooo....
  1496. [12:26:17] <@Kit> nyan fuds
  1497. [12:28:38] * zoofman ( has joined #pokeymans
  1498. [12:29:05] <zoofman> so DID stark put out 1.27 yet? ahaha
  1499. [12:29:17] <@Paradox> 1.27 forever
  1500. [12:29:32] <@Kit> 1.27, the update that never happened
  1501. [12:29:36] <@Kit> we went straight to 1.28
  1502. [12:29:49] <zoofman> busy as shit day so far.
  1503. [12:29:52] <zoofman> boohiss career fairs
  1504. [12:29:53] <@Paradox> he ran into formatting issues with rune master
  1505. [12:29:56] <@Paradox> and then had to go to bed
  1506. [12:30:00] <zoofman> how dare employers show up and try to give me interviews
  1507. [12:32:40] <@Kit> anyway guise
  1508. [12:32:50] <@Kit> I've got ze video downloaded, so I am out
  1509. [12:32:59] <@Kit> see ya later
  1510. [12:33:23] * @Kit ( Quit (Quit: )
  1511. [12:33:47] <Plutonis> hehehe
  1512. [12:33:53] <Plutonis> trolled a lot today on FFT
  1513. [12:34:24] <Plutonis> made a team of dark knights with auto-potion, defense boost and the best armors
  1514. [12:34:31] <Plutonis> and ribbons
  1515. [12:35:05] <Plutonis> fucktons of hp, nigh-invulnerable and cures herself when hit
  1516. [12:36:58] <zoofman> you are
  1517. [12:36:59] <zoofman> a douche
  1518. [12:37:42] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Huzzah. All clean now.
  1519. [12:37:54] * Genshuku|Zzz is now known as Genshuku
  1520. [12:40:52] <zoofman> all I remember from Stark last night was his feel good speech after talking about legos.
  1521. [12:41:24] <OmegaX[Desktorp> lolwut
  1522. [12:41:39] * BigTentacruel ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1523. [12:41:49] <Plutonis> wat
  1524. [12:41:53] <zoofman> he made a lego tabletops adventure game he's not being super public about because he's using it as his portfolio for an interview w/ Wizards of the Coast or something
  1525. [12:42:06] <OmegaX[Desktorp> aaah ok
  1526. [12:42:29] <zoofman> but he was discussing it last night then said the whole 'you guys are the best the stuff you guys did for this system is awesome group hugs'
  1527. [12:43:54] <Plutonis> :3
  1528. [12:46:12] * Anise ( has joined #pokeymans
  1529. [12:47:10] <zoofman> the funny thing is
  1530. [12:47:21] <zoofman> he's still got a shitload more stuff to sort through ahahahaha
  1531. [12:48:58] <zoofman> hmhmhm
  1532. [12:49:10] <zoofman> oh you guys finished that adventure time in Oran last night
  1533. [12:49:19] * Anise ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1534. [12:49:37] <@Garlyle> Nah, just an hour or so ago, actually
  1535. [12:50:31] <zoofman> oh dayum
  1536. [12:51:19] <@Garlyle> Arawn has a bitching new Torkoal, Lorelei has an egg, and her and probably Cedric too have crafted shit coming their way
  1537. [12:52:48] <zoofman> where did that timid tree go...
  1538. [12:52:57] <Violenne> where indeed
  1539. [12:53:01] <zoofman> aha.
  1540. [12:53:17] <zoofman> so now that we got confirmations on pirate days what the shit is going on with curse girls? :3
  1541. [12:53:38] <Violenne> Welp, it w- wait why are you saying this here
  1542. [12:54:10] <Plutonis> say there
  1543. [12:54:11] <Plutonis> he meant
  1544. [12:54:46] <zoofman> I don't see why it matters where it's discussed
  1545. [12:55:31] <Violenne> I gueeess
  1546. [12:56:33] <Plutonis> Quit joking around, you're a hundred years too early to face me. But it can't be helped... Guess I'll have to use "that" technique. I'll be your opponent!
  1547. [12:58:15] <zoofman> I swear if you use that line, tree, Taldeer's just going to put a 9mm between the persons eyes
  1548. [12:58:30] <Violenne> <3
  1549. [12:58:47] <@Garlyle> And now for a battle network sidetracking for a hilariously badly coded boss battle
  1550. [12:59:01] <zoofman> Gabe.
  1551. [12:59:12] <zoofman> I think Plutonis just inadvertantly invented our next big boss in scouts.
  1552. [12:59:12] <zoofman> [13:58] <Plutonis> also
  1553. [12:59:13] <zoofman> [13:58] <Plutonis> snooki as a magical girl
  1554. [12:59:13] <zoofman> [13:58] <Plutonis> element: guidoness
  1555. [12:59:21] <@Garlyle> Oh dear
  1556. [12:59:52] * BigTentacruel ( has joined #pokeymans
  1557. [12:59:57] <Plutonis> jersey shore is the best tv show
  1558. [12:59:59] <Plutonis> ever
  1559. [13:04:02] <Plutonis> new jersey must be a magical place
  1560. [13:04:05] <Plutonis> wanna move there
  1561. [13:04:09] * KujiUn (Kotodes@9709AFAE.2FEA68D4.55FF58BF.IP) has joined #pokeymans
  1562. [13:04:17] <Plutonis> anyone here is from joisey?
  1563. [13:04:56] <zoofman> stop it dude
  1564. [13:04:59] <zoofman> you're playing with fire
  1565. [13:05:04] <zoofman> Jersey people suck :<
  1566. [13:06:00] * KujiUn lived in New Jersey for about three months. Does that count?
  1567. [13:06:29] <Plutonis> did you met "guidos", kuji?
  1568. [13:06:51] <KujiUn> I was a kid. I barely remember any of it.'
  1569. [13:07:34] * BigTentacruel ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1570. [13:07:52] <Plutonis> weak
  1571. [13:08:21] <KujiUn> \Meh.
  1572. [13:09:00] <zoofman> Guidos are exactly as you expect.
  1573. [13:10:28] * Genshuku is now known as Genshuku|DISGAEA4
  1574. [13:10:39] <Plutonis>
  1575. [13:11:41] <Plutonis>
  1576. [13:11:43] <Plutonis> ahahahaha
  1577. [13:11:47] <Plutonis> oh cubone :3
  1578. [13:14:14] <KujiUn> Haha.
  1579. [13:14:16] <KujiUn> That's so cute.
  1580. [13:14:57] <zoofman> we need a cubone in scoots.
  1581. [13:15:29] <KujiUn> "11 hours ago: Kotodes was ranked in the Top 10% of the region for Largest Retail Sector."
  1582. [13:15:31] <Plutonis>
  1583. [13:15:33] <Plutonis> ;_;
  1584. [13:15:34] <KujiUn> YES!
  1585. [13:16:02] <KujiUn> Wow, top 10% IN THE WORLD
  1586. [13:16:04] <KujiUn> :p
  1587. [13:16:59] <Plutonis>
  1588. [13:17:01] <Plutonis> ;______;
  1589. [13:17:26] <Plutonis> i just want to hug the little guy ;_;
  1590. [13:17:36] <KujiUn> Indeed.
  1591. [13:18:26] <Plutonis>
  1592. [13:19:16] <@Paradox> cu bone bone bone
  1593. [13:19:56] <Plutonis>
  1594. [13:19:58] <Plutonis> grimdark buddies
  1595. [13:21:11] * Happysleepan_ ( has joined #pokeymans
  1596. [13:21:13] * zoofman ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1597. [13:21:57] * ~Happysleepan ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1598. [13:21:59] * Happytop ( has joined #pokeymans
  1599. [13:22:07] * Happysleepan_ is now known as Happysleepan
  1600. [13:22:07] * Katy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1601. [13:23:53] * zoofman ( has joined #pokeymans
  1602. [13:24:15] <Plutonis> crap gonna ask beard if i can switch my sandile to a cubone
  1603. [13:25:31] <zoofman> 1d1
  1604. [13:25:32] <+RichterBelmont> zoofman, 1d1: 1 [1d1=1]
  1605. [13:25:32] <@Librarian> zoofman, 1d1: 1 [1d1=1]
  1606. [13:25:41] <zoofman> d1
  1607. [13:25:42] <@Librarian> zoofman, d1: 1 [1d1=1]
  1608. [13:25:47] <zoofman> d hm
  1609. [13:26:11] <zoofman> librarian defaults to 1 w/o a number, interestiiing
  1610. [13:27:50] <KujiUn> Indeed.
  1611. [13:28:01] <zoofman> well plutonis, if you are indeed the one who will be joining us in scoots, take a cubone as a starter and fire shift it.
  1612. [13:28:05] <zoofman> that'd be a pretty badass cubone
  1613. [13:28:57] <Plutonis> i dunno man, cubone would suit me more on hunter
  1614. [13:29:16] <Plutonis> like my character he's an orphan that became a bone-wielding badass
  1615. [13:29:19] <OmegaX[Desktorp> I have a fire shifted other thing on Tristan.
  1616. [13:29:22] <OmegaX[Desktorp> Derping on name.
  1617. [13:29:38] <Plutonis> i have another fireshift in mind for scouts though
  1618. [13:30:46] <zoofman> D: that does suit very well.
  1619. [13:31:02] <zoofman> orphan and his cubone
  1620. [13:31:16] <zoofman> ...THAT'S WHAT JAMAL NEEDS, A CUBONE.
  1621. [13:31:44] <@Paradox> Jax is the best Cubone
  1622. [13:31:52] <@Paradox> well, Marowak
  1623. [13:31:58] <Plutonis> Magmarite
  1624. [13:32:04] <KujiUn> Is it #EveryoneLovesCubone day?
  1625. [13:32:15] <zoofman> well you know Jamal has the total claws and knifes motif.
  1626. [13:32:22] <@Paradox> Jax has BONE KNIGHT powers
  1627. [13:32:22] <zoofman> a big BONE CLUB fits pretty well
  1628. [13:32:35] <@Paradox> do any of your cubones have bone knight powers? no? that's what I thought.
  1629. [13:32:50] <zoofman> I think Jax is one of the few Cubones
  1630. [13:32:55] <Plutonis> i don't even have a cubone yet!
  1631. [13:33:01] <@Paradox> Jax and Gary
  1632. [13:33:06] <@Paradox> are the only ones I can think of
  1633. [13:33:06] <@Paradox> :B
  1634. [13:33:11] <@Paradox> Gary is pretty cool too though
  1635. [13:33:16] <KujiUn> t/topic
  1636. [13:33:20] <OmegaX[Desktorp> No, but my trainer can cast HORRIBLY MAIM LEGS
  1637. [13:33:24] <OmegaX[Desktorp> ;_;
  1638. [13:33:26] <zoofman> Pokeymans - powered by Cubones
  1639. [13:33:41] <Plutonis> i guess we all have...
  1640. [13:33:48] <Plutonis> *sunglasses*
  1641. [13:33:51] <Plutonis> boners for cubones
  1642. [13:34:06] <Violenne> ... that's slightly more terrible than the one I was going to make about getting boned earlier
  1643. [13:34:12] * OmegaX[Desktorp is now known as OmegaX
  1644. [13:34:17] <OmegaX> !op
  1645. [13:34:20] <&KamenWriter> :D Oh dear we're talking about Cubones
  1646. [13:34:22] * UboaServ sets mode: +o OmegaX
  1647. [13:34:26] * Plutonis was kicked by OmegaX (OmegaX)
  1648. [13:34:27] <zoofman> it's funny cause Beard keeps throwing awesome mons at us, and one of us mechanically CAN'T catch anymore, while my character is going to get all the adorable babbies probably, plus her unowns.
  1649. [13:34:31] * Plutonis (Plutonis@EC6B8665.13BF446F.B65C4779.IP) has joined #pokeymans
  1650. [13:34:42] <Plutonis> saw that coming
  1651. [13:34:45] * OmegaX is now known as OmegaX[Desktorp]
  1652. [13:34:51] <@Garlyle> Haha
  1653. [13:34:59] <zoofman> so I'm just bracing for cubro
  1654. [13:35:04] <zoofman> or rotombros
  1655. [13:35:29] <KujiUn> Garlyle!
  1656. [13:35:31] <Plutonis> cubrones?
  1657. [13:36:37] <KujiUn> Rock has his team of six, so it's like "...he really don't want to catch anymore, does he."
  1658. [13:37:02] <zoofman> is...Beard enforcing 6 mans?
  1659. [13:37:08] <zoofman> if so oh man tentra's screwwwed.
  1660. [13:37:57] <KujiUn> No, I don't think so.
  1661. [13:38:02] <zoofman> she's got 4 as is, and abot to start her next prime.
  1662. [13:38:04] <KujiUn> But Rock sure isn't getting any more.
  1663. [13:38:04] <zoofman> about*
  1664. [13:39:40] <@Garlyle> Kuji!
  1665. [13:39:47] * @Garlyle flops
  1666. [13:39:51] <KujiUn> ...
  1667. [13:39:58] <KujiUn> If you're tired, go to sleep.
  1668. [13:40:48] <Plutonis> oh oh oh
  1669. [13:40:56] <Plutonis> i have a cool fireshift idea
  1670. [13:41:01] <Plutonis> fire abomasnow
  1671. [13:41:09] <@Garlyle> I will, I will~
  1672. [13:41:41] <Plutonis> or fire torterra
  1673. [13:41:49] * @Terri ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1674. [13:42:10] <Plutonis> or... fire bronzong with levitate
  1675. [13:42:46] <Plutonis> literally a giant fuck you
  1676. [13:43:12] <@Paradox> no
  1677. [13:43:18] <@Paradox> steel/ghost bronzong
  1678. [13:43:24] <@Paradox> with heatproof and levitate
  1679. [13:43:26] <@Paradox> no weaknesses
  1680. [13:43:27] <@Paradox> B[
  1681. [13:43:58] <Plutonis> damn
  1682. [13:44:23] <@Paradox> ultimate trollzong
  1683. [13:46:30] <zoofman> that would be...
  1684. [13:46:33] <zoofman> a mean mother fucker.
  1685. [13:47:02] * Ramiel ( has joined #pokeymans
  1686. [13:47:29] <zoofman> just makes me think come academy we're going to make some absolutely huge abominations due to our absolutely silly group composition.
  1687. [13:48:32] <zoofman> breeders, scientists, dream doctors...
  1688. [13:49:33] <Plutonis> and zillion aces
  1689. [13:50:00] <zoofman> all the acery
  1690. [13:52:47] * @Garlyle drags himself away to pass out
  1691. [13:53:42] * @Garlyle ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1692. [13:57:12] * RioCadaro ( has joined #pokeymans
  1693. [14:00:31] <zoofman> that feel when you got tons of ideas for trainers and just throw them in random .txt's for now.
  1694. [14:02:14] <zoofman>
  1695. [14:02:23] <zoofman> that is...very surprising indeed.
  1696. [14:05:43] * UnderHoof (UnderHoof@24D7E563.E4E1A4F8.1FFB14D1.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)
  1697. [14:06:20] * Kyre (Novaheart1@EC89292E.2EDB761.9C2DF9AC.IP) has joined #pokeymans
  1698. [14:08:24] <Webmetz> If Tree is on, Azure is getting ready to play if he wants to lurk
  1699. [14:08:40] <Violenne> That's the one in maptools, isn't it?
  1700. [14:09:55] <Webmetz> ya
  1701. [14:10:14] <Webmetz> Where I am a herbalist with an extremely klutzy whirlpool starly
  1702. [14:10:24] <Violenne> Oh, yeah, don't worry about it then, that'd take a silly amount of time to actually download it much less get there
  1703. [14:10:39] <Violenne> Please do tell me if anything seems broken or something though
  1704. [14:11:08] <KujiUn> (Knowing Web? He'll milk it for all it is worth. :p)
  1705. [14:11:19] <KujiUn> ...
  1706. [14:11:29] <Violenne> har har
  1707. [14:11:31] <KujiUn> I honestly can not tell whether I am half joking or not.
  1708. [14:11:44] * KujiUn shrugs
  1709. [14:11:55] <Violenne> sometimes I want to pick you up and hug you
  1710. [14:13:10] <zoofman> oh god something is wrong with me
  1711. [14:13:24] <zoofman> I'm going to make a 'ask me anything' post on the mystic update on the forums when the shit goes live
  1712. [14:13:55] <zoofman> this is going to result in mass herpderp
  1713. [14:15:00] * BigTentacruel ( has joined #pokeymans
  1714. [14:19:38] * BigTentacruel ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1715. [14:22:17] * Kyre (Novaheart1@EC89292E.2EDB761.9C2DF9AC.IP) Quit (Quit: )
  1716. [14:23:34] <@Paradox> I say we burn the forums, and sow their fields with salt
  1717. [14:24:11] <&KamenWriter> We nuke the site from orbit.
  1718. [14:24:16] <&KamenWriter> It's the only way to be sure.
  1719. [14:25:16] <zoofman> I'd largely agree, but eh, considering we completely rehauled it I wouldn't mind biting the bullet and sifting through the herpaderp.
  1720. [14:25:57] <zoofman> I'd like to think people who play the system, but only lurk there for updates, would appreciate it. But I'm being a huge optomist on that, admittedly.
  1721. [14:27:29] <&KamenWriter> Watching my weekly SUPER HERO TIME
  1722. [14:27:46] <zoofman> oh shit I never got the new Tiger and Boony this weekend.
  1723. [14:27:46] <zoofman> :[
  1724. [14:28:22] <@Paradox> maan, I wanna play FE7
  1725. [14:28:26] <@Paradox> but I don't wanna do Eliwoodmode
  1726. [14:28:26] <@Paradox> :(
  1727. [14:28:34] <@Paradox> grumblegrumble
  1728. [14:28:51] * Happytop ( Quit (Client exited)
  1729. [14:28:57] * Katy ( has joined #pokeymans
  1730. [14:29:19] <zoofman> stupid job fairs. wish I could fast forward to 8 PM. Shit always makes me worn out.
  1732. [14:29:40] <&KamenWriter> Could you download a savegame that would skip you right to Hector?
  1733. [14:30:33] * RichterBelmont is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  1734. [14:32:48] <zoofman> . . . I don't even wanna think about actual interviews at the moment, and shit, I got a Microsoft one already.
  1735. [14:36:05] * Kit ( has joined #pokeymans
  1736. [14:36:15] * Kit is now known as CollegeKit
  1737. [14:36:19] * CollegeKit is now known as Kit
  1738. [14:36:22] * UboaServ sets mode: +o Kit
  1739. [14:36:26] * Kit is now known as CollegeKit
  1740. [14:36:31] <@CollegeKit> suuuuuuup
  1741. [14:36:46] <@CollegeKit> waiting for te bus
  1742. [14:36:47] <@CollegeKit> the*
  1743. [14:37:35] <@CollegeKit> and thus, no one was on.
  1744. [14:37:37] * RioCadaro ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1745. [14:38:05] <@CollegeKit> and there was much rejoicing
  1746. [14:38:26] * @CollegeKit rolls
  1747. [14:39:08] <KujiUn> Haha.
  1748. [14:39:13] <KujiUn> Having fun?
  1749. [14:39:24] * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as RichterBelmont
  1750. [14:39:25] * Hugbox-5000 is now known as Dracula
  1751. [14:39:47] * Dracula is now known as Hugbox-5000
  1752. [14:39:48] * RichterBelmont is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  1753. [14:41:33] * @CollegeKit ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1754. [14:44:50] * BigTentacruel ( has joined #pokeymans
  1755. [14:46:55] * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as Jessie
  1756. [14:47:03] * zoofman ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1757. [14:47:47] * Jessie is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  1758. [14:48:20] * Mons ( has joined #pokeymans
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