
Day 293(2) JTTF Summary SilverScript Aug 11 2017

Aug 11th, 2017
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  1. Day 293(2) JTTF Summary SilverScript Aug 11 2017
  3. Day 293(2) Day 292 - Summary JTTF Summary Aug 11 2017
  7. Transcript
  8. 0:03
  9. okay I'm sorry I'm in Bryant Park
  10. 0:08
  11. public library
  12. 0:12
  13. volunteer
  14. 0:15
  15. uses that way or Foundation assembly
  16. 0:19
  17. and I'm not going to do a walk and talk
  18. 0:21
  19. this morning I think there's a certain
  20. 0:23
  21. value of that proof of life certain that
  22. 0:25
  23. value of a learning as you walk down the
  24. 0:28
  25. street talking to people so I'm going to
  26. 0:31
  27. do a little less of that it was a little
  28. 0:32
  29. bit more focus on the facts focus on the
  30. 0:35
  31. slides like my old tradition was first
  32. 0:37
  33. 200 days before I kind of went on the
  34. 0:40
  35. road but I'm not going to lose the touch
  36. 0:43
  37. of the streets and you know it was funny
  38. 0:46
  39. last night hearing Thomas Paine you know
  40. 0:48
  41. talk for an hour and 45 minutes or
  42. 0:50
  43. almost two hours and with this Brooklyn
  44. 0:53
  45. accent with these guys
  46. 0:56
  47. you got it you got to look out for your
  48. 0:58
  49. buddies you know you know you never go
  50. 1:00
  51. to get anywhere you can't roll over on
  52. 1:02
  53. your friends you know all that last
  54. 1:04
  55. night try to disguise with the NYPD
  56. 1:07
  57. Intel accent and the FBI accent from New
  58. 1:11
  59. York but anyway let's go more to the
  60. 1:15
  61. slides
  62. 1:16
  63. this estate 292 and this one and run
  64. 1:21
  65. just say that first off I have no desire
  66. 1:24
  67. really to put as I've said many kinds of
  68. 1:27
  69. past to anything to Hillary or the on
  70. 1:30
  71. brothers Geneva
  72. 1:33
  73. Media store drug Network not even really
  74. 1:36
  75. mccade at the end of the day even though
  76. 1:38
  77. he's made my life is about fun really
  78. 1:41
  79. it's this is all really kind of a deep
  80. 1:43
  81. state contract I hate even saying beach
  82. 1:45
  83. state because it seems like almost a
  84. 1:48
  85. conspiracy theory word all I'm really
  86. 1:49
  87. talking about is just the guys who are
  88. 1:52
  89. running the show which is the military
  90. 1:53
  91. and all these actors really are just
  92. 1:55
  93. state actors into the day they're all
  94. 1:58
  95. they're all just doing their job down
  96. 2:00
  97. did they take some turns here and there
  98. 2:04
  99. not necessarily make the right ethical
  100. 2:06
  101. choices yes of course unfortunately I
  102. 2:10
  103. have to unwind through people unwind
  104. 2:13
  105. story for people which I'm doing through
  106. 2:16
  107. the wall brothers initially will get to
  108. 2:17
  109. Javeed will get to the Clinton
  110. 2:19
  111. Foundation like I said I just want
  112. 2:21
  113. Hillary to go to the Maldives have a
  114. 2:23
  115. nice life I don't want to see anybody go
  116. 2:25
  117. to jail write this plea deal I don't
  118. 2:29
  119. want to see because there's no evidence
  120. 2:30
  121. she gives evidence to exchange was
  122. 2:33
  123. please I'm fine with that
  124. 2:35
  125. but really aspiring here wasn't aspiring
  126. 2:38
  127. in and of itself as I said on nutricious
  128. 2:41
  129. show yesterday
  130. 2:42
  131. aggressive radio sirens don't get
  132. 2:46
  133. created with all these people cars
  134. 2:48
  135. businesses diplomatic passports money
  136. 2:52
  137. guns arms espionage weapons that all
  138. 2:56
  139. doesn't happen with six people have come
  140. 2:57
  141. to this country who are not don't even
  142. 3:00
  143. have a passport don't even have a
  144. 3:01
  145. long-term visa you need the help of
  146. 3:03
  147. somebody in the deep state you need to
  148. 3:05
  149. be spying for the deep state and you
  150. 3:07
  151. need to be enabling ratlines for the
  152. 3:08
  153. deep state like bu @ WP which is
  154. 3:11
  155. completed uranium and white phosphorus
  156. 3:13
  157. so we're going to zoom in on who we are
  158. 3:17
  159. doing favors for this is a recent
  160. 3:19
  161. article by the intercept this is Ryan
  162. 3:22
  163. grim just reported the gulf of UAE gave
  164. 3:26
  165. twenty million dollar gift to DC
  166. 3:29
  167. think-tank I'm going to do my best
  168. 3:30
  169. Thomas Paine airy and white PD Intel
  170. 3:33
  171. acceptable DC think take right
  172. 3:36
  173. twenty million right yeah that's not a
  174. 3:38
  175. DC pink thing that's a bribe for the BC
  176. 3:40
  177. harvest so you can read on about from
  178. 3:43
  179. Ryan grim all about that but that these
  180. 3:48
  181. are just very thinly veiled drives
  182. 3:52
  183. I'm going to show you the harbor again
  184. 3:55
  185. this is the Navy Yard this stuff has
  186. 3:59
  187. been going on for a hundred years but
  188. 4:00
  189. it's really gotten bad over the last 40
  190. 4:02
  191. years but using the Navy Yard and also
  192. 4:04
  193. the National Harbor along the Potomac
  194. 4:07
  195. near South Washington South for the
  196. 4:08
  197. White House kind of ratline century then
  198. 4:11
  199. that way a long time it's actually been
  200. 4:12
  201. that way since 1812 they use the snake
  202. 4:15
  203. those slaves and build our Navy and all
  204. 4:19
  205. the way through Civil War you can sleep
  206. 4:21
  207. over they for ratlines okay that's a lot
  208. 4:24
  209. of the great wealth of America's created
  210. 4:26
  211. that way but we got to stop this as the
  212. 4:30
  213. ratline fit worse and worse now that
  214. 4:32
  215. we've got organ harvesting and all these
  216. 4:34
  217. are living things with drugs very deadly
  218. 4:36
  219. drugs it's just getting worse the reason
  220. 4:39
  221. why the spiring this created the reason
  222. 4:40
  223. why you see all this concentration
  224. 4:42
  225. around Springfield's Lorton and
  226. 4:46
  227. Woodbridge down here all the wands are
  228. 4:48
  229. in here they're going to see lots and
  230. 4:50
  231. lots of the wands we really don't have
  232. 4:52
  233. to go through we don't need really to
  234. 4:53
  235. drill down on any of the crimes of more
  236. 4:55
  237. than four or five a lot to prove the
  238. 4:57
  239. point that this is aspiring Congress is
  240. 5:00
  241. being the Congressional Credit Union is
  242. 5:02
  243. being used as an ATM the cars are being
  244. 5:05
  245. stolen being brought into this area
  246. 5:07
  247. being shifted diplomats to get money be
  248. 5:10
  249. shipped to Florida and then
  250. 5:13
  251. so focus in on this lady arcing 178
  252. 5:17
  253. different buildings this is the navy
  254. 5:19
  255. Navy Yard over here this is under the
  256. 5:22
  257. control of DC DC politics that's with
  258. 5:24
  259. twenty million dollars is going for for
  260. 5:27
  261. the bribe this is the complex that's
  262. 5:30
  263. being kind of turned over slowly for
  264. 5:32
  265. private interests Building Museum every
  266. 5:35
  267. once in a while but I can assure you
  268. 5:36
  269. very much the light arms and so forth
  270. 5:38
  271. and being stored here very fit arms are
  272. 5:41
  273. getting smaller
  274. 5:42
  275. tempering missiles vu missiles the WT
  276. 5:44
  277. missiles are getting smaller sarin gas
  278. 5:46
  279. charges are getting smaller we can store
  280. 5:48
  281. them in an area like this shipping area
  282. 5:51
  283. is going to be down here at the National
  284. 5:52
  285. Harbor I wish I had my McDuck book I
  286. 5:55
  287. wish I had my Macduff's yellow or excuse
  288. 5:59
  289. me the orange book with this picture and
  290. 6:00
  291. I know
  292. 6:01
  293. Duff's son doesn't believe this yet but
  294. 6:03
  295. I believe your father had this all
  296. 6:04
  297. worked out and maybe that's why he is
  298. 6:07
  299. early demise not just a paper clip
  300. 6:09
  301. but anyway
  302. 6:12
  303. and my heart goes out to you every day I
  304. 6:14
  305. just want to let you know that's my
  306. 6:15
  307. inspiration every day so anyway Duff had
  308. 6:20
  309. this Harbor here as the main transit
  310. 6:22
  311. point you're going to be bringing in
  312. 6:24
  313. people from El Salvadorian Embassy
  314. 6:27
  315. Guatemalan Embassy etc consulates over
  316. 6:31
  317. here to work these docks using temporary
  318. 6:32
  319. workers when they're doing the unloads
  320. 6:35
  321. and off loads of the UAE ships primarily
  322. 6:38
  323. UAE could be other flags but mainly UAE
  324. 6:42
  325. Saudi flagships with the judge to
  326. 6:45
  327. Denmark black 10-month left
  328. 6:48
  329. so this is how it all ties together this
  330. 6:52
  331. is why I made such a big deal out about
  332. 6:53
  333. the four containers that we're coming
  334. 6:55
  335. into Charleston Harbor on the mayor's
  336. 6:57
  337. coming Memphis Maersk this is the ship
  338. 6:59
  339. that we are going to find discovery we
  340. 7:02
  341. are going to move forward with the we
  342. 7:03
  343. happen orbital defamation lawsuit JTTF
  344. 7:07
  345. lawsuit in order to get discovery here I
  346. 7:09
  347. don't want the money I'm going to
  348. 7:10
  349. probably donate it to create a news
  350. 7:12
  351. channel or open source news
  352. 7:16
  353. if I do win with the FBI lawsuits not
  354. 7:18
  355. just going to be FBI law so it's really
  356. 7:20
  357. a JTTF lawsuits much bigger than the FBI
  358. 7:23
  359. but we have still not got discovery on
  360. 7:25
  361. those containers we are going to keep
  362. 7:27
  363. pressing until we do get the
  364. 7:28
  365. radiological readings the key to this
  366. 7:31
  367. whole system is the UAE royal families
  368. 7:33
  369. that we have identified on the manifests
  370. 7:36
  371. in the Porticus team in Pakistan with
  372. 7:39
  373. shipping privileges depleted-uranium
  374. 7:42
  375. going from Iran going to Pakistan to be
  376. 7:44
  377. made into shells ammo coming to the
  378. 7:48
  379. United States then the stock piled
  380. 7:50
  381. warehouses and set out for small arms
  382. 7:52
  383. dealers all around the world really
  384. 7:54
  385. funding Isis the ISIS weapons ratline
  386. 7:56
  387. all around the world
  388. 7:58
  389. reason why Jafar nuclear scientists
  390. 8:01
  391. Nawrocki Iran nuclear scientists
  392. 8:03
  393. go-between got that container deal down
  394. 8:05
  395. in in Port Canaveral the same reason
  396. 8:09
  397. there's a deal a secret deal in
  398. 8:10
  399. Jacksonville there's a secret deal of
  400. 8:13
  401. Campa you're going to find there is a
  402. 8:15
  403. secret deal for National Harbor and
  404. 8:18
  405. Washington Navy Yard
  406. 8:19
  407. so upcoming I'll be putting proof points
  408. 8:22
  409. in
  410. 8:23
  411. the great work of Bill Warner
  412. 8:24
  413. identifying the ring where these cars
  414. 8:27
  415. were being stolen
  416. 8:28
  417. that's fake docks into containers then
  418. 8:31
  419. shipped the only thing I had to add to
  420. 8:33
  421. build waters work was the fact that in
  422. 8:35
  423. the trucks was going the smaller
  424. 8:37
  425. covering missiles gem rings are bu WP
  426. 8:41
  427. and sarin or whatever kind of gaps load
  428. 8:44
  429. that in there mainly WP is bu
  430. 8:48
  431. so we're going to have Bill Warner I
  432. 8:49
  433. think a little bit later this week again
  434. 8:52
  435. that's why I was so necessary to figure
  436. 8:53
  437. out how the communication system of the
  438. 8:55
  439. round line was working that's why I had
  440. 8:58
  441. to go to every property and discover not
  442. 9:00
  443. only the laptops not only the BlackBerry
  444. 9:02
  445. Enterprise Server for the actual laptops
  446. 9:04
  447. themselves if the laptops are actually
  448. 9:06
  449. like the walk-and-talk nice for the
  450. 9:08
  451. whole ratline they're secure
  452. 9:10
  453. cryptographically coded to keep this
  454. 9:13
  455. trade network secret so these laptops
  456. 9:16
  457. are going to be the reason why there's
  458. 9:18
  459. so many BlackBerry's their reason why
  460. 9:20
  461. you have maybe involvement that that
  462. 9:23
  463. we're going to end up drilling down on
  464. 9:26
  465. is because of this so closely tied to
  466. 9:29
  467. the native now this is a great marine
  468. 9:31
  469. it's wife's a great mid petty officer I
  470. 9:35
  471. really want to thank Andre Taggart I am
  472. 9:38
  473. working with Fox News right now judge
  474. 9:41
  475. nap up seven blocks away you want to
  476. 9:43
  477. come down meet me or I'll walk up there
  478. 9:45
  479. judge that we really are trying to get a
  480. 9:47
  481. hold of each a second low if you really
  482. 9:48
  483. try to get a hold of me right here you
  484. 9:51
  485. can see where I am in Bryant Park right
  486. 9:53
  487. now come down to me I'm sorry I'm not
  488. 9:56
  489. going live on this but I'll just I'll
  490. 9:58
  491. stay here for a while
  492. 9:59
  493. read some books of New York Public
  494. 10:01
  495. Library but hard drive story has come
  496. 10:04
  497. out the broken laptop stories is going
  498. 10:06
  499. to come out and then these lack bright
  500. 10:08
  501. BlackBerry Enterprise Server is going to
  502. 10:10
  503. come out when every tanker crew slides
  504. 10:12
  505. can become a worldwide phenomenon
  506. 10:14
  507. sensation of course he's going to have
  508. 10:17
  509. its own calendar for all the girls is
  510. 10:18
  511. going to become pinup guy for the
  512. 10:21
  513. Marines but that all awaits us again
  514. 10:25
  515. this is why it's so important to release
  516. 10:26
  517. the 650,000 emails as I mentioned the
  518. 10:29
  519. speaker this
  520. 10:30
  521. was up to 1.2 million dollars in terms
  522. 10:32
  523. of private cave Kevin and Cumberland has
  524. 10:35
  525. that to get that to Thomas Payne so he
  526. 10:38
  527. can have that story this is again why he
  528. 10:42
  529. published the metadata for this Thomas
  530. 10:47
  531. again for any NYPD Thomas Payne said
  532. 10:51
  533. last night that these people that have
  534. 10:53
  535. seen these emails who's 50 there's 50
  536. 10:55
  537. NYPD that have seen them there I think
  538. 10:59
  539. that's going to be how many Chiefs there
  540. 11:01
  541. are at the NYPD then you take the number
  542. 11:03
  543. of Chiefs times the number of people who
  544. 11:05
  545. might have spoken about it and that's
  546. 11:07
  547. the total number of people that can come
  548. 11:09
  549. up to me and accidentally drop a piece
  550. 11:12
  551. of paper one piece of paper just hey you
  552. 11:15
  553. follow me just drop one piece of paper
  554. 11:17
  555. it doesn't even have to be anything
  556. 11:18
  557. confidential it just needs to have the
  558. 11:19
  559. name of a chief on it that tells me
  560. 11:22
  561. where to go anybody from CENTCOM can
  562. 11:25
  563. print off the header for General John
  564. 11:28
  565. Allen and just drop that piece of paper
  566. 11:29
  567. give me about going to yoga or going to
  568. 11:32
  569. Hillary's wedding it doesn't matter we
  570. 11:35
  571. can prove how long that footer is on the
  572. 11:37
  573. general John Allen footer um emails we
  574. 11:41
  575. can prove that 200 emails does not equal
  576. 11:43
  577. you know the four hundred thousand or
  578. 11:46
  579. whatever they were it actually equals
  580. 11:48
  581. twenty thousand 2k emails right so 200
  582. 11:51
  583. emails into each email that he broke was
  584. 11:54
  585. not to Meg so anyway I want to prove
  586. 11:58
  587. that out so
  588. 12:01
  589. these need to be published immediately
  590. 12:03
  591. Trump can mr. Trump Steve Manon calling
  592. 12:06
  593. out to all the people National Security
  594. 12:08
  595. Advisor general Kelly appear white hat
  596. 12:10
  597. immediately just published a metadata
  598. 12:12
  599. for these emails you can be classified
  600. 12:13
  601. these emails or just be classified the
  602. 12:16
  603. Hillary's secret are Hillary's email to
  604. 12:20
  605. Yuma about the secure phones that's all
  606. 12:24
  607. you need to do is just that one email
  608. 12:25
  609. just declassify that one name which is
  610. 12:29
  611. Imran a1 and this whole thing comes
  612. 12:31
  613. apart as I said you're going to find
  614. 12:33
  615. more about this I've had this being adel
  616. 12:35
  617. at a blackberry with over 75 days here
  618. 12:39
  619. again is the reason why for running that
  620. 12:41
  621. ratline and beat the area reports we may
  622. 12:45
  623. have something similar in the New Jersey
  624. 12:47
  625. ports here as well and then we have this
  626. 12:50
  627. stuff going on at the South Carolina
  628. 12:52
  629. ports as well as the Florida ports I
  630. 12:54
  631. don't know about Port of Long Beach with
  632. 12:56
  633. the Chinese yet but that's why you meet
  634. 12:59
  635. all three of these things you need
  636. 13:00
  637. Homeland Security to be able to
  638. 13:01
  639. introduce an intercept port information
  640. 13:04
  641. he of course the House Intelligence
  642. 13:06
  643. because you need to know about the
  644. 13:08
  645. movements of other militaries around the
  646. 13:10
  647. world
  648. 13:10
  649. unfortunately Foreign Affairs to be able
  650. 13:12
  651. to
  652. 13:13
  653. and intercept deals for pay-to-play
  654. 13:17
  655. so the where this so that wraps up the
  656. 13:22
  657. port summer the direction we're going to
  658. 13:23
  659. be going with this talking about the
  660. 13:25
  661. iran expiring this is why the iraq a
  662. 13:27
  663. once brought spiring i'm i'm moving for
  664. 13:30
  665. being on m Ron's defense now defensive
  666. 13:33
  667. aspiring I'm still going to collect
  668. 13:34
  669. evidence but it's only the collect
  670. 13:36
  671. evidence to get him to turn state's
  672. 13:37
  673. evidence at this point he's no longer a
  674. 13:40
  675. target of mine neither is Hillary
  676. 13:41
  677. Clinton for that matter both of them are
  678. 13:44
  679. people that you be turned as witnesses
  680. 13:46
  681. to actually unwind this this trade we're
  682. 13:50
  683. actually wanting to stop the trade stop
  684. 13:53
  685. the each state influence on our
  686. 13:54
  687. government that's the key here
  688. 13:56
  689. not to single out any one individual
  690. 13:59
  691. so that's my intention so I have no
  692. 14:02
  693. malice board Emraan or any of the little
  694. 14:04
  695. wands or for that matter any for Hillary
  696. 14:06
  697. Clinton I know that's going to make a
  698. 14:08
  699. lot of people mad
  700. 14:09
  701. what is going now is this HSP e6 the
  702. 14:13
  703. Homeland Security presidential directive
  704. 14:16
  705. 6v adhere Homeland Security presidential
  706. 14:18
  707. directive sick this is the least known
  708. 14:21
  709. of the WikiLeaks emails this is how the
  710. 14:25
  711. transplant which is called the Joint
  712. 14:28
  713. Task Force plan which turned into JTTF
  714. 14:30
  715. to the United States is how we do JTTF
  716. 14:34
  717. surround the world this is how we
  718. 14:35
  719. leverage or governments by putting in
  720. 14:37
  721. political military military police
  722. 14:39
  723. structures in governments all across the
  724. 14:42
  725. world this is just sweet this is just
  726. 14:44
  727. one example of Sweden going after Asajj
  728. 14:47
  729. putting in JTTF there you can just
  730. 14:50
  731. Google Wikipedia JTTF you'll see how we
  732. 14:53
  733. have used agency s around the world to
  734. 14:55
  735. affect u.s. foreign policy we're going
  736. 14:57
  737. to limit the number of visas for your
  738. 14:58
  739. daughters to get into our medical
  740. 15:00
  741. schools for your sons to get into our
  742. 15:01
  743. spikes most like American University if
  744. 15:04
  745. you don't put in JTTF is an appeal to
  746. 15:06
  747. the elite to subjugate the population of
  748. 15:09
  749. their
  750. 15:11
  751. you don't believe me that JTTF is more
  752. 15:14
  753. powerful than the FBI you can just look
  754. 15:16
  755. down here and look at number military
  756. 15:18
  757. organizations involved in orange here
  758. 15:21
  759. all DoD 25% DoD this is the military
  760. 15:26
  761. structure coming in and putting its
  762. 15:28
  763. clamp on our national law enforcement
  764. 15:31
  765. you then want to look at the federal
  766. 15:33
  767. agencies their subordinate and white so
  768. 15:35
  769. all this
  770. 15:36
  771. and finally have a little piece of the
  772. 15:38
  773. state agencies more as a front and a
  774. 15:40
  775. cover so you bring in an end to the
  776. 15:42
  777. National sheriffs and so forth and they
  778. 15:44
  779. are the front men for this but really
  780. 15:46
  781. their front men put at each state the
  782. 15:49
  783. front men for the military-industrial
  784. 15:50
  785. complex the military complex and then
  786. 15:54
  787. their front men for these different
  788. 15:56
  789. investigative units that have been added
  790. 15:58
  791. to our federal agencies so that's the
  792. 16:01
  793. wrap up gives you an idea where we're
  794. 16:03
  795. going
  796. 16:03
  797. and again if judge Knapp wants to come
  798. 16:06
  799. down come on down judge nap or I'll go
  800. 16:08
  801. up there megyn kelly you're going to
  802. 16:11
  803. have to take a crosstown bus and as
  804. 16:13
  805. Thomas Kane with Sega think across on
  806. 16:15
  807. bus or Jay Sekulow so I'm
  808. 16:19
  809. if any or all of you Sean Hannity sue
  810. 16:22
  811. Carter anyone who wants to come down to
  812. 16:24
  813. meet me if you want me to go up there
  814. 16:25
  815. I can make available any NYPD wants to
  816. 16:29
  817. meet me FBI feel come on down I'll be
  818. 16:31
  819. here for a while and let's make the set
  820. 16:34
  821. thing happen the NYPD badge is a badge
  822. 16:36
  823. of honor you know that your government
  824. 16:38
  825. is at stake all you have to do is drop
  826. 16:40
  827. one email accidentally right here right
  828. 16:43
  829. there as you walk by and we take this
  830. 16:46
  831. deep state down it wouldn't that many
  832. 16:49
  833. people this big surprise was last night
  834. 16:51
  835. with 50 Chiefs that have seen this
  836. 16:53
  837. information and that kind of
  838. 16:56
  839. intimidation network can never last it's
  840. 16:58
  841. just like almost like a not be think
  842. 16:59
  843. that to never last the secret will come
  844. 17:01
  845. out if ebony people bebeto Chiefs
  846. 17:04
  847. talking to that many other officers
  848. 17:05
  849. we're going to take this thing down in a
  850. 17:06
  851. matter of weeks not months thanks
  852. 17:08
  853. everybody live from New York
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