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Jan 22nd, 2018
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  1. Quislings are determined to wreck Australia. They are well-bribed
  3. The population growth junkies don't want much,
  4. they just want more, and more. Actually more is
  5. never enough, even though our current population
  6. growth is eight times the average for the
  7. developed world and twice the average for the
  8. developing world. Rudd's vision was no vision at
  9. all. His "big Australia" is just another ALP
  10. slogan, like Hawke's "no children living in
  11. poverty" rubbish. Clearly, wealthy parasites are
  12. the only ones who could benefit from such
  13. overpopulation. A black stream of twisted
  14. propaganda from the poisoned spring of national
  15. identity now flows across a landscape of
  16. socio-economic ruin. The coprophilic religion of
  17. growth and the plague immigration fraud, threatens
  18. what is left of Australia.
  20. It's impossible to balance the costs and benefits of mass immigration because there are no benefits
  22. Unless we curb present levels of plague
  23. immigration, Australians will live in a more
  24. conflict-ridden, less cooperative, less advanced,
  25. more unequal, higher-taxed, and more government
  26. burdened third world society. The Australian
  27. lifeboat is being overloaded with the surplus
  28. populations of the third world to the point where
  29. the waters of national disaster are within a
  30. centimetre of swamping the boat. Why aren't we
  31. allowed to vote against this insanity? Australia's
  32. political establishment is infested with globalist
  33. parasites, traitors and quislings. That is why we
  34. cannot shake-off this permanent plague immigration
  35. invasion. Media drones are also virulent pushers
  36. of globalist fictions.
  38. The raw multicultural sewage of a used-up planet
  40. Bulk immigration freaks are chaotic individuals.
  41. Their thought processes are so scrambled that they
  42. tend to support mass immigration impulsively
  43. without considering the consequences. Australia
  44. cannot survive an ecological and social meltdown.
  45. So the globalist parasites and chaos merchants
  46. went down to the land of Australia, and preached
  47. plague immigration mayhem unto them. Consider the
  48. poisonous weeds of globalism, how they grow - give
  49. us this day our daily death. It is certainly true
  50. that we are importing far more people than we need
  51. and can successfully integrate into the economy
  52. and community. Why do political parties persist in
  53. maintaining such high immigration levels if they
  54. are so costly to us?
  56. Malignant multicultural maggots spread an insectoidal malignancy in Australia
  58. As an experiment in applied aerodynamics, we could
  59. fling developers and architects from their
  60. high-rise "Stack and Pack" erections to see if
  61. they glide well. Compact dehydrated stackable
  62. high-density urban third world people are not my
  63. kind of people. It is normal for people not to
  64. like having their own communities altered forever,
  65. destroyed, and being alienated from the place
  66. where they grew up. Any multiculturalist who
  67. claims that normal people are the problem, is the
  68. problem. Australians are lambs to the slaughter
  69. when it comes to pandemic immigration and
  70. multiculturalism. Most now wonder if their feeble
  71. urges to preserve their own country or society,
  72. reveal primitive genocidal or racist tendencies.
  74. Rewarded for their services to Ponzi schemes, property pimps, parasite landlords, speculators and greasy property developers
  76. As globalist billionaires (Soros, Triguboff, Lowy,
  77. etc.) create a third world under-class in
  78. Australia, their quislings and drones will be
  79. challenged by the social unrest that crowding,
  80. violence and poverty bring. They will need
  81. powerful lies. The alleged economic benefits of a
  82. larger population: Twelve of the Top 20 standard
  83. of living countries have lower populations than
  84. Australia; and Australia once had the world's
  85. highest standard of living with four million
  86. people. Australians realize that their globalist
  87. government cannot spin a credible argument for
  88. toxic immigration that is based on quantifiable
  89. data, and they see the government increasingly
  90. rely on platitudes, anecdotes and emotional
  91. appeals.
  93. Property pimps and financial parasites are pushing hard to intensify the "Stack and Pack" mayhem in Australia's crumbling and overpopulated slum cities
  95. The best guarantee of future living standards is
  96. not mindless pursuit of resource-generated profits
  97. at any cost, but to preserve what's genuinely at
  98. risk: the health of our natural environment, and a
  99. good work-life-community balance for Australians.
  100. Plague immigration boosted real estate Ponzi
  101. schemes give unearned profits - for those in
  102. control. People wanting affordable housing are
  103. outgunned by property pimps, speculators,
  104. government, developers, overseas investors, and
  105. bloodsucker landlords. Multicultural politicians
  106. displaced Australians with mass immigration for
  107. globalist gangsterism. When a government stops
  108. protecting the lives, liberty and property of its
  109. citizens, it oversteps its authority away from
  110. democracy and towards treason.
  112. Drinking political filth from the third world waste stream
  114. Pitting Australian workers against immigrants for
  115. jobs is treason. The government must ensure the
  116. financial security of Australian citizens and
  117. protect our borders from invasion. Regulating
  118. immigration to serve Australian citizens is vital.
  119. Most immigrants don't care about your
  120. circumstances, so you might hesitate to be overly
  121. concerned about their welfare. The awful truth is
  122. that there is no multicultural brotherhood of
  123. nations. In other words, wealthy globalist
  124. parasites lied to you. Most politicians are
  125. thoroughly corrupt, moral reprobates involved in
  126. real estate scams and Ponzi schemes inflated by
  127. plague immigration. Too bad that housing is
  128. unaffordable and capital is withdrawn from
  129. productive enterprises.
  131. Civilization subverted by globalist traitors
  133. The ethnic cleansing of Anglophone Australia is
  134. not far removed from what happened in Hitler's
  135. Germany. A globalist transition to an obedient,
  136. yellow, third world master race of imported scab
  137. labour. The new "winner take all" police state.
  138. The modern Frankenstein's monster is
  139. multiculturalism. This is the apocalyptic
  140. berserker that humans invented and unleashed upon
  141. themselves. It promotes plague immigration and
  142. Anglophobia, and is the political root of all our
  143. problems. The globalist "level playing field" of
  144. impoverished third world cesspits
  146. Assessing false ideals and misplaced sentiment
  148. Once any nation finds the blood-sucking fangs of
  149. multiculturalism at its throat, its citizens have
  150. only a tiny window of opportunity to exorcise
  151. these vampires and demons of globalism. Those
  152. nations that are too weakened by diversity become
  153. zombies. The latest political establishment ploy,
  154. is directing people's rage at plague immigration
  155. exclusively toward Moslems, while ensuring that it
  156. doesn't stimulate too much public interest in the
  157. true bipartisan plague immigration conspiracy.
  158. When politicians take bribes from the rich, it
  159. places them under an obligation to betray the
  160. people. No amount of propaganda or twisted
  161. rhetoric can alter that sad fact. Attracting
  162. campaign dollars is secondary to corrupt personal
  163. greed.
  165. Human realities are turned upside-down. as true believers live out the globalist lie
  167. The multicultural feeding frenzy rages almost
  168. unopposed in Australia. The mad anti-racist
  169. hysteria shrieked by Jewish cuckoos and gay
  170. perverts effectively silenced Pauline Hanson and
  171. everyone else. The globalist cultural diversity
  172. apocalypse is here. Expecting mass immigration and
  173. population growth to produce easy material wealth
  174. for the already wealthy, values slyness over
  175. effort, a popular idea with parasites and
  176. traitors. There is nothing heroic about this
  177. bloodsucking greed. Australia is a dry continent
  178. with ancient, nutrient-poor soils - much of it
  179. desert, as satellite images show - it cannot
  180. support a high population - a confronting fact for
  181. those wishing to fill Australia with masses of
  182. imported scab labour.
  184. Australia will burn to ashes in the imported ethnic violence
  186. By accepting plague immigration and importing scab
  187. labour, Australia is working its way down to a
  188. third world standard of living. This assists a
  189. massive redistribution of income and wealth from
  190. workers and the poor to the parasitic wealthy.
  191. Globalism and plague immigration are reducing
  192. Australia to nothing better than a geographical
  193. zone, populated by wandering "world citizens" who
  194. are mostly cheap imported scab labour from the
  195. third world. The losers in this scam are
  196. Australians. The growth-mad globalist politicians
  197. desperately want mass immigration to make ever
  198. more "jobs" and also to provide ever more cheap
  199. imported labour. These circular requirements
  200. always seem to be "urgent" because they inherently
  201. cancel each other.
  203. Refuse to help treacherous political jackals make the chaos of diversity and multiculturalism "work"
  205. The inability of most Aussies to acquire and
  206. understand information is a huge national threat.
  207. Australia has become a fractured nation, flying
  208. blind, guided only by globalist spin, ignorance,
  209. and Ponzi scheme hubris. A terrible catastrophe
  210. awaits. The awful truth can upset the apple cart,
  211. so our elected quislings reckon bullshit is the
  212. best policy, and place the "benefits" from
  213. globalist "reforms" and plague immigration
  214. conveniently out of sight over the horizon of some
  215. imaginary future. The planet's irreplaceable
  216. natural assets have been catastrophically drawn
  217. down, and there is no way of replacing them. This
  218. is perhaps a most revolutionary question, but why
  219. populate in the first place, what are we really
  220. trying to do here?
  222. Screw as many cheap imported scab labour locusts as possible whilst disenfranchising and disempowering the Aussie working class
  224. Politicians have shifted all the risk-free profits
  225. from plague immigration policy to the property
  226. speculators, property pimps and plague landlords,
  227. and shifted all the liabilities, risk and debt, to
  228. taxpayers, workers, housing seekers and tenants.
  229. Your true savage is to be found among the
  230. globalist politicians and corporate pigs. With
  231. them in charge, everything in the nation is forced
  232. to serve globalist gangsterism. This kind of
  233. "progress" is a fraud. Our elected quislings are
  234. hard at work helping wealthy gangsters with
  235. unjustifiable wealth appropriation through
  236. unearned real estate profits. That is the main
  237. function of the plague immigration Ponzi scheme,
  238. rotten with imported Anglophobia.
  240. Australia's past and future being bulldozed into oblivion
  242. Here is the atavistic, reptile mind behind the
  243. scenes, drooling at the prospect of unearned
  244. wealth through the Ponzi scheme magic of plague
  245. immigration. Will the breeding locusts of imported
  246. scab labour really save Australia? More people now
  247. notice that social cohesion is at its lowest point
  248. in Australia's history. We can no longer claim to
  249. share a coherent national identity or purpose -
  250. unless that purpose is more bulk immigration to
  251. elevate the wealthy. The sense of national
  252. identity that once motivated Aussies to defend
  253. their homeland is held in suspicion by a political
  254. elite obsessed with cultural diversity. We are
  255. told that opposing mass immigration is the
  256. equivalent of siding with the Nazis.
  258. Multicultural insectoidals never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge
  260. How can there be labour solidarity between people
  261. who are stuck here, and aliens saving to go back
  262. to a country where everything is cheaper? How much
  263. harder will it be for unions to fight for workers
  264. with floods of foreign scab labour? The
  265. proliferation of violent ethnic pestholes in
  266. Australian cities, and a runaway foreign debt
  267. signals Aussies that they must act fast if they
  268. wish to save their country from globalism. Selling
  269. their grandmothers won't cover their growing
  270. debts. Australians are losing control over access
  271. to housing, resources and amenities, with some
  272. immigrants much wealthier than the average
  273. Australian. There is something very wrong with a
  274. political system that allows this to happen,
  275. indeed encourages it.
  277. Forced to endure the poisonous nightmare of a globalist "rainbow" society where the plague immigration "melting pot" melts nothing
  279. Many Australians cannot be properly housed, while
  280. hospitals and infrastructure crumbles into a
  281. third-world condition. Australia can only continue
  282. in this direction by massive borrowing that has
  283. plunged Aussies into massive household debt. The
  284. traitors believe that "it's unfair" that Australia
  285. has an expanse of sea that protects us from easy
  286. invasion. The lunatics want Aussie taxpayers to
  287. fund all schemes that help the ethnic hordes cross
  288. the sea to invade our cities and communities. It
  289. is odd how a certain political cabal insisted that
  290. Jews deserve "a land of their own" but if
  291. Australians insist on that same right, they are
  292. virtual Nazis or racists. Australia it seems, must
  293. open its borders to its enemies when others don't.
  295. The emergence of bribe-weak political tapeworms
  297. Multicultural mass media muppets absolutely
  298. flooded Australia with a tsunami of gibbering
  299. globalist bullshit, and the endless reforms,
  300. liberalizations and privatizations amount to
  301. nothing more noble than national prostitution or
  302. cock-sucking. When politicians hang out with
  303. billionaires, they tend to feel inferior and
  304. somehow impoverished. Panic sets in, and they seek
  305. ways to get into the big money. Mass immigration
  306. is a quick solution. Real immigration is a legal
  307. activity that has the democratic consent of the
  308. host nation. That consent is absent in Australia.
  309. The type of globalist mass immigration Australia
  310. is now suffering, is really dispossession.
  312. Striving for a culture of wealth destruction
  314. The darkness of the coming third world future is
  315. disguised as a gay and vibrant multicultural fairy
  316. tale trip to sugar candy mountain where the
  317. ostrich posture prevents the useful idiots
  318. perceiving the increasing environmental and social
  319. violence. Before sheeple become lemmings swarming
  320. over globalist cliffs, their brains first take
  321. long holidays in the land of the real estate Ponzi
  322. schemes, which are just another weird idolatry
  323. Aussies "embrace" along with plague immigration.
  324. It is logical to expect breeding third world
  325. locusts who ruined their own countries, to
  326. continue those habits when they are imported as
  327. cheap scab labour. Primitive subhumans shit
  328. everywhere, and expect others to clean up their
  329. crap.
  331. Building a political resistance against alien occupation
  333. If freely moving from one place to another is a
  334. human right, then I guess I can plan to move into
  335. your house, along with a host of my relatives.
  336. After all, someone who favours open borders can
  337. hardly oppose open houses. The idiocy of
  338. unregulated human breeding, is really accelerating
  339. global resource depletion, but the establishment
  340. monopolies and rackets pay no heed to the
  341. warnings, and bulldoze Aussies aside to loot and
  342. pillage their land. The scrambled minds of those
  343. drones who infest the globalist mass media, cannot
  344. possibly grasp the nature or inevitable outcome of
  345. Australia's plague immigration and genocidal
  346. "Yellow Australia" policies, so it's no use
  347. listening to them.
  349. Plague immigration is being "streamlined" by removing "bureaucratic hurdles" to property racketeering
  351. How mad is mealy-mouthed talk about homelessness,
  352. when politicians seriously suggest that
  353. homelessness caused by unaffordable scarce housing
  354. is a psychiatric problem that can be medicated
  355. away? Our cuckoo "leaders" are the actual
  356. pathology here. Globalism's multicultural "Yellow
  357. Australia" policy left most Aussie citizens
  358. stranded, toothless, and helpless. Soon their
  359. citizenship will be worth less than the paper it
  360. is printed on, because Aussie citizenship is being
  361. sold as a cheap commodity. Globalist mass media
  362. stooges moan that industry can't construct houses
  363. fast enough to meet demand and call for more
  364. imported scab labour to feed this scarcity pyramid
  365. racket. All this corrupt hand-wringing amounts to
  366. fraud, if not treason.
  368. Forget all of this globalist bullshit about sacrifice - start fighting back!
  370. Globalist politicians betrayed, or failed to
  371. represent the people, and quite frankly, all the
  372. rest is bullshit. Wages did get forced down,
  373. community cohesion did suffer, housing became
  374. unaffordable, so why is the political left
  375. pretending otherwise? Regions with lots of
  376. immigrants weren't ever exemplars of good
  377. government. If you don't like politics to be based
  378. on ethnic suspicion and conflict then ethnic
  379. instability of the sort mass immigration creates
  380. is something to avoid. Instead of apologizing for
  381. unleashing endless trouble and poverty on Aussies
  382. with plague immigration of third world scab
  383. labour, our ruling lunatics are still inventing
  384. ways of turning this Ponzi scheme disaster into an
  385. ironclad institution.
  387. Many Australians will vote for Pauline Hanson
  389. Rapacious Asian-style "Stack and Pack" slum
  390. development only magnifies the horror of
  391. Australia's plague immigration invasion. Many
  392. Aussies saw the dim hopeful light of possible
  393. home-ownership extinguished by real estate Ponzi
  394. schemes. After decades of globalist "reform" and
  395. interference, the world's financial system is one
  396. very sick puppy, teetering on the brink of
  397. collapse. Why then, would any government pretend
  398. that globalism is anything other than an
  399. unmitigated disaster? Australia is the country
  400. that badly stuffed up its river and underground
  401. water systems, and is demonstrating a serious lack
  402. of political will to fix the problem, telling
  403. everyone that an extra 13 million people will be
  404. no problem.
  406. Multiculturalism and plague immigration are totally at odds with Australian interests
  408. There is little doubt that the political Left
  409. tends to see bulk immigration from third world
  410. countries as a handy way of destroying the hated
  411. West, but why are many "conservatives" so silent
  412. over mass immigration? Rental income is unearned
  413. income, it does not come from personal exertion,
  414. it is not a "business". For a long time tax losses
  415. from rental were quarantined to stop speculation
  416. being rampant - until politicians became full
  417. partners in the Ponzi scheme. Feral immigration
  418. can't solve a stolen pensions crisis, nor solve
  419. the "problem" of an aging population, as its
  420. advocates so often claim. It can, at most, delay
  421. the day of reckoning, when immigrants also age,
  422. and try to find the stolen pensions.
  424. Australian by inclination: So end plague immigration!
  426. The results of the third world bias in plague
  427. immigration policies can be seen in ethnic
  428. enclaves and ethnic gang crime. This overwhelms
  429. our schools, our hospitals, our social welfare
  430. net, infrastructure and employment opportunities.
  431. Should trusting Aussies sacrifice their nation and
  432. its future on the altar of the diseased
  433. multicultural mind? Should they also step aside
  434. for a flood of imported scab labour? Fake
  435. multicultural altruism and its cheer-leading
  436. traitors think so. It is not enough that the
  437. diseased third world is overpopulated, we have to
  438. also import the filth. The subhumans now expect
  439. their insectoidal fornication and retarded
  440. breeding orgies to be blessed by a "baby bonus" or
  441. similar gift money.
  443. Inevitability: population collapse. It is simply IMPOSSIBLE to grow forever on a finite planet
  445. Globalists will do anything to get more. They will
  446. steal and kill. They will engineer wars in which
  447. millions die and millions more are enslaved in
  448. crushing debt, just to increase their massive
  449. holdings. There is no limit to their need to
  450. acquire. Multiculturalism was originally just a
  451. quaint idea that only appealed to socially
  452. dysfunctional misfits and perverts. For a while it
  453. seemed like a harmless type of insanity whose time
  454. would pass. But it became a devastating social
  455. enemy. Globalist parasites will never give up
  456. blood-sucking, so they must simply be executed for
  457. treason. As soon as politicians show any tendency
  458. to replace you with cheap imported scab labour,
  459. you must act. The price of liberty is eternal
  460. vigilance.
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