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Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. $
  2. $$
  3. $F
  4. <=>
  5. ==
  6. about
  7. AbstractGemSource
  8. ActiveSupport
  9. add
  10. add_engine_controller_paths
  11. add_engine_routing_configurations
  12. add_engine_view_paths
  13. add_frozen_gem_path
  14. add_gem_filters
  15. add_gem_load_paths
  16. add_general_options!
  17. add_load_paths
  18. add_options!
  19. add_plugin_load_paths
  20. add_spec
  21. add_support_load_paths
  22. after_generate
  23. after_initialize
  24. after_initialize_blocks
  25. Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor.DefaultOptions.loadingCollectionText
  26. Ajax.InPlaceEditor
  27. Ajax.InPlaceEditor.initialize
  28. all
  29. all_plugins
  30. Annotation
  31. app
  32. append_file
  33. append_sources
  34. AppGenerator
  35. ApplicationController
  36. ApplicationHelper
  37. application_lib_index
  38. app_paths
  39. ask
  40. assign_names!
  41. assign_status
  42. attributes
  43. Autocompleter.Base
  44. Autocompleter.Base.getTokenBounds
  45. background
  46. BacktraceCleaner
  47. BacktraceFilterForTestUnit
  48. backtrace_cleaner
  49. banner
  50. Base
  51. best_install_method
  52. Boot
  53. boot!
  54. booted?
  55. breakpoint_server
  56. BrowsingTest
  57. build
  58. built?
  59. builtin_directories
  60. cache
  61. calculate_code
  62. calculate_directory_statistics
  63. calculate_statistics
  64. calculate_tests
  65. calculate_total
  66. call
  67. capify!
  68. CGI
  69. checkout
  70. check_gem_dependencies
  71. check_ruby_version
  73. Class.create
  74. Class.Methods.addMethods
  75. classic_init_path
  76. ClassMethods
  77. class_collisions
  78. class_file
  79. class_name
  80. clone
  81. close_connection
  82. CodeStatistics
  83. Commands
  84. complex_template
  85. Configuration
  86. configuration
  87. configuration=
  88. configure_engines
  89. ControllerGenerator
  90. controller_path
  91. Create
  92. create
  93. create_app_files
  94. create_browser_convention_files
  95. create_config_files
  96. create_database_configuration_file
  97. create_directories
  98. create_dispatch_files
  99. create_documentation_file
  100. create_environment_files
  101. create_env_table
  102. create_error_files
  103. create_fixtures
  104. create_initializer_files
  105. create_javascript_files
  106. create_locale_file
  107. create_log_files
  108. create_plugin
  109. create_public_files
  110. create_rails_image
  111. create_root_files
  112. create_routes_file
  113. create_script_files
  114. create_test_files
  115. create_welcome_file
  116. current_migration_number
  117. data
  118. database_configuration
  119. Debugger
  120. default
  121. defaults
  122. default_cache_classes
  123. default_cache_store
  124. default_controller_paths
  125. default_database_configuration_file
  126. default_dependency_loading
  127. default_eager_load_paths
  128. default_frameworks
  129. default_gems
  130. default_i18n
  131. default_load_once_paths
  132. default_load_paths
  133. default_log_level
  134. default_log_path
  135. default_options
  136. default_plugins
  137. default_plugin_loader
  138. default_plugin_locators
  139. default_plugin_paths
  140. default_preload_frameworks
  141. default_routes_configuration_file
  142. default_session_table_name
  143. default_view_path
  144. default_whiny_nils
  145. dependencies
  146. dependency
  147. destination_path
  148. Destroy
  149. destroy
  150. determine_install_method
  151. die!
  152. diff_cmd
  153. directory
  154. directory_exist?
  155. disable_dependency_loading
  156. Discover
  157. dispatch
  158. dispatcher_error
  159. dispatcher_log
  160. DispatchServlet
  161. display
  162. down
  163. download
  164. Draggable
  165. Draggables.drags
  166. drop
  167. droponOptions
  168. Droppables.drops
  169. each
  170. each_cgi
  171. edge_rails_revision
  172. edit
  173. Effect.Appear
  174. Effect.BlindDown
  175. Effect.BlindUp
  176. Effect.DropOut
  178. Effect.Fade
  179. Effect.Fold
  181. Effect.Grow
  183. Effect.Methods.highlight
  184. Effect.Methods.morph
  185. Effect.Methods.visualEffect
  186. Effect.MoveBy
  187. Effect.Puff
  188. Effect.Puff.oldStyle.opacity
  189. Effect.Pulsate
  190. Effect.Queues.instances
  191. Effect.ScrollTo
  192. Effect.Shake
  194. Effect.Shrink
  196. Effect.SlideDown
  197. Effect.SlideUp
  198. Effect.Squish
  199. Effect.SwitchOff
  200. effective_order_of
  201. Element.ClassNames
  202. Element.ClassNames.add
  203. Element.ClassNames.initialize
  204. Element.ClassNames.remove
  205. Element.ClassNames.set
  206. Element.ClassNames.toString
  207. Element.ClassNames._each
  208. Element.collectTextNodes
  209. Element.collectTextNodesIgnoreClass
  210. Element.findChildren
  211. Element.forceRerendering
  212. Element.getInlineOpacity
  213. Element.getStyles
  214. Element.isParent
  215. Element.offsetSize
  216. Element.setContentZoom
  217. enabled?
  218. engine?
  219. engines
  220. engine_metal_paths
  221. ensure_all_registered_plugins_are_loaded!
  222. enumerate
  223. env
  224. environment
  225. environment=
  226. environment_path
  227. env_table
  228. erase
  229. evaluate_init_rb
  230. exist?
  231. existing_migrations
  232. exit_handler
  233. exit_now_handler
  234. explicitly_enabled?
  235. explicitly_registered?
  236. explicit_plugin_loading_order?
  237. externals
  238. externals=
  239. extract_annotations_from
  240. extract_header_and_body
  241. extract_modules
  242. extract_repository_uri
  243. fetch
  244. fetch_dir
  245. Field
  246. Field.scrollFreeActivate
  247. field_type
  248. file
  249. FileSystemLocator
  250. file_exist?
  251. filter_backtrace_with_cleaning
  252. find
  253. find_cmd
  254. find_home
  255. find_in
  256. find_name
  257. find_pair
  258. find_plugin
  259. find_synonyms
  260. fireContentLoadedEvent
  261. firstByIndex
  262. force_file_collision?
  263. Form.Element.focus
  264. Form.Element.Methods.activate
  265. Form.Element.Methods.clear
  266. Form.Element.Methods.disable
  267. Form.Element.Methods.enable
  268. Form.Element.Methods.getValue
  269. Form.Element.Methods.present
  270. Form.Element.Methods.serialize
  271. Form.Element.Methods.setValue
  273. Form.Element.Serializers.input
  274. Form.Element.Serializers.inputSelector
  276. Form.Element.Serializers.selectMany
  277. Form.Element.Serializers.selectOne
  278. Form.Element.Serializers.textarea
  279. Form.Methods.getElements
  280. Form.Methods.getInputs
  281. Form.Methods.serialize
  282. Form.reset
  283. Form.serializeElements
  284. frameworks
  285. framework_gem?
  286. framework_paths
  287. framework_root_path
  288. framework_version
  289. freeze!
  290. freeze_edge_version
  291. frozen?
  292. full_gem_path
  293. full_options
  294. function.iter
  295. gc_countdown
  296. Gem
  297. gem
  298. GemBoot
  299. GemBuilder
  300. GemDependency
  301. GemGeneratorSource
  302. GemLocator
  303. GemPathSource
  304. GemPlugin
  305. gem_command
  306. gem_init_path
  307. gem_version
  308. Generate
  309. generate
  310. GeneratedAttribute
  311. generate_secret
  312. Generator
  313. GeneratorError
  314. generator_full_paths
  315. get_local_assigns
  316. Git
  317. git
  318. git_info
  319. git_url?
  320. gsub_file
  321. guess_name
  322. handle_dispatch
  323. handle_file
  324. hash_to_parameters
  325. has_app_directory?
  326. has_init_file?
  327. has_lib_directory?
  328. helper
  329. HelperGenerator
  330. identical?
  331. included
  332. indent
  333. index
  334. inflect_names
  335. Info
  336. info
  337. inherited_with_options
  338. initialize
  339. initialized=
  340. initialized?
  341. Initializer
  342. initializer
  343. initialize_cache
  344. initialize_database
  345. initialize_database_middleware
  346. initialize_dependency_mechanism
  347. initialize_encoding
  348. initialize_framework_caches
  349. initialize_framework_logging
  350. initialize_framework_settings
  351. initialize_framework_views
  352. initialize_i18n
  353. initialize_logger
  354. initialize_metal
  355. initialize_routing
  356. initialize_time_zone
  357. initialize_whiny_nils
  358. init_path
  359. Insertion.After
  360. Insertion.Before
  361. Insertion.Bottom
  362. Insertion.Top
  363. inside
  364. Install
  365. install
  366. installed?
  367. install_command
  368. install_gem_spec_stubs
  369. install_signal_handler
  370. install_signal_handlers
  371. install_using_checkout
  372. install_using_export
  373. install_using_externals
  374. install_using_git
  375. install_using_http
  376. instance
  377. IntegrationTestGenerator
  378. invalidate_cache!
  379. invoke!
  380. in_root
  381. klass
  382. lib
  383. lib_path
  384. links
  385. List
  386. Listener
  387. listener_socket
  388. load
  389. load!
  390. loaded?
  391. Loader
  392. load_about_information
  393. load_application_classes
  394. load_application_initializers
  395. load_environment
  396. load_gems
  397. load_initializer
  398. load_observers
  399. load_paths
  400. load_paths_added?
  401. load_plugins
  402. load_rails_gem
  403. load_rubygems
  404. load_specification
  405. load_template
  406. load_view_paths
  407. locate_plugins
  408. locate_plugins_under
  409. Locator
  410. log
  411. logger
  412. LogTailer
  413. Lookup
  414. lookup
  415. lookup_class
  416. lookup_missing_generator
  417. ls
  418. MailerGenerator
  419. mandatory_options
  420. Manifest
  421. manifest
  422. mark_features!
  423. masterDelay
  424. message
  425. Metal
  426. MetalGenerator
  427. metals
  428. metal_path
  429. method_missing
  430. middleware
  431. MigrationGenerator
  432. migration_directory
  433. migration_exists?
  434. migration_template
  435. ModelGenerator
  436. model_name
  437. mysql_socket_location
  438. name
  439. NamedBase
  440. names
  441. new
  442. new_session
  443. next_migration_number
  444. next_migration_string
  445. no?
  446. Object
  447. Object.extend
  448. ObserverGenerator
  449. offsets
  450. Options
  451. options
  452. options_for_draggable.quiet
  453. options_for_draggable.revert
  454. options_for_droppable.overlap
  455. options_for_tree.onHover
  456. order_plugins
  457. out
  458. outdent
  459. params
  460. parse
  461. parse!
  462. parse_gem_version
  463. PathSource
  464. PerformanceTestGenerator
  465. pick_boot
  466. Plugin
  467. plugin
  468. PluginGenerator
  469. plugins
  470. plugins=
  471. plugin_loader
  472. plugin_names
  473. pointer
  474. pop_d
  475. Position.cumulativeOffset
  476. Position.includeScrollOffsets
  477. Position.overlap
  478. Position.prepare
  479. Position.within
  480. Position.withinIncludingScrolloffsets
  481. preinitialize
  482. preinitializer_path
  483. preload_frameworks
  484. prepare_dispatcher
  485. prepend_sources
  486. print_code_test_stats
  487. print_header
  488. print_line
  489. print_profile
  490. print_splitter
  491. process
  492. process!
  493. process_each_request
  494. process_request
  495. Prof
  496. properties
  497. property
  498. Prototype.Browser
  499. Prototype.Version
  500. public_path
  501. public_path=
  502. push_d
  503. Rack
  504. Rails
  505. RailsEnvironment
  506. RailsFCGIHandler
  507. rails_env
  508. rails_vendor_root
  509. raise_class_collision
  510. rake
  511. rakefile
  512. readme
  513. read_environment_rb
  514. record
  515. RecursiveHTTPFetcher
  516. reference?
  517. refresh
  518. refresh!
  519. registered?
  520. registered_plugins_names_plugin?
  521. registered_plugin_names
  522. register_plugin_as_loaded
  523. reload!
  524. reload_handler
  525. reload_plugins?
  526. RemoteCGI
  527. Remove
  528. remove
  529. remove_spec
  530. render_file
  531. render_template_part
  532. replay
  533. report_nonexistant_or_empty_plugin!
  534. Repositories
  535. Repository
  536. requirement
  537. require_frameworks
  538. reset_sources
  539. ResourceGenerator
  540. restart!
  541. restart_handler
  542. restore!
  543. rewind
  544. RewindBase
  545. root
  546. root.children
  548. root.parent
  549. route
  550. routed?
  551. route_resources
  552. routing_file
  553. rubygems_version
  554. run
  555. run_gc!
  556. run_install_hook
  557. run_ruby_script
  558. run_uninstall_hook
  559. s
  560. save
  561. say
  562. ScaffoldGenerator
  563. scaffold_views
  564. Scm
  565. scrape
  566. Scripts
  567. search
  568. SecretKeyGenerator
  569. send_actions
  570. service
  571. SessionMigrationGenerator
  572. set_autoload_paths
  573. set_charset
  574. set_load_path
  575. set_root_path!
  576. should_load?
  577. show
  578. silence_spec_warnings
  579. SimpleLogger
  580. size
  581. Sortable.SERIALIZE_RULE
  582. SortableObserver
  583. Source
  584. SourceAnnotationExtractor
  585. Sources
  586. sources
  587. source_index
  588. source_path
  589. Spec
  590. specification
  591. split_args
  592. Static
  593. stdinput
  594. String
  595. String.parseColor
  596. String.parseStyle
  597. subclass
  598. Svn
  599. svn_command
  600. svn_url?
  601. tail_log
  602. template
  603. TemplateRunner
  604. template_part_mark
  605. test_homepage
  606. threadsafe!
  607. Toggle.display
  608. to_html
  609. to_prepare
  610. to_s
  611. Tracker
  612. uninstall
  613. unpack
  614. unpacked_gem_directory
  615. unpacked_path
  616. unpacked_specification_filename
  617. unpack_base
  618. unpack_command
  619. Unsource
  620. up
  621. Update
  622. update
  623. usage
  624. UsageError
  625. usage_message
  626. user_home
  627. use_application_sources!
  628. use_checkout?
  629. use_component_sources!
  630. use_externals?
  631. use_svn?
  632. valid?
  633. value_for
  634. var.Effect._elementDoesNotExistError
  635. var.subclass
  636. vendor
  637. VendorBoot
  638. VendorGemSourceIndex
  639. vendor_gem?
  640. vendor_rails?
  641. VERSION
  642. version
  643. version_for_dir
  644. view_path
  645. with_listener
  646. with_signal_handler
  647. write_specification
  648. yes?
  649. []
  650. []=
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