
Multiple Force Storms Shit

Jul 27th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. After digging, I believe the "multiple storms" misconception comes from the audio drama version of Dark Empire. There's a scene where Mon Mothma mentions that similar storms to the Force Storm were detected in several systems. Here's the quote:
  4. MON MOTHMA: (grimly) The energy storm that took Commander Skywalker--this is NOT an isolated event. Similar storms have been detected in several systems. Furthermore, Admiral Ackbar’s reconnaissance mission suggests that there is a vast war fleet gathering at the very core of the galaxy. Someone--or something--has been biding its time, while the feuding Imperial factions distracted our attention.
  7. However, in the context of the story, I'm fairly certain its actually just the same Force Storm being mistaken for multiple. In the audio drama, the Force Storm has to move through space on its way to Coruscant - there's a scene where Han passes it in the Milennium Falcon and brushes it off as a random magnetic storm, and a scene where its described moving down to Coruscant and being picked up on sensors by the crew of a spaceship as it opens up to take Luke. The "other storms" are the same storm being reported as it moves through systems, not a bunch of different separate storms. Mon Mothma's just mistaken.
  9. If she wasn't mistaken, then it'd be a plot hole actually, because other storms in different systems aren't mentioned again before or after that one line. Palpatine does three important things with the Force Storm in the story: he razes Coruscant, takes Luke to Byss, then decimates the Rebel fleet and accidentally kills himself in the process. He never does anything with storms in different systems. Why would he open up a bunch of storms in other systems just to do nothing with them? It doesn't make sense.
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