
Roxas vs Chain day 2

Oct 24th, 2013
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  1. [20:19] <Chain|Doctor> hey hey
  2. [20:19] <Roxas|FMA> Haha well hey there Chain :D
  3. [20:20] <Roxas|FMA> whats up?
  4. [20:22] <Chain|Doctor> watching Doctor Who, you?
  5. [20:23] <Chain|Doctor> I see you're enjoying FMA. How goes it?
  6. [20:23] <Roxas|FMA> Lol it's starting to get crazy haha episode 40 lol
  7. [20:23] <Roxas|FMA> I luv it
  8. [20:27] <Chain|Doctor> only 11 eps left
  9. [20:28] <Roxas|FMA> yeps lol then I'll watch Brotherhood
  10. [20:29] <Chain|Doctor> actually, watch Conquer of Shamballa first, it's the true ending to FMA
  11. [20:30] <Chain|Doctor> it's a movie
  12. [20:30] <Roxas|FMA> Oh ok yea theres 2 movies it looks like
  13. [20:30] <Roxas|FMA> the last one is at the very end of the episode list
  14. [20:31] <Chain|Doctor> milos is the brotherhood movie
  15. [20:38] <Roxas|FMA> Huh?
  16. [20:40] <Chain|Doctor> "The sacred Star of Milos" is the movie that goes along with brotherhood
  17. [20:40] <Roxas|FMA> Oh yea ok noted haha :3
  18. [20:52] <Chain|Doctor> how do you pronounce your name by the way? I always pronounced it Roxas-thirteen-L-K
  19. [20:53] <Roxas|FMA> Lol thats it haha what you think I'd say? Roxas X I I I L K XD thats kinda dumb yea? ;D
  20. [20:54] <Roxas|FMA> You know what it all means?
  21. [20:57] <Chain|Doctor> well, Roxas = Roxas, XIII = 13, and LK = lucky Kin?
  22. [20:58] <Roxas|FMA> lo nope
  23. [20:58] <Roxas|FMA> lol*
  24. [20:58] <Roxas|FMA> the first two r right tho
  25. [20:58] <Chain|Doctor> what's the LK mean?
  26. [20:58] <Roxas|FMA> think of it as L and K
  27. [20:59] <Roxas|FMA> all correspond with roxas
  28. [21:01] <Chain|Doctor> Light?
  29. [21:02] <Roxas|FMA> mhmmmmmmm
  30. [21:02] <Roxas|FMA> go on
  31. [21:02] <Chain|Doctor> nope i got nothin.
  32. [21:02] <Roxas|FMA> last one should be easy
  33. [21:02] <Roxas|FMA> .....
  34. [21:02] <Chain|Doctor> Kingdom Hearts?
  35. [21:02] <Roxas|FMA> thats kh
  36. [21:02] <Chain|Doctor> Light Kingdom?
  37. [21:02] <Roxas|FMA> nope
  38. [21:02] <Chain|Doctor> Roxas 13 Light Kingdom?
  39. [21:03] <Chain|Doctor> hmmm
  40. [21:03] <Roxas|FMA> lmfao noooooo
  41. [21:03] <Roxas|FMA> you're going to laugh at yourself when you finally get it
  42. [21:04] <Chain|Doctor> king?
  43. [21:04] <Chain|Doctor> Roxas13LightKing?
  44. [21:06] <Roxas|FMA> .... lol no
  45. [21:07] <Chain|Doctor> Krabs?
  46. [21:07] <Roxas|FMA> LMFAO XD how do any of these correspond to Roxas hahaha
  47. [21:08] <Chain|Doctor> he has krabs?
  48. [21:08] <Chain|Doctor> Keyblade?
  49. [21:09] <Roxas|FMA> YES lol
  50. [21:09] <Chain|Doctor> RoxasXIIILightKeyblade
  51. [21:09] <Roxas|FMA> Keyblade
  52. [21:09] <Roxas|FMA> yes his name rank element and weapon
  53. [21:09] <Chain|Doctor> wow, way to go.
  54. [21:09] <Roxas|FMA> and there you have it the secret of my name hahaha
  55. [21:09] <Chain|Doctor> smart name!
  56. [21:10] <Chain|Doctor> do you know where I got my name?
  57. [21:10] <Roxas|FMA> lol aint it ;D haha
  58. [21:10] <Roxas|FMA> No idea haha
  59. [21:10] <Roxas|FMA> it is a cool name tho
  60. [21:10] <Chain|Doctor> take i guess.
  61. [21:10] <Chain|Doctor> **a guess
  62. [21:11] <Roxas|FMA> uhmmmm is it something I should know?
  63. [21:13] <Chain|Doctor> yes, there are 2 parts
  64. [21:14] <Roxas|FMA> 2 parts?
  65. [21:15] <Chain|Doctor> yup
  66. [21:15] <Chain|Doctor> mine's not as complicated as yours
  67. [21:16] <Roxas|FMA> ... OOOOOOOooooooh keychain and Axel's element fire
  68. [21:16] <Roxas|FMA> or a play on chain of memories
  69. [21:17] <Roxas|FMA> with fire seeing as Axel is your fav character ;P
  70. [21:17] <Chain|Doctor> ding ding ding!
  71. [21:17] <Chain|Doctor> Chain of memories + fire (my fav character)
  72. [21:17] <Roxas|FMA> lol 20 points ^.^
  73. [21:17] <Roxas|FMA> hahaha :3
  74. [21:17] <Roxas|FMA> coolz
  75. [21:18] <Chain|Doctor> yup!
  76. [21:19] <Roxas|FMA> :D
  77. [21:20] <Chain|Doctor> If I were to take your approach, my name would be AxelVIIIFC
  78. [21:20] <Chain|Doctor> not as cool
  79. [21:20] <Roxas|FMA> haha yea not as catchy as mine ;P lol
  80. [21:21] <Chain|Doctor> Chainoffire is the best though.
  81. [21:22] <Roxas|FMA> Haha it's deff a coool name bud ;)
  82. [21:22] <Chain|Doctor> yours is cool too, it has deep meaning!
  83. [21:23] <Roxas|FMA> Haha yea it just popped into my head when I was trying to think of a username. I was gunna just use Roxas but I couldn't so added all the rest of that stuff ;)
  84. [21:26] <Chain|Doctor> what episode are you on?
  85. [21:27] <Roxas|FMA> 41
  86. [21:27] <Roxas|FMA> ;)
  87. [21:27] <Chain|Doctor> not much left!
  88. [21:35] <Roxas|FMA> Nope not much left at all haha which is a shame cuz its really good
  89. [21:35] <Chain|Doctor> well then you can get to the brotherhood, which is better! Have you ever thought of getting an anime page on the wiki
  90. [21:38] <Roxas|FMA> I dont watch enough animes haha
  91. [21:40] <Roxas|FMA> So I dont really see the point of doing one lol
  92. [21:40] <Chain|Doctor> you don't have to have a lot necessarily, I only had 4 when I started my page.brb
  93. [21:44] <Roxas|FMA> I suppose you're right but then again i dont really know what I'd gain with one hahaha I'm pathetically lazy you see ;) i mean idk
  94. [21:51] <Chain|Doctor> back. and i lied, I had six.
  95. [21:51] <Chain|Doctor>
  96. [21:51] <Chain|Doctor> but it's your choice, you don't have to if you don't want to :P
  97. [21:53] <Roxas|FMA> well at the moment I have 7 under my belt including Full Matal
  98. [21:53] <Roxas|FMA> fullmetal*
  99. [21:53] <Chain|Doctor> what are your other ones?
  100. [21:55] <Roxas|FMA> I've watched Soul Eater, Naturo, Fairy Tail, Darker Than Black, Devil May Cry (Anime), and The Sacred Blacksmith
  101. [21:56] <Chain|Doctor> I've watched the first three (plus FMA) heard of Darker than black, but never heard of sacred black smith
  102. [21:57] <Roxas|FMA> it was alright its only 12 episodes long
  103. [21:57] <Roxas|FMA> it wasn't anywhere near as good as the others haha
  104. [22:07] <Roxas|FMA> So do you watch dubs or subs?
  105. [22:07] <Roxas|FMA> or both haha
  106. [22:09] <Chain|Doctor> both, it depends the show
  107. [22:09] <Chain|Doctor> I have a list somewhere of which ones I watched
  108. [22:11] <Roxas|FMA> I just watch dubs until I have to switch to subs. but i stick with dubs if I had a choice
  109. [22:12] <Chain|Doctor> i mainly do subs myself
  110. [22:13] <Roxas|FMA> I just like to not have to read subtitles haha that way I can focus of whats going on fully and completely y'know ;)
  111. [22:14] <Chain|Doctor> can't blame ya
  112. [22:17] <Roxas|FMA> hehe yep so whatcha up to?
  113. [22:18] <Chain|Doctor> watching Doctor Who and ridding of JPGs
  114. [22:19] <Roxas|FMA> ahha any I can delete??
  115. [22:20] <Chain|Doctor> in a few minutes yes
  116. [22:20] <Roxas|FMA> alright keep me posted
  117. [22:20] <Chain|Doctor> by the way (referencing yesturday)
  118. [22:20] <Chain|Doctor> i had an idea
  119. [22:20] <Roxas|FMA> Oh? Well let's hear it
  120. [22:22] <Chain|Doctor> here's one:
  121. [22:22] <Chain|Doctor> another
  122. [22:23] <Chain|Doctor> and I'll have one for you in a moment
  123. [22:25] <Roxas|FMA> HEHEHE OH JOY WHAT FUN HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  124. [22:25] * Roxas|FMA is insane :D
  125. [22:25] <Chain|Doctor> you're starting to sound like LA...
  126. [22:25] <Chain|Doctor> that worries me xD
  127. [22:26] <Roxas|FMA> ...................................................................................................................................
  128. [22:26] * Roxas|FMA gets a big creepy smile
  129. [22:27] <Chain|Doctor> This better not be LA.
  130. [22:28] <Chain|Doctor> xD
  131. [22:28] * Roxas|FMA turns into LA
  132. [22:28] <Roxas|FMA> But I am
  133. [22:29] <Chain|Doctor> what the hell...
  134. [22:29] * Roxas|FMA laughs
  135. [22:29] <Chain|Doctor> wait a sec...
  136. [22:29] * Roxas|FMA laughs sadistically
  137. [22:30] * Chain|Doctor summons keyblade in fire
  138. [22:30] <Chain|Doctor> that's very ironic..
  139. [22:35] * Roxas|FMA smile sadistically with insane look in eyes
  140. [22:35] <Roxas|FMA> You want to know what else is ironic?
  141. [22:36] <Chain|Doctor> what else?
  142. [22:36] <Roxas|FMA> Roxas.... never was real
  143. [22:36] <Roxas|FMA> he he he
  144. [22:37] <Roxas|FMA> All fake
  145. [22:37] <Roxas|FMA> created by me
  146. [22:37] <Roxas|FMA> he he he
  147. [22:38] * Chain|Doctor starts dragging my keyblade and walking around you
  148. [22:39] <Roxas|FMA> So what will you do?.... Now that you know the truth?
  149. [22:39] <Chain|Doctor> (just a sec)
  150. [22:39] <Roxas|FMA> (Aye Sir :D)
  151. [22:46] <Chain|Doctor> ( one more 0
  152. [22:47] <Chain|Doctor> new fight!
  153. [22:47] <Chain|Doctor> (okay, back)
  154. [22:48] <Chain|Doctor> that's very ironic, because I thought it was LA's dark half.. DLA.
  155. [22:49] <Roxas|FMA> he he he
  156. [22:49] * Roxas|FMA smiles sadistically
  157. [22:50] <Chain|Doctor> So who are you? really?
  158. [22:51] <Roxas|FMA> Oh my you really too smart for me aren't you heheheheeeee
  159. [22:51] * Chain|Doctor continues to walk in a circle, dragging my keyblade on the ground Who are you!?!
  160. [22:52] * Roxas|FMA looks forword only.
  161. [22:52] <Roxas|FMA> Me?
  162. [22:52] <Roxas|FMA> Well my identity doesn't really matter in the end hahaha
  163. [22:52] <Chain|Doctor> you're obviously using a fake account, but why?
  164. [22:53] * Chain|Doctor drops a marble that rolls to the North west corner of the room
  165. [22:54] <Roxas|FMA> simply because i'd be too easy to track me with a real one haha
  166. [22:54] <Chain|Doctor> what do you want?
  167. [22:54] <Roxas|FMA> Hmm did someone lose his marble HAHAHAHAHA
  168. [22:54] * Chain|Doctor drops another one that rolls to the southwest corner of the room
  169. [22:54] * Roxas|FMA laughs
  170. [22:55] <Chain|Doctor> I'm suprised you haven't noticed yet.
  171. [22:55] <Chain|Doctor> (brb)
  172. [22:56] * Roxas|FMA grins maniacally
  173. [23:00] <Chain|Doctor> (back)
  174. [23:00] * Chain|Doctor throws the other two marbles in the south east and south west corners
  175. [23:01] * Roxas|FMA continues with grim staring at chain
  176. [23:02] * Chain|Doctor claps hands, and puts middle fingers down
  177. [23:03] <Chain|Doctor> Release.
  178. [23:04] <Roxas|FMA> Oooooooooohhh?
  179. [23:06] <Chain|Doctor> *marbles burst into flames, connecting with one another creating a fire wall in the room
  180. [23:07] * Roxas|FMA smiles with an maniacally
  181. [23:07] <Roxas|FMA> (oops)
  182. [23:07] * Roxas|FMA smiles maniacally*
  183. [23:07] <Roxas|FMA> WELL WELL WELL so the WELP wants to play
  184. [23:09] <Chain|Doctor> congrats "Roxas" if I can call you that. you're trapped in my fire wall, and you can't even step outside of the circle I've drawn around you
  185. [23:09] <Roxas|FMA> Roxas?
  186. [23:09] * Roxas|FMA starts giggling
  187. [23:09] * Roxas|FMA laugh grows into insanity
  188. [23:10] <Roxas|FMA> ROXAS HAHAHA FOOL!!!
  189. [23:10] <Roxas|FMA> I killed Roxas long ago
  190. [23:10] <Chain|Doctor> I thought you said he never existed
  191. [23:11] <Roxas|FMA> Hehe well in a sense
  192. [23:11] <Chain|Doctor> (just to clarify
  193. [23:11] <Chain|Doctor> (blue X = you, black X = me, orange = fire, red = blood circle, yellow = marbles)
  194. [23:11] <Roxas|FMA> he doesn't exist anymore anyway. I ripped him to pieces
  195. [23:11] <Roxas|FMA> (i kno i kno lol XD)
  196. [23:12] <Chain|Doctor> let me guess, you ripped him apart around the time *puts hand on chin to think*
  197. [23:12] * Roxas|FMA watches intently
  198. [23:13] <Chain|Doctor> between December 25th, 2012 and October 5th of this year?
  199. [23:14] <Chain|Doctor> am i right in saying that?
  200. [23:14] <Chain|Doctor> or did you kill him earlier?
  201. [23:14] <Roxas|FMA> correct
  202. [23:15] <Chain|Doctor> I thought so, so what's your plan? why destroy the keyhole?
  203. [23:16] <Chain|Doctor> and why now?
  204. [23:16] <Roxas|FMA> Heh simple the keyhole is but the first step.
  205. [23:16] <Roxas|FMA> But I can't go blabbing my whole plan now. Then...
  206. [23:17] * Roxas|FMA gets the stare and grin of insanity
  207. [23:17] <Roxas|FMA> I'd have to kill you
  208. [23:18] <Chain|Doctor> but why go after me? I'm just a simple mod. I can't even ban you. What about LA and FR?
  209. [23:18] <Chain|Doctor> why even bother with me?
  210. [23:20] <Roxas|FMA> Because... you know far too much. And you were foolish enough to fall right into my trap. the jpgs were just a simple distraction. I got you close enough to trust me. An Admin. Then I was able to prove my suspicions that you knew about my plans.
  211. [23:23] <Roxas|FMA> So then
  212. [23:23] <Chain|Doctor> except you fell into my trap, a firewall... literally.
  213. [23:23] <Roxas|FMA> you have a few options
  214. [23:24] <Chain|Doctor> o really I HAVE A FEW OPTIONS!?!?
  215. [23:24] <Chain|Doctor> LOOK AT WHERE YOU ARE!!!
  216. [23:24] <Roxas|FMA> ha ha ha please. you think your pathetic little parlor trip can stop me
  217. [23:24] * Roxas|FMA laughs
  218. [23:24] <Roxas|FMA> forget it
  219. [23:25] * Chain|Doctor resummons keyblade
  220. [23:25] <Roxas|FMA> this wont phase me in the least
  221. [23:25] * Roxas|FMA walks through the flames unharmed
  222. [23:25] <Roxas|FMA> I am far more powerfull than you could ever imagine
  223. [23:27] * Chain|Doctor looks in fear
  224. [23:27] * Roxas|FMA grins
  225. [23:27] <Roxas|FMA> is that fear I smell Chain?
  226. [23:28] <Chain|Doctor> not in the least bit. Although you may be powerful, you're using a puppet that isn't
  227. [23:28] <Chain|Doctor> Roxas has his weaknesses
  228. [23:28] <Chain|Doctor> that's not even your real body
  229. [23:29] <Roxas|FMA> Weaknesses eh? And what would those be?
  230. [23:30] <Chain|Doctor> well, Roxas is a light type
  231. [23:30] <Chain|Doctor> think about it
  232. [23:30] <Roxas|FMA> HAHAHAHA you fool you understand nothing!
  233. [23:33] <Chain|Doctor> and you think you do?
  234. [23:33] <Chain|Doctor> I know that you can just use another puppet, but i can at least rid of this one
  235. [23:34] <Roxas|FMA> Hm child. You'd kill a friend?
  236. [23:34] * Roxas|FMA smiles sadistically
  237. [23:35] <Chain|Doctor> My friend is already dead.
  238. [23:35] * Chain|Doctor a few tears streaming down my face
  239. [23:36] <Roxas|FMA> heheheheheeeee
  240. [23:37] <Roxas|FMA> awww gunna cry?
  241. [23:37] * Chain|Doctor wipes tears from face. I'm not crying
  242. [23:37] <Chain|Doctor> It's raining
  243. [23:38] <Roxas|FMA> HA great lie I hope you're a better fighter than you are a lier
  244. [23:38] <Chain|Doctor> (yay for FMA reference!!)
  245. [23:39] <Roxas|FMA> (you betcha ;))
  246. [23:39] <Chain|Doctor> No. it's actually raining. /me points to the ceiling
  247. [23:39] * Chain|Doctor points to the ceiling
  248. [23:39] * Roxas|FMA looks up
  249. [23:40] * Chain|Doctor pulls the fire alarm
  250. [23:40] <Chain|Doctor> *sprinklers go off*
  251. [23:41] * Roxas|FMA smiles while looking up
  252. [23:41] <Roxas|FMA> awww adorable need a cover for your tears?
  253. [23:41] <Chain|Doctor> *fire goes out, letting it smoke*
  254. [23:41] <Chain|Doctor> a cover? yeah, kinda.
  255. [23:42] * Chain|Doctor lunges towards you
  256. [23:42] * Roxas|FMA steps just out of range
  257. [23:43] <Roxas|FMA> you really should be a bit more quiet. A deaf man could hear you coming haha
  258. [23:43] * Chain|Doctor swings keyblade towards his head
  259. [23:44] * Roxas|FMA nudges head out of the way
  260. [23:44] * Chain|Doctor uses strike raid on Roxas
  261. [23:44] * Roxas|FMA flips out of way
  262. [23:44] <Roxas|FMA> I told you
  263. [23:45] <Roxas|FMA> you're not going to beat me. even in this "puppet"
  264. [23:45] <Roxas|FMA> I'm far more powerful than you
  265. [23:45] * Chain|Doctor swings towards your right arm
  266. [23:45] <Chain|Doctor> DAMN YOU!!
  267. [23:46] * Roxas|FMA moves it out of the way
  268. [23:47] <Chain|Doctor> *smoke thickens*
  269. [23:47] <Roxas|FMA> You still have some options kid
  270. [23:47] <Chain|Doctor> oh yeah? what are my options?
  271. [23:47] <Roxas|FMA> die or quit. your choice
  272. [23:48] <Chain|Doctor> quit what?
  273. [23:48] * Roxas|FMA grins
  274. [23:48] <Roxas|FMA> the wiki of course
  275. [23:48] * Chain|Doctor gains face of shock
  276. [23:48] <Roxas|FMA> can't have you mucking up my plans now can I?
  277. [23:49] <Chain|Doctor> I'll think about it
  278. [23:49] * Chain|Doctor puts away keyblade
  279. [23:50] <Roxas|FMA> Ha so thats it? your just going to walk away from me?
  280. [23:50] * Chain|Doctor walks towards the door
  281. [23:51] <Chain|Doctor> I said i'll think about it
  282. [23:51] <Roxas|FMA> door ignites on fire
  283. [23:51] <Roxas|FMA> *door ignites on fire*
  284. [23:51] <Roxas|FMA> now now
  285. [23:51] <Chain|Doctor> you think fire can stop me? I'm a fire elemental
  286. [23:51] <Chain|Doctor> *continues walking*
  287. [23:52] * Roxas|FMA sighs
  288. [23:52] <Roxas|FMA> stop walking or I'll kill you worm
  289. [23:52] * Chain|Doctor stops walking
  290. [23:52] <Chain|Doctor> now what do you want?
  291. [23:52] <Roxas|FMA> you're going to make your decision now!
  292. [23:52] <Roxas|FMA> can't have you running out and telling someone
  293. [23:52] <Chain|Doctor> what's the rush?
  294. [23:52] <Roxas|FMA> can't have that at all
  295. [23:52] <Chain|Doctor> ahh i see
  296. [23:53] <Roxas|FMA> So then... what will it be? death... or surrender?
  297. [23:53] <Chain|Doctor> how do I know you won't kill me if I quit?
  298. [23:55] <Roxas|FMA> tempting... but no... you can watch as your precious wiki falls
  299. [23:56] * Chain|Doctor looks at moderator badge
  300. [23:57] * Chain|Doctor looks back at Roxas
  301. [23:57] * Chain|Doctor hands Roxas moderator badge
  302. [23:57] <Chain|Doctor> take this
  303. [23:57] <Chain|Doctor> I'll come back with your answer later
  304. [23:58] <Chain|Doctor> take it as leway
  305. [23:58] * Roxas|FMA looks at the badge
  306. [23:58] <Roxas|FMA> If you talk.... I will end you
  307. [23:59] <Chain|Doctor> Don't worry about me, I won't talk
  308. [00:00] <Roxas|FMA> I'll be watching you ChainofFire
  309. [00:00] * Chain|Doctor smacks ass. "I know you will"
  310. [00:01] * Chain|Doctor walks out the door
  311. [00:01] * Roxas|FMA grins
  312. [00:01] <Roxas|FMA> heh
  313. [00:05] <Chain|Doctor> *one day later, doing normal wiki business*
  314. [00:05] * Chain|Doctor goes up to a moogle
  315. [00:06] * Roxas|FMA is watching at an unseen distance
  316. [00:06] <Chain|Doctor> *the moogle and I are talking*
  317. [00:06] <Chain|Doctor> *moogle shakes head*
  318. [00:07] * Chain|Doctor pulls out sack of munny
  319. [00:07] * Roxas|FMA smiles
  320. [00:07] <Roxas|FMA> what do we have here?
  321. [00:07] <Chain|Doctor> *moogle goes to the back inventory*
  322. [00:07] <Chain|Doctor> (are you still at an unseen distance?)
  323. [00:08] <Roxas|FMA> (aye sir but can see what is going on)
  324. [00:09] <Chain|Doctor> (okay, I wasn't sure if I should react to you saying that or not)
  325. [00:09] <Chain|Doctor> *moogle comes back*
  326. [00:09] * Chain|Doctor hands him munny
  327. [00:10] * Roxas|FMA talks to self
  328. [00:10] <Roxas|FMA> he knows ill just kill this moogle and anyone else involved
  329. [00:10] <Roxas|FMA> tiss tiss tiss
  330. [00:11] * Chain|Doctor walks away from shop
  331. [00:12] * Roxas|FMA appears on a wall in front of Chain
  332. [00:12] <Roxas|FMA> So making strange deals with moogles are we?
  333. [00:13] <Chain|Doctor> strange deals? I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't remember us making a strange deal with a moogle together.
  334. [00:15] * Roxas|FMA closes eyes and shakes head. What do you tke me for? a fool? Shall I blow up that entire area just to prove what im capable of to you. because clearly you have no clue
  335. [00:17] * Chain|Doctor pulls out a pack of hi-potions. Can't a guy just by potions without being criticized? You're too paranoid. *walks past wall*
  336. [00:17] <Roxas|FMA> Hm *smiles*
  337. [00:18] <Roxas|FMA> well maybe I should blow them up anyway... just for the fun of it *looks at with maniacal girn*
  338. [00:18] <Roxas|FMA> after all
  339. [00:19] <Roxas|FMA> I am quite fond of killing
  340. [00:20] <Chain|Doctor> *uses thumb and index finger to pinch middle nose* and this is why moogles use holograms..
  341. [00:21] <Roxas|FMA> So whats your answer Chain
  342. [00:22] * Roxas|FMA jumps down
  343. [00:22] <Chain|Doctor> I told you I'll think about it
  344. [00:22] <Roxas|FMA> I'm passing judgement on you right now!
  345. [00:22] <Chain|Doctor> why so impatient?
  346. [00:22] <Roxas|FMA> enough of this idiocy you've had a whole day
  347. [00:22] <Chain|Doctor> I haven't edited anything since we've talked
  348. [00:22] <Roxas|FMA> I dont care
  349. [00:22] * Roxas|FMA smiles
  350. [00:22] <Roxas|FMA> times up
  351. [00:25] <Chain|Doctor> fine. how about we meet in the underworld? I hear they have a hell of a collessuim (I don't care about the spelling)
  352. [00:26] <Roxas|FMA> no here works just fine
  353. [00:26] <Chain|Doctor> in the middle of a town? there's not a lot of room to fight.
  354. [00:28] <Roxas|FMA> So then. you pick death
  355. [00:30] <Chain|Doctor> you'd think I pick to stop editing? you'd be mistaken.
  356. [00:32] * Roxas|FMA grins
  357. [00:32] <Roxas|FMA> I hoped you'd say that
  358. [00:34] <Chain|Doctor> although, even though I don't plan on losing, in the event that I do die, FR and LA will stop you.
  359. [00:35] <Roxas|FMA> HA please they'll never catch on
  360. [00:36] <Roxas|FMA> and now
  361. [00:36] * Roxas|FMA smiles
  362. [00:36] <Roxas|FMA> it's time for you to die
  363. [00:39] <Chain|Doctor> if I've caught on, they will to.
  364. [00:39] * Chain|Doctor smiles
  365. [00:39] * Chain|Doctor pulls out keyblade
  366. [00:39] <Roxas|FMA> you know if you beg me... I'll make it quick
  367. [00:41] <Chain|Doctor> please. If you surrender I'll make it worth your while.
  368. [00:43] * Roxas|FMA is suddenly behind Chain and whispers in ear
  369. [00:43] <Roxas|FMA> now why would I want to do that
  370. [00:43] * Chain|Doctor hits keyblade towards you
  371. [00:44] <Chain|Doctor> I've noticed a few things since our last fight
  372. [00:44] * Roxas|FMA flips out of way
  373. [00:44] <Roxas|FMA> oh yea? and what would that be
  374. [00:44] <Roxas|FMA> ?
  375. [00:46] <Chain|Doctor> 1. you haven't drawn your weapon yet
  376. [00:46] <Chain|Doctor> you can't do that in a puppet's body
  377. [00:47] * Roxas|FMA starts to smile which then turns into a maniacal laugh
  378. [00:47] <Roxas|FMA> YOU FOOL! I don't need a weapon
  379. [00:47] <Roxas|FMA> I AM one
  380. [00:47] <Roxas|FMA> weapons are useless in comparison to me
  381. [00:48] <Chain|Doctor> what? do you turn into a deathscythe or something?
  382. [00:49] <Roxas|FMA> you really do know nothing
  383. [00:49] * Roxas|FMA grins
  384. [00:49] <Roxas|FMA> Im going to rip you apart
  385. [00:49] <Chain|Doctor> all talk and no show...
  386. [00:49] <Chain|Doctor> what a disappointment
  387. [00:50] <Roxas|FMA> hm
  388. [00:50] * Roxas|FMA raises hand
  389. [00:51] <Roxas|FMA> *piles of rocks come flying up from the ground and smash Chain through a building
  390. [00:54] * Chain|Doctor stands up with little hesitation
  391. [00:55] <Chain|Doctor> you know, you could've given me a concussion! imagine the hospital bill!
  392. [00:55] * Roxas|FMA smiles
  393. [00:56] <Roxas|FMA> you're gunna need a lot more than a hospital when I'm through with you kid
  394. [00:57] <Chain|Doctor> (I gotta go, we'll contiue this tomorrow)
  395. [00:57] <Roxas|FMA> (aye sir :D
  396. [00:57] <Roxas|FMA> nighty night :3
  397. [00:57] <Chain|Doctor> nighto~
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