
tat dream

Apr 10th, 2015
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  1. My dream involved you living next door to me. You had your whole family over and it was a huge ass party you guys were throwing. You invited me over. You guys were making this weird ass soup and drank. The drink was green peppers, some meat, carrots, some other vegetables all in a glass of water that was warmed up and tasted surprisingly well. The soup was similar to it. You guys had this old white dog that had like fifty pups, all at different ages in their lives. Your older sister also has a huge hard on for me, I don't know why. She won't ever stop texting me random ass pictures and hinting her love for me. I rarely look at my phone as she's doing this. Other neighbours including you are doing this weird world's biggest food contest hosted on their lawns. The people next to you were doing the world's largest scrambled egg that was starting to burn on one side. Other people had some other shit. In another part of the neighbourhood there was a loud bang and flash. Suddenly a big armoured van drives into our section and start yelling to get inside our houses. They start throwing smoke and flash bangs and we all run inside with the dogs. I was carrying like four dogs as I went into my house. As I was getting in, they started unleashing tear gas. I don't know how but all the dogs ended up in your house in your bathroom, but the bathroom looked exactly like mine. I went onto my computer to chill out. I look out in the driveway and I see a big van parked there. I tell my mom and sister that the SWAT is here and they're gonna come in. I thought they were coming through the front door but they didn't. I hear the garage door and what seems like it being torn open. I tell my mom and sister that they're in the garage. I hear a loud banging on the door between the garage and the house and I know they're coming. I'm in my room. Suddenly I hear a hoarse yelling telling everyone to come out. I'm angry, upset, and confused. I hesitate and hear the voice again. I'm afraid they're gonna shoot but I grab my iPod and phone and begin to head out.
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