

Feb 28th, 2015
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  1. - Character -
  3. - Name: Rutala Datanza
  4. - Age: 39
  5. - Appearance: Middle age has caught up to Rutala, as his skin has begun to slightly wrinkle, his eyes slightly sink into his head, and his hair is only slightly steely grey. Rutala is still in good physical condition, despite his age and has grown a thick mustache with a light beard. His hair is short and combed forward, bangs trimmed to keep them above his eye brows.
  6. - Country: Originating from Bousal, now resides in Zala.
  7. - Magic: 4
  8. - Background: Growing up in Bousal, Rutala learned the Art of war fairly early on, a skilled Pilot in the suit of Power Armor or Mechanical Battle Suit. Rutala spent much of his life fighting in the endless wars caused by his countries. If one told him that he was coming on in years, or nearing the end of his life, he'd agree with you. Almost four years ago, Rutala abandoned the armies and wars of Bousal and joined the Scientists in Behus, he now resides in Zala. Determined to discover the secrets of life and death, Alatur seems to believe that if immortality can be discovered, the world would be changed forever.
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