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a guest
Apr 19th, 2016
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  1. config:
  3. config:
  4. cost:
  5. create:
  6. normal: 368-16;170-64;133-64;341-64;46-64;47-64;349-64;322-64;57-64
  7. vip: 368-8;170-32;133-32;341-32;46-32;47-32;349-32;322-32;57-32
  8. join:
  9. normal: 264:0-32;
  10. leader:
  11. normal: 264:0-64;
  12. owner:
  13. normal: 264:0-64;
  14. enlarge:
  15. normal: 264:0-64;
  16. prolong:
  17. normal: 264:0-64;
  18. limitsize:
  19. normal: 264:0-64;
  20. cuboid:
  21. world: world
  22. size:
  23. start: 24
  24. max: 74
  25. add: 1
  26. between: 50
  27. spawn:
  28. enabled: true
  29. distance: 400
  30. livesize:
  31. start: 3
  32. max: 3
  33. livecool:
  34. cool: 24
  35. start: 24
  36. limitsize:
  37. start: 15
  38. max: 30
  39. maxvip: 35
  40. prolong:
  41. start: 7
  42. max: 1
  43. add: 7
  44. database:
  45. mode: mysql
  46. tableprefix: kguild_
  47. mysql:
  48. host:
  49. port: 3306
  50. user: svr31796
  51. pass: gkw20ghB
  52. name: svr31796
  53. sqlite:
  54. name: minecraft.db
  55. slot: 1000
  56. alliace:
  57. size: 3
  58. tablist:
  59. format:
  60. gtop: '{TAG} &8[{GPOINTS}]'
  61. ptop: '{NAME}'
  62. chat:
  63. slowmode: 10
  64. format:
  65. global: '&8[&9{LVL} &9lvl&8] {GUILD} {PREFIX}{PLAYER}: &r{SUFFIX}{MESSAGE}'
  66. guild: '&2{TAG}'
  67. topkasize: 17
  68. lenght:
  69. tag:
  70. max: 4
  71. min: 2
  72. name:
  73. max: 32
  74. min: 4
  75. tag:
  76. format: '&8[{COLOR}{TAG}&8] {COLOR}'
  77. color:
  78. noguild: '&r'
  79. friend: '&a'
  80. enemy: '&c'
  81. alliance: '&6'
  82. tnt:
  83. cuboid:
  84. protection:
  85. enabled: true
  86. howhour: 24
  87. explodetime: 120
  88. od: 24
  89. do: 10
  90. combatmanager:
  91. combats: 30
  92. bossbar: '&4&LANTY-LOGOUT'
  93. createmsg: '&4Jestes podczas walki! Nie mozesz sie wylogowac przez {TIME} sec.'
  94. endmsg: '&aSkonczyles walczyc! Mozesz sie bezpiecznie wylogowac!'
  95. ban:
  96. time: 10
  97. ranking:
  98. start: 1000
  99. blocked:
  100. cmd:
  101. incombat:
  102. - spawn
  103. - home
  104. - sethome
  105. - tpa
  106. - tpaccept
  107. - tpdeny
  108. - repair
  109. - schowek
  110. - crafting
  111. - enderchest
  112. - gildia dom
  113. - g dom
  114. - schowek
  115. inguild:
  116. - spawn
  117. - home
  118. - sethome
  119. - tpa
  120. - tpaccept
  121. - tpdeny
  122. - repair
  123. - schowek
  124. - crafting
  125. - enderchest
  126. - gildia dom
  127. - g dom
  128. - schowek
  129. built:
  130. incombat: true
  131. linia:
  132. size: 62
  133. kit:
  134. enderchest: 1440
  135. drewno: 60
  136. vip: 2880
  137. svip: 2800
  138. time: 0
  139. helpop: 30
  140. guild:
  141. create: 0
  142. afk:
  143. time: 300
  144. automessage:
  145. messages:
  146. - '&6Sprawdz co posiada ranga &8[&6VIP&8]&e: &6/vip'
  147. - '&6Sprawdz drop ze stone: &6/drop'
  148. - '&6Aktualna granica mapy: &c3000 kratek'
  149. - '&6Masz sprawe do administracji? Napisz na &c/helpop'
  150. - '&6Ranga Streamer &8[&5T&fW&8] &6dostepna jest od 500 followow'
  151. - '&6Aby zakupic efekt wpisz &c/efekt!'
  152. - '&6Grajac na naszym serwerze &cakceptujesz &6nasz regulamin! Sprawdz go koniecznie:
  153. &c/regulamin !'
  154. - '&6Sprawdz co posiada ranga &8[&eSVIP&8]&e: &6/svip'
  155. - '&6Sprawdz informacje o danym graczu wpisujac: &c/gracz <nick>'
  156. - '&6Pamietaj, ze bedac na terenie czyjejs gildi mozesz uzyc komendy &c/spawn,
  157. /home'
  158. - '&6Sprawdz dostepne receptury wpisujac &c/craft'
  159. - '&6Ranga YouTuber &8[&4Y&fT&8] &6dostepna od &c500 &6widzow!'
  160. - '&6Posiadasz &c500 &6widzow, lub &c500 &6followow? Zglos sie na TS3 do administracji
  161. po range!'
  162. - '&6Aby uzyskac liste dostepnych komend wpisz &c/pomoc'
  163. - '&6Sponsorem naszego serwera jest: &2&'
  164. - '&6Kazdy gracz posiada ochrone startowa na &9&o4 minuty!'
  165. interval: 60
  166. prefix: '&8&l[&2&lEASY&f&l3U.PL&8&l] '
  167. suffix: '&6'
  168. pig:
  169. x: 0.5
  170. y: 60.5
  171. z: 0.5
  172. size: 15
  173. enable: false
  174. limit:
  175. perly:
  176. enable: true
  177. int: 5
  178. refile:
  179. enable: true
  180. int: 24
  181. koxy:
  182. enable: true
  183. int: 4
  184. check: 1
  185. punch: false
  186. turboexp:
  187. czas: 1461017659995
  188. razyile: 2
  189. turbodrop:
  190. razyile: 2
  191. czas: 1461017659995
  192. drop:
  193. vip: 1.25
  194. windows:
  195. size: 2
  196. svip: 1.5
  197. backup:
  198. restore:
  199. location: false
  200. stats: false
  201. ss:
  202. x: 0.5
  203. y: 60.0
  204. z: 0.5
  205. generatortick:
  206. stone: 25
  207. obs: 40
  208. lvl:
  209. needtowrite: 1
  210. needtocreateguild: 30
  211. needtojoinguild: 15
  212. max: 500
  214. drop:
  216. random-drops:
  217. diament:
  218. chance: 3.0
  219. exp: 10
  220. fortune: true
  221. message: '&6Trafiles na: &bDiamenty &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt]'
  222. biome: []
  224. height:
  225. min: 0
  226. max: 25
  227. amount:
  228. min: 1
  229. max: 1
  230. drop:
  231. what: DIAMOND
  232. from: STONE
  233. szmaragd:
  234. chance: 3.5
  235. exp: 10
  236. fortune: true
  237. message: '&6Trafiles na: &aSzmaragdy &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt'
  238. biome: []
  240. height:
  241. min: 0
  242. max: 25
  243. amount:
  244. min: 1
  245. max: 1
  246. drop:
  247. what: EMERALD
  248. from: STONE
  249. ksiazka:
  250. chance: 0.1
  251. exp: 10
  252. fortune: true
  253. message: '&6Trafiles na: &eKsiazke &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt'
  254. biome: []
  256. height:
  257. min: 0
  258. max: 25
  259. amount:
  260. min: 1
  261. max: 1
  262. drop:
  263. what: BOOK
  264. from: STONE
  265. zloto:
  266. chance: 2.5
  267. exp: 10
  268. fortune: true
  269. message: '&6Trafiles na: &6Zloto &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt'
  270. biome: []
  272. height:
  273. min: 0
  274. max: 64
  275. amount:
  276. min: 2
  277. max: 3
  278. drop:
  279. what: GOLD_INGOT
  280. from: STONE
  281. zelazo:
  282. chance: 3.25
  283. exp: 2
  284. fortune: false
  285. message: '&6Trafiles na: &7Zelazo &8[&c+ {AMOUNT}&8] &E+ {PKT} pkt'
  286. biome: []
  288. height:
  289. min: 0
  290. max: 64
  291. amount:
  292. min: 1
  293. max: 1
  294. drop:
  295. what: IRON_INGOT
  296. from: STONE
  297. wegiel:
  298. chance: 3.5
  299. exp: 2
  300. fortune: true
  301. message: '&6Trafiles na: &8Wegiel &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt'
  302. biome: []
  304. height:
  305. min: 0
  306. max: 64
  307. amount:
  308. min: 1
  309. max: 1
  310. drop:
  311. what: COAL
  312. from: STONE
  313. redstone:
  314. chance: 2.5
  315. exp: 2
  316. fortune: true
  317. message: '&6Trafiles na: &cCzerwony Proch &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt'
  318. biome: []
  320. height:
  321. min: 0
  322. max: 64
  323. amount:
  324. min: 4
  325. max: 8
  326. drop:
  327. what: REDSTONE
  328. from: STONE
  329. perla:
  330. chance: 0.05
  331. exp: 10
  332. fortune: false
  333. message: '&6Trafiles na: &5Perle &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt'
  334. biome: []
  336. height:
  337. min: 0
  338. max: 25
  339. amount:
  340. min: 1
  341. max: 1
  342. drop:
  343. what: ENDER_PEARL
  344. from: STONE
  345. proch:
  346. chance: 0.5
  347. exp: 10
  348. fortune: true
  349. message: '&6Trafiles na: &8Proch &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt'
  350. biome: []
  352. height:
  353. min: 0
  354. max: 25
  355. amount:
  356. min: 1
  357. max: 1
  358. drop:
  359. what: SULPHUR
  360. from: STONE
  361. jablko:
  362. chance: 0.075
  363. exp: 3
  364. fortune: false
  365. message: '&6Trafiles na: &4Jablko &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt'
  366. biome: []
  368. height:
  369. min: 0
  370. max: 40
  371. amount:
  372. min: 1
  373. max: 1
  374. drop:
  375. what: APPLE
  376. from: STONE
  377. obsydian:
  378. chance: 2.75
  379. exp: 2
  380. fortune: true
  381. message: '&6Trafiles na: &5Obsidian &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt'
  382. biome: []
  384. height:
  385. min: 0
  386. max: 55
  387. amount:
  388. min: 1
  389. max: 4
  390. drop:
  391. what: OBSIDIAN
  392. from: STONE
  393. piasek:
  394. chance: 2.5
  395. exp: 3
  396. fortune: true
  397. message: '&6Trafiles na: &ePiasek &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt'
  398. biome: []
  400. height:
  401. min: 0
  402. max: 25
  403. amount:
  404. min: 1
  405. max: 4
  406. drop:
  407. what: SAND
  408. from: STONE
  409. szlam:
  410. chance: 1.5
  411. exp: 3
  412. fortune: true
  413. message: '&6Trafiles na: &aSzlam &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt'
  414. biome: []
  416. height:
  417. min: 0
  418. max: 25
  419. amount:
  420. min: 1
  421. max: 4
  422. drop:
  423. what: SLIME_BALL
  424. from: STONE
  425. nic:
  426. chance: 0.2
  427. exp: 3
  428. fortune: true
  429. message: '&6Trafiles na: &fNic &8[&c+{AMOUNT}&8] &E+{PKT} pkt'
  430. biome: []
  432. height:
  433. min: 0
  434. max: 25
  435. amount:
  436. min: 1
  437. max: 4
  438. drop:
  439. what: STRING
  440. from: STONE
  441. cancel-drops:
  442. - DIAMOND_ORE
  443. - GOLD_ORE
  444. - IRON_ORE
  445. exp-drops:
  446. STONE: 3
  447. OBSIDIAN: 10
  449. items:
  451. items:
  452. list:
  453. - 1
  454. - 2
  455. - 3
  456. - 4
  457. - 5
  458. - 6
  459. - 7
  460. - 8
  461. - 9
  462. '1':
  463. name: Bolki Diamentu
  464. int: 64
  465. x: 1
  466. id: 57
  467. data: 0
  468. togglevip: true
  469. '2':
  470. name: Refile
  471. int: 64
  472. x: 2
  473. id: 322
  474. data: 0
  475. togglevip: true
  476. '3':
  477. name: Surowe Ryby
  478. int: 64
  479. x: 3
  480. id: 349
  481. data: 0
  482. togglevip: true
  483. '4':
  484. name: Biblioteczki
  485. int: 64
  486. x: 4
  487. id: 47
  488. data: 0
  489. togglevip: true
  490. '5':
  491. name: Tnt
  492. int: 64
  493. x: 5
  494. id: 46
  495. data: 0
  496. togglevip: true
  497. '6':
  498. name: Slimeball
  499. int: 64
  500. x: 6
  501. id: 341
  502. data: 0
  503. togglevip: true
  504. '7':
  505. name: Bolki Szmaragdu
  506. int: 64
  507. x: 7
  508. id: 133
  509. data: 0
  510. togglevip: true
  511. '8':
  512. name: Bloki Siana
  513. int: 64
  514. x: 8
  515. id: 170
  516. data: 0
  517. togglevip: true
  518. '9':
  519. name: Perly
  520. int: 16
  521. x: 9
  522. id: 368
  523. data: 0
  524. togglevip: true
  526. kits:
  528. kits:
  529. svip:
  530. list:
  531. - '1'
  532. - '2'
  533. - '3'
  534. - '4'
  535. - '5'
  536. - '6'
  537. - '7'
  538. - '8'
  539. - '9'
  540. - '10'
  541. - '11'
  542. - '12'
  543. - '13'
  544. - '14'
  545. - '15'
  546. - '16'
  547. 1:
  548. id: 276
  549. data: 0
  550. int: 1
  551. enchant: 'DAMAGE_ALL:5;FIRE_ASPECT:2;DURABILITY:3;'
  552. 2:
  553. id: 276
  554. data: 0
  555. int: 1
  556. enchant: 'DAMAGE_ALL:5;KNOCKBACK:2;DURABILITY:3;'
  557. 3:
  558. id: 322
  559. data: 1
  560. int: 10
  561. enchant: 'null'
  562. 4:
  563. id: 322
  564. data: 0
  565. int: 20
  566. enchant: 'null'
  567. 5:
  568. id: 310
  569. data: 0
  570. int: 1
  572. 6:
  573. id: 311
  574. data: 0
  575. int: 1
  577. 7:
  578. id: 312
  579. data: 0
  580. int: 1
  582. 8:
  583. id: 313
  584. data: 0
  585. int: 1
  587. 9:
  588. id: 310
  589. data: 0
  590. int: 1
  592. 10:
  593. id: 311
  594. data: 0
  595. int: 1
  597. 11:
  598. id: 312
  599. data: 0
  600. int: 1
  602. 12:
  603. id: 313
  604. data: 0
  605. int: 1
  607. 13:
  608. id: 368
  609. data: 0
  610. int: 4
  611. enchant: 'null'
  612. 14:
  613. id: 261
  614. data: 0
  615. int: 1
  617. 15:
  618. id: 262
  619. data: 0
  620. int: 5
  621. enchant: 'null'
  622. 16:
  623. id: 278
  624. data: 0
  625. int: 1
  627. vip:
  628. list:
  629. - '1'
  630. - '2'
  631. - '3'
  632. - '4'
  633. - '5'
  634. - '6'
  635. - '7'
  636. - '8'
  637. - '9'
  638. - '10'
  639. - '11'
  640. - '12'
  641. 1:
  642. id: 276
  643. data: 0
  644. int: 1
  645. enchant: 'DAMAGE_ALL:5;FIRE_ASPECT:2;DURABILITY:3;'
  646. 2:
  647. id: 276
  648. data: 0
  649. int: 1
  650. enchant: 'DAMAGE_ALL:5;KNOCKBACK:2;DURABILITY:3;'
  651. 3:
  652. id: 322
  653. data: 1
  654. int: 5
  655. enchant: 'null'
  656. 4:
  657. id: 322
  658. data: 0
  659. int: 10
  660. enchant: 'null'
  661. 5:
  662. id: 310
  663. data: 0
  664. int: 1
  666. 6:
  667. id: 311
  668. data: 0
  669. int: 1
  671. 7:
  672. id: 312
  673. data: 0
  674. int: 1
  676. 8:
  677. id: 313
  678. data: 0
  679. int: 1
  681. 9:
  682. id: 368
  683. data: 0
  684. int: 4
  685. enchant: 'null'
  686. 10:
  687. id: 261
  688. data: 0
  689. int: 1
  691. 11:
  692. id: 262
  693. data: 0
  694. int: 5
  695. enchant: 'null'
  696. 12:
  697. id: 278
  698. data: 0
  699. int: 1
  702. tablist:
  704. tablist:
  705. slots:
  706. '5': ' &2&l|EASY&f&l3U.PL|'
  707. '8': ' &6&l|ONLINE: |&c{ONLINE}&6/&c{SLOT}'
  708. '10': ' &2&l|TOPOWI GRACZE|'
  709. '12': ' &2&l|TOPOWE GILDIE|'
  710. '14': '&6|Nick: |&c{NAME}'
  711. '16': '&6|1. &a|{PTOP-1}'
  712. '17': '&6|Punkty: |&c{POINTS}'
  713. '18': '&6|1.&a |{GTOP-1}'
  714. '19': '&6|2. &a|{PTOP-2}'
  715. '20': '&6|Zabic: |&c{KILLS}'
  716. '21': '&6|2.&a |{GTOP-2}'
  717. '22': '&6|3. &a|{PTOP-3}'
  718. '23': '&6|Zginiec: |&c{DEATHS}'
  719. '24': '&6|3.&a |{GTOP-3}'
  720. '25': '&6|4. &a|{PTOP-4}'
  721. '26': '&6|K/D Ratio: |&c{KD}'
  722. '27': '&6|4.&a |{GTOP-4}'
  723. '28': '&6|5. &a|{PTOP-5}'
  724. '29': '&6|Godzina: |&c{TIME}'
  725. '30': '&6|5.&a |{GTOP-5}'
  726. '31': '&6|6. &a|{PTOP-6}'
  727. '32': '&6|Poziom: |&9&l{LVL} lvl'
  728. '33': '&6|6.&a |{GTOP-6}'
  729. '34': '&6|7. &a|{PTOP-7}'
  730. '36': '&6|7.&a |{GTOP-7}'
  731. '37': '&6|8. &a|{PTOP-8}'
  732. '38': ' &2&L|TWOJA GILDIA|'
  733. '39': '&6|8.&a |{GTOP-8}'
  734. '40': '&6|9. &a|{PTOP-9}'
  735. '41': '&6|Nazwa: |&c{TAG}'
  736. '42': '&6|9.&a |{GTOP-9}'
  737. '43': '&6|10. &a|{PTOP-10}'
  738. '44': '&6|Punkty: &c|{GPOINTS}'
  739. '45': '&6|10.&a |{GTOP-10}'
  740. '46': '&6|11. &a|{PTOP-11}'
  741. '47': '&6|Zabic: &c|{GKILLS}'
  742. '48': '&6|11.&a |{GTOP-11}'
  743. '49': '&6|12. &a|{PTOP-12}'
  744. '50': '&6|Zginiec: &c|{GDEATHS}'
  745. '51': '&6|12.&a |{GTOP-12}'
  746. '52': '&6|13. &a|{PTOP-13}'
  747. '53': '&6|K/D Ratio: &c|{GKD}'
  748. '54': '&6|13.&a |{GTOP-13}'
  749. '55': '&6|14. &a|{PTOP-14}'
  750. '56': '&6|Zycia: &c|{LIVE}'
  751. '57': '&6|14.&a |{GTOP-14}'
  752. '58': '&6|15. &a|{PTOP-15}'
  753. '60': '&6|15.&a |{GTOP-15}'
  754. update-slots:
  755. - 8
  756. - 29
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