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Apr 21st, 2018
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  1. Hello everyone, you may know me as George or as of recently Maldwyn. I am writing this to talk about my experiences lately with people on this platform, recently there’s been a bit of drama. I had quit discord and was talking to no one up until when I’m sitting down after washing my cousin’s car and my aunt comes around in a rush and tells my cousin about this account using my name, with my address in bio. My cousin calls the police but my dad tells her to end it and I assume it was my old friends Brandon and Shaun, I blamed them for it and we fell out and nothing happened until one day I was unbanned from the discord server Novus, I was welcomed with positivity until the next day where I get a message about me joining the community but I ignored it and went on with my day. But today, I got a friend request from Shaun and he gives me the information that I wanted, he told me that the people who made that false account weren’t people at all, it was one-person DYLAN NORTON. So in Novus I ask people to get Dylan to join and I get a message telling me to talk in DMs but because he wanted no proof against him thinking, he of course wanted to voice call so you know, I couldn’t report it to the police (we’ll see) and we talk, he apologises while chatting shit about Shaun so we get to a bit later and I decide to make a discord, to chill out and we all joined a VC and fucked about but then all of a sudden Brandon invites Dylan and Devon, they join talking about Shaun “pooing himself” and then proceed to dox his crush, they repeatedly screamed her last name (I won’t say in case someone goes looking) and shit gets serious, EWAN HAYNES decides to record the incident but then threatens a 14 year old with possibly ruining his entire school life and embarrassing him but telling everyone that he apparently shits himself. I am not a fan of this shit and after what they did I’m never going to forgive them. Brandon repeatedly says he’s going to be neutral but in a few minutes. They all leave and I ask them to add me and I get told that Brandon and EC don’t want me there, so I’m like alright, so I try to add Brandon to talk about shit so in the mean time me and Shaun are talking but I get accepted, and greeted with a picture of my dad that “Shaun pants smell” So we were betrayed basically.
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