
The Religion of Peace

Jun 4th, 2011
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  1. greygihart be sure to read all of this , the last part is of people I knew and loved who were murdered by this 1400 year old madness.
  2. -In Islam it is legal to beat your wife without cause , you can have 4 wives and as many 'temporary' wives as you want . A temporary wife is one you have for one hour. It is legal to marry a 6 year old but you must wait until she is a 'mature" 9 year old to consummate the marriage.
  3. In court it takes 2 women to equal the testimony of one man, in reality , particularly in rape cases no woman's testimony is of any consideration.
  4. If a women is suspected of being unfaithful, no evidence is required they can be forced to undergo a clitorectomy.
  5. The United Nations has also declared February 6 as "International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation".
  6. When an Islamic woman is gang raped it is often claimed she did not resist enough and she is murdered by her own family to restore their 'honor' . Nothing is done to the men who raped her. These so called 'honor killings' are common in Islamic countries and more than a few we known of have occurred in the United States and in many Western European countries. many are fathers murdering their teen age daughters for dating "infidels' The Quran imposes the death penalty for befriending Christians and Jews. You should read it instead of deciding truth based on what you feel , or what seem impossible. Actually no one would ever treat their cattle like this, they are too valuable.
  9. Qur'an (5:80) - "You will see many of them befriending those who disbelieve; certainly evil is that which their souls have sent before for them, that Allah became displeased with them and in chastisement shall they abide." Those Muslims who befriend unbelievers will abide in hell
  11. 3 weeks ago 2 of our missionaries in the Middle East were gunned down. A third was shot 15 times, 14 in the legs and one in the stomach and miraculously lived. Last year he spent 10 months in the hospital after having his genitals ripped off with as pair of pliers for smuggling Bibles . 2 months ago one of our missionaries died from infections caused a year ago when he was impaled for smuggling Bibles. That is where they sharpen a wooden stick and shove it up your rectum and leave you there to die slowly, the original form of crucifixion invented by the Persians , Vlad the Impaler whom the Dracula stories were loosely based on used this method against Muslims. Last year 4 more of our missionaries were murdered , 3 by gunfire and one beaten to death.
  12. The man whose genitals were ripped off last year and was shot 14 times in the legs and once in the stomach 3 weeks ago went right back to smuggling Bibles as soon as he could get out of the hospital and will do so again if he lives . The two preacher boys who were murdered 3 weeks ago by 'Holy Men" were led to Christianity by the example of the Americans who paid for all the operations for the man whose genitals were ripped off. The religion of peace? It is the religion of Satanic hatred.
  13. 2 million black Christians have been murdered in the most hideous ways imaginable by Islam in the last 7 years and the west ignored it , millions more were enslaved and raped and worked to death and the west ignored it . Yet Italy < America and several more NATO countries are giving hundreds of millions in military aid and providing American air strikes to people controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda as well .
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