
ac form

Aug 29th, 2016
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  1. ∘ full name – Akita Noriko / Maitê Almeida

  2. ∘ nicknames – Nori; from her friends and family, as a shortening of her name
  3. Nana Nori; from her friends, because she often complains about being tired or her limbs hurting

  4. ∘ age – 15

  5. ∘ birthdate - May 8th 2001

  6. ∘ birthplace - Brasilia, Brazil

  7. ∘ ethnicity – Half Japanese, Half Brazilian 

  8. ∘ height – 165cm / 5"4
  10. ∘ weight – 50kg / 110lbs
  13. ☓
∘ face claim – Jinsol (April)
  15. ∘ backup face claim – Janey (GP Basic)

  16. ∘ background – Noriko was born to a Brazilian mother and Japanese father. Unfortunately, when she was very young, her mother passed away. It's something that her father never recovered from, and refused to live in Brazil, as her mother was so proud of her heritage, and the memories were too strong. The father and daughter ended up moving back to Japan, to stay with Noriko's grandparents until they were able to find another place to live. Needless to say, they're still searching. She remembers almost nothing of Brazil, other than the bright colours of a parade her mother once took her to see. Her dad didn't spend a lot of time with her, forever mourning her mother. Instead, she was raised mostly by her grandparents, who loved her dearly. However, Noriko was badly treated for the most part, by almost anyone other than close family and friends, because of her mixed heritage. Her Japanese side was a lot more dominant in her appearance, but as soon as someone found out about her heritage, it was spread like wildfire. She wasn't ashamed of it, but preferred to keep it quiet because of harsh comments.
  17. ∘ family members –
  18. Akita Shigeru / Father / 37 / Part - Time cashier
  19. Akita Tadao / Grandfather / 68 / Retired builder
  20. Akita Natsuoko / Grandmother / 67 / Retired Teacher
  21. Nina Almeida / Mother / 35 (22 when she died) / Owner of a coffee shop / *DECEASED*
  23. ☓

∘ likes ; bright colours, peacefulness, the sea, the feeling of being accepted, seafood, birds

  24. ∘ dislikes ; being interrupted, sudden loud noises, being rejected, the colour brown, not feeling good enough, being underestimated 

  25. ∘ habits ; scratching her head or around her wrists, blinking rapidly when confused
  27. ∘ personality ; due to being shunned for her heritage, she's relatively quiet. she won't speak out of turn, and has a gentle voice. she's a hard worker, and incredibly determined. she may look like an easy target for bullies, but she can hit people down with words. she usually keeps her head down, and is extremely organised; never late for class, homework done on time, "team mom". the friends she have value her a lot, because she's very open and understanding, having been shunned almost her whole life. she's a bit of a coward when it comes to physical fights, but very loyal and wouldn't make a great hostage; she'd already have figured out an escape plan, and three back up plans. her whole aura is "gentle, delicate", but give her a cause to fight for, and she's anything but delicate. 

  28. ∘ sexuality ; pansexual. feel free to pair her with anyone. she doesn't really have an ideal type; as long as they aren't pressuring and accept her for who she is, she's open for love. she isn't open about her sexuality, she sees no need to be. and she doesn't want to give people more reason to have something against her. 

  29. ∘ have they had any past relationships/are they in a relationship? no relationships, past or present. 

  30. ∘ languages they can speak (1-3) –
  31. Fluent Japanese
  32. Broken Portuguese (the language of Brazil)
  33. Very basic English (Studied in school)

  34. ∘ what do they like to do in their spare time? mostly reading, or looking up different places. she likes to be educated on important matters, and different countries and places. 

  35. ☓

  36. ∘ speciality (1-2) – planning

  37. ∘ thoughts on killing an actual human being, and thoughts on killing the teacher? – She wouldn't kill another human being unless there was an absolute necessity. She's willing to be involved in killing the teacher, as long as she isn't actually the killer. She doesn't really enjoy being an assassin in training, but she's willing to do it for a good cause. 

  38. ∘ favorite weapon - words (hA thats cliché) or twin knives

  39. ∘ favorite subject - physics or maths

  40. ∘ least favorite subject - drama

  41. ☓

  42. ∘ anything else not mentioned above? 

  43. ∘ suggested scenes – (optional) 

  44. ∘ note to bri - heY HI ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM IS MY FAVOURITE ANIME SHSHJDAJKS IVE BEEN SO HAPPY TO WRITE THIS - anyway even if you don't accept mine, i'll still read it because,,,, i think you get the idea.
  45. i'll leave you with a fun fact; i refer to "assassination classroom" as "double ass room" on a daily basis.
∘ password – assassin
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