

Apr 28th, 2019
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  1. on rightclick holding a enchanted book:
  2. if name of player's tool is "&4&lFire Trap":
  3. {%player%::c} is not set
  4. {%player%-z} is not set
  5. {%player%-trap} is not set
  6. set {_p-l} to player's location
  7. send "&4&lTrap&r&lを&3&l設置&r&lしています"
  8. set {%player%-z} to true
  9. play sound "entity.elder_guardian.flop" with volume 10 and pitch 1 at player for players in radius 3 of player
  10. loop 5 times:
  11. if {_p-l} is not player's location:
  12. send "&4&lTrap&r&lの&3&l設置&r&lに&c&l失敗&r&lしました"
  13. play sound "entity.creeper.primed" with volume 10 and pitch 1 at player for players in radius 3 of player
  14. delete {%player%-z}
  15. set {_b} to 1
  16. stop loop
  17. wait second
  18. {_b} is not set
  19. send "&e&l成功"
  20. delete {%player%-z}
  21. play sound "entity.chicken.egg" with volume 10 and pitch 1 at player for players in radius 3 of player
  22. play sound "entity.chicken.egg" with volume 10 and pitch 1 at player for players in radius 3 of player
  23. set {%player%-trap} to {_p-l}
  24. on leftclick holding a enchanted book:
  25. if name of player's tool is "&4&lFire Trap":
  26. if {%player%-trap} is not set:
  27. send "&4&lTrap&r&lがありません"
  28. if {%player%-trap} is set:
  29. cf(player)
  30. function cc(p: player):
  31. loop players in radius 14 around {%{_p}%-k}:
  32. add loop-player to {_t::*}
  33. {_t::*} is set
  34. set {_r} to 2
  35. set {_r2} to 3
  36. set {_loc} to {%{_p}%-k}
  37. set {_loc2} to {%{_p}%-k}
  38. set yaw of {_loc} to 0
  39. set pitch of {_loc} to 0
  40. set yaw of {_loc2} to 180
  41. set pitch of {_loc2} to 0
  42. loop 18 times:
  43. add location {_r} meter forwards {_loc} to {_l::*}
  44. add location {_r2} meter forwards {_loc2} to {_l2::*}
  45. loop {_l::*}:
  46. show 5 flame particles at loop-value-2 offset by 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 with speed 0
  47. loop {_l2::*}:
  48. show 5 flame particles at loop-value-2 offset by 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 with speed 0
  49. add -20 to yaw of {_loc}
  50. add 20 to yaw of {_loc2}
  51. wait 2 ticks
  52. loop 16 times:
  53. loop {_l::*}:
  54. show 10 flame particles at loop-value-2 offset by 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 with speed 0
  55. loop {_l2::*}:
  56. show 10 flame particles at loop-value-2 offset by 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 with speed 0
  57. wait 10 ticks
  58. function cf(p: player):
  59. set {%{_p}%-k} to {%{_p}%-trap}
  60. delete {%{_p}%-trap}
  61. cc({_p})
  62. wait 36 ticks
  63. play sound "entity.enderdragon.death" with volume 10 and pitch 1 at {%{_p}%-k} for players in radius 14 of {%{_p}%-k}
  64. loop 30 times:
  65. loop players in radius 14 around {%{_p}%-k}:
  66. show 100 Enchantment Table particles at {%{_p}%-k} offset by 14, 14, 14 with speed 1.5
  67. push loop-player (direction from loop-player to {%{_p}%-k}) at speed floor(distance between loop-player and {%{_p}%-k}/3)
  68. wait 5 ticks
  69. loop players in radius 3 around {%{_p}%-k}:
  70. set {%loop-player%-LA} to {_p}
  71. make {_p} damage loop-player by floor(25/(distance between loop-player and {%{_p}%-k}+1))
  72. play sound "entity.firework.large_blast_far" with volume 10 and pitch 1 at {%{_p}%-k} for players in radius 3 of {%{_p}%-k}
  73. play sound "entity.lightning.impact" with volume 10 and pitch 1 at {%{_p}%-k} for players in radius 3 of {%{_p}%-k}
  74. show 50 lava particles at {%{_p}%-k} offset by 0, 1, 0 with speed 2
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