
DDLC Extra: New Days

Nov 25th, 2017
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  1. You wake up on what would otherwise be an average Saturday morning, if it wasn’t for the slight headache you have. As well you feel a bit disoriented from what must have been a bad dream. It’s not often you have nightmares, but this one was really something else. All your friends from the Literature Club were in it. But for the life of you, you can’t remember any details, and just as they cross your mind they fade away. Despite that, the lingering uneasiness lingers on, almost as if you hadn’t been dreaming.
  3. Whatever, it’s the weekend, there’s better things to do than to wonder about a bad dream, especially when everyone has things to do for the School Festival on Monday.
  5. You turn over and look at the clock. It’s nearly Eleven. Must’ve been a heck of a dream to make you wake up so late. Oh well, might as well get on with your morning routine.
  7. Fresh out of the shower, you decide to take a look at your phone. Lots of texts and even a couple missed calls from everyone in the Literature Club. They all seem to say about the same thing. Best to call Sayori.
  9. “Hey, Sayori, sorry I missed your calls. Guess I slept in late…”
  11. “It’s ok! Almost got worried for a while there.” she says, jokingly.
  14. “I can’t believe Monika was keeping that a secret until the end of the Festival. Guess she didn’t want to worry us until then about her moving away.”
  16. “I guess so…” Sayori responds.
  18. She goes on to explain how Monika’s father had a job offer across the country and that she wasn’t going to move for a few more weeks. But that something came up with his company and they pretty much had to move over night or he would lose the position.
  20. Suddenly you get a feeling cross your mind that Monika didn’t move. But what? Just as soon as it comes, the thought goes away. You do remember Monika being in your dream, but what did she do? What did you do?
  22. “Well I guess on the bright side, that leaves you as the new Club President!” you say cheerfully to Sayori.
  24. “Yeah, I guess so” she laughs.
  26. “Do you think you’ll need any extra help preparing for the festival now that she’s gone?” you ask, “I know I was supposed to help Natsuki with the cupcakes, but I’m sure she’d understand if I cancelled.”
  28. “Oh no, no!” Sayori says assuredly. “I can handle it just fine, besides she emailed me what she had already started on, so it shouldn’t be much extra work.”
  31. “Well if you’re sure, just remember I’m here if you end up needing some extra help, or I’m sure Yuri will be glad to come along if I end up getting stuck baking.”
  33. “Oh, I already called her, but she sounded like she was already busy working on the decorations when I called. At least we know ours will be the best with her working that hard!”
  35. “Alright then, guess I’ll get in touch with Natsuki and co-ordinate the cupcakes.”
  37. “Good luck, and have fun!” Sayori responds brightly. “I’ll see you at the festival”
  39. “Ok! Good luck to you too!” you respond before hanging up.
  41. You think to yourself it’s a bit odd that Sayori said “see you at the festival”. Surely you’ll see her sometime before then. Though she was acting a bit odd at school, and with Monika leaving so suddenly, you doubt that will help with any strangeness.
  43. As you think this an inexplicable chill goes down your spine. Weird, but not worrying. Something to do with the dream? You figure it’s best to ignore it, and try not to think about whatever it is you dreamt about.
  45. “Guess I should text Natsuki, see what she needs me to get for the cupcakes” you think to yourself.
  47. You send Natsuki a text letting her know you talked to Sayori about Monika leaving and apologize for not texting back quickly.
  49. “Geez, I know it’s Saturday but we have things to do, you better not sleep in tomorrow, I’ll be over early to get these cupcakes done” Natsuki responds.
  51. “Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to set an alarm” you assure her. “Anyways, what was it you needed me to pick up?”
  53. Your stomach growls.
  55. “I guess it’s still breakfast” you say to yourself. “But man, I really shouldn’t sleep in like this too much.”
  57. You go downstairs and start making yourself some eggs. While doing so you take an inventory of the kitchen to see if you have anything for baking. Besides eggs, milk, butter and sugar you don’t really have much for baking. Thankfully your parents make sure to give you money for groceries while they’re gone, so getting more for the cupcakes won’t be an issue.
  59. After making some eggs and toast you decide to sit down on the couch and put on some television. Whatever’s on will do, just need some background noise while you eat.
  61. As you’re finishing up your food, you get a text back from Natsuki with the list of stuff she needs you to get. Seems like a basic list, nothing too hard.
  63. “Let me know if you think of anything else you might need” you reply back.
  65. “I’ve made cupcakes before, you know. I’m sure I didn’t forget anything!” she responds.
  67. “I guess I shouldn’t doubt her baking skills” you say to yourself. “It’s obvious she’s pretty confident in them.”
  69. After watching a bit more television you decide to head over to the store to get what’s on the list. Almost One-Thirty in the afternoon already. Sleeping in late when you have things to do really isn’t good, you decide. Before leaving you make sure to set your alarm clock and your phone to Eight AM.
  71. As you’re walking to the store you decide to text Sayori and Yuri, asking if you should grab anything for them.
  73. Yuri quickly responds; “No, I think I have everything I’ll need, thanks!”
  75. No response from Sayori.
  77. Halfway to the store you realize Natsuki didn’t specify what colors of frosting and food coloring she wanted you to buy.
  79. “Better give her a call real quick” you say to yourself.
  81. You try a few times but her phone keeps ringing to voicemail. Most people anymore don’t bother with personal messages, but I guess Natsuki being Natsuki couldn’t stop herself from making one that sounds cute. Cute enough to make you laugh it off instead of being annoyed she didn’t answer.
  83. As you get to the store you get a text back. It’s from Natsuki.
  85. “Sorry I didn’t answer, my dad was home. What did you need?”
  87. “Just wanted to know what colors of icing and food coloring you wanted.”
  89. “Pink of course <3” she quickly responds. “And I guess blue and green too. You can pick some colors if you want. I can make any cupcake look great.”
  91. Pink, should have guessed she’d want pink. You’ve never been the artistic type, but picking food coloring can’t be too hard. You decide to grab some purple and orange. Those five colors should be plenty.
  93. As you’re shopping it dawns on you just how many cupcakes Natsuki is going to make. And she said she was bringing stuff of her own! Almost a third of the money your parents left you for a month of groceries goes to the cupcakes. Oh well, you figure at worst you and the three girls will end up with a lot of cupcakes to share after the festival.
  95. You text Sayori about how much you got for the cupcakes. “There’s definitely going to be enough for us to take home” you tell her excitedly. She doesn’t respond. You figure she’s too busy with all her extra work for the festival.
  97. Once you get home and finish putting everything away you decide to catch up on some shows. You sit down on the couch and text Natsuki that you got everything she asked for.
  99. “I made sure to get plenty of pink icing” you tell her. “I’m sure you’ll be able to make some cute designs with it”
  101. “Not everything that’s pink has to be cute!” she quickly texts back.
  103. “Ok, ok, I’m sorry, lol” you say back.
  105. A couple hours pass while you watch anime. Eventually you get a text. It’s from Natsuki.
  107. “9 is ok for me to come over, right?” she asks.
  109. “Yeah, sure.”
  111. “Ok, I’ll call you when I’m on my way to make sure you’re not sleeping in again.”
  113. “Don’t worry, that’s not a normal thing I do” you assure her. As you hit send you start to wonder why exactly you did sleep that long. Couldn’t have been the bad dream. Best not to dwell on it, you decide.
  115. “If you say so…” she eventually says back. “Just make sure you decide to be helpful with the cupcakes.”
  117. “I will, don’t worry.” you reply before putting your phone down and watching more television. About twenty minutes later you get another text from Natsuki.
  119. “Did we still need to write our poems or just worry about preparing for the festival?”
  121. You’re not too sure so you text Sayori and ask, since she’s club president now. After 10 minutes and no response, Natsuki eventually calls.
  123. “Heyyy” she says, “did you get my text?”
  125. “Yeah, I asked Sayori and was waiting on a reply back.”
  127. “Yeah… I tried asking her too and didn’t hear anything either…” Natsuki says, dejectedly.
  129. “Did you try asking Yuri?”
  131. “Yeah, actually she wasn’t sure either. Said she was gonna be really busy with making decorations and stuff. I wanted to go over to her place to play some games, but she’s in that mindset where she gets obsessed with something and can’t stop until it’s perfect.”
  133. “Oh, well I’m sorry to hear that. If you want you could come over today, I’ve got some consoles.”
  135. Some consoles? Don’t kid yourself, you have more than your fair share of video games.
  137. “Wh-why would I want to do that!” she stutters in response. “I’m only coming over tomorrow because I have too!”
  139. You think to yourself she can’t be any more of a stereotypical tsundere if she tried.
  141. “Ok, ok. I was just offering. I don’t want you thinking Sayori is the only friend I hang out with outside of school.”
  143. “F-friend?” You hear Natsuki stutter to herself. “I-I mean, I guess you could say we’re all friends since the Literature Club is so small! Just don’t get any wrong ideas!”
  145. “Don’t worry, real life isn’t like those romance manga.” you assure her.
  147. “Oh please, you and Sayori are such the childhood friend stereotype!” Natsuki snaps back.
  149. You chuckle, “Yeah, I guess I can kind of see what you mean…”
  151. “A-anyways, I’ll be over tomorrow at nine, be sure to be ready for Chef Natsuki’s Baking Training as soon as I get there!”
  153. “I’ll be sure you” you say before she hangs up.
  155. The way Natsuki said that, “Chef Natsuki”, she’s really confident about her skills in the kitchen. She almost sounded like a different person with how serious she was. And of course, being her, it just had to come off as being cute.
  157. A few hours pass, and again you get a text from Natsuki. As if she wasn’t playing the tsundere role so well already, she really does seem like she enjoys talking to you.
  159. “Hey, I forgot to ask, but was that BNHA I heard you watching earlier?”
  161. You didn’t realize when she called that you forgot to pause the television and ended up having to rewatch half an episode.
  163. “Yeah, I just started season 2” you tell her.
  165. “No spoilers!!!!” she responds almost as soon as the text sends.She soon follows up “I just finished season 1 last week”.
  167. After a couple minutes she texts you again, asking about other anime you’ve watched, manga you’ve read, and so on.
  169. A couple hours pass before eventually she sends one last text for the evening.
  171. “Sorry, my dad just got home so I’m gonna have to go to bed. Be sure to be awake tomorrow morning.”
  173. You notice it’s only about ten at night.
  175. “Guess she’s still young enough to have a bedtime” you think you yourself.
  177. Still too early for you to go to sleep, so you try texting Sayori to see how she’s been. No immediate response, so you decide to browse the internet for a bit before going to sleep.
  179. “You know” you begin to think “I don’t want to seem like a complete novice when Natsuki gets here tomorrow.” So you begin looking up the basics of making cupcakes. It isn’t like you’ve never made them before. You tried a few times with Sayori, but neither of you made them too well. At least not compared to what Natsuki brought.
  181. After a few minutes of looking up how to bake, you realize it’s probably best to learn in person anyways.
  183. “I’m sure she’ll be critical no matter what I do” you say to yourself.
  185. As you start getting ready to get to sleep, you get a text back from Sayori.
  186. “I’ve been fine” she says. Out of everyone, you know very well she hasn’t been acting normal. But it’s late, and she’s probably getting ready to go to sleep too. So you decide you’ll worry more in the morning.
  188. “Ok, well that’s good to hear.” you reply. “I’ll talk to you more tomorrow, good night”
  190. “Good night” she quickly sends back. For the rest of the night your phone is quiet.
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