

Feb 8th, 2013
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  1. Tribal Shaman: hi
  3. Tribal Shaman: /lean on
  4. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: /cuddle
  5. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: less than a week now..
  6. Tribal Shaman: my mom is off at 4 so she can take me to work at 6
  7. Tribal Shaman: yeah!
  8. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: /kissu
  9. Tribal Shaman: you have your shit packed that you are bringing?
  10. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: do you work tomorrow? we're gonna try and reset our sleep sceds, so we're staying up
  11. Tribal Shaman: yeah I work. 130-630
  12. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: awww/..
  13. Tribal Shaman: so the latest I can stay up is like...2am
  14. Tribal Shaman: then off sunday, wrk monday and tuesday, off wensday, work thursday, off Friday
  15. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: we'll be coming down on the 14th if all goes well
  16. Tribal Shaman: then work saturday-tuesday, orr wensday-friday
  17. Tribal Shaman: I work 7-11 friday
  18. Tribal Shaman: I mean, Thursday the 14th
  19. Tribal Shaman: So how you coming down? Bus?
  20. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: auntie sherry drivin
  21. Tribal Shaman: oooh so she's in for a visit then?
  22. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: oh did u see the new nc mall event?
  23. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: and yea
  24. Tribal Shaman: cool and not yet
  25. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: its one of those several-days-of-ifts things like teh stufftacular
  26. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: *gifts
  27. Tribal Shaman: oh cool
  28. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: 7 days, so looks like if you want all them you need to get them today
  29. Tribal Shaman: of shit I need to see if that v-day letter thing is in the gift shop
  30. Tribal Shaman: oh*
  31. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: i can look for it too and have you trading post it off of me
  32. Tribal Shaman: kk
  33. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: /roll
  34. Tribal Shaman: /lean on
  35. Tribal Shaman: I've missed you
  36. PK ROCKIN OMEGA is now Away.
  37. PK ROCKIN OMEGA is now Online.
  38. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: i missed you too :c /cuddle
  39. Tribal Shaman: /cuddle
  40. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: /kisses face
  41. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: when you have some days off after were there me and jody should come over and we send your bro to hang out w/ his friends so we have th house and just hang outt
  42. Tribal Shaman: perhaps
  43. Tribal Shaman: After dinner with my fam on the bday, wanna come over and play video games?
  44. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: okie
  45. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: we should get really drunk :D
  46. Tribal Shaman: if we got the money to do so
  47. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: yea
  48. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: hey ot but were u planning on doing that flint blog still?
  49. Tribal Shaman: perhaps
  50. Tribal Shaman: why?
  51. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: i can draw u an icon
  52. Tribal Shaman: sweet
  53. Tribal Shaman: It'll be Flint....just with PSI
  54. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: hehehehe
  55. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: we should name this au
  56. Tribal Shaman: Man his poor heart when he finds Lucas
  57. Tribal Shaman: And gotdang, I'd do Duster but he's been Chimera'd hasn't he
  58. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ya ray is doin him
  59. Tribal Shaman: Poor Dusty
  61. Tribal Shaman: I saw Kat
  62. Tribal Shaman: poor Duster
  63. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: poor everyone
  64. Tribal Shaman: that just makes some things harder. How can Kuma save the world without her Ninja?
  65. Tribal Shaman: Its like Porky knew which people would try and save this world and one-by-one picked them off and turned them
  66. Tribal Shaman: So now we have a Princess, who is unchanged but has to face th fact that her Moms are gone, and a tired old man that has pretty much given up on even trying anymore with latent PSI powers
  67. Tribal Shaman: This is our rescue
  68. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: and a dog
  69. Tribal Shaman: and a dog
  70. Tribal Shaman: aw man where's Rope Snake
  71. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: prolly still in the castle :c
  72. Tribal Shaman: I'm gunna ask Guardduster
  73. Tribal Shaman: anyways....
  74. Tribal Shaman: know what's been on my mind?
  76. Tribal Shaman: People draw Kuma, but they never draw her with a scar from that bear trap in the castle
  78. Tribal Shaman: don't you think she'd have a scar from that?
  79. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: well i imagne psi can heal w/out leaving scars
  80. Tribal Shaman: I suppose
  81. Tribal Shaman: Anyways. These three are our heroes
  82. Tribal Shaman: how screwed are we
  83. Tribal Shaman: oh oh and also the Egg is gone and the only one that could have found it is a Chimera.
  84. Tribal Shaman: brilliant
  85. Tribal Shaman: we are ducked
  86. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ooooh moony u didnt have 2 get me the openers ;u; u sweet
  87. Tribal Shaman: took ya long enough
  88. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Thanks for your entry! Keep an eye on the New Features page in the days to come to see if you've won. Good luck!
  89. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: hhhhh
  90. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: okay i did ittt
  91. Tribal Shaman: random contest?
  93. Tribal Shaman: good luck!
  94. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: i entered the AG too
  95. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: did u see the pic i did for that
  96. Tribal Shaman: two eeyries right?
  98. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: and heres my card\
  99. Tribal Shaman:
  100. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: dawww
  101. Tribal Shaman: d'aww cute card Kat
  102. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *walks over to Phil, handing him a card* ^w^
  103. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- ...?
  104. Tribal Shaman: Kris: I know its early but I wanted to give you a card now incase we get busy later. Happy Vally Day Phil, hope you like it
  105. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- ...vally day...?
  106. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Valentines Day
  107. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- what's that?
  108. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Oh its a custom on my planet where you give cards out to your friends and to people you like. See, its usually covered in glitter and paper hearts with cheesy or sappy words on the inside, or some short and sweet like "You Rock!" with a picture of a rock or something.
  109. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- ooh... *loojks at the card curiously* I don't have one to give you...sorry.
  110. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *laughs a bit* How could you give me one when you didn't even know the custom? *she then gives him a hug* Its alright, Phil
  111. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *hugs back* alright...
  112. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *gives him a small snuggle* Sorry if its a little weird, haha
  113. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- it' okay.. *kiss cheek*
  114. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *flushes a bit, then kisses his cheek back* You're pretty cool, Phil
  115. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- if you say so...
  116. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *smiles* I know so. When you are surrounded by....well...*motions to her friends* You kinda know what's cool in comparasion
  117. Tribal Shaman: Kris: I hope you have a very happy early V-day, Phil. I like seeing people smiling and hapy
  118. Tribal Shaman: happy*
  119. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- ... *kisses her lips*
  120. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *She's honestly surprised by this. Her face flushes darker as she relaxes, kissing back*
  121. Tribal Shaman: ((my teeth. They rot
  122. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((uguu
  123. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- mmm... *holds her close*
  124. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she wraps her arms around his neck* mmm....
  125. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((some cutes
  126. Tribal Shaman: ((Larisa would have a feild day with this. She's been trying to play match-maker with her Honey Euryal for a bit now.
  127. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((hwhehehehehe
  128. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *grips into her shirt a bit*
  129. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *slips her fingers into his hair, lightly scatching his scalp*
  130. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *shivers, fingers digging into her back a little*
  131. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *presses closer to him, shiver a bit against him. Holy shit what is going on here* mmm....
  132. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((u kno what i can see kris doing
  133. Tribal Shaman: ((roleplaying with outfits?
  134. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((
  135. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((not related to sexin u silly :B in general
  136. Tribal Shaman: ((...same with my thng too actually
  137. Tribal Shaman: ((also d'awww
  138. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: (( :B
  139. Tribal Shaman: ((Heehee they would so catch her singing that to herself while making a cake or something
  140. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((a kawaii
  141. Tribal Shaman: ((your go
  142. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *breaks the kiss, panting. he rubs his horns on her a little*
  143. Tribal Shaman: ((so he's nuzzing her. Cutes
  144. Tribal Shaman: ((Also I read too many tumblr shit about troll horns /snicker
  145. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *giggles a bit, opening her eyes a bit to watch him.*
  146. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((u remember phil's theme right?
  147. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *opens one yellow eye* what?
  148. Tribal Shaman: ((goat?
  149. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: (( no, song
  150. Tribal Shaman: ((cool, what's this from?
  151. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((Touhou
  152. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((the alternate title for this song is 'And Then There Were None'
  153. Tribal Shaman: ((This would be a ref to how he was the last in his game alive?
  154. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Nothing...*smiles, a little more shyly now. Her ear have even started turning a shade of pink*
  155. Tribal Shaman: (So why did you ask if I remember his theme?
  156. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((just playing with songs rn
  157. Tribal Shaman: ((kk
  158. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *plays with her earobe a bit*
  159. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *giggles* heeey...
  160. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- whaaat? *nibbles it*
  161. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *well that gets her. She turns another shade, biting her lip as bit as she tries not to laugh* that's tickles.
  162. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *grins and starts to tickle her* does it?
  163. Tribal Shaman: Kris: eeeeeeeee *wriggles in his grasp* stoooooop
  164. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *nips her ear again* or else what?
  165. Tribal Shaman: Kris: O-or...or else I'll...tickle you back, ha!
  166. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- my species isn't ticklish. UoU
  167. Tribal Shaman: Kris: That has got to be a lie....
  168. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- nope, not a lie
  169. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Hm...then I'll...mess up your hair! *ruffles his hair*
  170. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *laugh* hey!
  171. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Ha! *continues to ruffles him up, her hand brushing against his horn accidently*
  172. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *makes a funny little mewly sound*
  173. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Wow, did I find a weak point Phil?
  174. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- s...shush you
  175. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *sticks tongue out at him* Make me
  176. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- ...*pins her*
  177. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Eep
  178. Tribal Shaman: Kris:....Hiiiii Phil *laughs a bit*
  179. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *kisses her neck*
  180. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Nnn...*she tilts her head away, baring a her neck a bit more*
  181. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *nips lightly*
  182. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((btw everyone else ships these two hehehehe
  183. Tribal Shaman: ((oh shit really?
  184. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Sunflower Shiny says (5:40 PM)
  185. waaaAAAAAA
  186. phiiiil
  187. Zora Smith says (5:41 PM)
  188. ...i ship it to the moon
  189. Tribal Shaman: ((I take it you showed them a bit from this
  190. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((the ear nibbling bit eue
  191. Tribal Shaman: (teheehee
  192. Tribal Shaman: (brb
  193. Tribal Shaman: ((back had to get dresssed for work so I may be leaving soon
  194. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: ((okies /kiss
  195. Tribal Shaman: ((...or now. Damnit I was having fun with this
  196. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: (we can do more later
  197. Tribal Shaman: ((yeee! Thank you thank you thank you *cling*
  198. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: (( heehee /kees
  199. Tribal Shaman: ((kk gunna save this log
  200. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: (ok
  202. Tribal Shaman: Yo
  203. PK ROCKIN OMEGA is now Online.
  204. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: /kees
  205. Tribal Shaman: what was last said
  206. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she shifts against him again, fingers slipping into his hair. She arches back, lightly kissing his shoulder*
  207. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *shivers when one of her hands brushes his horn, grunting*
  208. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *nuzzing his neck a bit, she brushs his horn a bit more* That...okay...?
  209. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *purring* yeah...
  210. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she bites her lip a bit, wrapping her fingers around one of his horns*
  211. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *grunts, hips pressed right against her*
  212. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *moans softly, rubbing the pad of her thumb against the smooth surface of his horn*
  213. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *grunts again, his bulge rather...excited*
  214. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *oh hello there, aren't you something. She slides her hand up along his horn, tracing the curve of it*
  215. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *gives a long moan, nipping her ear*
  216. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *lets out a short gasp, pressing her thumb nail against the horn* Anesid...
  217. Tribal Shaman: ((*poke*
  218. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *growls a bit, squeezing her*
  219. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *She squirms under his touch, a dark shade of pink. She can tell he's gotten*
  220. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *nibble* nhh... *it's, er. wriggling. odd.*
  221. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *What in the hey...that's...odd. Why is she getting excited thinking about that oh god she's weird*
  222. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *nuzzle* mmmhhnn...
  223. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Anesid...its...m-moving...
  224. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- that not normal...?
  225. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Not...generally...
  226. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *flushes* oh
  227. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Its okay though! Really!
  228. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *he's a bit worried* are you sure...?
  229. Tribal Shaman: Kris:...uh...w-well...that's normal for trolls...right? The...m-moving?
  230. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *nods*
  231. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Then...yeah? *swallows a bit* You...l-look worried...
  232. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil-'s nothin'... *nuzzle*
  233. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *nuzzes back, petting his back with her other hand*
  234. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *blushing* you wanna...
  235. Tribal Shaman: Kris: ...*nods a little* y-yes...
  236. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *kiss* you sure...?
  237. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *blushing, kissing back* Yes...just...its kinda my f-fir...*clears throat* Well....
  238. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- do humans....?
  239. Tribal Shaman: Kris: I...guess its different from how trolls...okay uh how to explain this...
  240. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *watches her*
  241. Tribal Shaman: Kris: see...Humans...*oh god this is awkward* put that *points* and put it inside of a part of me...that sounds weird I know but...
  242. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *looks puzzled* well...alright
  243. Tribal Shaman: Kris: And this requires us naked...
  244. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- oh. *tugs on her shirt*
  245. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *oh god he's kinda like a kid...its cute. She helps him remove her shirt, crossing a arm under her bust as she blushes, looking off a bit*
  246. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *squeezes her breasts a bit*
  247. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *shiver a bit* alright...
  248. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- you're pretty...
  249. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *blushes darker, smiling a little* l-liar...
  250. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- 's true... *nuzzles neck*
  251. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *tilts head, baring her neck to him*
  252. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *nips a little, then takes his shirt off too*
  253. Tribal Shaman: Kris: oh....*she places a hand on his chest, rubbing the tips of her fingers against his warm skin*
  254. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- is this okay...?
  255. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Yes...*she leans closer to him, kissing his collarbone*
  256. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *splaying her fingers againt his chest, she nuzzes him a bit* ...warm...
  257. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *holds her, resting his chin on top of her head*
  258. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she
  259. Tribal Shaman: 's liking the feeling of being held, wraping her arms around his waist and kisses the center of his chest*
  260. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *nuzz* you're cute...
  261. Tribal Shaman: Kris: No...
  262. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- yeah...
  263. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she rubs her knuckles along his spine*
  264. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she bites her lip, nuzzing back as she places her hands on his hips*
  265. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *watches her, letting her take control*
  266. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *kisses his chest again, tugging on the waistband* This...okay...?
  267. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- yeah. *pets hair*
  268. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she swallows a little, smiling up at him. She then loosens his pants, guiding them down*
  269. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *blushes when he's bare* nn...
  270. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *oh my...she rests a hand on his hip, rubbing the heel of it a bit against his skin*
  271. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *grunts a bit as his tenta wggles a bit*
  272. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *oh god it does move. She bites her lip harder, getting a little gitty now. She moves her hand, lightly brushing the tip of her finger along it*
  273. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- nhh. *it wraps around her arm*
  274. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *Well isn't that just dandy*
  275. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: *it's all drippy and orange*
  276. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *its like...a orangesicle...*
  277. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- this isn't werid, is it...?
  278. Tribal Shaman: Kris: No...its actually kinda cool...
  279. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- if you're sure... *it squeezes*
  280. Tribal Shaman: Kris: I'm sure...*she wraps her hand around it, stroking a little* Is this okay?
  281. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *groans* ooooh....
  282. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she steps back a bit, getting a better look at it.*
  283. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *blushes as it wriggles around her wrist*
  284. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she gets an idea, looking up at him* Can...I try something...with you...
  285. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- anything you want...
  286. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she kneels down infront of him, looking up at him shyly*
  287. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *pets her hair* ...
  288. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she carefully uncoils the tenta from her wrist, holding it in her hands*
  289. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *shivers* nhhh...
  290. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *She closes her eyes a bit, placing a light kiss on the tenta*
  291. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *gasps, petting her hair*
  292. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she lifts it a bit, rubbing the tip of her tounge along the underside of it, looking up at him*
  293. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *blushes, eyes wide* wow...
  294. Tribal Shaman: Kris: This okay, Anesid...
  295. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- y-yes...
  296. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *smiles up at him, then kisses the side of his tenta, suckling a bit at the orange coloured flesh*
  297. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *shivers, the tentacle wriggling in her grip, looking for a warm place*
  298. Tribal Shaman: Kris: *she leans back a bit, grabbing the tip of his tenta. Flicking her eyes up at him, she takes it into her mouth*
  299. PK ROCKIN OMEGA: Phil- *gasps loudly, tugging her hair a bit*
  300. Tribal Shaman: Kris: Mmmm....! *she suckles at him, rubbing her tongue along the smooth flesh*
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