
Parkour - en.yml (For version 2.3.0 and older)

Oct 18th, 2016
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  1. nameOfPlugin: "&7[&3Parkour&7]"
  2. nameOfPluginOnCommandHead: "&8==========&7[&3Parkour&7]&8=========="
  3. listOfParkoursCMD: "&9List of parkours: "
  4. joinParkourCMD: "&9Join to parkour: "
  5. leaveParkourCMD: "&9Leave parkour: "
  6. version: "&9Version of plugin: &6"
  9. consoleError: "&cYou  must be a player!"
  10. noPermission: "&cYou don't have permission for this command!"
  11. wrongUsageCommand: "&cWrong using command!"
  12. parkourAlreadyExist: "&cParkour with name &6{name} &cis already exists!"
  13. parkourDoesNotExist: "&cParkour with name &6{name} &cdoesn't exists!"
  14. noMainLobby: "&cNo Main lobby!"
  15. alreadyInParkour: "&cYou are already in parkour!"
  16. youAreNotInParkour: "&cYou aren't in parkour now!"
  17. canNotUseCommands: "&cYou can't use this command in Parkour!"
  18. fall: "&cYou fell, teleported to last saved position!"
  19. rewardsWasToday: "&cYou done parkour &6{name} &ctoday! Reward can be even tommorow!"
  20. sameParkour: "&cYou are already in this parkour!"
  21. notAllowed: "&cParkour map &6{map} &cis temporarily unavailable! We are working on its accessing!"
  22. badSpeed: "&cYou can't set this speed! You can set speed from range &60.1 &cto &60.9&c! &7(Default speed: 0.2)"
  23. noNumber: "&cArgument must be as number!"
  24. emptyList: "&cParkour list is empty!"
  26. parkourCreated: "&aParkour &6{name} &acreated!"
  27. createMainLobby: "&aMain lobby created!"
  28. setStart: "&aStart for parkour &6{name} &awas set!"
  29. setFinish: "&aFinish for parkour &6{name} &awas set!"
  30. restoredInventory: "&aYour inventory was restored!"
  31. leaveParkour: "&aYou left the Parkour!"
  32. addedCheckPoint: "&aCheckpoint &6{num} &afor parkour &6{name} &acreated!"
  33. configReloaded: "&aConfig reloaded!"
  34. allowMap: "&aMap &6{map} &awas enabled!"
  35. disableMap: "&cMap &6{map} &cwas disabled!"
  36. mapSpeed: "&aSpeed for Parkour &6{map} &aset to &6{speed}&a!"
  37. setMoneyRewardFirstTime: "&aMoney reward for Parkour &6{map} &aset to &6{int}{currChar}&a! (First time)"
  38. setMoneyRewardMoreTimes: "&aMoney reward for Parkour &6{map} &aset to &6{int}{currChar}&a! (More times)"
  39. setYLimit: "&aY Limit for Parkour &6{map} &aset to &6{int}&a!"
  40. parkourDelete: "&aParkour &6{game} &awas successfully removed!"
  42. yourTime: "&aYour time: &3&l{time}"
  43. yourNewRecord: "&e&lCongratulation! &aYou made a new personally record!"
  44. globalNewRecord: "&e&lCongratulation! &aYou made a new global record!"
  45. globalNewRecordBCast: "&ePlayer &3{player} &emade a new global record in Parkour &3{nameOfParkour}&e!"
  46. pleaseWait: "&cNow plugin is checking another player. Please wait!"
  48. signNameOfPlugin: "&7&l[&3&lParkour&7&l]"
  49. signCreated: "&aSign created!"
  50. signThirdLine: "&2Join!"
  51. signLastLine: "&l---&1&lClick&0&l---"
  53. nameOfInvetoryListOfParkours: "&1&lList of parkours"
  54. nameOfParkourInList: "&3&l{parkour}"
  55. loreOfParkourInListCan:
  56. - "&eRewards:"
  57. - "&aFirst time a day:"
  58. - "- &2100$"
  59. - ""
  60. - "&aMore times a day:"
  61. - "- &250$"
  62. - ""
  63. - "&eTop three players:"
  64. - "{topThreePlayers}"
  65. - ""
  66. - "&7Click to join this Parkour!"
  67. loreOfParkourInListCannot:
  68. - "&cYou had done this Parkour today!"
  69. - "&cYou can't get reward!"
  70. - ""
  71. - "&eTop three players:"
  72. - "{topThreePlayers}"
  74. topThreePlayers: "&2{position}. &e{player} &2- &3{time}"
  75. noRecords: "&cNo records for this Parkour, yet!"
  77. bcastWin: "&aPlayer &6{player} &ahas done parkour &6{name}&a!"
  79. enterTitle: "&7[&3Parkour&7]"
  80. enterSubTitle: "&7You join the Parkour &6{name}&7!"
  81. leaveTitle: "&7[&3Parkour&7]"
  82. leaveSubTitle: "&7You have done Parkour &6{name}&7!"
  83. reachCheckPointTitle: "&7[&3CheckPoint&7]"
  84. reachCheckPointSubTitle: "&7If you fell, you will be teleported here!"
  86. vanishOn: "&aPlayers were hidden!"
  87. vanishOff: "&aPlayers are visible now!"
  89. itemRespawnName: "&6&lRespawn"
  90. itemLeaveName: "&6&lLeave parkour"
  91. itemListName: "&6&lList of parkours"
  92. itemVanishNameOn: "&6&lHide players"
  93. itemVanishNameOff: "&6&lUnhide players"
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