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a guest
Oct 3rd, 2017
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  2. LANG=English
  4. ;World Wide Audition Modz | Author: LHT
  5. ;Use DOT (.) for new line
  6. [CONTROL]
  7. LBLRETTEXT=Login to server !
  8. LBLRETTEXT1=Logging in, please wait ...
  9. LBLUSERNAME=Username:
  10. LBLPASSWORD=Password:
  11. BUTLOGIN=Login
  12. BUTREGISTER=Register
  13. LBLACTIVATEKEY=Activate Key:
  14. BUTGETACTIVATEKEY=Get Activate Key
  15. BUTACTIVATE=Activate
  16. BUTLOGOUT=Logout
  17. LBLDELAY=Auto Delay
  18. LBLCOMBOSETTING=xCombo Setting
  19. [ERROR]
  20. NOREPONSE=No reponse, server is unavailable. Please try again !
  21. SERVERDEAD=Server is Offline or Busy, please try later again !
  22. INVALIDKEY=Invalid key ! Please go to HomePage and get it !
  23. LOGOUTERROR=Error occurred by logging out, your Account is still Online !
  24. OFFLINEERR=Offline
  25. SHORTUSERNAMEERR=Username too short !
  26. LONGUSERNAMEERR=Username too long !
  27. SHORTPASSERR=Password too short !
  28. LONGPASSERR=Password too long !
  29. INVALIDUSERNAMEERR=Username constains invalid chars !
  30. INVALIDPASSERR=Password constains invalid chars !
  31. ACCOUNTBANNEDERR=Account is banned !
  32. USERONLINEERR=User is online, please use password 2 to login !
  33. WRONGACCOUNTERR=Wrong Username or Password !
  34. ACCOUNTEXPIREDERR=Your Account is expired !
  35. LOGOUTSUCCESS=Logout sucessful !
  36. DISCONNECTED=Disconnected !
  37. [MSG]
  38. NOEXPIRED=No Expired
  39. USEDAYLEFT=day(s) left
  41. WWAMNOTE=[F12] Quick Exit Audition
  42. AUTOPRESSNOTE=[Alt] Turn ON/ Turn OFF.
  43. HACKPERFECTNOTE=[F3 + 1] Turn On (Free account only for NPC).[F3 + 2] Turn Off (Pay) ;Move level 1 -> 6 Perfect slowly !
  44. CTRLPERFECTNOTE=[Ctrl/ Control] 95% chance to get Perfect
  45. XCOMBONOTE=[F4] Use xCombo.Use it when you get Perfect
  46. GODBEATUPNOTE=[F5 + 1] Turn On.[F5 + 2] Turn Off
  47. NPCRESETNOTE=[F7 + 1] Normal NPC; [F7 + 2] Team NPC; [F7 + 3] BeatUP NPC.[F7 + 4] Couple NPC; [F7 + 5] Union NPC; [F7 + 6] BeatRush NPC
  48. GENDERHACKNOTE=[F8 + B] Change to Boy.[F8 + G] Change to Girl
  49. CHARACTERCOLORNOTE=[F9 + B] Change to Brown; [F9 + O] Change to Orange.[F9 + W] Change to White
  50. KISSHACKNOTE=[F8 + 1] Turn On and Show Kiss . You and your CPL need to stay on lobby in same channel !
  51. CHANCEHACKNOTE=[F3 + 5] Turn ON; [F3 + 6] Turn OFF.Turn it OFF when you go to SHOP !
  52. MSGFLOODNOTE=Automatic ON if checked !
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