

Apr 29th, 2014
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  1. >The constant friction from the wheels provide a peculiar rhythm.
  2. >The wagon is filled with silence. The suspense slowly phasing out of existence.
  3. >Now Canterlot seems more life-like. The ride is ending.
  4. >A high pitched voice confronts this silence.
  5. >"Wait. That's it? Oh come on Twilight! It was just getting good!!"
  6. >The pink earth mare spoke her discontent.
  7. >"Pinkie! This is not a spectacle. This is serious."
  8. >"But... but this was so fun!!"
  9. >"Huh." Twilight was puzzled at Pinkie's eccentric behavior... Somehow.
  10. >She grabs her face with her front hooves and closes to her.
  11. >"Yeah don't you see it. It's so much fun to see the two of you fighting with words!! I've never seen something like it!! This must be smart fun or something. How do you call it Twi?!?"
  12. >The pink pony did her cartoon-ish gags as she spoke to Twi.
  13. >She ended her query with a big smile. Ponka big.
  14. >"We don't call it anything."
  15. >"Well... it kinda was." The blue pegasus spoke.
  16. >"Girls! This is not the time for this. We should be preparing for when we arrive on Canterlot."
  17. >The mares can't help but feel some guilt.
  18. >They were enjoying the game more than they would like to admit.
  19. >The alicorn wasn't amused at this. You decide to speak your mind.
  20. "Twilight. About your question..."
  21. >She turns her head to you with wonder in her features.
  22. "You asked me why I kept dragging this. Right?"
  23. >"Anonymous this is not time for this. It is-"
  24. "Yeah. I know your majesty. It's over. But I wanted to say..."
  25. >You lower your head.
  26. "I never thought that coming to Equestria would be so disappointing..."
  27. >That was a bit harsh.
  28. >Her majesty was about to say something when a loud meow was heard.
  29. >Opal was awake now. Unaware of what went on while she was asleep.
  30. >The Persian cat looked at you. And gave one last purr.
  31. >She was now moving back to Rara.
  32. >The white unicorn was overjoyed by it., with tears stuck on her lacrimals.
  33. >"Oh... Opalescence... You came back to me."
  34. >She grabbed her with her hooves and began rubbing her face-to-face.
  35. >"I thought that you had exchanged me for a grizzled old stallion but you came back to mama."
  36. >She now was hugging Opal.
  37. >"I love you my little girl."
  38. >Her dramatic scene flattened the friction inside the wagon.
  39. >Unfortunately; it was strained enough to guarantee muteness.
  40. >You look at the window again. Lost in its reflection.
  41. >Uncertain of what to do now. Twilight gets her backpack out, and wears it.
  42. >She ties it to her torso. Resembling a saddle.
  43. >As for Rarity. She too; gets her things together. She can't stop snuggling with her mascot.
  44. >Opal correctly inside her backpack/saddle. Reminiscent to Chihuahuas on purses.
  45. >The other mares do their errands too. Collecting the stuff they brought with them. Stuff that you hadn't noticed.
  46. >The train just passed by the gates in front of Canterlot.
  47. >Arriving anytime soon. You consider turning into a rebel.
  48. >It certainly is an entertaining thought.
  49. >As you see the buildings take life in front of you. You stare at yourself once more.
  50. >This edge man...
  51. >You take a better look at yourself.
  52. >Seems like you got a fit body.
  53. >Not something to compete with the most robust mares in the wagon. But not a wimp either.
  54. >Your tail compliments itself with the rest of your body.
  55. >Your mane, beard and tail had a certain level of messiness.
  56. >You gaze into your own cutie mark.
  57. >A pentagram... What a fucking joke.
  58. >The more time you spent appreciating your image. The more you think that this world just fucking hates you.
  59. >Still... there is something written inside the circles of the pentagram.
  60. >It gathers your attention.
  61. >The symbols themselves looked rough.
  62. >A bunch of unnecessary lines obscure the letters.
  63. >Yet; there was something about it that urges you to try and decipher them.
  64. >The train stops. The motion breaks your focus.
  65. >"Now arriving to Canterlot. Hope you enjoyed your ride." Says a bodiless voice.
  66. >It came from a megaphone in an unknown location.
  67. >You take one last deep breath. This was it.
  68. >You'll be facing whatever is waiting for you in the Sun Court.
  69. >The other passengers of the train riot to the outside.
  70. >Terrified of you. At least they aren't shooting stupid shit.
  71. >The idea of just running out there to mix yourself with this chaos is tempting.
  72. >Actually. Would that work?
  73. >By just running around Canterlot; it would get engulfed in chaos.
  74. >Maybe you could escape. But to where?
  75. >Then you noticed... the Royal Guard...
  76. >Rarity wasn't lying when she mentioned that you would catch Canterlot's attention.
  77. >The train station was covered by guards. In the skies. At the entrance. In the bridge. Everywhere.
  78. >The sole fact of being surrounded makes you doubt going full edge.
  79. >You can see the some guards pacifying the passengers.
  80. >Most of them just ran into the checkpoint and left.
  81. >Some pegasi went behind them. Probably to try to calm the masses.
  82. >Her majesty approaches you.
  83. >"This is our stop Anonymous..."
  84. >You don't like it but you already are too deep into this.
  85. >Fuck it. If things don't go your way. When shit hits the fan.
  86. >Then it would be the time to become a rebel.
  87. >You sight one last time.
  88. >You step up.
  89. >You shaken a little.
  90. >A result of sitting on your ass all the ride and not being used to this new body.
  91. >The royal mare steps aside and gives you space to walk.
  92. >The six mares are now behind you.
  93. >As you exit the train; the guards were visibly stunned at your presence.
  94. >You had forgotten how pones react to you.
  95. >As the six mares surrounded you from behind. The guards set up their positions.
  96. >Unicorns were pointing their glittering horns at you.
  97. >The pegasi began to conform in a circle above you.
  98. >The sharpness of their wings was given away by auditive cues.
  99. >Meanwhile. A small escort team closes to you... slowly.
  100. >Earth pones carrying lances. Which they point at you.
  101. >Funny. You expected be jumpy about that.
  102. >One of them speaks to Twilight.
  103. >"Your highness. This is the fugitive that you had spoken of?"
  104. >It was a sepia pone. Brown eyes. Military body. Deep voice. With a slim beard.
  105. >Different enough to stand out.
  106. >"Yes. This is him."
  107. >"And... wasn't him supposed to be covered by blankets?"
  108. >"Uh about that. We had a small setback. But he is here. And that is what matters."
  109. >The regal mare explained pragmatically.
  110. >"I see. Forgive my intromission your highness."
  111. >The military stud now was facing you.
  112. >"I assume that; given the unusual events that lead to your extraction; nobody has read you your rights."
  113. >You nod to him.
  114. >"Very well."
  115. >The soldier takes out a small scroll from one of his pockets and begins reading.
  116. >This small-talk was of no interest to you.
  117. >As he spoke you analyzed the architecture of the station.
  118. >To use flashy adjectives would be the way to go.
  119. >Which would be nicely contrasted by the militaristic overtones of the squads around you.
  120. >"As for the extraction. We need you to come with us."
  121. >"Sure. Girls I will be at the castle."
  122. >"Actually... they need to come with us too."
  123. >"Huh. For what purpose?" Twilight asks astonished.
  124. >"Orders from the Sun Court."
  125. >"I... see."
  126. >The other mares were concerned about it.
  127. >You absentmindedly hear their objections.
  128. >"I'm sorry ladies. But orders are orders."
  129. >Well. In the very least you aren't going alone into the castle.
  130. >As you left the train station you can hear a distant conversation.
  131. >"Hey. What the hay was that?
  132. >...Looked like a big rat... in the sewers?"
  133. >As you along with the mares were escorted into the castle, you appreciate the buildings around you.
  134. >All of them were clean, shiny and well sculpted...
  135. >But the streets were forsaken.
  136. >The only pones around were soldiers, constantly watching your every move.
  137. >Interestingly. Some shops had Halloween-like decorations in them.
  138. >Seems like Nightmare Night is coming.
  139. >You chuckle to the idea of arriving during that event. It surely would had made things more easy.
  140. >As you close to Canterlot's Castle; the military activity increases.
  141. >Unicorns posted in all towers. Pegasi watching the edges of the castle. Soldiers protecting every entrance.
  142. >Today, you were the center of attention. If only it wasn't for being prosecuted for forbidden magic.
  143. >As you and company enter the main garden, you were directed to the leftmost tower.
  144. >While the other mares were taken to the main tower.
  145. >Before you are introduced to whatever is inside this tower. You take a good look around you. Specifically the sky.
  146. >The moon is rising as the sun withers behind the horizon.
  147. >You look for the princesses; somewhere in one of these many towers. You see nothing.
  148. >The doors open. Goodbye moon.
  149. >Once inside, you are warmly welcome by a cluttered lobby.
  150. >There are many pones rapidly interchanging documents. Most of them non-soldiers.
  151. >As always. Their first reaction to you is dread.
  152. >Unlike previous encounters, these ponies were disciplined enough to NOT panic.
  153. >The officer in charge of your custody stepped up.
  154. >"As you can all see. This is the suspect we were warned off earlier today."
  155. >Everyone inside was torn between repulsively admiring you and obediently listening to your warder.
  156. >"Now as you all may recall; the Local Security Office of Canterlot said that they would send equipment to proceed with his background examination."
  157. >Beat.
  158. >"Has it arrived?"
  159. >One of the pegasus soldier speaks up.
  160. >"Yes sir. It is correctly being arranged in the armory."
  161. >"Very well. Boys, move up, we've got an interrogation to make."
  162. >Shit. That doesn't sound pleasant at all.
  163. "Wait. What is this equipment you are talking about?"
  164. >The soldiers were dazed at you.
  165. >"You... can talk?"
  166. >Your warden was surprised.
  167. "Of course. Why? Do I strike you as the silent kind of guy?"
  168. >"...Actually. You do strike me like that kind of pony..."
  169. "Good to know. Anyway I made you a question. What is this equipment you were talking about?"
  170. >The same pegasus directed a question at him.
  171. >"Sir. Permission to respond question."
  172. >"Permission denied."
  173. >That's odd. Isn't it in your rights or something?
  174. >"Yes sir."
  175. "Um. Officer, isn't it one of my rights to know what kind of procedures I'll be facing?"
  176. >"Well yes. And to respond your answer, currently you're going to be interrogated."
  177. "That's not what I meant-Actually let me start over. What's this equipment for?"
  178. >The officer is exasperated.
  179. >"Look, son. I would tell you. But doing so would hurt the results we're trying to get."
  180. >Sounds like a convenient excuse.
  181. >"Anyway, we must go."
  182. >The officer leads the way.
  183. >A soldier behind you bumps you. Signaling you to go.
  184. >This question needs answering.
  185. "At least tell me if this is dangerous."
  186. >"Not at all..."
  187. >The guards guide you through the corridors of this tower.
  188. >Side glancing, you see a fuckload of pones everywhere.
  189. >They're all busy. Signing papers everywhere and deliveries constantly going off and on.
  190. >Seems like the whole state is under the one job to take you down. Murphy; you is a bitch.
  191. >"We are here."
  192. >A door. One made out of marble with some intricate design to it.
  193. >The lead stallion opens the door.
  194. >Who knows what horrors lay within... besides worn armors.
  195. >Once opened; you take a look at the interior.
  196. >The mannequins, which were styling armors, were pushed to the corners and backside of the room.
  197. >To the right. You see a strange machine.
  198. >It was composed of four black boxes, which combined, towered the average stallion's height.
  199. >Bulged cables were trapped on its back, few of which escaped into a helmet.
  200. >This grey helmet looked like it housed electrodes within.
  201. >Surely this was your mechanical interrogator. Things were starting to look grim again.
  202. >"Oh. You must be the royal guard."
  203. >A feminine voice rouse from behind the mechanized leviathan.
  204. >"I've been working on it this whole afternoon. It should work now."
  205. >"Thanks. We need it to interrogate the subject."
  206. >The mare slowly trotted her way out.
  207. >"Yes, yes I know. Just remember to NOT misuse it. This is a very delicate machine requires..."
  208. >Oh look her sentence died in a whimper. Again. The mare was a unicorn, big surprise.
  209. >She was green. Dark green. Her cutie mark were three cogs grinding each other.
  210. >Her mane was tamed by a scrunchy. She also had protective lab glasses. The thick kind.
  211. >"Ah. So you met our guest. Mrs. Sprocket, this is... Um what's your name?"
  212. "Anonymous."
  213. >"Um hi... Yes-Anonymous."
  214. >Sprocket was shaking. She wasn't ready to look at you.
  215. >"Uh I just remember that I'm needed in the lobby. See ya." The mare left in a hurry.
  216. >"Wait." The officer tried to stop her but she rushed past him.
  217. >It is you and the guards again.
  218. >The commanding pone cleans his throat. And directs himself to his followers.
  219. >"Very well. At least we won't deal with her nagging. Boys; you know what to do."
  220. >Nervously. You ask again.
  221. "Okay. What the hell is this?"
  222. >"This, is a state of the art machine. An automated liar detector."
  223. "So wait; this thing will tell you if I'm lying or not?"
  224. >"Correct."
  225. >After all these struggles and ordeals. This thing will clear all the bullshit that's been going on.
  226. >You stare at the steel giant.
  227. >It fills you with abnormal comfort and rigid quivers. The feeling of suspense.
  228. >"We can start anytime now."
  229. >You look back at the officer.
  230. >You would give him a smile if it didn't scare him off.
  231. "Sure. Just give the word."
  232. >First, your warden got a small stool from the back of the room.
  233. >He puts it right next to the metal colossi.
  234. >Then the squad of four went on to wire you to the machine.
  235. >A collar made of what seemed to be rubber was on your neck.
  236. >Four cuffs were attached to your... elbows and gaskins.
  237. >Also; some of its cables were taped to your skin.
  238. >You worn the helmet in a parallel angle to the back your skull.
  239. >This doesn't feel comfortable. At all. You are no longer sure about this.
  240. >Once set. They turn the gadget on.
  241. >It slowly takes life with a small hum.
  242. >Slowly, lights begin to appear in the face of each crate.
  243. >The top one has two rectangles on the superior-right edge.
  244. >The one to the left was red while the right one was green.
  245. >Intuitively you deduce what they mean.
  246. >The stallions double-check the running machinery.
  247. >The sepia soldier now looks at you.
  248. >"Very well. It seems like everything is in order.
  249. >Okay. The first thing I need is for you to relax."
  250. "Why so?"
  251. >"This thing picks your physiological reactions. When a pony lies; or when they fabricate something at the spot; their body stresses. This makes the machine work by telling us when that happens."
  252. >In simple talk. This is just a fancy, oversized polygraph.
  253. "So I suppose that you're going to test it with simple questions?"
  254. >"Hey! You're right. You aren't as dumb as you look."
  255. >The officer spoke snidely.
  256. "Yeah. I've received the same compliment before."
  257. >"Really. From whom?"
  258. "From her majesty; Princess Twilight; of course."
  259. >Now your interrogator is mildly amused.
  260. >He kept his coolness and proceeds to clean his throat.
  261. >"Anyway. We have some control questions for you."
  262. >One of the soldiers levitates a scroll and the officer grabs it.
  263. >"Now. Everytime that you give an answer you need to open it with:' My answer is'. This tells the machine when to judge you."
  264. "I see. And tell me. How accurate is this procedure?"
  265. >"On the best of circumstances. 95% accuracy."
  266. "That's impressive!"
  267. >"But we need you to relax. We can't let you answer these test questions while you're stressed."
  268. "I understand."
  269. >You breathe in and out for some moments.
  270. "You can start anytime."
  271. >He opens and begins to read the scroll.
  272. >"Question 1: What color is the sky?"
  273. "My answer is: Blue."
  274. >A bell-like sound came from the metal coffin. It gives a green light.
  275. >"Question 2: What kind of pony Am I?"
  276. "My answer is: You're an earth pony."
  277. >Green again.
  278. >"Question 3: What's your cutie mark?"
  279. >Uh boy; this again.
  280. "I doubt you'll know, but... My answer is: It's a pentagram."
  281. >"Never heard that word before."
  282. >Green.
  283. >He shrugs.
  284. >"But if the machine says so.
  285. >*Ahem* Question 4: Are there any windows in this room?"
  286. "My answer is: No... at least not that I'm aware off."
  287. >Green.
  288. >"Question 5: What color is our armor?"
  289. "My answer is: Yellow. More specifically, gold."
  290. >Green.
  291. >"Question 6: What color is your body?"
  292. >Thanks for the daily reminder.
  293. "My answer is:...Black."
  294. >Green.
  295. >You sigh.
  296. >"Last Question: What's the name of this city?"
  297. "My answer is: Canterlot."
  298. >Green.
  299. >"And with that we end the calibration. Now. Before we start your background examination. Any questions?"
  300. >Given the opportunity.
  301. "Is this how all examinations go or Am I a special snowflake?"
  302. >"The later. Your sudden appearance got the attention of all the aristocrats inside Canterlot."
  303. >OC powers go!
  304. >"Anything else?"
  305. "Actually. Who are these Aristocrats?"
  306. >"In a nutshell. Any pony who has a considerable influence in Canterlot. Any other questions?"
  307. >You could expand your question. But you can always do that later.
  308. "No. That's it."
  309. >"Very well..."
  310. >You take one last breath before the questions resume.
  311. >The humming of this ludicrous gadget is strangely soothing.
  312. >An uniformed unicorn gives his commander another scroll.
  313. >The same guard then proceeds to levitate a new scroll along a quill and ink.
  314. >Just like a real interview.
  315. >"First of all. What's your name?"
  316. >"My answer is: My name is Anonymous User."
  317. >Green.
  318. >The unicorn writes; both your and the machine's answer.
  319. >"What are your matters on Equestria?"
  320. >"My answer is: To live in Ponyville."
  321. >"You what?"
  322. >Green.
  323. >Your warden was frozen in place. The same speechless reaction was mimicked by his subordinates.
  324. "What is so hard to believe about that?"
  325. >Before the officer could reply you cut him short.
  326. "Actually nevermind. I forgot how I look."
  327. >"O-okay. Sure as you say."
  328. >The once disciplined stallion was now rapidly nodding while stunned in place.
  329. >He recollects his thoughts and resumes his labor.
  330. >"Anyway, next question. Were you planning to assault princess Twilight?"
  331. "NO! I may not like her... But I'll never do that."
  332. >"You forgot the magical words."
  333. "Mmh... My answer is: No."
  334. >Green.
  335. >"Well it looks like you may get off the hook after all."
  336. >Actually. How can you deny 4chinz long tradition of >rape?
  337. >...Let's not indulge lewd speculations. Not now.
  338. >"Are you currently casting dark magic?"
  339. "Define cast. As in; I'm ACTIVELY keeping this presence?"
  340. >"Uh. I may not be an unicorn. BUT I'm pretty sure that unicorns can't apply magic passively. Right?"
  341. >He turns to ask a fellow sorcerer.
  342. >"Well. His horn must glitter once to make a spell; he only needs focus to-"
  343. "Whatever. My answer is: I never casted this spell and I don't know how to undo it."
  344. >Green.
  345. >The cascade of surprised faces never stops. The unicorn gulps.
  346. >Their faces say it all: We are dealing with an OP spell caster.
  347. "Anyway. Don't we have an interrogation to finish."
  348. >The fact that you are so hardcore that you need to do their job is mildly irritating.
  349. >At least this is the first time today that something is going your way.
  350. >"Oh... Yes. For sure. *Ahem*
  351. >Do you have any relatives on Equestria. Alive, deceased or otherwise not present?"
  352. >The only reason he gets away with that question is because he's a background pone.
  353. "My answer is: No. One could say I'm alone in Equestria." Edgy answer Anon.
  354. >Green.
  355. >"Is this your first time on Equestria or have you been here before? If so; please be specific."
  356. "My answer is: No. This is my first visit to the land of multi-colored pones."
  357. >Green.
  358. >"Very eccentric to description you got there, pal."
  359. "..."
  360. >"Where were you born?"
  361. >Meh. They'll believe this mechanical leech.
  362. "My answer is: I was born in another plane of existence."
  363. >Everyone looks at you with skepticism.
  364. >Green.
  365. >Now everyone is shock and appalled.
  366. >As always. You give the poor souls who have faced your horrors time to assimilate your revelations.
  367. >"Okay. It seems like the first roll is over. Time to apply another calibration."
  368. "Does this has anything to do with my answer?"
  369. >"...Yes. A bit. This was gonna happen anyway but... well, son. This is kinda hard to believe."
  370. >Unsurprising. But this gimmicky gizmo has you covered.
  371. >The unicorn gets another scroll. This time he gives it to you.
  372. >You take it with your hooves.
  373. >Fuck this having no magic. You're a wizard! By fucks sake.
  374. >You open it.
  375. >"You have to read it to make sure the machine is calibrated."
  376. >You take a look at this and-What is this?
  377. >Your eyebrows clash in reluctance.
  378. "You. You can't be serious."
  379. >"I'm serious."
  380. >You look at him. You don't even bother to hide your annoyance.
  381. >He takes your challenge well. He barely reacts.
  382. >Well shit.
  383. >You proceed to read the message written in the scroll.
  384. "I am-"
  385. >"Don't forget the magic words."
  386. >This is uncomfortable.
  387. "My answer is: I am a little filly who always dresses in style, loves fashion and can't wait to hear about the next boys band that's hot on the season."
  388. >The soldiers throw a small chuckle.
  389. >Fags.
  390. >Green-Huh.
  391. >"What?"
  392. "What?"
  393. >Both you and your warden shout in union.
  394. >"Uh... That's not possible. We did everything according to protocol. Didn't we?"
  395. >He turns to his comrades.
  396. >They reassure him on his remark.
  397. >He puts a hoof on his chin as he ponders.
  398. "Um. Should I lie to test this thing?"
  399. >With his hoof now on his mouth. He replies.
  400. >"That wouldn't help. See this thing picks when you're stress. It beats the purpose to tell a lie when we expect you to."
  401. >Well shit. Looks like they'll have to figure this one out by themselves.
  402. >"Actually... Armored Halberd. Can you... Ya know. Sugar how ocean chart king. HIM?"
  403. >Right into the WTF territory.
  404. >The white unicorn just baptized as Halberd looks at you.
  405. >"You mean as in magically? I don't like this idea sir."
  406. >Whatever they said it can't be good.
  407. >"I wouldn't ask you in front of him if I didn't thought it was the only way."
  408. >"But sir."
  409. >"Soldier. It is an order."
  410. >The unicorn gulps. Your face when you are dealing with geniuses now.
  411. >"Okay. I need you to answer the next question incorrectly. Halberd. When I give you the signal. Understood?"
  412. "Yes sir."
  413. >You could barely see sweat falling from Halberd's forehead.
  414. "What the hell is going on?"
  415. >"Just checking if it was a false negative. Also, Halberd, just enough to give him a reaction. Now answer me this; but incorrectly. What color is the sky?"
  416. "Okay. My answer is-"
  417. >"NOW!"
  418. >The unicorn proceeds to throw a small electrical pulse into you.
  419. >It travels throughout your body. Hurts like a bitch.
  420. "What the fuck assholes!!"
  421. >You yell at them in full outrage.
  422. >A minimal but palpable wind carried your sentence. A red glow coming from your eyes.
  423. >You just reduced the soldiers into quivering statues. Unable to move.
  424. >You don't care how they feel and demand an answer.
  425. "Well. Anyone gonna respond!"
  426. >Your features relax. Giving them time to recollect.
  427. >"I-I-I need you to answer the question."
  428. "Fine. The sky is green."
  429. >Green.
  430. >Even when lying and grumpy. The hocus pocus apparatus says you are telling the truth.
  431. >Bitterly you say.
  432. "My answer is: Your shit is busted and you're a faggot."
  433. >Green.
  434. >The shaking stallions were extremely puzzled.
  435. >"I-I know this isn't relevant... But what do those words mean?"
  436. >The officer asked.
  437. "It's not relevant. Right now I'll like to know. What now?"
  438. >Your captors snap out of their trance and begin to think their next step.
  439. >"Now that you put it that way..."
  440. >Obviously they never had a plan B.
  441. >"Well... We could ask Mrs. Sprocket to come back."
  442. >Halberd spoke still oscillating. He was the most shaken by your scene.
  443. >"Yes. Yes. Okay. Well done. Yes."
  444. >And so was your warden, apparently.
  445. >"And... Cloud Gust. Go get Mrs. Sprocket."
  446. >The pegasus salutes to him and leaves in a flash.
  447. >"You. Get out of that machine. And Halberd. Get ready to get hooked."
  448. >Both of you acted quickly to the officer's abrupt commands.
  449. >Switching places with the unicorn took some time. But once set. A new calibration starts.
  450. >You had been positioned in between the unicorn and the mannequins.
  451. >Cold sweat still running on his forehead. Your company tapping on his fear.
  452. >More time passes. The soldier is now calmed enough so that all questions don't result in a false negative.
  453. >Asking the same questions. The soldier passes the test.
  454. >Without nothing better to do. Your vision goes to the mannequins in armor.
  455. >The design mirrored perfectly on each.
  456. >The star-chest being the most intricately designed.
  457. >This extravagant armor makes you question whenever it's gold or not.
  458. >Couldn't be. Such would be a waste of precious materials and a defensive deficiency.
  459. >You exhale in defeat. This was a futile effort.
  460. >"My answer is: I am a little filly who always dresses in style, loves fashion and can't wait to hear about the next boys band that's hot on the season."
  461. >Red.
  462. >Unsurprising. Given how moments ago the metal crate constantly shut down the unicorn.
  463. >"Well. It looks like it's working again."
  464. >Minutes had gone crawling. Reviewing the gadget took its time.
  465. >Bursting into the room. The white pegasus reported in.
  466. >"So where is Sprocket?"
  467. >"She says she won't come back until our guest isn't in the room."
  468. >You sure know how to woo the mares.
  469. >"Well it doesn't matter. It looks like this thing fixed itself."
  470. >The pegasus nods to him.
  471. >"Okay. Halberd, time to switch again."
  472. >This was borderline boredom torture.
  473. >Once wired to the device again. The interrogation resumes.
  474. >This time, they went only with test questions. It was going well until.
  475. >"I need you to make something up for this question."
  476. "Alright."
  477. >"Why is the sky purple?"
  478. "My answer is: The purple skies are a byproduct of Cloundsdale's rainbow workers rebellion."
  479. >Green.
  480. >Everyone face hoofs in the same timing. You especially.
  481. >Like all miracle tools; this is a scam.
  482. "So what now. Your expert won't fix this. Can't you interrogate me the old way?"
  483. >"Nah. We can't. The Council wants all your answers verified."
  484. >A Council? In my monarchy?
  485. "What's this Council and; why?"
  486. >"I... I can't tell you the reasons. But the Council is a committee of six who run the Sun Court along with Celestia."
  487. >So the senior ruler of Equestria DOES involve herself with her kingdom.
  488. "Classified? Is dark magic such a crime?"
  489. >"Well... not precisely that. What matters now is that we're stuck. And we need a way outta this."
  490. >So. They need your information confirmed for reasons and can't do so because Windows 98.
  491. >"So what do we do now?" Halberd says a bit embarrassed.
  492. >His superior retook his deep thinker pose.
  493. >"Well. We could ask Princess Luna?" Gust shared his idea.
  494. >Moonbutt? How would she-Oh yeah. Dream walking.
  495. >"I don't think so. You know that the Aristos hate her magic." Halberd interrupted.
  496. >Hate her magic? That is curious indeed.
  497. >The sepia pone-in-chief gave his opinion.
  498. >"Actually. If we inform the Council about our situation... They will have no choice."
  499. >"Do you think this is gonna work?" The pegasus asked.
  500. >"Yes. It's either Luna or taking his answers at face value. The Council won't think it twice."
  501. >Your warden makes his move to the door.
  502. >"I'll tell the Commander in shift to send a letter. Meanwhile I want you four to look over him. Any questions?"
  503. >The team replied as one.
  504. >"NO SIR!"
  505. "Yes I do."
  506. >The battalion turns to you.
  507. "Can you unhook me?"
  508. >"Uh, yes. Boys, untie him."
  509. >And so the officer left you with his assistants unfastening you from the black sarcophagus.
  510. >Once rescued. The stallions stayed in front of you. Watching.
  511. >Still sitting on the stool. You confront their glares. Glancing them provokes an unpleasant feel on them and vice-versa.
  512. >What came up next can only be described like so:
  514. >"..."
  515. "..."
  516. >"..."
  517. >This is inconvenient.
  518. "*Cough*"
  519. >"..."
  520. >Without anything to do. You look back at the mannequins.
  521. >"GASP" You surprised Halberd.
  522. "Is anything wrong?"
  523. >"N-no. Just... nevermind..."
  524. "..."
  525. >They keep glaring. As if you just insulted their mother.
  526. >"..."
  527. >Eying the armors is really the only thing you can do.
  528. >All these armors really look-alike.
  529. >Then; on that opaque reflection; you noticed your cutie mark once more.
  530. >"So anyway... What was your name again?" Spoke an unnamed pegasus while Gust yawned.
  531. "Anonymous User."
  532. >"Right. My bad."
  533. "No problem."
  534. >"..."
  535. "..."
  536. >After some time. The pegasus peeks at the door.
  537. >So much for small-talk.
  538. >You try to read what's on the pentagram using the twisted reproduction on the armor's surface.
  539. >A bunch of gibberish.
  540. >You give it a shot anyway. Whispering what you can understand.
  541. "ylg raf no'l n'hi"
  542. >Nonsense.
  543. >At that moment a shadow moves in the corner of your vision.
  544. >You look for it in awe. Your custodians keep a track on this.
  545. >"Anything in your mind?"
  546. "No. I thought I saw something."
  547. >"Ah."
  548. >You look all over the room. Yet, you find nothing.
  549. >Must have been your imagination.
  550. >"..."
  551. "..."
  552. >Can someone just kill you now and free you from this?
  553. >"..."
  554. "..."
  555. >Nope.
  556. >And so it went. Back and forth for what seemed like an eternity.
  557. >A constant war of yawns, peeking, sighs and silence.
  558. >The wait is almost endless.
  559. >You need a hero now.
  560. >...
  561. >Suddenly. Someone knocks the door. Thank the lord.
  562. >And thus came the officer. With news about the Moonbutt's visit.
  563. >"Good news everypony!"
  564. >His lackeys turned to him as he announced.
  565. >"It seems like the council has approve the motion. Princess Luna will come here soon."
  566. >Oh shit nigga! You gonna meet Moonbutt!
  567. >Wait a minute.
  568. >Oh shit nigga... You gonna meet Moonbutt...
  569. >"But the thing is. We require his consent."
  570. >You hope that this means: Don't tell them about the stash.
  571. >"That would explain why they let her off that easy."
  572. "Wait. What does this princess Luna has to do with anything?"
  573. >"Ah; about that."
  574. >The earth pone approaches you while imparting his statement.
  575. >"Well. Her majesty can inspect your consciousness and determine your true intentions."
  576. >He stops six steps in front of you.
  577. >"The issue at hoof is that this is such a powerful ability, that the Aristos had been pushing to ban the use of it."
  578. >If only they knew that you know.
  579. "Sounds dangerous indeed."
  580. >But it is the only thing that will get you out of this.
  581. >"Yeah. The Aristos may dislike her magic, but at the end of the day; they fear you more than they hate her dream walking."
  582. >So her powers are not unanimously accepted. Interesting.
  583. >"Anyway. She'll arrive soon. So I need you to sign this."
  584. >Your warden got a scroll he had hidden on his armor.
  585. "I see..."
  586. >You take the papyrus and roll it open between your front hooves.
  587. >As you read it- Oh wait. You forgot you can't read Equestrian.
  588. >You squint your eyes. Trying to find some kind of resemblance to your language.
  589. >This is what you can decipher.
  590. >King in the hamburger is jinxed of. Souls forsaken in sunshine of caves-
  591. >Fuck this. Let's just pretend you've read it and ask questions.
  592. "So. This means that what is irrelevant won't be mentioned."
  593. >"Yes. As you've read. We will give her a list of items we require."
  594. "Yes. So no mention of irrelevant stuff."
  595. >"Nope."
  596. "Irrelevant being: Nothing to do with the charges I'm accused off.
  597. >"Uh. Of course. Haven't you read it?"
  598. >Nope.
  599. "Yeah. Just double checking."
  600. >You try again to read it to no avail.
  601. "So where do I sign?"
  602. >"Oh yes I forgot. Halberd, give him a pencil."
  603. >The unicorn obeys and levitates a pencil in front of you.
  604. >Fuck; this is just perfect. How do you write?
  605. "Uh. Thanks..."
  606. >You pick the pencil with your mouth.
  607. >Everyone is astonished now.
  608. >Goddamit. You're a grown stallion who doesn't into magic.
  609. >Oh awesome. Now how does you write your name?
  610. >You spent a good chunk trying to sign the paper.
  611. >The battalion in front of you was sincerely curious of what the hell you were doing.
  612. >It took effort. But finally you did it.
  613. "Here you go."
  614. >As you spoke the pencil fell from your mouth.
  615. >Extending your hoof to the officer.
  616. >Baffled. He seeks for an answer.
  617. >"Wouldn't it had been easier to... use magic?"
  618. "Let's say I love doing things the hard way for no reason."
  619. >Without any desire to delve deeper in your weird habits. The earth pone just takes the contract.
  620. >Hopefully this will never be brought again.
  621. >"Anyway. Thanks. The princess should arri-"
  622. >The door was opened by two unicorn guards. Along with them came... Her.
  623. >"Her majesty."
  624. >The soldiers bowed to her highness.
  625. >"At ease noble commander."
  626. >Constellations constantly cascading from her mane.
  627. >Blue all over for the exception of her things. Which were covered in black.
  628. >A handkerchief hanging from her neck.
  629. >The symbol of a quarter moon imprinted both in her scarf and posterior parts.
  630. >And last but not least. An unreadable mask for a face.
  631. >It was really her. Luna was here to lobotomize you personally.
  632. >"Thanks for coming at such short notice."
  633. >"No worries, for any important matters were not interrupted."
  634. >Still speaking with an Old English accent. But she has progressed a lot.
  635. >"So; thou are the stallion that we've heard off."
  636. >Okay. Some nitpicks. But better than nothing.
  637. >Shit. Now it hits you. You forgot to bow to her.
  638. "You are correct your majesty. I also apologize if my lack of manners offended you."
  639. >"Not at all. No need to atone for petty reasons."
  640. "Thanks your highness."
  641. >She seems pretty chill... Just like her sister.
  642. >The mistress of the dark observes you.
  643. >She's analyzing what's front of her. Her face when she's cloaking her thoughts behind unimpressed features.
  644. >"Forgive us for our insolence. But thou does not inspire terror upon us; unlike what our subordinates have spoken of thee."
  645. >That's... good to know. Yeah.
  646. >Unlike Twilight, she doesn't seem to be affected by your presence.
  647. "That is no insult. As a matter of fact it's... Refreshing."
  648. >"Refreshing?"
  649. "Correct. You are the only one who hasn't expected the worst from me."
  650. >"That... That is a pity, indeed."
  651. >The night mare kept staring you for a few moments. Then she turned to her bodyguards.
  652. >"Attention loyal subjects. As thou may be aware off; we had been summoned to delve within the mind of this stallion. Nevertheless; we would not step outside our boundaries and reveal private information he may withhold without proper cause. Is that understood?"
  653. >"Yes your highness!!"
  654. >The small squad broke in a disciplined row.
  655. >"Good. Now we were told about a contract. May we see it?"
  656. >The officer gave Luna the document you just signed. She contemplates it deeply.
  657. >"Very well. All is in order. If everything is ready. We believe that thou have something for us?"
  658. >"Yes your highness."
  659. >The commanding pone gives Luna a small piece of papyrus.
  660. >"We need to know these items. Right away."
  661. >She reads thru it.
  662. >Very well. And we suppose thou will stand to defend thy princess?"
  663. >"Yes my princess."
  664. >The battalion was ready to beat the shit out if you in case you fuck up. Paranoid fags.
  665. >"Then. Without further ado."
  666. >Her majesty turns to you.
  667. >"Forgive us, for we have to trespass into thy mind to verify thy testimonies."
  668. "I... I understand your highness."
  669. >It is quite unnerving that she will spy your very thoughts. But she has been rather accepting of you thus far.
  670. >Looking at you. She extends her wings as her eyes glow incandescently.
  671. >You are a bit scared but they have remarked many times.
  672. >She won't speak of the porn stash.
  673. >The world is engulfed by whiteness.
  674. >As you regain your senses. The environment around you has changed.
  675. >You are no longer in the armory. Instead it's you and a bed.
  676. >You wake up on this bed. And look around.
  677. >You are correctly in a small room. A psychedelic room.
  678. >The walls seem to be made of a very fine glass. Which allows the view of auroras borealis.
  679. >Looking down. One can see clouds and an ice floor below them.
  680. >This shit is intense brah.
  681. >You see a shy door handle trying to hide from you, buried in between these messy colors.
  682. >You stand up and go for the door.
  683. >As you extended your arms you noticed. This is you human body.
  684. >Feet. Mouth. Neck. Hands. Fingers.
  685. >You look down to see if you are naked.
  686. >Curiously. You are wearing a suit. Pants. Shoes. Tie... You look like green-man Anon what the fuck?
  687. >"Is anypony here?"
  688. >That was the voice of Luna.
  689. >Curious as to where she is. You open the translucent door.
  690. >Once opened. You find yourself on the outside. In a wide boat.
  691. >The first thing to greet you being the power of the sun.
  692. >This looks familiar... Is this the Titanic?
  693. >The skies are dark gold in this twilight.
  694. >Weirdly. Dark clouds are stalking on the horizon.
  695. >You look back to the freaky room.
  696. >It's mind-bending how it seems to exist in its own reality... then again. This is a dream world.
  697. >As you close the door you see that the other end is a hatch. Mmph.
  698. >Anyway. You resume your quest to look for that Moonbutt.
  699. "Princess Luna. Where are you?"
  700. >You yelled to the wind.
  701. >No response. You get near the edges of the boat. Handling on the boat's rails.
  702. >Currently you are in... the starboard. If you recall correctly.
  703. >As you look down. You notice the boat isn't moving.
  704. >You are stuck in place. Then, from behind you comes a voice.
  705. >"Who are thee? Identify thyself!"
  706. >It was Luna. Stock in shock at what was in front of her.
  707. "Oh. Hi there your highness. I'm Anonymous."
  708. >"Anonymous? Are thee... What are thou?"
  709. >Oh yeah. In this dream, you are freaky alien with
  710. >no hooves.
  711. "Uh. You are wondering what's with this body. Am I right?"
  712. >You provide a courtesy smile.
  713. >"Yes indeed. Have thee seen a black unicorn around?"
  714. "Well... I'm that black unicorn..."
  715. >Now she was concerned.
  716. >"Wait. Thou are truthful to us?"
  717. "If it serves as any conciliation. This is my final form..."
  718. >She was actually impressed by what lied in front of her.
  719. >"So thou are not tricking us? Is thy current shape thee real self?"
  720. "Yes. Indeed."
  721. >She is processing this info.
  722. >"Then. Would thou be kind enough to guide us inside this dream complex?"
  723. >Sure why not. But to where?
  724. "I'll see what I can do."
  725. >"Please, be our shepherd and lead us to the bow of this boat."
  726. "As you command."
  727. >Following the ledges. You go into the head of the Titanic.
  728. >The horizon has been inflicted by gloom vapor. Menacing to invade anytime.
  729. >"So if this form is thee truth self. Then, how did thou shape thyself into a pony?"
  730. "That's something I'll like to know myself. I don't seem to remind it."
  731. >"So; turbulent memories clung thy judgment?"
  732. >You nod to her.
  733. >"Also, it has come to our attention that thou does not possesses any features. What causes this?"
  734. >You forgot that you look like green Anonymous. No face when for you.
  735. "That... is something I can't explain."
  736. >You take a wild guess and say.
  737. "But I can tell you what the symbols floating in front of my face mean."
  738. >"If thou could be as kind to."
  739. >Nice deduction Anon.
  740. "It says. No picture available. Let's just say that. I'm many, and none simultaneously."
  741. >"That sounds like an intricate paradox."
  742. >As you closed to the head of the boat. You see the other end of the horizon.
  743. >On the distance. You see a hanging castle. Its body hidden by the doom mist.
  744. >"What is that curious machine?"
  745. >Her majesty points at a computer sitting on a desk.
  746. >It was an old 90's model. You retro-macfag.
  747. >Engulfed in the exotic apparatus. She closes to it.
  748. >On the screen. There is flashing cursor, ready to be used.
  749. >"How does it work?"
  750. >Luna was in wonder with those exotic tools.
  751. "Well. You press the buttons on this."
  752. >You point at the keyboard.
  753. >Immediately her highness does so. Unfortunately. Hooves and keys don't go along.
  754. >yu jhsdf
  755. >"Invalid entry."
  756. >A monotonic reply came from the computer.
  757. >"To our expertise. This seems like some kind of organizing machine. Perhaps, thou could help us in our investigation."
  758. >Hey cool. You don't need to worry about the stash anymore.
  759. "Sure your highness."
  760. >So what could you type that would help?
  761. >An idea sprouts to you. You type "pones".
  762. >"Entry has a disambiguation page. Visualizing holograms now."
  763. >Various pictures with titles underneath them materialized in front of you.
  764. >It looked like a virtual interface from a sci-fi.
  765. >Hell yeah. This crazy ass world rocks. 420 blaze it.
  766. >"And now what?"
  767. >Good one. Without thinking. You extend your index to the topic "The Mane 6".
  768. >Pictures unfold from it. All other topics disappear into the nether.
  769. >This is the kind of hard light you see on space operas.
  770. >Now what is in front of you is pictures of the six mares. Each with a folder symbol to their right.
  771. >...This wasn't the best course of action.
  772. "Uh. About this..."
  773. >You turn to Luna. She has a disapproving look on her face.
  774. >"Although we are disturbed by this display. We won't indulge in questioning thy memories... For now."
  775. >Gulp.
  776. "Yes your highness."
  777. >"Thy extremities seem to be fit for this labor. Could thou type 'Anonymous'?"
  778. >Your own name?
  779. >Gee. What possibly go wrong.
  780. >You type: Anonymous.
  781. >The computer automatically manifests various images.
  782. >4chan, M00t, Brony, /mlp/, ED, amongst others.
  783. >None of this shit will help you at all. Moonbutt simply hums in curiosity.
  784. >She extends her hoof to M00t. You can't help but chuckle at this.
  785. >As her hoof touches the face of the faggot. The picture breaks in pieces.
  786. >In the name of what?
  787. >Then from nowhere. A guttural roar strikes both of you.
  788. o̕r҉r'̶e h̷ĺ̛i҉̵͞r̢̀͡g̛͡h͢͠
  789. "What in the fuck!!"
  790. >"Who hides over there. Answer us!!"
  791. >Her majesty was ready to attack.
  792. >Her wings extended and horn glowing.
  793. ̛͢n͜͠n͢͡n̴y͜a҉ ͠l̷͝l͜o̸i̢͜g. ͠͏҉C̀͜'s҉̧͢g͠n͞҉'͢wa̛҉҉h̕l҉͏
  794. >The thing wasn't happy.
  795. >Then in the corner of your eyes. Ruptures around the world began to appear.
  796. >From this hole, tentacles spawned. Disgusting extremities.
  797. >Luna shot a powerful light against it. But it was to no avail.
  798. ṫ̡̎̅h̨̢̿̄ͧ̂̐̔͞r̨̧̈́͛ͮ̽̾ȏ̸̒̿̾͡dͭ̇̈́̀͊̀ͩ̚҉̡ ̢̊ͮ́͞tͪͦ̏hͣ̈̌̓ͮ͒͊ͨ̐r̴̨̉̉ͣ͆ͣ̓ͤ̃oͭͯd̾͌ͩ̒̓̉̈ͬ̋͘͠ ̡ͮ̒ͨ̐ͧͩ͆͠ḧ̴̄ͯ͛͛l̨̡̾̅̃i̶ͭ͗̋ͤ̇ͤ͜͢r̍ͤͧ̑͒g̾ͪ̾͛̉ͦͫ́̚͡h̛̊̈͐̓̿̋ ̷̓͐́ͬ̀͢t̃̾ͦ̌͐͊͋͜h̢̾ͭͣ͟͝rͨ̈́́ͭ́ȯ̸̀̋͊̓͟d̂̏ ̛ͨͣtͯͦ͛hͮͪ̎̽͐ͧͣ͢r̷̚͜o͌ͭ́ͧ͂ͬ͡d̢̨͆ͣ̐̏ͩ̓ͥ̈̇ ̶̡̧̋ͦ̒͐̇̓̒h͐̒͋͡l̂̓̈͊̽ͧ̐͂i͗̆ͫ́͡r̾͊ͩͧͦ͟ģ̷ͫ̄̇ͯͫ͌̚hͧ̾͞
  799. It came from an ethereal rupture in your unconsciousness. Slowly, a vapid shape crawled from the grotto. Not even the most histrionic passages could describe the unreal magnitudes of the horrors that ooze from this abstract fissure.
  800. This thing maliciously tried to reach both of you with arm-like limbs; stretching and bending viscerally; its squamous skin palpitating in a nauseous cadence.
  801. As both of you flinch on its wake, petrified by its amorphous shape. You fail to notice it's kin spawning from behind. As you turn around, you see the colors of the scaly branch shifting constantly. Without wasting a moment, the ever-extending extremities encompass you and Luna in a dome of flesh. And in the darkness; her majesty glowed in an attempt to combat the monstrosity.
  802. A valiant defiance. The monster began to swallow her light, engulfing both of you in pitch blackness. Constantly shouting undecipherable curses.
  803. Although you can't see anymore there is one thing that is clear: You are now imprisoned within the belly of the beast.
  804. t̵͞҉̙h̜̲͓̰͓̺͈͔͘̕r̵̤͈̤̩͙̞͎̙o̼͈̙̣̩̳͞d̦͍̘̥ ̷̸͕͎̻t҉̷̢͈̮͔̤̮̗̙h̸̵̲̹͜r̶͔͇̣̳̭͜͝o͖̱̰̥̥̖̰d͉̰̻̥͍̣̟̼̀̀ ̩̙́͡h͕͍l̞̤̖̼̭̣͇̟į͚̘̩͙̣̗͞ŗ̹̟g̺̩h̛̯̞͕̖̰͇͕ͅ
  805. >You were slowly consumed.
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