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  1. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 04 18:25:48 2016
  3. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 04 19:35:26 2016
  5. Jan 04 19:35:26 »» Now talking on #heresy
  6. Jan 04 19:35:26 »» Topic for #heresy is: [19:25] <Ryuuta> (are you betraying us fats) [19:25] <Freddie> [yes]
  7. Jan 04 19:35:26 »» Topic for #heresy set by ChanServ! at Thu Aug 27 04:09:40 2015
  8. Jan 04 19:41:37 «--- Fats ( has Quit (RecvQ exceeded)
  9. Jan 04 19:41:43 ---» Fats ( has Joined #heresy
  10. Jan 04 19:41:44 »» ChanServ gives channel operator status to Fats
  11. Jan 04 19:48:10 ---» Coz (conceptofze@sorcery-ba2.m9b.106.162.IP) has Joined #heresy
  12. Jan 04 19:50:34 ---» Drexert (Leit@sorcery-akh.oik.107.38.IP) has Joined #heresy
  13. Jan 04 19:51:00 <@Fats> oh hey coz we're all bullshitting in the ooc channel
  14. Jan 04 20:00:02 »» Skeiron is now known as Storyteller
  15. Jan 04 20:00:06 »» Fats is now known as Heinrich
  16. Jan 04 20:00:11 »» Storyteller is now known as ST
  17. Jan 04 20:00:21 »» You are now known as Vladislav
  18. Jan 04 20:00:31 »» Coz is now known as Afina
  19. Jan 04 20:00:36 »» Drexert is now known as Emilia
  20. Jan 04 20:00:55 »» Vlax_tablet is now known as Alexandru
  21. Jan 04 20:01:05 ---» Snidesworth (snidesworth@sorcery-qm4.vog.185.31.IP) has Joined #heresy
  22. Jan 04 20:01:39 »» Alexandru is now known as AIexandru
  23. Jan 04 20:02:51 »» You are now known as the
  24. Jan 04 20:03:04 »» You are now known as Jurij
  25. Jan 04 20:03:13 ---» Alexandru (Mibbit@sorcery-q7n.j6e.54.92.IP) has Joined #heresy
  26. Jan 04 20:03:21 »» Snidesworth is now known as Tammaro
  27. Jan 04 20:05:25 <ST> The big, fat spring sun is already far along its descent as the coach comes to a stop next to a sturdy-looking two-story building at the side of the road. As far as the passengers can see, this is the last house in miles, the long, curvy road leading up the Carpathians barren on both sides except for the odd stretch tall, yellow grass. The road itself is muddy and wet, clinging to your shoes as you get off.
  28. Jan 04 20:06:10 <ST> ”The Red Lamb Inn. Lord Giovanni will send someone to pick you up later, he’s arranged for rooms for the lot o’ya. Ask for Sigismund.” And with that, the driver spurs the horses on again, riding back from whence you came.
  29. Jan 04 20:07:37 <ST> The building looks ancient, yet well-kept, with a strong pillar of smoke coming out of its chimney. On the yard in front of it a few loose chicken dig through the dirt for scraps and a mutt barks from the stables which it seems to be guarding. The stables seem like a more modern addition and leans against the western side of the buildiing.
  30. Jan 04 20:08:16 »» @Heinrich enters the inn and asks for Sigismund.
  31. Jan 04 20:08:23 <ST> Marianna doesn’t seem very bothered by the mud, instead carrying her small satchel over her shoulder, following behind Heinrich.
  32. Jan 04 20:08:36 »» @Heinrich could not possibly care less about the mud.
  33. Jan 04 20:09:30 »» Alexandru hefts his bag along, far too busy with concentrating of the weight and not for the first time regretting the amount of heavy possessions he insisted on bringing along
  34. Jan 04 20:11:59 <Afina> Afina waits a moment, to be sure that she must carry her own bag. When it becomes clear that no one will be coming to take it for her, she lifts it and takes careful steps to keep from slipping in the mud. At least she packed lightly, so she does not need to worry about dropping her bag.
  35. Jan 04 20:14:32 »» Jurij hops off the carriage and follows the two who have already made their way inside. A shame such a day has to be spent waiting for some lord to call on you, but there are worse places to be stuck in.
  36. Jan 04 20:16:21 »» Emilia carries her bag with one hand and raises her skirt just slightly above the mud, revealing that she was wearing boots. An odd contrast to the rest of her attire. She struggles slightly with her balance on the trip to the door. "Wish I could help but my hands are rather full at the moment." She apologizes while walking past Afina before blowing a rogue strand of red hair away from her
  37. Jan 04 20:16:21 »» Emilia face.
  38. Jan 04 20:17:33 <ST> A roaring hearth fire banishes the evening’s chill and gloom from the spacious common room in the Red Lamb Inn in the Carpathian wilderness near the Giovanni Manse. The inn has several sturdy pillars supporting the second floor, where the rooms are, and quite a few tables, the ”high table” reserved the nearest to the fire. A young man, dressed like a soldier, is conversing with a priest, while a travel-worn, ragged monk raves to a pregnant
  39. Jan 04 20:17:34 <ST> woman sitting by the fire. In the corner, an elderly lady watches, clearly a beggar judging from her clothes, and romani to boot.
  40. Jan 04 20:17:54 <ST> Several other guests mill about and are either deep in conversation or resting from the long trip.
  41. Jan 04 20:19:02 <ST> Heinrich finds Sigismund, who is the owner and operator of the Inn. He wipes his hands on his apron before shaking the soldier’s hand. ”A pleasure to make yer acquaintance!"
  42. Jan 04 20:19:31 <@Heinrich> "Likewise, friend. I was told the lord has arranged rooms for us?"
  43. Jan 04 20:19:55 <Afina> "That's very kind of you." She says, for it's the thought that matters most. Afina goes slow, her feet sinking in the mud. Oh she'll have to clean these shoes. At least it isn't far until she's on solid ground inside the Inn. Heinrich seems to be handling arrangments, and she's happy to simply listen instead.
  44. Jan 04 20:20:20 <ST> ”Indeed, indeed. Up those stairs. I’m afraid all the single-bed rooms are reserved for the… ah, for the gentry, the rest will have to sleep in the common room, but the bedding is fine and manages well to keep the mountain chill out, I’d stake my name on it."
  45. Jan 04 20:20:38 <Tammaro> The priest is a middle aged man, soft features starting to give way to signs of age, as is the thin layer of black hair that clings to his head. He looks up from his conversation for a moment to watch the newcomers.
  46. Jan 04 20:21:03 »» Emilia tries to get some of the mud off her boots before walking further inside. She then approaches the conversation between Heinrich and the other man.
  47. Jan 04 20:21:29 <@Heinrich> "No bother at all. I'll let the others know."
  48. Jan 04 20:22:56 »» @Heinrich turns to Emilia. "Good news, your ladyship. You get a room to yourself."
  49. Jan 04 20:23:28 <ST> Sigismund greets each of you in turn. He’s a rosy-cheeked, balding man with a large stomach and a larger smile (figuratively). He seems rather busy serving food and drinks, and he seems to have no staff helping him. Still, he doesn’t seem upset about it, but rather just enjoys the lively mood that permeats the inn.
  50. Jan 04 20:24:21 »» Emilia blinks. "I do...? Huh."
  51. Jan 04 20:24:54 <ST> Sigismund didn’t hear, as he is busy tapping up some ale for the travelers.
  52. Jan 04 20:24:57 <@Heinrich> "Well, the nobility do. I assume you're one of them?"
  53. Jan 04 20:25:24 »» Alexandru stands by quietly and listens, watching to see what Afina will do
  54. Jan 04 20:28:06 <ST> Sitting at a table, already heavy into his drink is a overweight man dressed in opulent clothing of the finest silk. His thin-haired head bobs up and down rhythmically as he talks to an olive-skinned younger man who seems to pendulate between boredom and anticipation, a pair of dice playing along the knuckles of the youths hands.
  55. Jan 04 20:28:45 <Emilia> "Oh no, no. But thanks for the compliment."
  56. Jan 04 20:29:09 <ST> A spaniard is occupied trying to make the monk leave the pregnant woman alone, his short, black hair oiled back and his traveling clothes surprisingly well-kept despite his unshaven and otherwise disheveled look. Clearly he’s been on the road for a long time.
  57. Jan 04 20:29:10 <@Heinrich> "No problem at all. Unless being stuck with the rest of us in the common room is a problem."
  58. Jan 04 20:29:52 <Afina> There's a room for her, as expected, but it seems that Emilia has not been given one, which is deeply troubling. They can't expect her to sleep in the common room. That simply isn't acceptable. She hates to interupt but... she speaks up quickly. "Emilia, you can share mine."
  59. Jan 04 20:29:58 <Emilia> "Not at all. Only wish I could find a place to bathe before tomorrow."
  60. Jan 04 20:30:17 <ST> The pregnant woman, who looks at the mad monk with a mixture of disgust and fear, is quite beautiful, her fine features giving her a haughty look. She’s far into her labor, and it is strange to see a woman in her delicate condition on the road. Her light blond hair is kept in an elaborate braid tied up on her head and her clothes hint at a finer life.
  61. Jan 04 20:31:21 <@Heinrich> "I'll ask Sigismund if he has a tub."
  62. Jan 04 20:31:22 <ST> A thin and nervous-looking man in less well-kept silk is rubbing his hands slowly, eyes darting from side to side as he’s talking with a severe-looking older woman who sits with her arms crossed, head inclining once or twice as she listens to the nervous man. She’s dressed in simple, frugal garb, but is immaculate in her clenliness.
  63. Jan 04 20:33:12 »» Emilia nods and smiles. "Thanks." And with that she tries to listen in on the raving priest who speaks with the seemingly pregnant woman.
  64. Jan 04 20:33:45 »» @Heinrich walks over to Sigismund, gets an ale and asks if there's a bathtub around.
  65. Jan 04 20:34:05 »» Alexandru is tired from the road, but doesn't want to retire just yet so he asks Sigismund for a drink
  66. Jan 04 20:34:44 <ST> Sigismund hands Heinrich the ale, but shakes his head. ”My apologies, signore, there is a tub in the stables, but I’m unfortunately not able to heat it up now, as busy as I am. I might be able to prepare a bath for tomorrow morning, if it will suit?"
  67. Jan 04 20:34:53 <ST> Alexandru gets a drink as well
  68. Jan 04 20:35:00 «--- AIexandru (Mibbit@sorcery-q7n.j6e.54.92.IP) has Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  69. Jan 04 20:35:21 <@Heinrich> "It should suit fine. I'll let Emilia know."
  70. Jan 04 20:35:35 <ST> ”Very good, very good.”
  71. Jan 04 20:36:13 <Jurij> While not exactly uncomfortable in the dim light of the inn, Jurij still keeps to the side, preferring to let the nobler-looking folk deal with the innkeeper.
  72. Jan 04 20:36:18 <ST> The monk is speaking angrily of devil-worship, child-sacrifice and dark cults where unspeakable things are done. So wicked, in fact, that the man’s eyes grow a smidge wider every time he thinks about it.
  73. Jan 04 20:36:24 <ST> A fleck of foam is gathering at the corner of his mouth.
  74. Jan 04 20:36:29 »» @Heinrich walks back over to Emilia and lets her know. "There's a bathtub, but if you want hot water you'll have to wait until the morning, I'm afraid."
  75. Jan 04 20:37:20 »» Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
  76. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Jan 04 20:37:20 2016
  78. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 04 20:37:33 2016
  80. Jan 04 20:37:33 »» Now talking on #heresy
  81. Jan 04 20:37:33 »» Topic for #heresy is: [19:25] <Ryuuta> (are you betraying us fats) [19:25] <Freddie> [yes]
  82. Jan 04 20:37:33 »» Topic for #heresy set by ChanServ! at Thu Aug 27 04:09:40 2015
  83. Jan 04 20:37:53 »» Alexandru decides to steer well clear of the raving monk, shooting the poor woman a sympathetic look
  84. Jan 04 20:38:43 <Emilia> "Cold should do fine, actually. And thanks yet again." She then lightly taps the priest on the shoulder. "Good sir, perhaps you should give your warnings to other souls as well. The lady seems to need some respite."
  85. Jan 04 20:39:16 <Afina> Any gladness Afina feels at having Emilia share her room is somewhat diminished by the rantings of the priest. They're dreadfully loud and upsetting to hear, and she is only grateful that she is not their target. She is careful to keep herself away from him, even as Emilia unwisely decides to try speak to such a man.
  86. Jan 04 20:39:22 <Tammaro> "A mystery that will be resolved by the evening's end." He glances around at the raving monk as one of the new arrivals intervenes.
  87. Jan 04 20:40:24 »» Alexandru is starting to nurse a headache, with the loudness of the monk and hassle of the travel so far, he drains his drink and asks the barkeep for something a little more medicinal
  88. Jan 04 20:40:43 «--- Jurij ( has Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  89. Jan 04 20:40:46 <ST> It seems Emilia’s attention to the man is rewarded with a wild stare, and a slight tremble of the lip. ”More lambs? MORE LAMBS TO THE SLAUGHTER!?” the man’s voice raises an octave, Sigismund looking obviously troubled. ”Good father!” he points to Tammaro, ”Take these unfortunate souls and leave now! Nothing but death and worse await you at that devil-worshipping monster Claudio Giovanni’s manor!” he spits as he speaks the name,
  90. Jan 04 20:40:47 <ST> ”I know! I know what darkness awaits you all!"
  91. Jan 04 20:40:49 »» You are now known as Jurij
  92. Jan 04 20:41:40 »» Alexandru stands at this "These are very dark and heavy accusations you make sir, ones that are not easily taken back or forgiven"
  93. Jan 04 20:41:54 »» Tammaro turns around fully, the corner of his mouth twitching in annoyance.
  94. Jan 04 20:42:28 »» Emilia recoils slightly at the sudden rise of the man's voice. "Do you really need to scream? And what do you know of the man, anyways?"
  95. Jan 04 20:42:33 »» @Heinrich lets the inkeep know a cold bath will be just dandy. He's a regular old messenger boy.
  96. Jan 04 20:42:45 <ST> The monk turns to Alexandru, drawing himself up, ”Listen to me brothers and sisters! Giovanni brings an evil wind from the south! An EVIL wind! Do you not hear it howl? Do you not feel the trepidation of your souls as you await slaughter at that wicked man’s abode!?"
  97. Jan 04 20:43:11 <ST> Sigismund nods, wiping his hands again and taking a step towards the monk. ”Brother Clement, I will not have you treat my guests this way… lord Giovanni is a k-"
  98. Jan 04 20:43:22 <ST> ”A killer! A murderer of innocence and a merchant of decadence!”
  99. Jan 04 20:43:27 »» Alexandru raises his voice to match "And I said to you monk, these are troubling accusations and unless you have proof I suggest you hold your tongue!"
  100. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Jan 04 20:43:37 2016
  102. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 04 20:43:37 2016
  104. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Jan 04 20:43:50 2016
  106. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 04 20:43:50 2016
  108. Jan 04 20:43:53 <ST> Brother Clement’s jaws grind furiously as he contemplates the attention he’s receiving
  109. Jan 04 20:44:03 <@Heinrich> "If not, I would appreciate it if you settled down and left the rest of us in peace."
  110. Jan 04 20:44:38 <ST> Clement scowls at the group, ”You have been warned… Ye of little faith, you have been warned!”
  111. Jan 04 20:44:53 <ST> He seems less inclined to cause a commotion, however, and shambles over to a half-eaten loaf of bread
  112. Jan 04 20:45:05 <ST> His mutters do not cease, however.
  113. Jan 04 20:45:12 <Afina> The more he speaks, the more terrifying he becomes. Afina holds tight to her cross and makes herself small, glad to have so many others willing to turn him away.
  114. Jan 04 20:45:53 »» Emilia backs away and sighs in relief before looking at the woman who beared most of his screams. "Are you well?"
  115. Jan 04 20:46:31 »» Alexandru holds his head as the minor pangs of a delicate head blossom into a full blown headache, he walks to to Sigismund
  116. Jan 04 20:46:32 »» Jurij keeps to his corner still, more amused than surprised at the volatile accusations the monk is shouting. The scenario is not exactly a news one; he's met priests just as zealous before.
  117. Jan 04 20:46:40 »» Tammaro frowns and makes his way over to Alexandru. "I fear the young brother there is more concerned with being heard than actually bringing his accusations to bear. I assume that you too are here on Giovani's invitation."
  118. Jan 04 20:46:46 <ST> The pregnant woman gives a little shudder, clearly spooked by the entire thing, but she makes a show of brushing it off. ”I am quite alright. This is not the first poor fool who has clambored for my attention, after all."
  119. Jan 04 20:46:48 <Alexandru> "My head is killing me, do you have a bottle of something appropriate?"
  120. Jan 04 20:46:59 »» Alexandru turns to Tammaro
  121. Jan 04 20:47:15 <Alexandru> "I am indeed, as are the rest of my travelling companions, would you care to join me for a dink?"
  122. Jan 04 20:47:30 <ST> Sigismund gives Alexandru a bottle of stronger spirits and puts a few glass on the table, ”Drink it in one sweep if you can, It burns the tongue less."
  123. Jan 04 20:48:13 <Tammaro> "I will join you, at least." He smiles slightly.
  124. Jan 04 20:48:16 <ST> The old woman chuckles at the whole thing and prods Jurij in the sides, ”Quite a show he puts on, no? I think more would believe him if he spoke rather than screamed."
  125. Jan 04 20:48:38 <Alexandru> "hah! Good enough"
  126. Jan 04 20:48:48 »» Alexandru pours himself a glass and raises it high
  127. Jan 04 20:48:52 <Alexandru> "to my health!"
  128. Jan 04 20:49:07 »» Alexandru drains the glass, suddering as the aftertaste hits
  129. Jan 04 20:49:11 <Emilia> "Ah... Are you a fellow guest, by any chance? Or just passing by?"
  130. Jan 04 20:49:56 <Tammaro> "In need of fortification after your journey?"
  131. Jan 04 20:51:07 <ST> The woman smiles a trained smile, inclining her head just the perfect way. ”Guest? I suppose I am, if you can call this an inn. I received a personal invitation to lord Giovanni’s manor, and naturally I could not resist such an offer… Of course, dear Filippo urgently told me I should not go in such a state, but I was assured a safe passage after all!” she giggles girlishly, ”Why? Are you selling something?”
  132. Jan 04 20:51:12 <Alexandru> "Absolutely, between the bumpy roads and that shouting match, my head is fit to burst. Although this bottle of... uhh..." he peers at the label, trying to figure out what it is "of this, is certainly helping matters"
  133. Jan 04 20:52:28 <Emilia> "Was just curious, actually. My apologies if I bothered." And with that she politely backs away, looking for Sigismund.
  134. Jan 04 20:52:34 <ST> ”Schnaps.” Sigismund chimes in helpfully as he puts out a few plates of bread, beets and other ’snacks’
  135. Jan 04 20:52:37 <Tammaro> "Have you and your companions travelled far?"
  136. Jan 04 20:52:57 <ST> The woman smirks and she returns to the fire, occasionally stroking her belly.
  137. Jan 04 20:53:19 »» Jurij nods at the woman and smiles widely. "Perhaps he is convinced speaking the loudest means speaking the truest." He looks around the room shortly - the people don't look shaken at all by the monk's speeches. "Thought it doesn't seem to have had even the slightest effect."
  138. Jan 04 20:54:19 <ST> Marianna walks up next to Afina, politely coughing slightly before she speaks up, ”Signora, perhaps it is safer if we stay closer to the menfolk? I’m worried that the brother… bless his soul, may be a bit deep in his spirits?"
  139. Jan 04 20:54:36 <Alexandru> "A mix I suspect, I myself come from Moldavia along with another of my travelling companions"
  140. Jan 04 20:56:01 <Afina> Afina startles a little, and then nods quickly. "Yes, of course. Thank you Marianna." Any reason to be far away from the monk is fine by her. Though, she must fight to keep her face from wrinkling when she sees what they've taken to drinking.
  141. Jan 04 20:56:05 <Tammaro> "Quite a distance. Are you previously acquainted with Giovani?"
  142. Jan 04 20:57:27 <Alexandru> "Curiously enough no, none of us are, although of course I've heard of him"
  143. Jan 04 20:57:43 »» @Heinrich takes a seat next to the soldier, grabs a loaf of bread and takes a bite. "Good to have someone else paying for food for once, eh?"
  144. Jan 04 20:58:12 »» Alexandru offers Heinrich a glass "How about someone else paying for the drink?"
  145. Jan 04 20:58:16 »» Emilia approaches Sigismund. "What can you tell me of Lord Giovanni? Seems you've been living around these parts enough to know of him."
  146. Jan 04 20:58:50 <ST> Marianna accompanies Afina to the table where Alexandru is speaking to Tammaro, but seats herself a respectable distance away. She takes a piece of bread and says a little prayer over it before she digs in. ”You were from Moldavia, signora Afina?” she asks with her cheeks filled with bread.
  147. Jan 04 20:59:14 <ST> The man grins and nods, raising his tankard of ale, ”To the good health of lord Claudio Giovanni!”
  148. Jan 04 20:59:28 <ST> He drinks and sighs, ”I am Paul, a pleasure to meet another man of the sword.”
  149. Jan 04 21:00:08 <ST> Sigismund frowns and shrugs, ”the good lord Giovanni has paid for your night here, as well as for all the food and drinks you desire. I’m sure he is a good man..."
  150. Jan 04 21:01:13 <Emilia> "I see... uh, how far is his estate? And until when do I have for my uh... bath?"
  151. Jan 04 21:01:20 <Afina> Afina sits and quickly glances at where each is sitting at the table, before she leans in to Marianna to speak softly with her. "Yes, I am. It has been a very long ride from home. Closer for you, which I'm sure you are grateful for."
  152. Jan 04 21:01:36 »» Tammaro continues to speak to Alexandru. "It seems as if Giovani wishes for varied company, though I find it difficult to believe he would transport people such distances for the mere pleasure of their company."
  153. Jan 04 21:02:01 »» @Heinrich clinks his tankard against Paul's. "Likewise. I just wonder what his Lordship would want with the likes of us."
  154. Jan 04 21:02:42 <ST> ”A few hours north, in the mountains. I was told his manservant Lothar was to greet you, but I do not know when… as for your bath, if you want it cold, there is a tub in the stables. I’m afraid I’m too busy to help you right now, but there are some barrels of water that you can help yourself with."
  155. Jan 04 21:02:58 <Jurij> "I am great company," Jurij interrupts the priest's conversation. "The mystery is why the good lord wouldn't rather visit me."
  156. Jan 04 21:03:01 <ST> ”If you wish for privacy, I suggest you wait until the morning, I don’t have a lock to the stables."
  157. Jan 04 21:04:11 <Alexandru> "That is quite puzzling, however we shall soon enough have an answer"
  158. Jan 04 21:04:14 <ST> Marianna nods and her eyes are a bit wider as she continues, ”I have never traveled this far, it’s like an adventure… and to imagine I would do it with such fine folk, signora. If there is anything I can do for you, just let me know. Father always taught me to respect my betters."
  159. Jan 04 21:04:52 »» <Tammaro> looks over at Jurij and smiles wryly. "Perhaps he wishes to demonstrate his hospitality to you."
  160. Jan 04 21:05:06 »» Alexandru pauses for a moment thinking, before addressing Marianna "Signora, forgive me, but do you travel armed?"
  161. Jan 04 21:05:20 <ST> Paul’s smile wanes a little and he nods, turning grimmer, ”For you, I don’t know, for me I’m sure he is not even aware of my existence… I’m here to seek employment, the lord is hiring household defense, or so I’ve been told. I’m here to try my luck… got my leg done in during the crusades, and now I’m not good for much else I’m afraid."
  162. Jan 04 21:05:39 <Emilia> "Ah, I see. I shall leave you to your work now." And with that she walks towards the two soldiers, listening in while keeping an eye on Marianna.
  163. Jan 04 21:06:27 <@Heinrich> "Ah, a fellow veteran against the Turk? Congratulations on getting off lightly, and good luck getting a guard post."
  164. Jan 04 21:07:17 <ST> Marianna blinks and gives Alexandru a stare, ”A…armed, signore?”
  165. Jan 04 21:07:55 <Afina> Afina smiles a little, remembering the first time she traveled, under much happier circumstances. She offers a hand to hold, "You have already done much. Good company and good cheer makes a long journey less tiring-" Though, she quickly stops as Alexandru asks if Marianna is armed. She stares at him, baffled by the question.
  166. Jan 04 21:08:55 <ST> Paul nods grimly, ”Much obliged, my friend. I was lucky indeed, Janos Hunyady’s tactics has cost many men, I’m glad it was only my leg that suffered…"
  167. Jan 04 21:09:05 <ST> ”Perhaps I can ask a favor of you, my friend?” Paul leans in a bit.
  168. Jan 04 21:09:18 <@Heinrich> "You can indeed. What is it?"
  169. Jan 04 21:09:43 <ST> Marianna is surprised by her hand being held and gives Afina a strange look, but she doesn’t pull away.
  170. Jan 04 21:09:59 »» Alexandru nods "Yes, something for self defence. I only ask because the road is often dangerous" he pulls a sheathed dagger from his belt and places it on the table "I have no often worried for my safety but I imagine for a lady travelling alone it must be a different story, please take this"
  171. Jan 04 21:11:19 »» Jurij heads towards the innkeeper to ask for a drink, then joins the monk and the other guy at the table.
  172. Jan 04 21:11:21 <ST> ”Perhaps if, during the dinner, you could… maybe… put in a good word for me? Like you, I’m a veteran of the crusades, I know how to handle myself, yet I’m afraid they will only see my crutch and turn me away..."
  173. Jan 04 21:12:07 <@Heinrich> "Of course, friend. Nobody deserves to be left to rot after giving so much."
  174. Jan 04 21:12:37 <ST> Marianna stares at the dagger in disbelief. ”I… I don’t even know how to use it, signore… my apologies…”
  175. Jan 04 21:13:23 »» Emilia stops floating around the two soldiers and instead moves to sit with her fellow travelling ladies. Her eyes immediately are drawn to the dagger. "Not too difficult. Pointy end goes into the danger."
  176. Jan 04 21:13:51 <Emilia> "A-at least... I think that's how it works, right?"
  177. Jan 04 21:14:00 <Alexandru> "If you makes you feel anybetter Signora I have a spare, it will trouble me none for you to take this"
  178. Jan 04 21:14:33 <ST> Paul smiles, blinking as he realizes Emilia was listening in, too late. ”Ah, my apol…” he shrugs and returns his attention to Heinrich, ”I owe you much, my friend. If there is anything I can do in return, please tell me."
  179. Jan 04 21:15:01 »» Tammaro watches the conversation around the dagger with a degree of interest.
  180. Jan 04 21:15:10 <ST> Marianna looks at Emilia, and then back to the dagger, before taking it carefully, gripping it between her thumb and index finger
  181. Jan 04 21:16:12 <@Heinrich> "It's not a problem. Now, what say we join our fellow travellers? Much more fun than just the two of us."
  182. Jan 04 21:16:12 <Emilia> "Careful with the blade..." She timidly cautions.
  183. Jan 04 21:16:45 <Afina> Afina clearly does not approve of any of this, but she holds her tongue. If Alexandru thinks it best, then it isn't her place to contradict him. But she withdraws her hand from Marianna and places it back in her lap.
  184. Jan 04 21:17:37 »» Emilia looks at Afina. "Is something the matter?"
  185. Jan 04 21:18:00 <ST> Marianna looks at the dagger as if it’s going to bite her. ”I… I don’t know what to say, signore..."
  186. Jan 04 21:18:56 ---» AIdxandru (Mibbit@sorcery-q7n.j6e.54.92.IP) has Joined #heresy
  187. Jan 04 21:19:18 <Alexandru> "It is fine, hopefully you will not need it, eh?"
  188. Jan 04 21:19:26 <Afina> She picks her words carefully. "A weapon in the hands of the nervous or untrained is no weapon at all. It is simply an opportunity for your opponent to better arm themselves against you."
  189. Jan 04 21:19:35 <ST> Paul nods and gets up slowly, grabbing his crutch and resting on it, tankard in his other hand.
  190. Jan 04 21:19:38 »» AIdxandru is now known as AIexandru
  191. Jan 04 21:20:15 »» @Heinrich helps Paul over to the table, then takes a seat himself once his fellow veteran is sat down.
  192. Jan 04 21:20:26 <ST> Sigismund supplies the party with drinks and enough food to fill all but the largest of stomachs.
  193. Jan 04 21:20:43 <ST> Paul nods in appreciation and sits down, watching the exchange of the dagger with interest.
  194. Jan 04 21:20:43 <Emilia> "Everyone needs to start somewhere... no...?" She then looks at Marianna. "May I have it for a moment?"
  195. Jan 04 21:21:01 <ST> Marianna nods and quickly hands it over, nearly dropping it twice. ”O-of course, signora."
  196. Jan 04 21:22:04 »» Emilia looks into her eyes as she finally takes it. "Okay... second thing you need to know. Have a good grip on it, like so." She then tries to teach her how to properly hold the dagger.
  197. Jan 04 21:22:17 <ST> Every now and then, brother Clement yells something out to no one in particular, the nervous-looking man jumping in his seat every time and throwing wary glances around him.
  198. Jan 04 21:23:13 <ST> Marianna… learns, once she’s overcome her initial shock she’s holding it alright, but is still pale as a ghost as she seems to not want to point it towards anyone in fear she might accidentally stab them. And since she’s the center of everyone’s attention, that’s proving quite hard.
  199. Jan 04 21:23:56 <Emilia> "Hmm... maybe we should take this somewhere else. What do you think, Marianna?"
  200. Jan 04 21:24:00 <@Heinrich> "Are you sure this is the time and place to teach her how to fight with a knife?"
  201. Jan 04 21:24:34 »» Emilia looks at Heinrich just after speaking. "Hence my question."
  202. Jan 04 21:25:33 <ST> ”I… I don’t know, signora…” she mumbles, dagger weaving lazy figures of 8 in the air.
  203. Jan 04 21:26:20 <Afina> "If you must, outside is better than in for such things." Afina says, careful to lean away from the dagger.
  204. Jan 04 21:27:36 »» Emilia carefully takes it before standing up and looking at the exit. "At the very least you should learn the basics. Just a few minutes."
  205. Jan 04 21:28:03 <ST> She nods, giving Afina pleading looks as she straightens her dress.
  206. Jan 04 21:28:25 <ST> Paul seems amused by the whole thing, lighting a long wooden pipe and taking some long draughts from it.
  207. Jan 04 21:31:27 »» Emilia gently leads Marianna outside for lessons.
  208. Jan 04 21:31:55 <ST> Marianna is gently lead outside.
  209. Jan 04 21:32:23 »» Tammaro watches as those intent on weapons practice leave, leaning towards Alexandru. "She travelled here with you, did she not? What's your measure of her?"
  210. Jan 04 21:32:31 <Afina> Afina presses her lips together, not sure if she should fight this or not. Marianna is clearly not comfortable but... Emilia has made up her mind. And so, she sighs, and stands, and follows reluctantly. "Perhaps we should watch you use the dagger first." She suggests, hoping perhaps Emilia will be too taken with it to make Marianna use it.
  211. Jan 04 21:34:19 «--- Alexandru (Mibbit@sorcery-q7n.j6e.54.92.IP) has Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  212. Jan 04 21:34:56 »» AIexandru smiles, "which one? I suspect that Emilia is stronger than she looks, Marianna seems so pure of heart she's trfreshing to be around, and theres more to Afina than meets the eye"
  213. Jan 04 21:34:59 »» Emilia nods and takes her time showing some basic stances and grips. Explaining what she can about each one.
  214. Jan 04 21:35:17 <ST> The three women walk outside into the mud, a light rain falling from the sky. The sun is nearly gone now, its last rays of light casting a strange shadow on the small ”courtyard” outside the inn. A few torches light up the area, but the environment is less than ideal for these sort of things… but somehow, Marianna endures. And in enduring, she grows stronger.
  215. Jan 04 21:35:18 <ST> Relatively.
  216. Jan 04 21:35:44 <ST> She’s a quick learner, and she’s soon past the point of being terrified of the thing.
  217. Jan 04 21:36:55 »» Tammaro nods as he listens before realisation strikes. "Tammaro Aquino. My name, since I neglected to mention it before."
  218. Jan 04 21:37:21 »» Emilia grins. "See? Nothing much about it once you get past the initial weariness. Just remember to only bring it to bear when needed."
  219. Jan 04 21:37:47 »» AIexandru laughs "Alexandru Cornea, since i also neglected."
  220. Jan 04 21:38:01 »» AIexandru is now known as Alexandru
  221. Jan 04 21:38:04 »» Emilia then turns to Afina. "How about you?"
  222. Jan 04 21:39:24 <Afina> Afina is quick to shake her head not. "No, thank you. I have no talent for such things, and no strength for them. I am content to watch."
  223. Jan 04 21:41:06 »» Tammaro looks around the table, seeking to become better acquainted with the other guests.
  224. Jan 04 21:41:34 »» @Heinrich meets Tammaro's glance. "Heinrich Abend. It's a pleasure to meet you."
  225. Jan 04 21:41:43 <ST> The sound of hoofbeats in the distance interrupt the women’s conversation abruptly. Several horses are on their way.
  226. Jan 04 21:42:20 »» Tammaro tilts his head in greeting.
  227. Jan 04 21:43:15 »» Emilia frowns slightly. "Ah, I see... Well, if you ever wish to give it a try, I'd be more than happy to give you some instruc-" She then turns towards the source of the sound. "Alright, enough training for now... We should get back inside. And Marianna, keep that hidden. A weapon out of sight sometimes is more effective than a visible one."
  228. Jan 04 21:45:20 <Afina> More travellers? Or something else? Either way, she's more than happy to get out of the rain and back into the warm inn.
  229. Jan 04 21:45:57 <ST> Marianna nods mutely and ties the belt carrying the sheathed dagger around her waist under her outer coat.
  230. Jan 04 21:47:36 <ST> The three women enters after a little while, soaked through by the rain. Marianna looks worried, and she quickly slips back down where she sat, hands balled into fists in her lap.
  231. Jan 04 21:48:20 »» Alexandru smiled "how was it? Feeling more competent?"
  232. Jan 04 21:48:41 »» Emilia shivers slightly and tries to keep the now wet hair out of her face as she sits next to Marianna.
  233. Jan 04 21:50:17 <ST> Marianna starts to say something, but as she’s about to the large, heavy door of the inn opens with a force, banging against the wall as a slight man with a large scar running up one side of his face walks in, followed closely by a taller, ruddy-faced young man as well as some guards dressed in the livery of Giovanni.
  234. Jan 04 21:50:53 »» @Heinrich watches. It seems to be the thing to do.
  235. Jan 04 21:51:25 <Afina> Afina's wishing she had brought her good cloak to keep the rain off. She'll catch a cold at this rate. But any further thoughts are promptly pushed aside at the sudden entrance of the scarred man and a handful of guards. She looks to the men to see if they'll introduce themselves.
  236. Jan 04 21:51:45 <Tammaro> "Our escorts." Tammaro observes quietly.
  237. Jan 04 21:52:00 <ST> The first man looks around at the assembled people and nods grimly. ”I am Sir Lothar, steward to Lord Giovanni. I am he who selected the 13 of you from among all the great masses of folk to meet the Lord.” He nods at each of you in turn, a smile on his face at work well done, ”This is Roderigo.” he nods to the taller man, ”He is the coachman, whose duty it is to bring you to the Lord’s manse on the morrow."
  238. Jan 04 21:52:00 »» @Heinrich whispers back. "No doubt."
  239. Jan 04 21:52:45 <Alexandru> "a pleasure to meet you, will you join us by the fire?"
  240. Jan 04 21:52:55 <ST> He walks up to Afina, taking her hand and raising it to kiss it. ”Welcome to Lord Giovanni’s holdings. I am pleased you have graced us with your company, signora. I hope your stay is an agreeable and memorable one.”
  241. Jan 04 21:53:06 <Emilia> "Aren't they early...?" She whispers to nobody in particular.
  242. Jan 04 21:53:22 »» Jurij sizes up the new arrivals. "Perhaps they are just here to enjoy a drink after a long day's work," he says, but keeps his voice down as to not be heard by the new men.
  243. Jan 04 21:54:43 <ST> After he’s greeting Afina, he greets the other women in turn before the men. He nods to Alexandru in return, but does not join them.
  244. Jan 04 21:55:31 <ST> Marianna looks startled, and once her hand’s been released she grips it close to her chest, giving the man a frightened look.
  245. Jan 04 21:56:36 »» Emilia stares at him after he's done greeting her and as he greets Marianna. "Is something the matter, Sir?" She asks, clearly annoyed by some minor slight.
  246. Jan 04 21:56:58 <Afina> Afina is equally appalled looking, the back of her hand creeping where he. Touched it. Only all her good manners keep her from scrubbing it against her dress. Her voice is mute and her face pale.
  247. Jan 04 21:57:28 »» @Heinrich shakes the man's hand. He doesn't respond beyond that.
  248. Jan 04 21:59:31 <ST> Lothar doesn’t seem to notice Emilia’s question, instead he claps his hands together. ”Excellent, most excellent. I see you are all in good health. I am glad the travel here was not too cumbersome for you.” The pregnant woman receives a look of sympathy from him.
  249. Jan 04 22:00:01 »» Tammaro isn't quite so restrained. He waits for the man's back to be turned before wiping his hand on the side of his robes.
  250. Jan 04 22:00:12 <ST> ”It is good that you are all assembled. Our lord is eagerly anticipating the joy of serving you tomorrow. You are most fortunate to have captured his attention…” his eyes travel across all of you, a deep penetrating look that feels almost like a violation.
  251. Jan 04 22:01:05 <ST> ”This is a day your loved ones will long remember."
  252. Jan 04 22:01:06 »» Jurij doesn't seem too bothered by the handshake itself, though he shakes his hand softly under the table once the greeting is done. One would not want to offend a sir.
  253. Jan 04 22:01:30 <Alexandru> "In a good way i trust"
  254. Jan 04 22:03:25 <Emilia> "So do I." She says with some apprehension. She'll make a note of taking her dagger to the bath.
  255. Jan 04 22:03:31 <ST> ”Naturally!”
  256. Jan 04 22:08:44 <ST> Lothar smiles at everyone present, but as he’s about to speak again he’s interrupted. ”Evil! EVIL INCARNATE!"
  257. Jan 04 22:09:34 »» Tammaro turns his gaze to the young monk.
  258. Jan 04 22:09:57 »» Alexandru standd and bellows at the monk "I TOLD YOU BECORE EITHER BRING PROOF OR HOLD YOUR TOUNGE YOU CUR!
  259. Jan 04 22:10:08 »» Emilia would turn were she not more concerned about their escort than about the screaming priest.
  260. Jan 04 22:10:15 »» @Heinrich watches. Hey, free entertainment.
  261. Jan 04 22:10:43 <ST> The monk is standing on the table, pointing an accusing finger at Lothar. ”Lothar is but a toady and bootlick to the Devil, Claudius Giovanni!” he spits, ”I warn you good people! Your very souls are in danger! Flee this accursed place!”
  262. Jan 04 22:10:51 <ST> Lothar glares at the monk. ”Get out!” he scowls.
  264. Jan 04 22:11:57 <ST> Lothar tsks and motions to his guards, who approach Clement and pull him down from the table.
  265. Jan 04 22:12:05 <ST> ”I need no Hell-borne wizardry, fool."
  266. Jan 04 22:12:23 <ST> The man is dragged, kicking and screaming, out into the stables by the two armed men.
  267. Jan 04 22:12:57 »» Emilia tries to stop the guards. "You have no right to take him."
  268. Jan 04 22:13:04 »» Jurij observes the ordeal with amused interest. Is there a standardised book about preaching all holy men must memorise?
  269. Jan 04 22:13:15 <Emilia> "Plus I need the stables free for my bath."
  270. Jan 04 22:13:22 <ST> The guards give her a look, ”Don’t worry, signora, he’ll come to no lasting harm.” One of them mutters.
  271. Jan 04 22:13:33 <ST> The other chuckles. ”We’ll toss him out in the rain if you want."
  272. Jan 04 22:13:52 <ST> ”Have him cool his head."
  273. Jan 04 22:14:00 <Emilia> "I'd rather he'd stayed in the inn. He's probably just drunk. Give him something salty and it should wear off."
  274. Jan 04 22:14:31 <Emilia> "Sigismund! Some water with salt, if you mind."
  275. Jan 04 22:14:43 »» Tammaro steps forward. "I will have words with him. Remind him of proper conduct for a man of the cloth."
  276. Jan 04 22:14:59 <ST> Lothar turns to Emilia and his face contorts into a mask of anger. ”Stay out of this, woman! The man is an old fool who should leave well enough alone, I’ve had to deal with him more than you can imagine!"
  277. Jan 04 22:15:30 <ST> Lothar turns to Tammaro then and scowls, ”He will rest it out in the stables. I will not have the night sullied by his foolishness! And neither should the two of you, if you have any sense in you!"
  278. Jan 04 22:15:37 <ST> All politeness is gone from his tone.
  279. Jan 04 22:15:43 <Emilia> "And you are a man with poor manners. So unless you want your lord to hear of the slight to your guests, the man of the cloth stays."
  280. Jan 04 22:16:00 <@Heinrich> "Calm down. We are not your enemies, and the monk is but a fool. There is no need for such anger."
  281. Jan 04 22:16:30 »» Tammaro lets an irritated sigh escape.
  282. Jan 04 22:16:38 <ST> Lothar narrows his eyes and hisses at Emilia, ”And you are a woman who does not know her place. Continue defending this fool and you can consider your invitation to the Lord’s dinner canceled."
  283. Jan 04 22:17:30 <@Heinrich> "Will his Lordship be happy with you making that decision for him?"
  284. Jan 04 22:17:58 <ST> ”Lord Giovanni trusts me completely. None of you are important enough to have me suffer this fool’s insolence."
  285. Jan 04 22:18:28 <ST> The two guardsmen look at Lothar expectantly, who growls, ”Just toss him out into the rain, let the innskeeper supply him with water and bread if he wishes, I care not."
  286. Jan 04 22:18:40 »» Emilia stares daggers into the man. "Guess I'll spend the night in the stables as well, then. His screaming is better company than your veiled threats and insults."
  287. Jan 04 22:19:19 »» Tammaro looks at Emilia, frankly astronished at her behaviour.
  288. Jan 04 22:19:47 <Afina> Afina finally acts, reaching out to take Emilia's wrist, giving it a squeeze. She doesn't want to be alone. "Emilia... just let the rain sober him. It's safer that way, for us and for him."
  289. Jan 04 22:20:12 <ST> Lothar narrows his eyes and slaps Emilia across the face. ”Know your place!”
  290. Jan 04 22:23:49 <ST> Emilia dodges the slap, the fingers grazing her cheek as the man moved with surprising speed, even for the trained swordfighter. He looks momentarily stunned, then scoffs, forcing a smile.
  291. Jan 04 22:24:22 <ST> ”Very well, sleep in the stables like the pig you are, I care not. Come morrow, you’ll be here for Roderigo to take you to the Manse. But rest assured that the lord will know your insolence, wench."
  292. Jan 04 22:24:31 »» Tammaro 's astonishment only grows.
  293. Jan 04 22:24:44 »» Emilia grins as she steps back as part of her dodge. "And he'll now of yours, brute."
  294. Jan 04 22:25:48 <ST> Brother Clement seems to either not care, or have noticed, Emilia’s fidelity to his cause, instead he starts up again. ”Darksided! Wicked, evil, blood-drinking heretics!"
  295. Jan 04 22:26:11 <ST> The guards let the man go, but he flies towards Lothar, standing mere inches from him, screaming into his face.
  296. Jan 04 22:26:50 <ST> Lothar gives him a look of utter disgust
  297. Jan 04 22:28:02 »» @Heinrich winks at Emilia while Lothar's back is turned.
  298. Jan 04 22:28:05 »» Emilia grabs her bag and then gently pulls the priest with her. "We don't want a propper fight here, cleric..."
  299. Jan 04 22:28:06 <ST> Putting on his riding gloves, he gives the rest of the gathered crowd a broad shrug, as if to explain his acting, before slamming the priest in the belly with a gloved fist, sending the man sprawling to the floor.
  300. Jan 04 22:28:25 <ST> ”You’re free to go, brother. You can thank your whore for that."
  301. Jan 04 22:29:06 »» Tammaro grimaces, though he doesn't look surprised.
  302. Jan 04 22:29:28 <ST> The two guards chuckle as they help him up rather roughly, pushing him towards the door. The monk seems less inclined to yelling, but rather gasps for breath.
  303. Jan 04 22:29:55 »» Alexandru drinks his drink quietly, politely ignoring the didturbance completely
  304. Jan 04 22:30:09 »» Emilia helps him outside, the hold on her bag becoming white-knuckled beneath her gloves.
  305. Jan 04 22:30:41 <Jurij> "She made the rest of us look better," Jurij offers to his company.
  306. Jan 04 22:31:56 <ST> Marianna is gripping Afina’s hand weakly, wide-eyed and staring at what just happened.
  307. Jan 04 22:32:19 »» Tammaro shakes his head and follows after Emilia. And, somewhat reluctantly, the monk she's trying to protect. "Most likely." He mutters in response.
  308. Jan 04 22:32:23 <ST> Paul glances at Heinrich, then at Lothar and the guards before sipping his mug. He’s got sense enough to leave well alone
  309. Jan 04 22:33:54 <Afina> Afina holds as tightly to Marianna, not wanting to let her slip away next. She speaks quietly to her. "It will be fine now that the priest is gone." She prays it will be so, now that Lothar has gotten what he wished.
  310. Jan 04 22:34:13 »» @Heinrich returns Heinrich's glance, but does nothing more.
  311. Jan 04 22:34:23 »» @Heinrich returns Paul's glance, even
  312. Jan 04 22:35:28 <ST> Roderigo, the coachman, glances after them as well, but remains inside.
  313. Jan 04 22:35:35 »» Alexandru walks up, drink in hand, and whispers in Lothars ear
  314. Jan 04 22:35:52 <ST> Marianna nods, moving a little closer to Afina. The jovial mood of the room has been dampened somewhat and the other guests murmur between each other.
  315. Jan 04 22:36:04 »» Tammaro does not look happy as he approaches the pair. "What did you expect to accomplish in there? Either of you?"
  316. Jan 04 22:36:30 <ST> The monk is still wheezing. Seems Lothar packs quite the punch.
  317. Jan 04 22:36:51 <ST> Lothar smiles again, ”Well then, with that out of the way..."
  318. Jan 04 22:37:32 »» Emilia looks at the other priest. "Save this man's life, for one. Plus that Lothar had it coming. Had that punch been for me he'd be face down on the floor by now..." She then tries to make sure the wheezing man is mostly well.
  319. Jan 04 22:37:56 <ST> Sigismund approaches Lothar and apologizes profusely for the monk’s behaviour, easing the steward’s mood a bit.
  320. Jan 04 22:38:14 <ST> The monk seems fine, as far as Emilia can tell, but winded and confused.
  321. Jan 04 22:39:04 <Emilia> "Right... we better make for the stables... come on up." She says before pulling the monk up. "Wouldn't want you to catch a cold on top of everything."
  322. Jan 04 22:39:18 <Tammaro> "Indeed? Will you be there to save him the next time he's deep in his cups and brimming with self righteous folly?" A scowl appears on his lips.
  323. Jan 04 22:40:07 <Emilia> "Hopefully another good christian is in my stead. And more hopefully, he'll learn to manage his drink better from this."
  324. Jan 04 22:40:13 <ST> Lothar scowls at Alexandru. ”I shall take your advice into consideration.” The look he gives him, however, show that he intends to do no such thing.
  325. Jan 04 22:41:13 »» Alexandru nods and returns to his table
  326. Jan 04 22:41:49 »» Tammaro follows. "We can only pray." He glares at the monk. "Perhaps, if he truly believes in the accusations he flings, he will turn to his superiors about it."
  327. Jan 04 22:42:25 <Tammaro> "Instead of seeking to make a martyr of himself."
  328. Jan 04 22:43:01 <ST> Roderigo joins the three in the stables.
  329. Jan 04 22:43:06 <Emilia> "Here's hoping. I'm considering heading back, honestly... but I worry for my fellow ladies."
  330. Jan 04 22:43:32 <ST> He shakes the rain off his wide-brimmed hat and nods to the priest and Emilia. ”I’m surprised you’re not tied up in here next to the monk..."
  331. Jan 04 22:43:46 <Afina> When there are no further outbursts, Afina decides to take some action of her own. "Let's sit near the fire and warm ourselves." Perhaps she'll feel less unsettled once they've had a chance to dry, and to put space between them and Lothar.
  332. Jan 04 22:44:03 <@Heinrich> "Good plan. It's not a pleasant night."
  333. Jan 04 22:44:05 <ST> Meanwhile, Lothar turns to Sigismund. ”Innkeeper, we have brought a casket of fine wine. Prepare a toast, and we shall celebrate the dinner to come!"
  334. Jan 04 22:44:15 »» @Heinrich moves his chair closer to the fire.
  335. Jan 04 22:44:44 »» Alexandru joins him, eager to remain with more agreesble company
  336. Jan 04 22:44:46 <Emilia> "Well, I think rope wasn't what he had in mind. More steel."
  337. Jan 04 22:44:52 <ST> Sigismund nods and heads outside to carry it in, helped by the two guardsmen
  338. Jan 04 22:45:20 <Emilia> "What can I do for you, Sir?"\
  339. Jan 04 22:45:24 <ST> Marianna nods and follows Afina over to the fire, squeezing down next to the other woman and the fat, balding man dressed in fine silks.
  340. Jan 04 22:46:17 <ST> Roderigo shrugs, ”They wouldn’t dare, he’s still a member of the church… but I’m surprised by your nobility, lady...?"
  341. Jan 04 22:47:07 <ST> Sigismund pours up 14 helpings of wine, handing it out to all the guests, leaving Paul, the guards, himself, the old woman without. Naturally, he stays away from the stables, so a few glasses remain untouched.
  342. Jan 04 22:47:38 <Emilia> "Emilia." She quickly answers. "And I was surprised by your companion's manners."
  343. Jan 04 22:47:40 »» @Heinrich offers Paul his glass.
  344. Jan 04 22:47:58 <ST> Paul gracefully takes it.
  345. Jan 04 22:48:01 »» Tammaro looks down at the monk. How is he doing now?
  346. Jan 04 22:48:20 »» Alexandru leaves his glass untouched
  347. Jan 04 22:48:33 »» @Heinrich takes another ale. Wine was never really his thing.
  348. Jan 04 22:48:45 <ST> ”A pleasure, signora Emilia. I’m afraid I can’t do much about signore Lothar’s stern demeanour… but all things considered, this is not the first time Brother Clement has spouted these accusations at the good name of Lord Giovanni."
  349. Jan 04 22:48:52 <ST> The monk is recovering.
  350. Jan 04 22:49:09 <ST> Marianna takes her glass, not daring to make Lothar angry.
  351. Jan 04 22:49:39 »» Tammaro looks to Roderigo. "I was told as much. How is it that he's been left to his drunken ways for so long? Do his fellows not know of his actions?"
  352. Jan 04 22:49:44 <Afina> There is safety to be found in numbers, and Afina is able to relax a little with the warm fire and the company. She takes the wine gracefully and even manages a small, if tight, smile to Sigismund.
  353. Jan 04 22:50:30 <ST> ”I’m not sure he’s drunk, but mad… and he spends most of his days walking the lands. I assume some take pity upon him and feed him, but from what I heard he was struck with a sickness and it left him deranged… he used to be a respected man.”
  354. Jan 04 22:50:35 <ST> "...padre."
  355. Jan 04 22:50:38 »» Jurij accepts his cup readily. There are few advantages to turning down a free drink.
  356. Jan 04 22:51:09 <ST> Lothar’s lips purse slightly as he realizes not everyone is partaking in the toast, but he shrugs it off.
  357. Jan 04 22:51:26 »» @Heinrich toasts with his ale.
  358. Jan 04 22:51:37 <ST> ”A toast then… I drink to all of you: some of the finest specimens it has ever been my pleasure to find. To your robust, good, health.”
  359. Jan 04 22:52:04 <Emilia> "Well..." She sighs softly. "He should really consider going to some authority if he has proof... And if he's really deranged... well, prayer and a stay in some monastery's cell, no?"
  360. Jan 04 22:52:09 <ST> He raises his glass and drains it, ”Be ready for the coach tomorrow afternoon. Roderigo will transport you. If you need anything, inform him.”
  361. Jan 04 22:52:17 <Tammaro> That takes the wind out of Tammaro's sails, the monk now a subject of pitty rather than scorn. "Perhaps I will bring him back to Rome with me. See if he can be healed of this sickness there."
  362. Jan 04 22:52:45 <Afina> Afina raises her glass and sips from it. She gently encourages Marianna to do the same.
  363. Jan 04 22:52:45 <ST> Roderigo shrugs, but he looks with pity on the coughing figure too. ”Perhaps.”
  364. Jan 04 22:53:02 <ST> Marianna does the same, draining the glass quickly, a little too quickly, and breaks into a cough.
  365. Jan 04 22:53:02 »» @Heinrich raises his ale, and sips it.
  366. Jan 04 22:53:48 <Alexandru> not wanting to be alone in abstaining Alexandru taises his glass also, but he continues to refrain from drinking
  367. Jan 04 22:54:38 »» Emilia then turns to Tammaro. "That might be a good idea, yes..."
  368. Jan 04 22:55:18 <ST> Once everyone finishes, Lothar turns to his guards. ”We depart.” with a flourish he is gone, and Roderigo is retrieved from the stales as well. Before he leaves, the coachman inclines his head to the two, ”I pray tomorrow will bring fortune to you. It is rare to find those who pity the mad and poor. Signora, padre."
  369. Jan 04 22:55:42 »» Tammaro nods his head to the coachman.
  370. Jan 04 22:56:01 »» Emilia makes sure to keep her distance from Lothar, watching him and the guards carefully.
  371. Jan 04 22:57:14 »» Jurij downs his drink in one gulp, having said nothing to the man, careful not to upset him.
  372. Jan 04 22:57:35 »» @Heinrich drinks his ale, quietly ignoring the fact that he's annoyed Lothar.
  373. Jan 04 22:58:23 »» Tammaro moves to head back inside, stopping momentarily to look at Emilia. "I assume that you mean to watch over him?"
  374. Jan 04 22:59:13 »» Emilia nods politely. "Indeed."
  375. Jan 04 23:01:08 »» Tammaro nods and lingers for a moment. "May the Lord watch over you." He finally says, before returning to the relative comfort of the inn.
  376. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Jan 04 23:06:43 2016
  378. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 04 23:38:28 2016
  380. Jan 04 23:38:29 »» Now talking on #heresy
  381. Jan 04 23:38:29 »» Topic for #heresy is: [19:25] <Ryuuta> (are you betraying us fats) [19:25] <Freddie> [yes]
  382. Jan 04 23:38:29 »» Topic for #heresy set by ChanServ! at Thu Aug 27 04:09:40 2015
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