

Apr 12th, 2024
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  1.     def get_strength(self, obj):
  2.         # Starting sentence about the planet's position
  3.         dignities = f"The {obj.planet} in {obj.sign} "
  5.         # List to hold different status parts, easier to join later.
  6.         status_parts = []
  8.         # Check each condition and add to the list
  9.         if essential.ruler(obj.sign):
  10.             status_parts.append(f"rules {obj.sign}, indicating a strong alignment with its natural qualities")
  11.         if essential.exalt(obj.sign):
  12.             status_parts.append(f"is exalted, enhancing its positive attributes")
  13.         if essential.fall(obj.sign):
  14.             status_parts.append(f"is in fall, which may challenge its expression and weaken its effects")
  15.         if essential.detriment(obj.sign):
  16.             status_parts.append(f"is in detriment, facing difficulties in fully manifesting its characteristics")
  17.         if essential.dayTrip(obj.sign):
  18.             status_parts.append("is strong in day triplicity, favoring its energies during the day")
  19.         elif essential.nightTrip(obj.sign):
  20.             status_parts.append("is strong in night triplicity, favoring its energies during the night")
  21.         if essential.term(obj.sign, obj.lon):
  22.             status_parts.append(f"is in its term, gaining some specific strengths in certain degrees of {obj.sign}")
  23.         if essential.face(obj.sign, obj.lon):
  24.             status_parts.append(f"is in its face, which provides a minor dignity at these degrees")
  25.         if essential.isPeregrine(obj.planet, obj.sign, obj.lon):
  26.             status_parts.append("is peregrine, lacking any essential dignity and thus may feel out of place or ineffective")
  28.         # Joining all the status parts with proper punctuation
  29.         if status_parts:
  30.             dignities += "demonstrates that " + "; ".join(status_parts)
  31.         else:
  32.             dignities += "does not have any strong essential dignities, which might indicate a lack of significant influence or a neutral position"
  34.         # Finish with a period to complete the sentence
  35.         return dignities + "."
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