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Oct 17th, 2018
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  1. MenuElement - Class
  2. MenuElement({}) -- initial call; returns instance
  3. possible properties of the input table:
  4. - id = "string", can be omitted but then it will not save
  5. - name = "string"
  6. - type = MENU|PARAM|SPACE, for PARAM type can be omitted
  7. - leftIcon = "string" [URL!], -> icon displayed on the left, 100% menu height
  8. - rightIcon = "string" [URL!] -> automatically converts param to boolean, 50% menu height
  9. - icon = "string" [URL!] -> icon displayed on the right, e.g. sub menu, 100% menu height
  10. - value =
  11. -> true|false, creates boolean param
  12. -> number, creates slider param
  13. -> + min = "number" + max = "number" [+ step = "number"] [+ identifier = "string"]
  14. or
  15. -> drop = {"string"[, "string", ...]}
  16. -> table {"number", "number"}, creates min/max slider param
  17. -> + min = "number" + max = "number" [+ step = "number"]
  18. - color = "color", creates color param
  19. -> Draw.Color(integer)
  20. or
  21. -> Draw.Color(hex)
  22. or
  23. -> Draw.Color(alpha, red, green, blue)
  24. or
  25. -> Draw.Color(hue, saturation, lightness)
  26. - key = "number", creates key param
  27. - toggle = "boolean", defaults to false, used to make a toggle key param
  28. - callback = "function"
  29. -> gets called on param change with changed value as input
  30. - onKeyChange = "function"
  31. -> gets called on key change with changed key as input
  32. - onhover = "function"
  33. -> gets called on param hover with the param as input
  34. - onclick = "function"
  35. -> gets called on param click with the param as input
  36. - tooltip = "string"
  37. -> gets displayed on hover
  38. instance:MenuElement({})
  39. creates submenu
  40. instance:Value([newVal])
  41. -> if called without newVal it returns the current value
  42. -> if called with newVal it'll set the current value to newVal and return it
  43. instance:Sprite(which[, url])
  44. -> which = "string"; "leftIcon"|"rightIcon"|"icon"
  45. -> if called without url it returns the current sprite
  46. -> if called with url it'll set the current sprite to that url
  47. instance:Hide([bool])
  48. -> if called without bool it'll toggle the hide property between true|false and return it
  49. -> if called with bool it'll set the hide property to that value and return it
  50. instance:Remove()
  51. -> this will permanently remove the MenuElement
  53. Example:
  54. local menu = MenuElement({id = "myMenu", name = "This is my Menu", type = MENU})
  55. menu:MenuElement({id = "bool", name = "My boolean Value", value = true})
  56. menu:MenuElement({id = "slide", name = "My slider", value = 0.7, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.1})
  57. menu:MenuElement({id = "space", name = "This will get hidden on mouse click", type = SPACE, onclick = function() end})
  58. Callback.Add("Tick", function()
  59. PrintChat("My bool: "..tostring(menu.bool:Value()).."; My slider: "";")
  60. end)
  64. Vector - Class
  65. Vector(...) -- initial call; returns instance
  66. overloads:
  67. () => 'nullvector' => (0, 0, 0)
  68. ({x = 100, y = 100}) => (xy-table) => (100, 100)
  69. ({x = 100, y = 0, z = 100}) => (xyz-table) => (100, 0, 100)
  70. (100, 0, 100) => (number, number, number) => (100, 0, 100)
  71. ({x = 0, y = 50, z = 75}, {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}) => (startVec, endVec) => (100, 50, 25)
  72. properties:
  73. .x -- the x value
  74. .y -- the y value
  75. .z -- the z value
  76. .onScreen -- for 2D vectors
  77. functions:
  78. :To2D() -- returns screenpos from Vector3 (alias ToScreen)
  79. :ToMM() -- returns minimap position from Vector3
  80. :Clone() -- returns a new vector
  81. :Unpack() -- returns x, y, z
  82. :DistanceTo(Vector) -- returns distance to another vector or, if ommited, myHero
  83. :Len() -- returns length
  84. :Len2() -- returns squared length
  85. :Normalize() -- normalizes a vector
  86. :Normalized() -- creates a new vector, normalizes it and returns it
  87. :Center(Vector) -- center between 2 vectors
  88. :CrossProduct(Vector) -- cross product of 2 vectors (alias: CrossP)
  89. :DotProduct(Vector) -- dot product of 2 vectors (alias: DotP)
  90. :ProjectOn(Vector) -- projects a vector on a vector
  91. :MirrorOn(Vector) -- mirrors a vector on a vector
  92. :Sin(Vector) -- calculates sin of 2 vector
  93. :Cos(Vector) -- calculates cos of 2 vector
  94. :Angle(Vector) -- calculates angle between 2 vectors
  95. :AffineArea(Vector) -- calculates area between 2 vectors
  96. :TriangleArea(Vector) -- calculates triangular area between 2 vectors
  97. :RotateX(phi) -- rotates vector by phi around x axis
  98. :RotateY(phi) -- rotates vector by phi around y axis
  99. :RotateZ(phi) -- rotates vector by phi around z axis
  100. :Rotate(phiX, phiY, phiZ) -- rotates vector
  101. :Rotated(phiX, phiY, phiZ) -- creates a new vector, rotates it and returns it
  102. :Polar() -- returns polar value
  103. :AngleBetween(Vector, Vector) -- returns the angle formed from a vector to both input vectors
  104. :Compare(Vector) -- compares both vectors, returns difference
  105. :Perpendicular() -- creates a new vector that is rotated 90° right
  106. :Perpendicular2() -- creates a new vector that is rotated 90° left
  107. :Extend(Vector, distance) -- extends a vector towards a vector
  108. :Extended(Vector, distance) -- creates a new vector, extends it and returns it
  109. :Shorten(Vector, distance) -- shortens a vector towards a vector
  110. :Shortened(Vector, distance) -- creates a new vector, shortens it and returns it
  111. :Lerp(Vector, delta) -- creates a new vector, lerps it towards vector by delta
  115. Sprite - Class
  116. Sprite(path)
  117. overloads:
  118. Sprite(path, scale)
  119. Sprite(path, scaleX, scaleY)
  120. properties (READ-ONLY):
  121. .x -- the x value
  122. .y -- the y value
  123. .pos -- Vector2
  124. .path -- file path
  125. .width -- the width
  126. .height -- the height
  127. .scale -- the scale
  128. .color -- the color
  129. functions:
  130. :Draw() -- draws the sprite at .pos
  131. :Draw(Vector2) -- draws the sprite at Vector2
  132. :Draw(x, y) -- draws the sprite at x y
  133. :Draw({x, y, w, h}, Vector2) -- draws a rectangle of the sprite at Vector2
  134. :Draw({x, y, w, h}, x, y) -- draws a rectangle of the sprite at x y
  135. :SetScale(scale) -- sets a sprite's scale
  136. :SetScale(scaleX, scaleY) -- sets a sprite's scale
  137. :SetPos(Vector2) -- sets a sprite's pos
  138. :SetPos(x, y) -- sets a sprite's pos
  139. :SetColor(Color) -- sets a sprite's color
  141. GameObject
  142. -- not callable by user
  143. properties:
  144. .networkID
  145. .handle -- use for missile owner/target check
  146. .chnd --use for camp handle
  147. .buffCount
  148. .isMe
  149. .isAlly
  150. .isEnemy
  151. .team
  152. .owner
  153. .targetID --Turret Target
  154. .type
  155. .name
  156. .charName
  157. .health
  158. .maxHealth
  159. .mana
  160. .maxMana
  161. .hudAmmo
  162. .hudMaxAmmo --used for Jhin/Graves bullets or Annie stun or even Kled mount health; use with caution on other champs because it's not always 0 by default
  163. .shieldAD
  164. .shieldAP
  165. .cdr
  166. .armorPen
  167. .armorPenPercent
  168. .bonusArmorPenPercent
  169. .magicPen
  170. .magicPenPercent
  171. .baseDamage
  172. .bonusDamage
  173. .totalDamage
  174. .ap
  175. .lifeSteal
  176. .spellVamp
  177. .attackSpeed
  178. .critChance
  179. .armor
  180. .bonusArmor
  181. .magicResist
  182. .bonusMagicResist
  183. .hpRegen
  184. .mpRegen
  185. .ms
  186. .range
  187. .boundingRadius
  188. .gold
  189. .totalGold
  190. .dead
  191. .visible
  192. .isImmortal --works for zhonya and kayle ulti ++
  193. .isTargetable
  194. .isTargetableToTeam --works for turrets
  195. .distance
  196. .pos
  197. .x
  198. .y
  199. .z
  200. .posTo
  201. .x
  202. .y
  203. .z
  204. .hpBar
  205. .x
  206. .y
  207. .onScreen
  208. .pos2D
  209. .x
  210. .y
  211. .onScreen
  212. .toScreen
  213. .x
  214. .y
  215. .onScreen
  216. .posMM
  217. .x
  218. .y
  219. .dir
  220. .x
  221. .y
  222. .z
  223. .isCampUp -- for jungle camps only
  224. .valid -- for units only
  225. .attackData -- for units only
  227. .windUpTime
  228. .windDownTime
  229. .animationTime
  230. .endTime
  231. .castFrame
  232. .projectileSpeed
  233. .target -- GameObject handle
  234. .attackDelayOffsetPercent -- used for calculating animationTime
  235. .attackDelayCastOffsetPercent -- used for calculating windUpTime
  236. .levelData -- for heroes only
  237. .exp
  238. .lvl
  239. .lvlPts
  240. .activeSpell
  241. .valid --always use this to check if it's casting
  242. .level
  243. .name
  244. .startPos -- Vector
  245. .placementPos -- Vector
  246. .target -- GameObject handle
  247. .windup
  248. .animation
  249. .range
  250. .mana
  251. .width
  252. .speed
  253. .coneAngle
  254. .coneDistance
  255. .acceleration
  256. .castFrame
  257. .maxSpeed
  258. .minSpeed
  259. .spellWasCast
  260. .isAutoAttack
  261. .isCharging
  262. .isChanneling
  263. .startTime
  264. .castEndTime
  265. .endTime
  266. .isStopped
  267. .activeSpellSlot --use this to determine which spell slot was activated for ".activeSpell"
  268. .isChanneling --use this to determine if ".activeSpell" is actually a spell, otherwise it's autoattack
  269. .missileData -- for missiles only
  270. .name -- string
  271. .owner -- GameObject handle
  272. .target -- GameObject handle
  273. .startPos -- Vector
  274. .endPos -- Vector
  275. .placementPos -- Vector
  276. .range
  277. .delay
  278. .speed
  279. .width
  280. .manaCost
  281. .bonusDamagePercent -- for minions only
  282. .flatDamageReduction -- for minions only
  283. .pathing --returns waypoints for unit
  284. .hasMovePath
  285. .pathIndex
  286. .startPos
  287. .x
  288. .y
  289. .z
  290. .endPos
  291. .x
  292. .y
  293. .z
  294. .pathCount
  295. functions: -- for units only
  296. :GetSpellData(iSlot)
  297. .name
  298. .level
  299. .castTime -- time the spell was casted last
  300. .cd
  301. .currentCd
  302. .ammo
  303. .ammoTime
  304. .ammoCd
  305. .ammoCurrentCd
  306. .toggleState
  307. .range
  308. .mana
  309. .width
  310. .speed
  311. .targetingType
  312. .coneAngle
  313. .coneDistance
  314. .acceleration
  315. .castFrame
  316. .maxSpeed
  317. .minSpeed
  318. :GetItemData(index)
  319. .itemID
  320. .stacks
  321. .ammo
  322. :GetBuff(index)
  323. .type
  324. .name
  325. .startTime
  326. .expireTime
  327. .duration
  328. .stacks
  329. .count
  330. .sourcenID
  331. .sourceName
  332. :GetPrediction(speed,delay) --Vector
  333. .x
  334. .y
  335. .z
  336. :GetCollision(width,speed,delay)
  337. number --Collision Count
  338. :IsValidTarget(range,team check,source or pos) -- returns a boolean
  339. :GetPath(index) --returns a vector
  340. .x
  341. .y
  342. .z
  347. Draw API: {
  348. Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z)
  349. Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, Color)
  350. Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius)
  351. Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, Color)
  352. Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, width)
  353. Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, width, Color)
  354. Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3)
  355. Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, Color)
  356. Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius)
  357. Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, Color)
  358. Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, width)
  359. Circle = Draws a 3D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, width, Color)
  360. CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z)
  361. CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, Color)
  362. CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius)
  363. CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, Color)
  364. CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, width)
  365. CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (x, y, z, radius, width, Color)
  366. CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3)
  367. CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, Color)
  368. CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius)
  369. CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, Color)
  370. CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, width)
  371. CircleMinimap = Draws a 2D Circle; Input: (Vector3, radius, width, Color)
  372. Rect = Draws a 2D Rectangle; Input: (x, y, width, height)
  373. Rect = Draws a 2D Rectangle; Input: (x, y, width, height, Color)
  374. Rect = Draws a 2D Rectangle; Input: (Vector2, width, height)
  375. Rect = Draws a 2D Rectangle; Input: (Vector2, width, height, Color)
  376. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, x2, y2)
  377. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, x2, y2, Color)
  378. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, x2, y2, width)
  379. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, x2, y2, width, Color)
  380. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, x2, y2)
  381. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, x2, y2, Color)
  382. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, x2, y2, width)
  383. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, x2, y2, width, Color)
  384. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, Vector2)
  385. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, Vector2, Color)
  386. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, Vector2, width)
  387. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (x1, y1, Vector2, width, Color)
  388. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, Vector2)
  389. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, Vector2, Color)
  390. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, Vector2, width)
  391. Line = Draws a 2D Line; Input: (Vector2, Vector2, width, Color)
  392. Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (a, r, g, b); Returns Color
  393. Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (hex); Returns Color
  394. Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (unsigned); Returns Color
  395. Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (h, s, l); Returns Color
  396. Color = Creates a drawable Color; Input: (); Returns Color
  397. Default Color is White.
  398. Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, x, y)
  399. Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, x, y)
  400. Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, x, y, Color)
  401. Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, x, y, Color, Font)
  402. Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, Vector2)
  403. Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, Vector2)
  404. Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, Vector2, Color)
  405. Text = Draws a 2D Text; Input: (text, size, Vector2, Color, Font)
  406. Font = Creates a drawable Font; Input: (path, fontName)
  407. FontRect = Gets a Font Rectangle; Input: (text, fontSize); Return {width, height}
  408. FontRect = Gets a Font Rectangle; Input: (text, fontSize, Font); Return {width, height}
  409. }
  413. Control API: {
  414. LeftClick = Executes a left mouse click; Input: (XYTable | x, y)
  415. RightClick = Executes a right mouse click; Input: (XYTable | x, y)
  416. CastSpell = Executes a keystroke; Input: (char | byte)
  417. CastSpell = Executes a keystroke; Input: (char | byte, GameObject)
  418. CastSpell = Executes a keystroke and moves mouse; Input: (char | byte, x, y) --screen position
  419. CastSpell = Executes a keystroke and moves mouse; Input: (char | byte, x, y, z)
  420. CastSpell = Executes a keystroke and moves mouse; Input: (char | byte, Vector3)
  421. Move = Sends a move command towards mousePos; Input: none
  422. Move = Sends a move command; Input: (x, y) --screen position
  423. Move = Sends a move command; Input: (x, y, z)
  424. Move = Sends a move command; Input: (Vector3)
  425. Attack = Sends an attack command; Input: (GameObject)
  426. IsKeyDown = Check for a key being held down; Input: none; Return bool
  427. SetCursorPos = Sets the cursor position; Input: (Object | Vector3 | Vector2 | x, y) Return: bool
  428. KeyDown = Holds down a keystroke; Input: (char | byte) Return: bool
  429. KeyUp = Releases up a keystroke; Input: (char | byte) Return: bool
  430. mouse_event = Sends a mouse click (down or up, depending on flag); Input: (byte) Return: bool
  431. }
  435. Game API: {
  436. MyHero = Input none; Returns myHero
  437. Resolution = Input none; Returns Resolution as Vector
  438. FPS = Input none; Returns the total FPS
  439. IsOnTop = Input none; Return true/false if Game is on top
  440. IsChatOpen = Input none; Return true/false if chat is open
  441. Timer = Input none; Return the Game Timer
  442. mapID = The current map ID
  443. HeroCount = Input none; Return the total Hero Count
  444. Hero = Input (index); Return the Hero at index
  445. ObjectCount = Input none; Return the total Object Count
  446. Object = Input (index); Return the Object at index
  447. HeroCount = Input none; Return the total Hero Count
  448. Hero = Input (index); Return the Hero at index
  449. CampCount = Input none; Return the total Camp Count
  450. Camp = Input (index); Return the Camp at index
  451. TurretCount = Input none; Return the total Turret Count
  452. Turret = Input (index); Return the Turret at index
  453. MissileCount = Input none; Return the total Object Count
  454. Missile = Input (index); Return the Object at index
  455. ParticleCount = Input none; Return the total Object Count
  456. Particle = Input (index); Return the Object at index
  457. MinionCount = Input none; Return the total Minion Count
  458. Minion = Input (index); Return the Minion at index
  459. WardCount = Input none; Return the total Wards Count
  460. Ward = Input (index); Return the Wards at index
  461. ObjectCount = Input none; Return the total Object Count
  462. Object = Input (index); Return the Object at index
  463. GetObjectByNetID = Input (networkID); returns the object with the networkID requested
  464. Latency = Input none; Returns the game latency (ping)
  465. CanUseSpell = Input (spell index); Returns the state of a specific spell
  466. mousePos = alias to the global mouse pos; Return Vector3
  467. cursorPos = alias to the global cursor pos; Return Vector2
  468. }
  472. Callback API: {
  473. Add = Adds a new Callback; Input: (iType, function); Return: callbackID
  474. Del = Deletes a callback, Input: (iType, callbackID)
  475. }
  477. iTypes: {
  478. "Load",
  479. "UnLoad",
  480. "GameEnd",
  481. "Tick",
  482. "Draw",
  483. "WndMsg", -- (msg, wParam)
  484. "ProcessRecall" -- (unit, proc)
  485. }
  489. Global Constants:
  496. READY
  501. NOMANA
  511. KEY_UP
  512. KEY_DOWN
  524. _Q
  525. _W
  526. _E
  527. _R
  528. ITEM_1
  529. ITEM_2
  530. ITEM_3
  531. ITEM_4
  532. ITEM_5
  533. ITEM_6
  534. ITEM_7 --(trinket)
  535. SUMMONER_1
  536. SUMMONER_2
  538. HK_Q
  539. HK_W
  540. HK_E
  541. HK_R
  542. HK_ITEM_1
  543. HK_ITEM_2
  544. HK_ITEM_3
  545. HK_ITEM_4
  546. HK_ITEM_5
  547. HK_ITEM_6
  548. HK_ITEM_7 --(trinket)
  549. HK_SUMMONER_1
  550. HK_SUMMONER_2
  551. HK_TCO -- Target Champions Only
  552. HK_LUS -- Level Up Spell Hotkey
  553. HK_MENU -- Hotkey for the LUA Menu
  555. MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN --used by mouse_event
  560. Obj_AI_SpawnPoint
  561. Obj_AI_Camp
  562. Obj_AI_Barracks
  563. Obj_AI_Hero
  564. Obj_AI_Minion
  565. Obj_AI_Turret
  566. Obj_AI_LineMissle
  567. Obj_AI_Shop
  568. Obj_AI_Nexus
  570. cursorPos (Vector2)
  571. mousePos (Vector3)
  573. myHero (GameObject)
  576. Global Functions:
  577. GetTickCount()
  578. GetImageInfoFromFile(path)
  579. PrintChat(message) -- prints one string
  580. print(...) -- prints everything
  581. DumpDocumentation("api.lua") -- writes
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