
Reset: Unrequited

May 16th, 2012
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  1. >It's been three weeks since you decided to keep Janus.
  2. >Since she only got one reset, she acts much closer to fluffy pony baseline behavior than Amnesia.
  3. >It's frankly a hassle to keep track of her, but Amnesia helps.
  4. >Very common to hear her scolding the former stray for shitting in the wrong place.
  5. >Or for knocking something over.
  6. >Janus always apologizes, but an hour later she does the exact same thing again.
  7. >You are beginning to grow annoyed.
  8. >One day, while you're busy with work things on your computer, Janus waddles into the room.
  9. >”Daddy, wan' sgetties pwease! Janus hung'y!”
  10. >She ate dinner not more than forty-five minutes ago.
  11. “You've been fed, Janus. Go play with Amnesia while I finish this, okay?”
  12. >”Hung'y!” she whines, clinging to your shin. “Pwease gif nummies!”
  13. >The task at hand requires all your concentration, so you ignore her.
  14. >For five minutes, she whines about being hungry. You feel her light grip on her leg.
  15. >Suddenly, she lets go and raises up on the side of your office chair.
  16. >”Gif nummies! Janus hung'y!”
  17. >You continue to ignore her.
  18. >”Why no gif nummies? Why daddy no wuv Janus anymo'?” she begins to pout.
  19. >When you don't rebuff that notion, she begins to cry.
  20. >”No wuv Janus! Daddy no wuv Janus anymo'!” she wails, waddling in circles.
  21. >You still ignore her.
  22. >Amnesia comes in. “Janus, pway bwocks wif Amneesa!”
  23. >”No wan' pway, wan' nummies! Wan' daddy wuv Janus, an' gif nummies!”
  24. >Amnesia blinks. “Jus' haf nummies! Daddy wuv fwuffies, gif nummies!”
  25. >”Wan' nummies now!” Janus whines, trying to get up in your chair again.
  26. >Confused, Amnesia waddles out to play.
  27. >You continue to ignore the crying pegasus.
  28. >”Daddy no talkies! Daddy no wuv Janus!” she cries repeatedly.
  29. >Only when she falls silent do you glance down.
  30. >She lays on the carpet, curled into a shivering ball and sniffling quietly.
  31. >”No wuv fwuffy, daddy no wuv anymo', why no wuv fwuffy?” she whispers.
  32. >You blink. Before now, she's always referred to herself by name.
  33. >”Fwuffy jus' wan wuv, pwease gif wuv to fwuffy...”
  34. >You're done with your work now, and reach down to pet her.
  35. “What's wrong, Janus?”
  36. >She perks back up instantly when you say her name.
  37. >”Daddy wuv Janus 'gain! Janus so happy!” she chirps, hugging your arm.
  38. >You begin to realize something is off.
  39. >Janus seemed to be in actual physical distress, but why?
  40. >Surely not because you weren't paying her any attention.
  41. > couldn't be.
  42. >An idea is forming in your head.
  43. >Soon, it will be time for science.
  44. >It's the next morning, and your sister is over.
  45. >Amnesia didn't really like the idea of going away, but you assured her she'd be all right.
  46. >You're sending her to your sister's house for the week.
  47. >She already has fluffies, so your unicorn will be in good hands and have friends to play with.
  48. >Besides, you don't want her to interfere in this.
  49. >The experiment begins immediately after Amnesia is gone.
  50. >”Whewe fwiend Amneesa go?” Janus asks.
  51. >You do not say a word.
  52. >You can hear the pegasus waddling after you as you move around.
  53. >”Daddy, whewe Amneesa go? Amneesa come back? Janus miss fwiend!”
  54. >You remain silent, simply going about your morning routine before you leave for work.
  55. >Janus is confused, constantly asking where Amnesia is.
  56. >Once you're ready to leave, you set her in the restored upstairs safe room as usual, but give her no treat.
  57. >You shut the door and leave, hearing her cry behind you about being alone.
  58. >It's twenty minutes after eight PM when you return home.
  59. >You believe it's very likely she has forgotten about Amnesia by now.
  60. >She waddles around your legs happily when you open the safe room door.
  61. >”Daddy home! Fwuffy miss daddy! Fwuffy no woney now!” she cheers.
  62. >Christ. She doesn't even recall her own name, no chance she remembers Amnesia.
  63. >You guess that's probably because the unicorn isn't here to say it so often.
  64. >You glance into the safe room.
  65. >It is a minefield of fluffy turds. She only hit her litter box twice.
  66. >That carpet is probably ruined, but it's not a big deal.
  67. >As she hugs your legs, you find that while her name eludes her, her love for you does not.
  68. >Janus continues to babble happily as she follows you downstairs.
  69. >”Fwuffy wuv daddy! Fwuffy wan' nummies, daddy gif?”
  70. >You feed her, but still don't talk to her.
  71. >She's talking so much right now, she hasn't noticed that yet.
  72. >When you're both done with dinner, you wash up and relax on the couch.
  73. >This is when Janus begins to figure it out.
  74. >”Pway wif bwocks wif fwuffy, daddy! Is fun!”
  75. >You don't even look at her.
  76. >”Daddy? No heaw fwuffy? Fwuffy say pway wif bwocks and fwuffy!”
  77. >Eyes straight ahead. You can barely see her waddle over.
  78. >”Daddy okay? Why no come pway?” she asks, tugging on your pants leg.
  79. >No response.
  80. >You can't see it, but her lips begin quivering. “D-daddy no pway wif fwuffy? Why no pway?”
  81. >When you don't reply, she begins trying to jump up on the couch. “Daddy! Fwuffy no wike quiet, why no talkies to fwuffy? Why no pway?”
  82. >You don't help her up. You don't even acknowledge her struggle.
  83. >”Daddy, hewp fwuffy! Fwuffy gif huggies, make daddy betta! Hewp daddy pway!”
  84. >Eyes locked on the TV.
  85. >She stops, plopping down on her haunches on the floor. “Daddy? Fwuffy scawed! Talkies!”
  86. >Silence.
  87. >She begins crying. “Why no talkies, daddy? Daddy okay? Fwuffy scawed!”
  88. >Flipping through channels.
  89. >”Daddy...daddy no wuv fwuffy?”
  90. >Bingo, we're back here again.
  91. >You continue to ignore her.
  92. >She tries to get up onto the couch again, madly flapping her wings.
  93. >”Fwuffy am sowwy fo' be bad! Pwease wuv fwuffy!” she bawls.
  94. >When you don't speak, she falls over and begins hiccuping.
  95. >”Fwuffy...fwuffy am...fwuffy am sowwy! Fwuffy mean be bad!”
  96. >It's getting harder to ignore her, but you press on.
  97. >”Fwuffy am bad, fwuffy am sowwy! Pwease no huwt!” she yells, toddling about in circles around your coffee table.
  98. >After ten minutes of this, she suddenly waddles over and shits in front of the TV.
  99. >”No smeww pwetty...nuuuuuu, make bad poopies! Fwuffy sowwy, fwuffy no mean to!”
  100. >She remembers that. You kind of lost your temper when she shat in front of the TV the first time.
  101. >Even Amnesia was scared.
  102. >”No yeww! Pwease no yeww, fwuffy sowwy!” she sobs, coming over to hug your leg again.
  103. >When you fail to punish her, fail to even acknowledge her existence, something happens.
  104. >Janus sits down by your legs and blinks.
  105. >”No yeww? Why no yeww? Fwuffy bad!”
  106. >Her tears are dried, her sobs quieted, even her lips are still.
  107. >”Daddy no mad? Daddy no wuv? Daddy no wuv an' no mad?”
  108. >You fight the urge to look down at her while she tries to process this.
  109. >”Fwuffy am good, am bad too? Daddy no am mad, no wuv fwuffy too?”
  110. >She falls silent, sitting on her haunches and looking around.
  111. >After a few minutes, she blurts out. “Daddy! Wuv fwuffy pwease! Is okay yeww at fwuffy if wan', fwuffy no be sad! Fwuffy be okay!”
  112. >'Love' appears to be a broad term for the fluffy pony.
  113. >Perhaps the abused ones aren't totally sad. It is attention, after all.
  114. >But Janus, faced with the insurmountable wall of your silence, has no idea what to do.
  115. >”Daddy! Pwease talkies! Pwease yeww! Pwease huggies! Pwease wuv!” she begs, tugging on your pants again.
  116. >You fight to ignore her. Her pleas and tugs get more frantic as the silent seconds tick by.
  117. >Finally, you glance up at the wall clock. It's late.
  118. >Wordlessly, you pick Janus up, and put her in the upstairs safe room.
  119. >”No smeww pwetty!” is the first sentence out of her mouth.
  120. >When you shut the door behind her, she begins lightly banging on it.
  121. >”Gif wuv! Gif woud yewws! Fwuffy wan' talkies! Pwease wuv! Pwease somefin'!”
  122. >She says iterations of that over and over, but finally becomes quiet.
  123. >Since she's tired herself out, you go on to bed.
  124. >The next morning, you go first thing to check on Janus.
  125. >She lays on her side in the center of the room, a tremendous puddle of liquid waste pooled at her rear end.
  126. >This puddle is at the end of a long, swerving spiral of brown that covers most of the carpet.
  127. >You navigate the fluffy crap to check on her.
  128. “Janus? Janus?”
  129. >Her chest fluff is still.
  130. >She is dead.
  131. >You pick her up to look at her. Her eyes are glassy. Rivulets of dried saliva surround her open mouth.
  132. >It looks like she's had a catastrophic seizure.
  133. >You continue to examine her. Her joints are ruined.
  134. >It appears as though she tried to run her legs right out of their sockets.
  135. >Her wings are partially torn off.
  136. >Without human or fluffy input, Janus's mind did not know what to do to get acknowledgment.
  137. >Since her mind didn't know what to do, it seems to have done everything at once.
  138. >While you dispose of the body and begin cleaning up, you come to a clear realization:
  139. >For the fluffy pony, attention is no more optional than food, water, and air.
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