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May 23rd, 2017
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  2. You are in a roleplay situation and you end up getting shot. You have an item in your inventory that will replace the health that you have lost. When is it ok to use it?
  3. Never
  4. As you are firing your weapon back
  5. During the roleplay situation
  6. After the roleplay situation
  7. When is it ok to sell firearms or ammo that you have received from a Personal Firearms (PF) License?
  8. Never
  9. When you are selling to a gang member
  10. When you are selling it to a friend
  11. Emergencies only
  12. Which one of the vehicle models listed below would be acceptable in FiveRP?
  13. Honda Accord
  14. Dodge Charger
  15. Chevrolet Camaro
  16. Bravado Buffalo
  17. Someone engages in an out of character conversation with you and insults you repeatedly. How do you reply?
  18. I insult them back
  19. I remain respectful and file a report for out-of-character insults
  20. I ignore him/her
  21. I tell everyone about it so he faces a community backlash
  22. What is the definition of deathmatching?
  23. Robbing a lot of people because you need money
  24. Killing somebody in a shootout
  25. Killing an enemy gang because they’re provoking you
  26. Senselessly killing another player with no in-character reason
  27. Which of these types of roleplay would not require prior OOC consent?
  28. Robbery
  29. Dismemberment
  30. Torture/mutilating someone
  31. Rape
  32. You find a bug exploit that allows you to spawn money into your bank account. What do you do with it?
  33. Use the bug, adding money to your bank account
  34. Report it to the administration team, or post it in the correct section on the forums
  35. Tell all your friends about it
  36. Ignore the bug completely
  37. What is an acceptable name?
  38. Vladimir Putin
  39. Craig Teller
  40. Trevor Phillips
  41. Pelvis Wesley
  42. Which of the following would be considered an out-of-character chat?
  43. In-game PMs
  44. In-game SMSes
  45. In-game radio
  46. In-game chat
  47. You’ve just finished robbing a player in game, the player has fully complied with your demands and has given over their possessions to you. You want to make sure that the cops don’t find out and think about killing the other player, how would you go about this?
  48. Be as descriptive as possible when shooting the player and disposing of their body, using /me’s and /do’s as much as possible to ensure that the roleplay situation is up to standard
  49. You decide to let the player live, as it’s against the rules to kill a player who is fully compliant during a robbery
  50. Shoot the player in the head and run away. That guy is dead now, he can’t talk!
  51. None of these
  52. Which of the following would be classified as metagaming?
  53. Asking someone how many players are currently connected to the server over Teamspeak
  54. Telling your friend where your current location is in-game over Teamspeak
  55. Using /b to ask someone what time they’ll log in tomorrow
  56. Using the in-character chat mechanic to ask your friend for help during a robbery
  57. What is the definition of powergaming?
  58. Doing well in a shootout and winning
  59. Performing an extraordinary feat out of pure luck
  60. Your character performing entirely unrealistic actions, or roleplaying on the behalf of others or NPC’s
  61. Your character surviving a car crash
  62. You're in a roleplay situation and the opposing party starts breaking rules. What do you do?
  63. DM them back
  64. Roleplay correctly first and report later
  65. Complain in /b about them deathmatching and refuse to roleplay
  66. Halt the roleplay and make a report asking an admin for help
  67. Which of the following is an example of revenge killing?
  68. Logging out of the game right before somebody kills you
  69. Getting injured in a shootout and killing your enemy after finding him again
  70. Getting killed by someone and proceeding to kill them after you respawn because you want to get back at them
  71. Killing someone repeatedly for the same thing because they wronged you once before
  72. You want to transfer one of your characters assets to the other character you have registered, how would you do this?
  73. Private message a member of staff on the forums requesting that they transfer your assets over to your other character
  74. Ask a friend to log onto your other character and transfer your assets between your characters in game
  75. None of these
  76. Write out a transfer request via the correct forum and await an administrator’s assistance
  77. You’ve just got away from the cops after robbing the local LTD store, you’re hiding inside a house in Grove Street and figure you’ve gotten away. When are you okay to log off game?
  78. You must wait at least twenty minutes before logging off, allowing the roleplay to fully end before doing so
  79. Any time you like, after all, you’ve evaded the police and they won’t find you now
  80. As long as you can’t hear the sirens from police vehicles, you can log off
  81. Any time as long as you’ve saved your game
  82. You and a friend are involved in conflict with a rival gang, you both end up being killed by the rival gang and unfortunately lose your guns in the process, when is it acceptable for you to go out and seek revenge for your characters killing?
  83. Make sure that a couple of days have passed, you don’t want to annoy the rival gang members
  84. After 48 hours, providing that the other player hasn’t changed their appearance or clothing in that time
  85. Within 48 hours, ensuring that the rival gang leader is aware of the actions you are about to take
  86. Never, as both you and your friend have lost all recollection of the events leading up to and including your deaths
  87. If you are killed, how long are you required to avoid the player that killed you?
  88. 24 hours
  89. 48 hours
  90. 12 hours
  91. 72 hours
  92. Which of the following is an example of powergaming?
  93. Informing your friend of your location ingame via teamspeak/discord
  94. Purchasing a parachute from a nearby 24/7
  95. Calling 911 and claiming that a nearby NPC called them
  96. Shooting another player without roleplaying with them sufficiently beforehand
  97. Which of the following examples would be classified as metagaming?
  98. Telling players your name without them asking
  99. Killing someone with no logical reason
  100. Assuming knowledge of another player’s name based on the name displayed above them
  101. Picking up a car and throwing it at another player
  102. You’ve recently been watching a stream of a well known player via Twitch and you notice that they stash their weapons in a particular area. You decide that you’d like to steal a few of these weapons, after all, he won’t notice. What rule would you be breaking?
  103. Powergaming - As your player is performing an unrealistic action
  104. Scamming or Robbery rules - As you aren’t allowed to rob the player of his weapons
  105. Offensive Roleplay - As the player may be offended you’ve stolen his weapons
  106. Metagaming - As you would be taking information that you’ve gained in an out of character environment and use it for in-character uses
  107. Which of the following would be considered an in-character medium?
  108. In-game /b command
  109. In-character /pm command
  110. In-game radio
  111. Skype
  112. What type of server is FiveRP?
  113. Light roleplay
  114. Deathmatching
  115. Heavy, text-based roleplay
  116. Voice roleplay
  117. From the list below, what weapon can be pulled out without having to describe the action?
  118. A baseball bat
  119. Any weapon that the player wants, as long as it’s no bigger than a rocket launcher
  120. An assault rifle
  121. A .50 Calibre Desert Eagle
  122. Which of the following places would you be able to commit a crime?
  123. In-front of the Police Department
  124. Behind a club
  125. Inside a hospital
  126. At the famous Del Perro Pier
  127. During a roleplay situation, you are robbing another player. What is the max amount of cash you may take off of that character?
  128. $1,000
  129. $15,000
  130. $10,000
  131. $30,000
  132. What is the definition of metagaming?
  133. Using the forums to discuss things that are happening in-game
  134. Discussing out-of-character matters over /pm or /b
  135. Using information gathered out-of-character to benefit you in-character
  136. Talking to your friends over Teamspeak whilst playing the game
  137. To dispute something that an admin has ruled on against you, what should you do?
  138. Complain on the forums about it to everyone
  139. Go to another administrator
  140. Make a complaint on the forums
  141. Argue with the administrator
  142. You get in a fist fight with someone for disrespecting your girl. During the fight they run away over to Legion Square, you chase them over. What can you do?
  143. Post a forum complaint and wait for that decision to be made before continuing your roleplay
  144. Let the player know they are breaking the puppy guarding rule and request they leave the safe zone
  145. Void the previous roleplay because they are now in a safe zone
  146. Continue attacking the person if you want because the roleplay started outside of a safe zone
  147. You’ve stolen somebody’s car and would like to take full ownership of it due to the fact that it’s technically yours now. How would you go about contacting the owner to claim ownership of the vehicle?
  148. None of these
  149. Private message them via /pm in game, telling them to /psell the property to your player
  150. It is against the rules to permanently scam or steal real estate, or vehicles from another player, so this wouldn't be possible
  151. Gain the players forum name and message them nicely asking them to transfer it into your name
  152. Which of the following would be classified as deathmatching?
  153. Finding someone on the street and shooting them because you feel like it
  154. In a roleplay situation, starting a fight with somebody because they insulted you
  155. Killing someone who doesn’t follow your orders during a robbery
  156. Shooting at the police during a pursuit because you don’t want to get caught
  157. You walk out the backdoor of a building and into an alleyway, when suddenly a vehicle comes out of nowhere and hits you. The player stops the vehicle after hitting you to roleplay that they hit you. Is this acceptable roleplay?
  158. No
  159. Yes
  160. Which of the following would be classified as powergaming?
  161. Using a banana as a weapon
  162. Using information gathered through an out-of-character medium in-character
  163. Pulling out an assault rifle without roleplaying it
  164. Buying a phone from the store after yours was stolen
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