
Copperhead flowers

Aug 25th, 2018
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  1. ==Spring Prime==
  2. snowflare
  3. A relative of the snowdrop, this droopy snow-white flower doesn't wait for the snow to melt before blooming and instead melts its way out from underneath. Its petals can briefly reach temperatures of up to boiling when it's about to bloom.
  5. king's scone
  6. The flowers of this plant cluster tightly together in a flattened ball, shaped just like the Scone of Stone that the Low King of the Dwarves sits upon. Unlike the Scone, however, the flowers are a vivid purple.
  8. ==Summer Prime==
  9. traveller's boon
  10. A bright yellow flower, the saviour of many a lost traveller, that always points to the Hub. This one's been picked, rendering it useless.
  12. traveller's bane
  13. A bright yellow flower, the doom of many a lost traveller, that looks like the similar flower traveller's boon but doesn't point to anywhere in particular. It's possible to tell them apart with a little knowledge.
  15. ==Autumn Prime==
  16. miner's candle
  17. A reannual plant, this red flower starts out as a seed head, goes backwards to a flower, shrinks to a bud over the course of its growing season, then disappears - just like its namesake.
  19. Copperhead aster
  20. An attractive pale purple flower that grows near Copperhead Mountain. Not to be confused with the essentially identical Bear aster, Drumlin's aster, Inkcap aster or purple crackweed.
  22. ==Spindlewinter==
  23. tharga lily
  24. A large fuzzy orange flower with curly pistils that look just like a tharga's horns. It carries the fresh scent of the snowy mountains.
  26. dwarf's beard
  27. A rather shaggy flower that was named after the dwarfs as a joke. It stopped being a joke, however, when the dwarfs started growing it.
  29. ==Secundus Spring==
  30. lesser spotted troll's foot
  31. No one knows how this flower got its name, given that it's actually pink and rather lovely and doesn't seem to bear any resemblance to a troll.
  33. surprising acidwort
  34. This pale purple flower has acidic seeds that can dissolve their way into rock to spread their roots. This wouldn't be as surprising, however, if it didn't spray them in all directions with its exploding seed pods. Moderately dangerous in large patches.
  36. ==Secundus Summer==
  37. dwarf clover
  38. Many mountain flowers grow low to the ground and get named after dwarfs, like the dwarf marigold, the dwarf rhododendron and the dwarf snapdragon. Not this one, which seems to have been named by a dwarf out of spite and grows nearly four feet tall.
  40. Slice daisy
  41. A variety of mountain cactus known for its viciously sharp thorns. Contrary to common knowledge, it doesn't actually originate from Slice.
  43. ==Secundus Autumn==
  44. witch's cauldron
  45. This dark green flower captures stray insects and the occasional frog in its round, cauldron-shaped body. It has a soothing, tea-like scent.
  47. mock goldflower
  48. Curiously, this flower looks like it's made out of gold. Its distinctive shine and colour has led it to be named in Dwarfish: Not Gold At All, Don't Bother.
  50. ==Backspindlewinter==
  51. yeti's claw
  52. This flower has extremely spiky petals that shade from white in the middle to a dark grey at the edges. Despite its painful look, it's actually soft to the touch.
  54. Hogswatch cactus
  55. While the flower of this cactus only blooms once a year, it doesn't bloom on Hogswatch but rather about a week before - it's actually named after its distinctive odour of dead pig.
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