
Console Log

Jan 17th, 2017
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  1. 17.01 01:14:44 [Server] ERROR The mod DragonAPI is expecting signature 32:F5:F4:E8:44:C0:EA:C8:6F:46:8A:8E:F3:05:05:7B:6F:90:0F:78 for source DragonAPI 1.7.10 V16d.jar, however there is no signature matching that description
  2. 17.01 01:14:44 [Server] INFO DragonAPI is not running in a deobfuscated environment.
  3. 17.01 01:14:44 [Server] INFO Registered DRAGONAPI as version v16d
  4. 17.01 01:14:44 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Constructed; Active Classloader is: net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader@643b1d11
  5. 17.01 01:14:44 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Completed loading phase CONSTRUCT in 3 ms (0h:0m:0s:3ms).
  6. 17.01 01:14:45 [Server] INFO DragonAPI: Running patcher SLOTCLICKEVENT [net.minecraft.inventory.Slot/aay]
  7. 17.01 01:14:45 [Server] INFO DragonAPI: Successfully applied SLOTCLICKEVENT [net.minecraft.inventory.Slot/aay] ASM handler!
  8. 17.01 01:14:46 [Server] INFO LanteaCraft ready for action!
  9. 17.01 01:14:46 [Server] ERROR Skipping event FMLConstructionEvent and marking errored mod modtweaker2 since required dependency MineTweaker3 has errored
  10. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: RotaryCraft detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  11. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from RotaryCraft
  12. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: ReactorCraft not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  13. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: ExpandedRedstone not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  14. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: GeoStrata not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  15. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: CritterPet not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  16. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: VoidMonster not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  17. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: UsefulTNT not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  18. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: MeteorCraft not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  19. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: CaveControl not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  20. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: LegacyCraft not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  21. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: ElectriCraft not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  22. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: ChromatiCraft not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  23. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: CondensedOres not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  24. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: BuildCraft|Core not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  25. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: BuildCraft|Energy not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  26. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: BuildCraft|Factory not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  27. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: BuildCraft|Transport not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  28. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: BuildCraft|Silicon not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  29. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Thaumcraft not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  30. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: IC2 not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  31. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: gregtech not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  32. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Forestry detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  33. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from Forestry
  34. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for Forestry: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  35. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for Forestry: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  36. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: appliedenergistics2 detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  37. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from appliedenergistics2
  38. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for appliedenergistics2: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  39. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for appliedenergistics2: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  40. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: MFFS not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  41. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: RedPower not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  42. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: TwilightForest detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  43. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from TwilightForest
  44. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Natura not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  45. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: BiomesOPlenty not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  46. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: ExtraBiomesXL not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  47. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: MineFactoryReloaded detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  48. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from MineFactoryReloaded
  49. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: DartCraft not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  50. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: TConstruct detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  51. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from TConstruct
  52. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: ThermalExpansion detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  53. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from ThermalExpansion
  54. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: ThermalFoundation detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  55. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from ThermalFoundation
  56. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Mekanism not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  57. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: MekanismTools not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  58. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Railcraft not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  59. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: ICBM|Explosion not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  60. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: arsmagica2 not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  61. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: TransitionalAssistance not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  62. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: EnderStorage detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  63. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from EnderStorage
  64. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for EnderStorage: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  65. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for EnderStorage: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  66. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: TreeCapitator not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  67. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: harvestcraft detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  68. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from harvestcraft
  69. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Mystcraft not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  70. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: magicalcrops detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  71. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from magicalcrops
  72. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Mimicry not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  73. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: QuantumCraft not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  74. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: OpenBlocks detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  75. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from OpenBlocks
  76. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: factorization not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  77. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: UniversalElectricity not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  78. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: ExtraUtilities detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  79. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from ExtraUtilities
  80. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: powersuits not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  81. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: RedstoneArsenal detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  82. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from RedstoneArsenal
  83. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: emashercore not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  84. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Highlands not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  85. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: ProjRed|Core detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  86. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from ProjRed|Core
  87. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for ProjRed|Core: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  88. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for ProjRed|Core: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  89. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: witchery not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  90. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: GalacticraftCore detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  91. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from GalacticraftCore
  92. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: ForgeMicroblock detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  93. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from ForgeMicroblock
  94. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for ForgeMicroblock: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  95. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for ForgeMicroblock: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  96. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: OpenComputers detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  97. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from OpenComputers
  98. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for OpenComputers: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  99. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for OpenComputers: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  100. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: NotEnoughItems detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  101. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from NotEnoughItems
  102. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for NotEnoughItems: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  103. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for NotEnoughItems: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  104. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: ATG not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  105. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Waila detected in the MC installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
  106. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from Waila
  107. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for Waila: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  108. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for Waila: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
  109. 17.01 01:14:47 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: bluepower not detected in the MC installation. No special action taken.
  110. 17.01 01:14:48 [Multicraft] Skipped 70 lines due to rate limit (100/s)
  111. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] ERROR Cannot find signing certificate information for IBModContainer!
  112. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] ERROR Fatal errors were detected during the transition from CONSTRUCTING to PREINITIALIZATION. Loading cannot continue
  113. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
  114. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)
  115. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (KCauldron-1.7.10-1614.201.jar)
  116. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (KCauldron-1.7.10-1614.201.jar)
  117. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC kimagine{0.2} [KImagine] (minecraft.jar)
  118. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC appliedexchange-core{1} [Applied Exchange Core] (minecraft.jar)
  119. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC appliedenergistics2-core{rv3-beta-6} [Applied Energistics 2 Core] (minecraft.jar)
  120. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar)
  121. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC InfiniBows{1.3.0 build 20} [InfiniBows] (minecraft.jar)
  122. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC LanteaCraft-Core{1.0} [LanteaCraft Core] (minecraft.jar)
  123. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC Micdoodlecore{} [Micdoodle8 Core] (minecraft.jar)
  124. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (NotEnoughItems-1.7.10-
  125. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC OpenComputers|Core{} [OpenComputers (Core)] (minecraft.jar)
  126. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC OpenModsCore{0.9.1} [OpenModsCore] (minecraft.jar)
  127. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC <CoFH ASM>{000} [CoFH ASM] (minecraft.jar)
  128. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC <DragonAPI ASM>{0} [DragonAPI ASM Data Initialization] (minecraft.jar)
  129. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC mod_ThreadedLighting{1.7.10-1.0} [Threaded Lighting] (minecraft.jar)
  130. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC BinniePatcher{1.8.2} [Binnie Patcher] (minecraft.jar)
  131. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC debug{1.0} [debug] (denseores-1.6.2.jar)
  132. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC gilded-games-util{1.7.10-1.2} [Gilded Games Utility] (gilded-games-util-1.7.10-1.9.jar)
  133. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC bspkrsCore{6.15} [bspkrsCore] ([1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.15.jar)
  134. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC StartingInventory{1.7.10.r03} [StartingInventory] ([1.7.10]StartingInventory-universal-1.7.10.r03.jar)
  135. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC abyssalcraft{} [AbyssalCraft] (AbyssalCraft-1.7.10-
  136. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC appliedenergistics2{rv3-beta-6} [Applied Energistics 2] (appliedenergistics2-rv3-beta-6.jar)
  137. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ae2ee3emcaddon{1.7.10-b8-universal} [AE2 EE3 EMC Addon] (ae2ee3emcaddon-1.7.10-b8-universal.jar)
  138. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC bdlib{} [BD Lib] (bdlib-
  139. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ae2stuff{} [AE2 Stuff] (ae2stuff-
  140. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC aether{1.7.10-1.6} [Aether II] (aether-1.7.10-1.6.jar)
  141. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC AgriCraft{1.7.10-1.5.0} [AgriCraft] (AgriCraft-1.7.10-1.5.0.jar)
  142. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC aobdbb{1.0.6} [Another One Bites The Dust: Berry Bushes] (AOBDBB-1.0.6.jar)
  143. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC gibby_dungeons{1.7} [Arcana RPG] (Arcana RPG 1.6.2-1.7.10.jar)
  144. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC Baubles{} [Baubles] (Baubles-1.7.10-
  145. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC aura{unspecified} [Aura Cascade] (AuraCascade-557.jar)
  146. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC CoFHCore{1.7.10R3.1.3} [CoFH Core] (CoFHCore-[1.7.10]3.1.3-327.jar)
  147. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC autopackager{1.5.9a} [AutoPackager] (autopackager-1.5.9a.jar)
  148. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC Botania{r1.8-249} [Botania] (Botania r1.8-249.jar)
  149. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC Avaritia{1.11} [Avaritia] (Avaritia-1.11.jar)
  150. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC wanionlib{1.7.10-1.5} [WanionLib] (WanionLib-1.7.10-1.5.jar)
  151. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC avaritiaddons{1.2d} [Avaritiaddons] (Avaritiaddons-1.2d.jar)
  152. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC BBG{1.0.0} [BetterBedrockGen] (BBG-1.0.0.jar)
  153. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC BiblioCraft{1.11.5} [BiblioCraft] (BiblioCraft[v1.11.5][MC1.7.10].jar)
  154. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ThermalFoundation{1.7.10R1.2.5} [Thermal Foundation] (ThermalFoundation-[1.7.10]1.2.5-115.jar)
  155. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ThermalExpansion{1.7.10R4.1.4} [Thermal Expansion] (ThermalExpansion-[1.7.10]4.1.4-247.jar)
  156. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC BigReactors{0.4.3A} [Big Reactors] (BigReactors-0.4.3A.jar)
  157. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC HardcoreEnderExpansion{1.8.6} [Hardcore Ender Expansion] (HardcoreEnderExpansion MC-1.7.10 v1.8.6.jar)
  158. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC Forestry{} [Forestry for Minecraft] (forestry_1.7.10-
  159. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC BinnieCore{2.0-pre14} [Binnie Core] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
  160. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC Botany{2.0-pre14} [Botany] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
  161. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ExtraBees{2.0-pre14} [Extra Bees] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
  162. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ExtraTrees{2.0-pre14} [Extra Trees] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
  163. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC Genetics{2.0-pre14} [Genetics] (binnie-mods-2.0-pre14.jar)
  164. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC BrandonsCore{} [Brandon's Core] (BrandonsCore-
  165. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC TwilightForest{2.3.7} [The Twilight Forest] (twilightforest-1.7.10-2.3.7.jar)
  166. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ForgeMultipart{} [Forge Multipart] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  167. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC chisel{} [Chisel] (Chisel-
  168. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC CarpentersBlocks{} [Carpenter's Blocks] (Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.8.1 - MC 1.7.10.jar)
  169. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ComputerCraft{1.75} [ComputerCraft] (ComputerCraft1.75.jar)
  170. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC customnpcs{1.7.10d} [CustomNpcs] (CustomNPCs_1.7.10d(21feb16).jar)
  171. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC DraconicEvolution{1.0.2h} [Draconic Evolution] (Draconic-Evolution-1.7.10-1.0.2h.jar)
  172. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC RedstoneArsenal{1.7.10R1.1.2} [Redstone Arsenal] (RedstoneArsenal-[1.7.10]1.1.2-92.jar)
  173. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ExtraUtilities{1.2.12} [Extra Utilities] (extrautilities-1.2.12.jar)
  174. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC Mantle{1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191} [Mantle] (Mantle-1.7.10-0.3.2b.jar)
  175. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC MineFactoryReloaded{1.7.10R2.8.1} [MineFactory Reloaded] (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.1-174.jar)
  176. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC Waila{1.5.10} [Waila] (Waila-1.5.10_1.7.10.jar)
  177. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC TConstruct{1.7.10-1.8.8.build988} [Tinkers' Construct] (TConstruct-1.7.10-1.8.8.jar)
  178. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC MagicBees{2.4.3} [Magic Bees] (magicbees-1.7.10-2.4.3.jar)
  179. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC MrTJPCoreMod{} [MrTJPCore] (MrTJPCore-1.7.10-
  180. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ProjRed|Core{4.7.0pre12.95} [ProjectRed Core] (ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre12.95-Base.jar)
  181. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC DragonAPI{1.0} [DragonAPI] (DragonAPI 1.7.10 V16d.jar)
  182. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC druidry{2016.8.10-1.7.10} [�2Druidry] (druidry(2016.8.10.2)(1.7.10).jar)
  183. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC DummyCore{1.13} [DummyCore] (DummyCore1.13.jar)
  184. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC endercore{1.7.10-} [EnderCore] (EnderCore-1.7.10-
  185. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC EnderIO{1.7.10-} [Ender IO] (EnderIO-1.7.10-
  186. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC waterhooks{1.2.1} [Water Hooks] (waterhooks-1.2.1.jar)
  187. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC enderioaddons{0.10.11} [Ender IO Addons] (EnderIOAddons-1.7.10-
  188. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC EnderStorage{} [EnderStorage] (EnderStorage-1.7.10-
  189. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ShetiPhianCore{3.0.0} [ShetiPhian-Core] (ShetiPhianCore-1.7.10-3.0.0.jar)
  190. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC EnderTanks{rev16-beta1} [EnderTanks] (EnderTanks-rev16-beta1.jar)
  191. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC EnderTech{1.7.10-} [EnderTech] (EnderTech-1.7.10-
  192. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC essentialcraft{4.6.1710.63} [EssentialCraftIII] (EssentialCraftv4.6.1710.63.jar)
  193. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC evilcraft{0.9.12} [EvilCraft] (EvilCraft-1.7.10-0.9.12.jar)
  194. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC extracells{2.3.14} [Extra Cells 2] (ExtraCells-1.7.10-2.3.14b197.jar)
  195. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC GalacticraftCore{3.0.12} [Galacticraft Core] (GalacticraftCore-1.7-
  196. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC GalacticraftMars{3.0.12} [Galacticraft Planets] (Galacticraft-Planets-1.7-
  197. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ExtraPlanets{1.0-3.8} [ExtraPlanets] (ExtraPlanets-1.0-Pre 3.8.jar)
  198. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC harvestcraft{1.7.10j} [Pam's HarvestCraft] (Pam's HarvestCraft 1.7.10Lb.jar)
  199. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ExtraTiC{1.4.6} [ExtraTiC] (ExtraTiC-1.7.10-1.4.6.jar)
  200. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC fastleafdecay{1.4} [Fast Leaf Decay] (FastLeafDecay-1.7.10-1.4.jar)
  201. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UE MineTweaker3{3.0.10} [MineTweaker 3] (MineTweaker3-1.7.10-3.0.10B.jar)
  202. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC FTBL{} [FTBLib] (FTBLib-1.7.10-
  203. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC FTBU{} [FTBUtilities] (FTBUtilities-1.7.10-
  204. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC GrimoireOfGaia{1.0.0} [Grimoire of Gaia 3] (GrimoireOfGaia3-1.7.10-1.2.7.jar)
  205. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC inventorytweaks{1.59-dev-152-cf6e263} [Inventory Tweaks] (InventoryTweaks-1.59-dev-152.jar)
  206. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC IronChest{} [Iron Chest] (ironchest-1.7.10-
  207. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC journeymap{5.1.4p2} [JourneyMap] (journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.4p2-unlimited.jar)
  208. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC ProjRed|Transmission{4.7.0pre12.95} [ProjectRed Transmission] (ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre12.95-Integration.jar)
  209. 17.01 01:14:48 [Server] INFO UC OpenComputers{} [OpenComputers] (OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-
  210. 17.01 01:14:49 [Multicraft] Server shut down (starting)
  211. 17.01 01:14:49 [Multicraft] Not restarting crashed server.
  212. 17.01 01:14:49 [Multicraft] Server stopped
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