
Juri Intro

Mar 3rd, 2012
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  1. (12:54:37 AM) BroickRose: The warehouse district in Jadiec city is home to as you may have guessed many warehouses. It would have taken a real poindexter to figure that one out.
  2. (12:56:03 AM) Juri: .
  3. (12:56:10 AM) BroickRose: But it also houses the city docks where all the main importing and exporting of goods take place. It's also generaly not a nice place to walk around at night with a bag full of coins or to be female and attract- well lets be real they'd rape an orc if they felt like it
  4. (12:57:51 AM) BroickRose: Juri the mantis girl though gives no fucks. She's gives off of about as much fucks as a needle in a haystack. She's edgier than a razor bl- ....A bird just pooped on your arm.
  5. (12:58:09 AM) BroickRose: (Notice a trend?)
  6. (12:58:26 AM) Brotius: (Fukken birds)
  7. (12:59:17 AM) ***Juri looks down at her arm and shrugs, wiping it off with the blade. "They should learn to aim better."
  8. (12:59:53 AM) BroickRose: Filled with disgust and a great desire to decapitate the bird fills your mind but your brush it off. You have an assignment and you were paid in advance and offered an even bigged payment if you got the job done. You best move before the sun rises soon.
  9. (1:01:01 AM) BroickRose: It was a little to easy to be honest. Just kill a dock worker and be done. You remember them telling you about how he was a serial killer or something but frankly you didnt care.
  10. (1:03:50 AM) BroickRose: You arrive to the city docks and hide behind some boxes quickly. Waiting a moment you peak past and see your target lifting some cargo off a small ship. He's a little to far away to see exactly what he's loading and there are some boxes further ahead. Maybe you could sneak up to them and get a better look?
  11. (1:04:21 AM) BroickRose: (Shit I said serial killer didnt I? I meant smuggler got NPC's mixed up)
  12. (1:04:26 AM) Juri: (Whoop)
  13. (1:06:37 AM) BroickRose: Roll a move silent check
  14. (1:06:38 AM) Dice-chan: BroickRose rolled move silent check --> error: malformed expression
  15. (1:07:13 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+16
  16. (1:07:13 AM) Dice-chan: Juri rolled --> [ 1d20=16 ]{32}
  17. (1:07:38 AM) BroickRose: You sneak that shit
  18. (1:08:10 AM) BroickRose: You actualy skipped that box and moved to the second one about 20 ft from the man and the boat
  19. (1:08:10 AM) Cyrin left the room (quit: Quit: Page closed).
  20. (1:08:23 AM) BroickRose: Roll a spot check now
  21. (1:08:23 AM) Dice-chan: BroickRose rolled spot check now --> error: malformed expression
  22. (1:09:16 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+8
  23. (1:09:16 AM) Dice-chan: Juri rolled --> [ 1d20=7 ]{15}
  24. (1:10:31 AM) BroickRose: It's hard to see but there are labels on the box saying something along the lines of "DANGER: POWERFUL ALCHEMY COMPONETS EXERCISE EXTEREME CAUTION WHILE HANDLING"
  25. (1:10:56 AM) Juri: "Always something.."
  26. (1:10:56 AM) BroickRose: Your target stumbles while carrying one and almost drops it.
  27. (1:11:32 AM) BroickRose: You should probably wait till he's not holding a box so you dont kill yourself along with half the city
  28. (1:12:13 AM) BroickRose: The man sets the next box down and moves back onto the ship
  29. (1:12:30 AM) BroickRose: Roll another move silent check to sneak up on him
  30. (1:12:30 AM) Dice-chan: BroickRose rolled move silent check to sneak up on him --> error: malformed expression
  31. (1:12:39 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+16
  32. (1:12:39 AM) Dice-chan: Juri rolled --> [ 1d20=20 ]{36}
  33. (1:13:44 AM) BroickRose: You move so quiet you can't even hear yourself breathe.
  34. (1:13:55 AM) BroickRose: Your right behind the man.
  35. (1:17:52 AM) ***Juri raises her right blade as she stares at the back of the mans neck, placing the edge against his throat
  36. (1:18:18 AM) BroickRose: Roll to attack
  37. (1:18:18 AM) Dice-chan: BroickRose rolled attack --> error: malformed expression
  38. (1:18:24 AM) BroickRose: +6 is your mod
  39. (1:18:29 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+5
  40. (1:18:30 AM) Dice-chan: Juri rolled --> [ 1d20=12 ]{17}
  41. (1:18:34 AM) Juri: Uh..mistype.
  42. (1:18:54 AM) Juri: Still good, right?
  43. (1:19:16 AM) BroickRose: Yeah
  44. (1:19:33 AM) BroickRose: You silently slit the mans throat before he even knows what happened.
  45. (1:19:48 AM) BroickRose: He slumps to the ground and blood pours out of his wound.
  46. (1:20:35 AM) BroickRose: As you turn to leave the ship you hear slow clapping coming from the docks.
  47. (1:21:10 AM) BroickRose: Well fuck that cant be good. Should you go out there?
  48. (1:21:32 AM) Juri: Only if theres a path I can take without being seen.
  49. (1:21:55 AM) BroickRose: Jumping in the water and swimming away. But that wont end well either.
  50. (1:22:03 AM) Juri: ...
  51. (1:22:04 AM) Juri: Shit..
  52. (1:22:04 AM) BroickRose: You could hide on the ship
  53. (1:22:13 AM) Juri: Theres nowhere else I can hide?
  54. (1:22:17 AM) BroickRose: But theres boxes of exploding shit everywhere
  55. (1:22:29 AM) BroickRose: It might be freindly!
  56. (1:23:02 AM) Juri: ..I have no choice on the issue, do I?
  57. (1:23:06 AM) Juri: Investigate the noise.
  58. (1:23:26 AM) BroickRose: You step off the ship and see who is appluading your work
  59. (1:23:54 AM) BroickRose: You feel a lump in your throat for a second but relax when you see its just the douchebag knife ear who hired you
  60. (1:24:45 AM) BroickRose: But that relaxation is gone when you see the two meancing looking Orcs behind him
  61. (1:24:58 AM) BroickRose: Holding axes
  62. (1:25:00 AM) BroickRose: Big ones
  63. (1:25:10 AM) BroickRose: And they dont look like they want to shake your hand
  64. (1:25:35 AM) BroickRose: "Juri my girl excellent job! You did exactly what I asked!"
  65. (1:25:52 AM) ***Juri stares at the trio in front of her, hardly even flinching as she lifts her blade, mumbling to herself "Nothings ever simple in this business.."
  66. (1:26:35 AM) BroickRose: "Sorry about that sweety nothing personal but I cant just let there be any loose ends. This stuff here isnt exactly being bought by your normal scumbags..."
  67. (1:28:22 AM) Juri: "Expected nothing less from an elf."
  68. (1:30:19 AM) BroickRose: The elf fakes being offended but gives you a shit eating grin. "Don't worry sweetheart you wont see any elves where your going."
  69. (1:30:35 AM) BroickRose: He reaches into his coat and pulls out a Revolver and points it at you.
  70. (1:31:13 AM) Juri: (I wanna roll a tumble check.)
  71. (1:31:19 AM) BroickRose: (Dont worry)
  72. (1:31:31 AM) Juri: (No, I'm intent on killing him. He means hostility."
  73. (1:31:35 AM) Juri: )*
  74. (1:32:02 AM) Juri: (Pff, do whatcha want~)
  75. (1:32:16 AM) BroickRose: "No harsh feelings right?" The man gives you one last shit eating grin before you see a flash of black and the elf's head goes flying clean off releasing a torrent of blood
  76. (1:32:47 AM) Juri: "None whatsoever, knife-ear"
  77. (1:33:27 AM) ***Juri lowers her blade and yawns, starting to walk forward, obviously no longer concerned with the two left standing in front of her.
  78. (1:33:32 AM) BroickRose: The two orcs begin shitting themselves in fear. "How the fuck did she do that!?!"
  79. (1:33:54 AM) BroickRose: "It wasnt her numb nuts!" You hear a voice in the sky call out.
  80. (1:34:37 AM) ***Juri stops in place and looks up at the voice that suddenly cut in
  81. (1:34:39 AM) BroickRose: The two orcs look to where the sound came from just in time to be cleaved in half.
  82. (1:35:15 AM) BroickRose: Your left standing in silence watching 3 bodys on the ground bleed through the docks staining the ocean below
  83. (1:36:48 AM) BroickRose: "Well shit that was a bit messy. Oh well beggars can't be choosers." Infront of you lands a Black Harpy man crarrying a rather bloody greatsword.
  84. (1:37:12 AM) BroickRose: (Crarrying....Really?)
  85. (1:37:30 AM) ***Juri looks at the sword and back up at the harpy. "You interfered, why?"
  86. (1:38:06 AM) ***Juri walks past the harpy, walking to the elf's body, she crouches down and starts carefully searching him, looking for any sort of item or funding she could take as her payment.
  87. (1:38:15 AM) Juri: (that redundancy, my bad)
  88. (1:38:57 AM) BroickRose: "Alright I see were skipping thanks and going straight to busniess. Name's Derrick by the way."
  89. (1:39:42 AM) ***Juri picks up the revolver and inspects it, running her fingers over the metal. "Juri."
  90. (1:39:58 AM) BroickRose: You find a shitty revolver with 3 bullets. You cant use a gun and cant sell this one in the condition its in. But you do find an intresting map with this area and 3 others X'd out
  91. (1:40:02 AM) Juri: (Quick question, do I do a decent Kuudere?)
  92. (1:40:17 AM) BroickRose: (Not giving any fucks. So I'd say yes)
  93. (1:40:42 AM) BroickRose: "Yeah I over heard headless there say it. You two know eachother?"
  94. (1:41:31 AM) ***Juri stands up and moves over to the orc on the left, starting the same process "He contracted me. I killed the target. He turned on me, you decapitated him. Assassination is full of surprises."
  95. (1:42:22 AM) BroickRose: You find two Akses (Shitty merc weapons that are rusty and worthless) and a used condom...
  96. (1:43:01 AM) ***Juri picks up the used condom and looks at it, simply tossing it onto the knife ears face before moving onto the orc on the right.
  97. (1:43:01 AM) Seranov: (>keeping a used condom)
  98. (1:43:04 AM) Seranov: (ewwwwwww)
  99. (1:43:22 AM) BroickRose: "My arent you full of personality. Not really an assassin myself though more of a contractor."
  100. (1:43:37 AM) BroickRose: (Orcs are nasty fucks and will reuse old condoms to save money)
  101. (1:43:46 AM) Juri: "If you have a job, list the conditions."
  102. (1:44:18 AM) BroickRose: "My quiet the business woman arent you?"
  103. (1:44:36 AM) Juri: "I kill, not ask questions."
  104. (1:45:03 AM) ***Juri crouches over the orc on the right side, mumbling to herself "With how much he paid for me, he could have hired better help."
  105. (1:45:44 AM) BroickRose: "Perfect. If your intrested in getting a job working for an...intresting man then you'll be happy to know your were handpicked"
  106. (1:45:58 AM) BroickRose: You*
  107. (1:46:25 AM) Juri: "Glad to see my reputation hasn't be torn asunder. Betrayals are never good marks."
  108. (1:46:48 AM) BroickRose: "Well to be fair you did take a job from a Knife Ear. Should know better than to trust them."
  109. (1:46:53 AM) ***Juri walks back over to the harpy, weapons and map in hand.
  110. (1:47:19 AM) Juri: "Not true. Some knife-ears are trustworthy, they're usually rich. Good business."
  111. (1:47:29 AM) BroickRose: (Im imagining a tiny mantis girl with a black expression holding these many items in her arms. HNNNNNNNNNNNNG)
  112. (1:47:44 AM) BroickRose: (I read that in Moradin's voice from ME2 also)
  113. (1:48:02 AM) Seranov: (why can't I hold all these implements.png)
  114. (1:48:05 AM) Juri: (That's what I was going for, female Mordin in terms of speech. Short, simple, to the point)
  115. (1:48:23 AM) BroickRose: (FUCK YES)
  116. (1:48:29 AM) Juri: (My taste, you love it)
  117. (1:49:15 AM) BroickRose: "Not worth the knife in the back if you ask me. Besides this man will pay a hell of alot more than any knife ear. Free food, a place to crash and the boss keeps things intresting."
  118. (1:49:43 AM) Juri: (Phil Ken Sebben, the only man to make a Kuudere bust out laughing)
  119. (1:50:13 AM) BroickRose: (Stephen Colbert you so crazy)
  120. (1:50:53 AM) Seranov: (HAHA, Elly Scissorhands)
  121. (1:51:12 AM) Juri: "I have things I need transferred to my new dwelling if I'm coming with you. Trophies from my kills, my funding, et cetera."
  122. (1:52:02 AM) BroickRose: "Yeah...about that...we kinda already moved it I think. I said the same thing when they hired me and all my stuff was waiting for my in my room when I got there. You'll see what I mean."
  123. (1:52:23 AM) Juri: "Well, if that's the case, take me to your boss."
  124. (1:53:28 AM) BroickRose: Derrick gives a sly smirk and jumped onto your shoulders. "Hope you dont mind flying!" He said gripping onto you with his talons and taking off into the air making you drop everything but the map in the process.
  125. (1:53:55 AM) BroickRose: (That ought to get a fun reaction!)
  126. (1:53:57 AM) Pyrite: (in other news this. really. completely different from anything we're discussion)
  127. (1:54:07 AM) Pyrite: ( )
  128. (1:54:17 AM) Brotius: (Awwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
  129. (1:54:20 AM) Pyrite: ( )
  130. (1:54:43 AM) BroickRose: (Spice and Wold beer mugs are always related)
  131. (1:54:49 AM) BroickRose: (wolf*)
  132. (1:54:50 AM) ***Juri sighs "You could have warned me, I just dropped my trophies."
  133. (1:56:29 AM) BroickRose: "There's plenty more where that came from sister!" As you fly with the harpy man you notice the sun begins to rise infront of you. It raising from the city line actually looks beautiful right now.
  134. (1:58:10 AM) Pyrite: (not even playing and I'm enjoying this. Something about a good story. Leaves a lot to the imagination, more so than a movie.)
  135. (2:00:26 AM) ***Juri tilts her head and stares at the sunrise, a solemn look seeming to cross her face for a quick second before it returns to her normal neutral stare.
  136. (2:02:47 AM) BroickRose: You soon touchdown infront of a large building in new Jadiec. Derrick lands infront of you with a genuine smile on his face. "Enjoy the flight?"
  137. (2:03:20 AM) ***Juri gives a small nod as she looks up at the building towering in front of her.
  138. (2:04:46 AM) BroickRose: "This here is where we will be living and working. Vicks Inc." He holds open the front door for you. "Ladies first~"
  139. (2:05:33 AM) ***Juri walks inside and looks around at her surroundings, taking in the layout of the building as well as she can at first glance
  140. (2:06:48 AM) BroickRose: Its really nice. Like 6 star in lobby nice. For some reason theres a statue of a man with an eyepatch in the middle of the room posing obnoxiously. Derrick notices the statue and slaps his forehead. "Oh god not again."
  141. (2:07:13 AM) Juri: "I take it that's the boss?"
  142. (2:07:29 AM) Juri: (Are we actually calling him Phil Ken Sebben, because if not I'll be disappointed as fuck)
  143. (2:07:47 AM) BroickRose: "Yes and he is obessed with scuplting. These statues appear and disappear all the time."
  144. (2:08:16 AM) ***Juri moves closer to the statue and presses her ear to it, gently knocking on the stone.
  145. (2:08:24 AM) BroickRose: (His name is Terry Ether but we can change it if everyelse wants to)
  146. (2:08:46 AM) BroickRose: It's stone and hard. Like stone.
  147. (2:08:56 AM) Juri: "Thorough, he knows what he's doing. Quality craftsmanship, usually marking roughly 5-10 years of practice."
  148. (2:09:08 AM) Juri: (I should know, I've assassinated many craftsman in my time)
  149. (2:09:54 AM) BroickRose: "...Riiiight. Anyway lets go get your paperwork done." Derrick moves past you and to the windowed room at the end of the lobby where the pink haired succubus is sleeping.
  150. (2:10:11 AM) Juri: (Leave it to an assassin to memorize mundane shit nobody cares about.)
  151. (2:10:19 AM) Juri: (Well, the habits of her victims, rather)
  152. (2:10:41 AM) BroickRose: (Get used to the statues they will be a running joke.)
  153. (2:11:53 AM) Juri: (Good.)
  154. (2:12:08 AM) Juri: (Needs as much Phil Ken Sebben and Mentok as we can have, and tubmimic)
  155. (2:12:47 AM) BroickRose: Derrick waits a second and obnoxiously knocks on the glass. "BITCH STOP SLEEPING WE GOT A NEW HIRE!" The succubus shoots up in her seat clearly startled.
  156. (2:14:44 AM) BroickRose: "DERRICK YOU FUCKING PRICK I SWEAR TO GOD IM GOING TO SHOVE MY GUN DOWN YOUR THROAT AND PULL THE TRI-" Kaitlyn stops when she notices you and calms herself and clears her throat. "Hello there you must be Juri."
  157. (2:15:13 AM) ***Juri nods quietly in response. "I see you two have a good relationship."
  158. (2:15:53 AM) BroickRose: "She trys to sleep with me once a week."
  159. (2:16:20 AM) BroickRose: "Don't blame me I am a Succubus after all."
  160. (2:16:28 AM) Brotius: (Awwww yeeeee)
  161. (2:18:01 AM) Juri: "Most Succubi prefer to produce their energy out of semen as opposed to other means, it's a more potent source to them and benefits them because they are essentially sex demons. I'm not surprised."
  162. (2:19:17 AM) BroickRose: "She's a pretty bad succubus though. Can't seem to bag a black harpy but has no problem getting much more powerful monsters." Kaitlyn glares at Derrick while handing you a clipboard. "Here fill this out."
  163. (2:20:14 AM) Juri: "I don't leave a paper trail."
  164. (2:21:32 AM) BroickRose: "Turst me NO ONE gets into these files. We have heavy magic security on our files that not even an Archmage can crack on his best day."
  165. (2:21:48 AM) Juri: "It's personal policy, no paper trails."
  166. (2:22:40 AM) BroickRose: Kaitlyn groans and rubs her temples. "Fine I'll just ask you the questions in person then."
  167. (2:23:29 AM) Juri: "I apologize for the inconvience, but you should know better than to ask an assassin to leave documents behind them"
  168. (2:23:42 AM) Juri: (I think I spelled that wrong)
  169. (2:23:58 AM) BroickRose: (fuck if i know or care i suck at spelling)
  170. (2:24:21 AM) BroickRose: Derrick laughs at your diffcultness and how much it's pissing Kaitlyn off. "I like this one."
  171. (2:26:31 AM) BroickRose: Kaitlyn sighs and holds up the clipboard. "Name?"
  172. (2:26:43 AM) Juri: "What did I say about a paper trail?"
  173. (2:27:16 AM) BroickRose: "I'm reading it off genius"
  174. (2:27:40 AM) Juri: "You must take me for an idiot. The only person I'll dare give information to is your boss himself. No paper trail."
  175. (2:28:55 AM) BroickRose: Kaitlyn throws the clipboard in the large pile behind her. "Fuck this it's just a formality!" She takes a key and tosses it through the hole. "Derrick show her to her room god damnit!"
  176. (2:29:14 AM) Juri: "Don't be irritated because I'm telling the truth."
  177. (2:29:25 AM) BroickRose: She's already asleep again
  178. (2:29:41 AM) ***Juri turns to Derrick and bluntly states "She's an easy target like that."
  179. (2:30:05 AM) Brotius: (Can someone pastebin this? I have to wake up and be ready in 6 hours ;_;)
  180. (2:30:10 AM) ***Juri leans up to the window and whispers "You're lucky you haven't pissed me off, demon."
  181. (2:30:34 AM) BroickRose: Derrick chuckles. "Yeah but she packs much better heat the Kinfe ears at the docks. Best not to fuck with her." He moves towards a staircase. "Come on let's leave queen bitch to her beauty sleep."
  182. (2:30:44 AM) BroickRose: (Yeah go ahead were practicly done)
  183. (2:31:04 AM) BroickRose: (Also seriouisly dont fuck with her she'll turn you into swiss chesse)
  184. (2:31:04 AM) Juri: "It doesn't matter, if she's asleep I have the advantage, and therefore I will win."
  185. (2:31:07 AM) Brotius: (Aight. Good intro also)
  186. (2:31:18 AM) ***Juri taps the window with her blade. "Sleep tight, demon."
  187. (2:31:19 AM) Brotius: (Aww, even me?)
  188. (2:31:40 AM) Brotius: (Or are we talking about different context~)
  189. (2:32:25 AM) BroickRose: "Yeah...thats what Bryce thought too and that didn't end so well for him." Derrick moves up the stairs. "Come on I'll show you your room."
  190. (2:32:31 AM) BroickRose: No she'll just break your hips
  191. (2:32:39 AM) Brotius: (gnite everyone- OH LAWDY)
  192. (2:32:56 AM) Pyrite: (I don't know how to pastebin and i'm sort of tipsy. 50oz of beer does that)
  193. (2:32:59 AM) Juri: "You imply I have a reason to kill her in the first place. Not worth my time nor my effort."
  194. (2:33:00 AM) Taco_Hell: (PFFF)
  195. (2:33:05 AM) Pyrite: (I'll look though if nobody else does)
  196. (2:33:07 AM) ***Juri shrugs and follows Derrick.
  197. (2:33:35 AM) Brotius left the room (quit: Quit: [x] Touch fluffy pillow).
  198. (2:33:52 AM) BroickRose: Derrick moves to the second floor and turns right. He passes 2 doors and reaches one at the end of the hall with Juri's name on it. "Here unlock the door and step on in."
  199. (2:35:26 AM) Pyrite: (So I'm supposing being a creative player helps plot progression. If so then I'd be willing to test the bounds of what I can and cannot do as a player. so long as I was told, "you can't do that.)
  200. (2:36:15 AM) BroickRose: (You'll eventually get a feel for what you can and cant do. But im not so strict ill flip at you for doing something stupid.)
  201. (2:38:33 AM) ***Juri takes the key and unlocks the door, stepping in defensively out of habit.
  202. (2:39:16 AM) Seranov: (How exactly can she use a key if she's got no hands)
  203. (2:39:16 AM) BroickRose: As you turn the handle you feel magic pass though you and back through the door. The room you step into is...perfect to say the least.
  204. (2:39:24 AM) BroickRose: (She had hands)
  205. (2:39:27 AM) Pyrite: (sounds good. I'm enjoying the way this intro is going)
  206. (2:39:41 AM) BroickRose: (Harpy's in my world have wings on their back btw)
  207. (2:39:53 AM) BroickRose: (Cause how else would they hold swords?)
  208. (2:41:19 AM) Pyrite: (wings and then hands. that would still be impractical though. your way makes more sense)
  209. (2:42:54 AM) Juri: The room looks as her original did, a small koi pond built into the floor with a moveable tile so as to give the fish food. Her bed is in the corner to the left of the door, a sort of camo-netting hanging around it. to the left of her bed, visible as soon as you enter the room is a wall, lined with all sorts of weapons. Swords, Rapiers, Falchions, Revolvers, etc, from victims she had killed or from former employers as a gift. A vanity dresser a
  210. (2:43:00 AM) Juri: (cont)
  211. (2:44:35 AM) Juri: connecting the wall aligned with miscellaneous portraits and her trophy wall. A couple of small banzai trees and plants aligning that wall, on the wall behind her bed, next to the trophy wall, is a small collection of articles showing her 'exploits' or mentions of her killings.
  212. (2:45:34 AM) Seranov: (for the record, I thought up some reasoning for Cyrin's room to be normal as fuck)
  213. (2:45:54 AM) BroickRose: (Other than being boring?)
  214. (2:46:12 AM) BroickRose: (Love you sera~
  215. (2:46:13 AM) Juri: On the same wall is a window, allowing the sunrise to show, on the opposite side, a section of the wall is cleared for another window, literally symmetrical to the other, allowing her to view the sunsetting. there is a small path of flooring covering the pond build into the floor where anyone can walk without fear of breaking the glass, the small square in the middle has a mat on it, which Juri often uses for meditation.
  216. (2:46:15 AM) Seranov: (He's a little bit of a humaboo.)
  217. (2:46:34 AM) Juri: On her dresser lies a grimoire, listing names and occupations of targets she killed, and areas she has killed them.
  218. (2:46:39 AM) BroickRose: (Ha! I get it.)
  219. (2:47:09 AM) Juri: Next to that grimoire is a small flute, and then a seperate grimoire, inside of it logging her employers and how much was made off of a certain job, as well as spoils of her work.
  220. (2:47:11 AM) Juri: (Done)
  221. (2:47:14 AM) Seranov: (Also, anything is better than a guard's quarters)
  222. (2:47:21 AM) BroickRose: (And with that we are done!)
  223. (2:47:26 AM) BroickRose: Wait shit
  224. (2:47:35 AM) Seranov: (Give her the shinies, DM)
  225. (2:48:02 AM) BroickRose: Also resting on your bed is a small bag of holding. You sit on your bed and empty the contents and find another bag inside the bag.
  226. (2:48:15 AM) BroickRose: This smaller bag though has 2000 coins in it.
  227. (2:49:14 AM) ***Juri takes the small bag and walks over to her wall, removing a painting of Jadeic's beach, revealing a wall safe behind it. She quickly enters the code and tosses the bag inside, along with whatever money she had inside originally. She quickly replaces the painting and moves back to her bed.
  228. (2:49:48 AM) BroickRose: Roll a 1d4
  229. (2:49:48 AM) Dice-chan: BroickRose rolled 1d4 --> error: malformed expression
  230. (2:50:06 AM) Juri: roll 1d4
  231. (2:50:06 AM) Dice-chan: Juri rolled --> [ 1d4=2 ]{2}
  232. (2:50:11 AM) BroickRose: Oooh
  233. (2:50:25 AM) BroickRose: You find a potion inside your bag
  234. (2:50:48 AM) BroickRose: You can try to appraise it now if you want
  235. (2:51:02 AM) Juri: Here goes.
  236. (2:51:05 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+3
  237. (2:51:05 AM) Dice-chan: Juri rolled --> [ 1d20=17 ]{20}
  238. (2:51:06 AM) BroickRose: (Also Sera I figured out your armor enchant)
  239. (2:51:08 AM) Juri: PFFFFT
  240. (2:51:23 AM) Seranov: (Should I roll an appraise check, too?)
  241. (2:51:43 AM) BroickRose: It's a potion of speed. You gotta go fast you go fast when you drink this. Its also permanent
  242. (2:51:46 AM) BroickRose: (Yes)
  243. (2:51:54 AM) Juri: What are it's bonuses, exactly?
  244. (2:51:57 AM) Seranov: roll d20+2
  245. (2:51:57 AM) Dice-chan: Seranov rolled --> [ 1d20=18 ]{20}
  246. (2:51:59 AM) BroickRose: +10 speed
  247. (2:52:05 AM) Juri: Drinking it now.
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