

Nov 16th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: She looked down at her app and thought hard. "I think I need stats things..." She trailed off. "Well I like that idea. I definitely could use some help with my stats. I only really know the back story and personality traits of Tahryl anyways." She replied with a smile and a shrug.
  2. Covet: "Look at you Adam, picking right up on this." Eli said as he munched on a handful of chips, "You wanted to be a mercenary right? The closest thing to that would be to base class as a rogue, then have bounty hunter as your background. Would that be alright?"
  3. Alexithymiaa: "See, I was right there assuming I knew a lot and then you started going again and I'm lost again." He said with a laugh, sweeping his hand back through his hair.-
  4. Tsaaq: "Yep." She answered excitedly and went to look over to Eli. "Oh yeah that sounds perfect." Hayley said with a quick nod. "Damn it Abs, you said you were gonna help and you've got poor Eli doing it." She snickered.
  5. Covet: "Hey now, He can still help with the stats." Eli laughed, "Okay, so then, like Adam for his ranger, You're going to want your highest stat in your Dexterity. Then Constitution, Then Charisma. Your least important ones are your Strength, Intelligence and Wisdom. "
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Your character is dumb." He said with a small laugh, nudging her arm. "It's okay, mines not intelligent either." He looked down at his stats, trying to remember what Eli had told him about adding to his existing stats. "Do you remember what I was supposed to add because of my class?"-
  7. Tsaaq: Hayley kept nodding her head. "Okay." She whispered. "Aww, why not?" She asked with her head tilted she quickly turned to Adam. She gasped before crossed her arms over her chest like a little brat. "Well I'm good at killing stuff not book smarts!" She complained, sticking her tongue out at him. "Do I need to know things to add too?" She tilted her head.
  8. Covet: "You added plus two to your dex because of your racial modifier, not because of your class. You are faster, and more nimble because of your small size." Eli explained to Adam, "I'm double checking there might be an intelligence modifier for your race, but if not, you do have some special abilites because of your race, You can do Dancing lights at will, then once a day you have Darkness and Faerie Fire. You also have sunlight sensitivity, because you're a dark elf, and they're found underground, but we can get you situated with a ring or an amulet to help counteract that." Eli told Hayley as he read from the book.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Right. Right." He leaned down and added plus tow to his dexterity before dropping his pen. "I'll remember all of this eventually. Sorry we're such beginners, Eli."-
  10. Tsaaq: She went to type all the things on her phone. "Coooool." She dragged out and grinned. "I like the idea about an amulet and doing cool stuff at night." She turned to Adam. "Can I trap Adam in darkness and make his character cuddle mine?" She asked hurriedly. "Or do I have to roll for that?"
  11. Covet: "Stop appologizing. We're all learning here. I'm not exactly the master dungeon master here either." Eli said with a laugh, then looked at Hayley, "I guess you could, if you wanted to, he would get a saving throw unless it was done willingly. I'd strongly advise not doing this during combat as well."
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Master dungeon master..." He snickered a little to himself. "It would be done willingly so long as it's not done during combat." He agreed, giving Hayley a little pat on the back. "I don't know if that should necessarily be the focus of our gameplay though."-
  13. Tsaaq: "You mean like, the cuddling or the darkness?" She asked. Hayley began to chuckle. "That's true. I didn't know it could be done willingly. Nevermind then." She smiled. "Should I buy a Monster high doll and use her as Tahryl?" She asked. "Or we should make our own little figures."
  14. Covet: "Darkness definitely in combat, Cuddling we'll save for the tavern when we're celebrating our victories." Eli said with a laugh. "We could do that, I'd like to find something that'd fit the grid map, just for reference purposes, but having something to represent ourselves would be great." He explained then looked at Adam, "It won't be the focus, but little fun things like that are bound to happen."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Well... we could always maybe design some and get them 3D printed? That could be kind of cool. And that way it would be entirely custom to our own characters."-
  16. Tsaaq: She nodded again with understanding. "Cool!" She cheered. Hayley instantly turned to Adam. "We can do that? Do you know a place that does that?" She asked him.
  17. Covet: "If there isn't a place locally, I think there's one online that does it. It might cost us a little but at the same time, it'd be fun to have custom tokens of our first campaign together." Eli grinned.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I don't know any companies off hand, but I know there's a lot that do that sort of thing." He said as he picked his pen up to jot a few notes down on his paper. "I think it would be really cool. And we can even get to keep them as mementos."-
  19. Tsaaq: Hayley's mouth hung open. "Uh, HELL YEAH IT WOULD BE COOL?" She said. "Eli could design them right? He's an awesome artist. He could probably put something like that on his resume. Right?"
  20. Covet: "I could probably draw something up for each of us yeah. You'll have to give me character descriptions, but I could start doodling about this weekend." He told them as he munched on another handful of chips.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "That's what I'm trying to come up with a little bit at a time as we go, here. I've already decided that Marric has long steel blue hair that he keeps tied up so it doesn't get in his way while fighting. Or lifeing."-
  22. Tsaaq: "Sexy." Hayley winked at him with a dorky laugh. "Okay so... Tahryl has like greyish dark skin and long white hair that's like, shaved on the sides into tribal patterns. IN FACT! Her while hair is partly dreadlocks and partly wavy." Hayley began to explain in detail. "And she's got some fucking badass armour right? but it's cut out so you can see her cleave cause she's got nice bewbage. And she wears like a hood. And her eyes are neon purple but the whites of her eyes are like. BLACK and..." She paused. "Wait that's all I have for now."
  23. Covet: Eli started jotting these things down and was getting overwhelmed a little at Hayley's description. "I think I can encorporate all of that, Sure." He looked at the time on his phone then started to get things packed up, "Adam if you want to make sure Hayley gets her stats done up, that would be great. I should probably get back to the apartment, to be there when Bliss gets there. But tonight was good. I enjoyed it and look forward to Sunday. Any dinner requests?"
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Absolutely, we can do stats together." He spoke confidently, nodding his head. "As far as Sunday dinner goes, I think we're both fairly easy going, right Halo?"-
  25. Tsaaq: "Got it!" Hayley said excitedly she looked to Adam then nodded her head. "Definitely. Just make food and we'll eat it. But also get home safe tonight. We'll see you tomorrow won't we?" She asked Eli.
  26. Covet: "Yep, I'm done with mid terms so I'm going to be at the park all day helping people get set up at the Festival. I'll see you guys when you get there." Eli told them as he put all his things into his back, "I'll get home safe, Don't let these stalkers get to you too much." He said hoping that most of the media peoples had bunkered down for the night.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "I have my last midterm in the morning so as soon as I'm finished, I'll be over to help with any additional set up. I still need to pick up the pies from the cafe for the pie eating contest." He blew out a deep breath, sliding out of the booth.-
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