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Mar 29th, 2015
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  1. TEAM_TERRORIST = DarkRP.createJob("Terroriste", {
  2. color = Color(25, 25, 25, 255),
  3. model = {
  4. "models/cod players/opfor1.mdl",
  5. "models/cod players/opfor2.mdl",
  6. "models/cod players/opfor3.mdl",
  7. "models/cod players/opfor4.mdl",
  8. "models/cod players/opfor5.mdl",
  9. "models/cod players/opfor6.mdl"
  10. },
  11. description = [[(VIP) Les terroristes arrivent en ville! Seul eux ont le droit de "RDM" en autre les joueurs. Les autoritées peuvent arrêter un terroriste, voir le tuer si il devient dangereux.]],
  12. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_machete", "weapon_fists"},
  13. command = "terrorist",
  14. max = 1,
  15. salary = 0,
  16. admin = 0,
  17. vote = true,
  18. customCheck = function(ply) return ply:CheckGroup("VIP") or ply:IsAdmin() end, -- The extra check function. Enter nil or nothing to not have a restriction
  19. CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce travail est only-VIP", -- Allows you to tell the user what went wrong when attempting to switch jobs
  20. hasLicense = false,
  21. })
  23. TEAM_MERCENAIRE = DarkRP.createJob("Mercenaire", {
  24. color = Color(115, 0, 0, 255),
  25. model = "models/blacklist/merc1.mdl",
  26. description = [[Unitée millitaire privée travaillant au service d'une personne]],
  27. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_tar21", "m9k_hk45", "med_kit", "weapon_fists"},
  28. command = "mercenaire",
  29. max = 2,
  30. salary = 60,
  31. admin = 0,
  32. vote = true,
  33. hasLicense = true,
  34. })
  36. TEAM_MERCENAIRESD = DarkRP.createJob("Mercenaire Silencieux", {
  37. color = Color(115, 0, 0, 255),
  38. model = "models/blacklist/spy1.mdl",
  39. description = [[Unitée millitaire privée travaillant au service d'une personne]],
  40. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_val", "m9k_hk45", "weapon_fists"},
  41. command = "mercenairesilencieux",
  42. max = 2,
  43. salary = 60,
  44. admin = 0,
  45. vote = true,
  46. hasLicense = true,
  47. })
  49. TEAM_INFILTREDAGENT = DarkRP.createJob("Agent infiltré du FBI", {
  50. color = Color(56, 56, 150, 255),
  51. model = model ={"models/player/humans/suits1/male_01.mdl", "models/player/humans/suits1/male_02.mdl", "models/player/humans/suits1/male_03.mdl", "models/player/humans/suits1/male_04.mdl", "models/player/humans/suits1/male_05.mdl", "models/player/humans/suits1/male_06.mdl", "models/player/humans/suits1/male_07.mdl", "models/player/humans/suits1/male_08.mdl", "models/player/humans/suits1/male_09.mdl"},
  52. description = [[La Mafia est en ville, le FBI revien, mais ils auront besoin de votre aide en tant qu'agent infiltré !]],
  53. command = "infiltredagent",
  54. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_m92beretta", "weapon_fists", "weapon_stungun"},
  55. max = 2,
  56. salary = 70,
  57. admin = 0,
  58. vote = true,
  59. hasLicense = true,
  60. })
  62. TEAM_FBICHIEF = DarkRP.createJob("Chef du FBI", {
  63. color = Color(56, 56, 150, 255),
  64. model = {
  65. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_01.mdl",
  66. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_02.mdl",
  67. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_03.mdl",
  68. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_04.mdl",
  69. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_05.mdl",
  70. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_06.mdl",
  71. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_07.mdl",
  72. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_08.mdl",
  73. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_09.mdl"
  74. },
  75. description = [[La Mafia est en ville, il est temps pour les anciens du FBI de reprendre du service !]],
  76. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_m29satan", "m9k_honeybadger", "weapon_fists", "weapon_stungun"},
  77. command = "fbichief",
  78. max = 1,
  79. salary = 70,
  80. admin = 0,
  81. vote = true,
  82. hasLicense = true,
  83. NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_FBIAGENT,
  84. PlayerDeath = function(ply, weapon, killer)
  85. ply:teamBan()
  86. ply:changeTeam(GAMEMODE.DefaultTeam, true)
  87. if killer:IsPlayer() then
  88. DarkRP.notifyAll(0, 4, "Le chef du FBI a été tué et est maintenant rétrogradé.")
  89. else
  90. DarkRP.notifyAll(0, 4, "Le chef du FBI et est maintenant rétrogradé.")
  91. end
  92. end
  93. })
  95. TEAM_FBIAGENT = DarkRP.createJob("Sniper du FBI", {
  96. color = Color(56, 56, 150, 255),
  97. model = {
  98. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_01.mdl",
  99. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_02.mdl",
  100. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_03.mdl",
  101. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_04.mdl",
  102. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_05.mdl",
  103. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_06.mdl",
  104. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_07.mdl",
  105. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_08.mdl",
  106. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_09.mdl"
  107. },
  108. description = [[La Mafia est en ville, il est temps pour les anciens du FBI de reprendre du service !]],
  109. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_m92beretta","m9k_m24","weapon_fists", "weapon_stungun"},
  110. command = "fbisniper",
  111. max = 1,
  112. salary = 60,
  113. admin = 0,
  114. vote = true,
  115. hasLicense = true,
  116. })
  118. TEAM_FBIAGENT = DarkRP.createJob("Agent du FBI", {
  119. color = Color(56, 56, 150, 255),
  120. model = {
  121. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_01.mdl",
  122. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_02.mdl",
  123. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_03.mdl",
  124. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_04.mdl",
  125. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_05.mdl",
  126. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_06.mdl",
  127. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_07.mdl",
  128. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_08.mdl",
  129. "models/fbi_pack/fbi_09.mdl"
  130. },
  131. description = [[La Mafia est en ville, il est temps pour les anciens du FBI de reprendre du service !]],
  132. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_m92beretta", "m9k_mp5", "weapon_fists", "weapon_stungun"},
  133. command = "fbi",
  134. max = 2,
  135. salary = 65,
  136. admin = 0,
  137. vote = true,
  138. hasLicense = true,
  139. })
  141. TEAM_SWAT = DarkRP.createJob("Hacker", {
  142. color = Color(0, 51, 51, 255),
  143. model = "models/player/aiden_pearce.mdl",
  144. description = [[(VIP) Grace a votre telephone, vous pouvez hacker la ville! Vous pouvez tuer un tueur a gages en mission.]],
  145. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_hack_phone", "m9k_glock", "weapon_arc_atmhack", "weapon_fists"},
  146. command = "hacker",
  147. max = 2,
  148. salary = 60,
  149. admin = 0,
  150. vote = true,
  151. customCheck = function(ply) return ply:CheckGroup("VIP") or ply:IsAdmin() end, -- The extra check function. Enter nil or nothing to not have a restriction
  152. CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce travail est only-VIP", -- Allows you to tell the user what went wrong when attempting to switch jobs
  153. hasLicense = true,
  154. })
  156. TEAM_HITMAN = DarkRP.createJob("Tueur à gages", {
  157. color = Color(80, 45, 0, 255),
  158. model = "models/player/bobert/aodeadshot.mdl",
  159. description = [[Assassine des personnes sur demande.]],
  160. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_model3russian", "weapon_fists"},
  161. command = "Hitman",
  162. max = 1,
  163. salary = 50,
  164. admin = 0,
  165. vote = true,
  166. hasLicense = true,
  167. })
  169. TEAM_SWAT = DarkRP.createJob("S.W.A.T", {
  170. color = Color(80, 45, 0, 255),
  171. model = "models/player/riot.mdl",
  172. description = [[(VIP) vous vous devez de garder la ville sous protection des terroristes et criminels !]],
  173. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_scar", "m9k_sig_p229r", "arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "weapon_fists", "weapon_stungun"},
  174. command = "swat",
  175. max = 2,
  176. salary = 65,
  177. admin = 0,
  178. hasLicense = true,
  179. })
  181. TEAM_SWATM = DarkRP.createJob("S.W.A.T Medecin", {
  182. color = Color(80, 45, 0, 255),
  183. model = "models/player/swat.mdl",
  184. description = [[(VIP) vous vous devez de garder la ville sous protection des terroristes et criminels ! Contrairement au S.W.A.T normal, vous n'avez pas de sniper mais un kit medical.]],
  185. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_smgp90", "m9k_sig_p229r", "arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "weapon_fists", "weapon_stungun"},
  186. command = "swatm",
  187. max = 1,
  188. salary = 65,
  189. admin = 0,
  190. hasLicense = true,
  191. })
  193. TEAM_SWATC = DarkRP.createJob("S.W.A.T Chef", {
  194. color = Color(80, 45, 0, 255),
  195. model = "models/player/urban.mdl",
  196. description = [[(VIP) Vous etes au dessus des S.W.A.T et des policiers. Vous avez un Sniper MAIS AUSSI un kit medical. Si il n'y a pas de maire dans la ville, vous le remplacez.]],
  197. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_m4a1", "m9k_model627", "arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "weapon_fists", "weapon_stungun"},
  198. command = "swatc",
  199. max = 1,
  200. salary = 70,
  201. admin = 0,
  202. vote = true,
  203. hasRadio = true,
  204. canTalkToGlobal = true,
  205. hasLicense = true,
  206. })
  208. TEAM_POLICE = DarkRP.createJob("Policier", {
  209. color = Color(25, 25, 170, 255),
  210. model = "models/player/nypd/cop_01.mdl",
  211. "models/player/nypd/cop_02.mdl",
  212. "models/player/nypd/cop_03.mdl",
  213. "models/player/nypd/cop_04.mdl",
  214. "models/player/nypd/cop_05.mdl",
  215. "models/player/nypd/cop_06.mdl",
  216. "models/player/nypd/cop_07.mdl",
  217. "models/player/nypd/cop_08.mdl",
  218. "models/player/nypd/cop_09.mdl"},
  219. description = [[Le protecteur de tous les citoyens de cette ville.]],
  220. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "m9k_usp", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "weapon_fists", "weapon_stungun"},
  221. command = "cp",
  222. max = 4,
  223. salary = 65,
  224. admin = 0,
  225. hasLicense = true,
  226. })
  228. TEAM_CHIEF = DarkRP.createJob("Lieutenant", {
  229. color = Color(20, 20, 255, 255),
  230. model = "models/player/uk_police/uk_police_01.mdl", "models/player/uk_police/uk_police_02.mdl", "models/player/uk_police/uk_police_03.mdl", "models/player/uk_police/uk_police_04.mdl", "models/player/uk_police/uk_police_05.mdl", "models/player/uk_police/uk_police_06.mdl", "models/player/uk_police/uk_police_07.mdl", "models/player/uk_police/uk_police_08.mdl", "models/player/uk_police/uk_police_09.mdl"},
  231. description = [[Vous etes le chef de la protection civile, vous vous devez de faire la loi dans toute la ville. Vous pouvez casser des portes.
  232. Tape /wanted <name> pour alerter la presence d'un criminel.
  233. Tape /jailpos pour set une position de prison]],
  234. weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "m9k_ragingbull", "m9k_mp5", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "weapon_fists", "weapon_stungun"},
  235. command = "chief",
  236. max = 1,
  237. salary = 70,
  238. admin = 0,
  239. vote = false,
  240. chief = true,
  241. NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_POLICE,
  242. hasLicense = true,
  243. })
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