
Anon meets the Hell's Gate guard

Dec 23rd, 2020 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ Hazbin Hotel general #513
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  3. Ok so this might be a stupid idea but i need to get it out of my head: Soul of Cinder like character guarding the gates of hell.
  4. Give me opinions if you'd like.
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  6. we did talk about a dark souls crossover before.
  10. but I don't know a lot of lore of dark souls but I like the idea of Soul of Cinder character guarding the gates of hell.
  12. maybe he knows some spells and have some rings on him
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  14. Oh yeah i forgot about that crossover. Either way i just looked at the SoC the other day and his looked just made me think "Hell Gatekeeper" for some reason, despite just being the protector of a bonfire.
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  16. >despite just being the protector of a bonfire.
  18. I mean, how are the fire of hell keep going?... souls. that what.
  20. that got to be the reason why he is the guarding the gates of hell, to keep people in hell and keep the fire going.
  22. and he must have a lot of weapons to keep people in hell for good.
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  24. First off, i believe his sword changes into different types of sword so he could use that.
  25. Second you just Gave me an idea for a shirt greentext, enjoy:
  26. >Be Anon
  27. >Walking in the direction of the exit of Hell, despite Charlie's pleads
  28. >"Anon please, we can find another way to get you out of here, but i beg you, don't leave through the gate"
  29. >Whotheheckdoyouthinkiam.brimstoneonfire
  30. >Distracted by Charlie's insistence he doesnt notice the huge rusty armored man with a coiled rusty sword in front of it
  31. >"Charlie please, i know this place is full of tweakers and overly tall horny demons, but what's to fear from the gates of hell, a three headed dog?"
  32. >Impact is made with his face so hard it makes Babe Ruth's swings look like child's play.
  33. >Anon has face turned into the equivalent of a smushed pea on the floor.
  34. >He sees the author of the Brute made facial reconstruction, the "guard" of the gate standing ahead from him
  35. >The Knight approaches and Anon feels like he's gonna be finished
  36. >The guard stops, just where Anon could see him well
  37. >The Knight Raised his hand, anon flinches
  38. >The fucker points down
  39. >Anon passes out before the Knight could do anything else.
  40. >"Git gud sinner"
  41. >Charlie facepalms, trying to rationalize how a medieval era sinner still loves beating up cocky sinners the same way
  43. That's it. Thank you for reading my shit greentext.
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  45. here the other stuff.
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  47. Biiiiiiiig guy, like holy shit this dude is huge. Possible wearing a helmet and a loincloth and nothing else. Probably wielding an axe or a sword that looks more like a meat cleaver.
  49. Actually I think there may be two? And they can open the gate by pulling these massive chains like in Sen's Fortress?
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  51. Yes there are two of those big guys in sen's fortress. But i was thinking a Knight looking demon, tall AF, maybe a rusty looking armor, just wiping out demons that try to leave Hell during extermination. Could be a soul that showed such persistence and such strengh that somehow was forced to do this job.
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  53. That's cool too. Maybe spiky armor like Kirk the Knight of Thorns? Maybe have them be like...growths? Like he was there so long his armor became hell like rather than getting hell armor?
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  55. Pretty cool idea. I'm also imagining something that implies how many have tried to pass the gates. Maybe the gates are at the foot of a mountain range that on closer inspection is made out of dead guys, or maybe a giant alter made out of the weapons of all the defeated demons.
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  57. Mountain of skulls maybe?
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  59. Pull a Nito, and the guy is made out of the remains of previous demons who tryed to cross the gates
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  61. skulls of different sizes. Including some which are fuck huge, like way bigger than the actual guardian. makes you wonder how he managed to kill that thing
  63. I'll also be funny if someone asked what the hell it's deal was and the ancient monolithic knight figure actually answered.
  65. > yeah man shits pretty rough. This job was NOT as advertised.
  67. Maybe someone convinces it to leave the door and go to the city for a drink.
  69. >It's not like anyone's gonna open it, shit weights like a million pounds.
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  71. Really I see him being silent. Like he's in the wrong genre. A Dark Souls character in Hazbin.
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