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a guest
Dec 8th, 2017
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  1. Log file opened at 21:15:15.000: *******************
  2. -INFO - 21:15:15.000: (..\main.cpp:32) Running on 4 threads
  3. -INFO - 21:15:15.000: (..\main.cpp:33) Ram usage level: 4
  4. -INFO - 21:15:15.000: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:915) blkfile dir: F:\bitcoin_data_backedup_with_links\blocks
  5. -INFO - 21:15:15.000: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:916) lmdb dir: G:\armory_data/database_dir
  6. -INFO - 21:15:15.000: (..\lmdb_wrapper.cpp:388) Opening databases...
  7. -INFO - 21:15:15.000: (c:\users\goat\code\armory3\cppforswig\BDM_Server.h:263) Listening on port 58861
  8. -INFO - 21:15:16.061: (..\BDM_Server.cpp:1114) registered bdv: 33f3052773ecdf8d31c3
  9. -INFO - 21:15:18.996: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:1108) Executing: doInitialSyncOnLoad
  10. -INFO - 21:15:18.152: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:199) Reading headers from db
  11. -INFO - 21:15:21.694: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:238) Found 498182 headers in db
  12. -INFO - 21:15:23.863: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:64) Rewinding 100 blocks
  13. -INFO - 21:15:23.863: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:71) updating HEADERS db
  14. -INFO - 21:15:24.440: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:493) Found next block after skipping 1040412bytes
  15. -INFO - 21:15:24.955: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:281) parsed block file #1092
  16. -INFO - 21:15:47.232: (..\Blockchain.cpp:248) Organizing chain
  17. -INFO - 21:15:47.263: (..\Blockchain.cpp:370) Organized chain in 0s
  18. -INFO - 21:15:47.294: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:76) updated HEADERS db in 23s
  19. -INFO - 21:15:47.294: (..\lmdb_wrapper.cpp:388) Opening databases...
  20. -INFO - 21:15:47.310: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:1231) verifying txfilters integrity
  21. -INFO - 21:15:47.559: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:1314) done checking txfilters
  22. -INFO - 21:15:48.386: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:134) scanning new blocks from #498182 to #498288
  23. -INFO - 21:15:48.979: (..\BlockchainScanner.cpp:852) scanned from block #498182 to #498288
  24. -INFO - 21:15:48.010: (..\BlockchainScanner.cpp:214) scanned transaction history in 0s
  25. -INFO - 21:15:48.182: (..\BlockchainScanner.cpp:1787) resolving txhashes
  26. -INFO - 21:15:48.197: (..\BlockchainScanner.cpp:1846) 0 blocks hit by tx filters
  27. -INFO - 21:15:48.197: (..\BlockchainScanner.cpp:1935) found 0 missing hashes
  28. -INFO - 21:15:48.197: (..\BlockchainScanner.cpp:1980) Resolved missing hashes in 0s
  29. -INFO - 21:15:49.260: (..\lmdb_wrapper.cpp:388) Opening databases...
  30. -INFO - 21:15:49.260: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:186) scanned new blocks in 0s
  31. -INFO - 21:15:49.260: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:190) init db in 30s
  32. -INFO - 21:15:49.260: (..\BDM_supportClasses.cpp:1890) Enabling zero-conf tracking
  33. -ERROR - 21:16:16.264: (..\BitcoinP2P.cpp:1037) caught StopBlockingLoop in processDataStackThread
  34. -INFO - 21:26:01.689: (..\BDM_Server.cpp:1143) unregistered bdv: 33f3052773ecdf8d31c3
  35. -INFO - 21:26:01.689: (..\BDM_Server.cpp:1054) proceeding to shutdown
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