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a guest
Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. [ 2014.10.31 23:53:19 ] EVE System > Channel MOTD: Welcome to Star 2 Star Inc public channel. Please talk to Zowie or Dcstar. If not around please Mail meRecruitment status - - Currrently Closed
  2. [ 2014.10.31 23:53:45 ] Haedonism Bot > good evening zowie
  3. [ 2014.10.31 23:54:52 ] Haedonism Bot > i have a few questions about your corporation, if you have a moment to chat
  4. [ 2014.10.31 23:57:12 ] zowie aha > soot
  5. [ 2014.10.31 23:57:14 ] zowie aha > shoot
  6. [ 2014.10.31 23:57:50 ] Haedonism Bot > ah, you are there
  7. [ 2014.10.31 23:58:37 ] Haedonism Bot > yes, i'm looking for a new corporation and was wondering how active you guys are. like how many logged in during peak hours? i do like an active corp
  8. [ 2014.11.01 00:01:09 ] Haedonism Bot > still here?
  9. [ 2014.11.01 00:02:32 ] zowie aha > sorry in a privte corp convo as well. corp recruitment is currently closed, US side i have two/three guys active but mst active around 20.00-0.00 eve time withthe EU players on as well
  10. [ 2014.11.01 00:02:45 ] Haedonism Bot > ok cool
  11. [ 2014.11.01 00:03:02 ] Haedonism Bot > so, where is your headquarters?
  12. [ 2014.11.01 00:03:17 ] zowie aha > Aldik based here atm
  13. [ 2014.11.01 00:03:23 ] Haedonism Bot > what are your plans for coping with wardecs?
  14. [ 2014.11.01 00:03:37 ] zowie aha > not getting any lol
  15. [ 2014.11.01 00:03:45 ] Haedonism Bot > ah good
  16. [ 2014.11.01 00:03:51 ] Haedonism Bot > i can help you with that
  17. [ 2014.11.01 00:03:59 ] zowie aha > but your part of code
  18. [ 2014.11.01 00:04:26 ] Haedonism Bot > you see, your corporation has been targeted for destruction by CODE., but it isn't too late to prevent it
  19. [ 2014.11.01 00:05:13 ] zowie aha > fire away
  20. [ 2014.11.01 00:05:14 ] Haedonism Bot > all you need to do is buy mining permits for all your members, agree to obey the Code, and put a statement of support in your corp description
  21. [ 2014.11.01 00:05:45 ] Haedonism Bot > you currently have 17 members, so your fee would be only 170 million isk per year
  22. [ 2014.11.01 00:05:51 ] zowie aha > and why is code targetting a small maingi corp
  23. [ 2014.11.01 00:06:01 ] zowie aha > mining
  24. [ 2014.11.01 00:06:04 ] Ryuu Rockefeller > we just watch markeedragon troll about you sir
  25. [ 2014.11.01 00:06:29 ] Haedonism Bot > your members have been observed violating the code in space controlled by the New Order
  26. [ 2014.11.01 00:06:35 ] Ryuu Rockefeller > you are a CCP suppoced helper to clean afkers and bots from game rigght?
  27. [ 2014.11.01 00:06:41 ] Haedonism Bot > mining without permits
  28. [ 2014.11.01 00:06:57 ] Ryuu Rockefeller > sorry but we are not AFK
  29. [ 2014.11.01 00:07:00 ] Haedonism Bot > we have no affiliation with CCP
  30. [ 2014.11.01 00:07:23 ] Haedonism Bot > Ryuu Rockefeller that may be - but you don't have valid mining permits either
  31. [ 2014.11.01 00:07:36 ] Ryuu Rockefeller > lol sure sir
  32. [ 2014.11.01 00:07:50 ] zowie aha > Haedonism Bot later
  33. [ 2014.11.01 00:08:00 ] Ryuu Rockefeller > if you were that kind of "cleaners"could be with you already
  35. Then I got kicked from channel.
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