

Mar 17th, 2020
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  1. The Arcon Castle, the most beautiful building in all of The milky way, with it's tall walls and menacing towers set on keeping out anyone looking to disturb the peace, it is no wonder that the planet has managed to continue on as a monarchy for so long. Although no one could've suspected that it's order would be broken not by the destruction of it's walls trough war, but by the diplomacy of a Female.
  3. The king and his four royal guards sat in the castle's quite rustic throne room, an air of boredom arising from the leader as the country had been in a state of peace for many years now, the economy was booming and crime rates were low, there was nothing else a king could truly ask for. Breaking the deadly silence inside of the room, the castle's main doors would be swung open, turning only his eyes to meet with whatever came trough the gates the king would be surprised to see a single Lyrian woman stepping trough, none of his guards accompanying her.
  5. "An audience? At this hour?"
  7. Questioning his own guards the king would stand up a bit, the soldiers following suit and pointing their spears at the woman, of which had not stopped her march towards the throne. Responding herself to the king's question the girl mused.
  11. "Past your hours am I? You'll have to forgive me, I do not have the patience to wait however long to meet you in person... My 'liege'."
  13. Spitting the last word with venom in her tongue the woman would stand just outside of the spears' reach, mocking the two guards in front of her.
  15. "You cannot be here at this time! Guards!"
  17. The four would slowly inch towards the girl. not moving an inch as she awaited for them to surround her. With a smirk, the invader would suddenly moved her arm upwards, all four guards being knocked out in the same second by some invisible attack.
  19. "G-Guards! Guards!"
  21. Calling for more soldiers to aid him the king would begin panicking, though no sound could be heard coming from outside...
  23. "They won't come, I made sure of it."
  25. Now standing directly in front of the king licked her lips, the sight of a rich man brought excitement to her heart like nothing else.
  27. "It breaks my heart to ruin this beloved peace of yours, but your kingdom is under new management now. Don't worry, I'll rid it of these long lasting traditions that have plagued our planet. It is time for Eden to become a capitalist democracy, with me as it's first ever president. We won't need nobles and royal folk like you anymore so... It's time for you to take a bow king."
  29. Thrusting her arm foward the woman would pierce the king's chest with her hand, the old man panting as he couldn't even speak a single word. Tossing the body aside Puri would seat herself in the throne, observing as the four knights she had knocked out got up to their feet.
  31. "I spared you four and your friends for a reason, I hope you see the light and join my cause. And while you're here, go fetch the royal scientists, I believe it's time Eden settles some... 'Diplomacy', after all, we're the ones with the big stick here."
  33. Ending the king's life and claiming the rank of ruler all to herself, Lilu would slowly become Eden's new leader. Many would disagree with this development however those who already felt the injustice of their old monarchy system would gladly join her side, She would estabilish a rule based around money and monopolies, a true heaven for capitalism and earning money.
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