

Apr 15th, 2019
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  1. [Script finished (In 2.3224111 seconds): automapper.cmd(182)]
  2. ubercombat.cmd(22485): [RETURN:]
  3. ubercombat.cmd(22486): [delay 0.0001]
  4. ubercombat.cmd(22487): [return]
  5. ubercombat.cmd(25756): [var RoomCheck 0]
  6. ubercombat.cmd(25757): [gosub ROOMCHECK]
  7. ubercombat.cmd(25763): [send search]
  8. ubercombat.cmd(25764): [pause 2]
  9. search
  10. You search around for a moment.
  11. Roundtime: 3 sec.
  12. You don't find anything of interest here.
  13. R>
  14. RT with no EXP.
  16. The young ogre closes to pole weapon range on you!
  17. >
  18. The young ogre begins to advance on you!
  19. The young ogre is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.
  20. >
  21. ubercombat.cmd(25765): [pause]
  22. ubercombat.cmd(25766): [gosub FRIEND_CHECK]
  23. ubercombat.cmd(25781): [put #var Secrecy YES]
  24. ubercombat.cmd(25782): [var StartRoom ]
  25. ubercombat.cmd(25783): [var FriendList Stromak]
  26. ubercombat.cmd(25784): [eval FriendCount count("Stromak", "|")]
  27. ubercombat.cmd(25785): [Friend_Main:]
  28. ubercombat.cmd(25786): [gosub Base.GetRoomPlayers]
  29. ubercombat.cmd(25790): [var Base.Roomplayers.Output]
  30. ubercombat.cmd(25791): [var Base.Roomplayers.Input ]
  31. ubercombat.cmd(25792): [eval Base.Roomplayers.Input replace("","Also here: ","")]
  32. ubercombat.cmd(25793): [eval Base.Roomplayers.Input replace("",", ","|")]
  33. ubercombat.cmd(25794): [eval Base.Roomplayers.Input replacere("","( and )(?!.*and )","|")]
  34. ubercombat.cmd(25795): [eval Base.Roomplayers.Input replace("",".","")]
  35. ubercombat.cmd(25796): [eval tempcount count("","|")]
  36. ubercombat.cmd(25797): [var index 0]
  37. ubercombat.cmd(25798): [Base.GetRoomPlayers.FindName.Loop:]
  38. ubercombat.cmd(25799): [if 0 > 0 then]
  39. ubercombat.cmd(25800): [if matchre("","([A-Z][a-z]+)(?!.*[A-Z])") then]
  40. ubercombat.cmd(25804): [}]
  41. ubercombat.cmd(25805): [math index add 1]
  42. ubercombat.cmd(25806): [goto Base.GetRoomPlayers.FindName.Loop]
  43. ubercombat.cmd(25799): [if 1 > 0 then]
  44. ubercombat.cmd(25799): [return]
  45. ubercombat.cmd(25787): [gosub CheckFriends]
  46. ubercombat.cmd(25809): [eval PlayerCount count("", "|")]
  47. ubercombat.cmd(25810): [var index 1]
  48. ubercombat.cmd(25812): [TestPlayers:]
  49. ubercombat.cmd(25813): [if 1 > 0 then]
  50. ubercombat.cmd(25813): [goto FriendlyEnd]
  51. ubercombat.cmd(25825): [if ("" != "") then]
  52. ubercombat.cmd(25829): [}]
  53. ubercombat.cmd(25830): [return]
  54. ubercombat.cmd(25788): [return]
  55. ubercombat.cmd(25767): [if ("YES" = "YES") then]
  56. ubercombat.cmd(25767): [math RoomCheck add 1]
  57. ubercombat.cmd(25768): [pause 0.1]
  59. >
  60. ubercombat.cmd(25769): [if ("YES" = "NO") then]
  61. ubercombat.cmd(25770): [if (1 > 1) then]
  62. ubercombat.cmd(25771): [goto ROOMCHECK]
  63. ubercombat.cmd(25763): [send search]
  64. ubercombat.cmd(25764): [pause 2]
  65. search
  66. You search around for a moment.
  67. Roundtime: 3 sec.
  68. You don't find anything of interest here.
  69. R>
  70. RT with no EXP.
  72. R>
  73. The young ogre closes to melee range on you!
  74. R>
  75. ubercombat.cmd(25765): [pause]
  76. ubercombat.cmd(25766): [gosub FRIEND_CHECK]
  77. ubercombat.cmd(25781): [put #var Secrecy YES]
  78. ubercombat.cmd(25782): [var StartRoom ]
  79. ubercombat.cmd(25783): [var FriendList Stromak]
  80. ubercombat.cmd(25784): [eval FriendCount count("Stromak", "|")]
  81. ubercombat.cmd(25785): [Friend_Main:]
  82. ubercombat.cmd(25786): [gosub Base.GetRoomPlayers]
  83. ubercombat.cmd(25790): [var Base.Roomplayers.Output]
  84. ubercombat.cmd(25791): [var Base.Roomplayers.Input ]
  85. ubercombat.cmd(25792): [eval Base.Roomplayers.Input replace("","Also here: ","")]
  86. ubercombat.cmd(25793): [eval Base.Roomplayers.Input replace("",", ","|")]
  87. ubercombat.cmd(25794): [eval Base.Roomplayers.Input replacere("","( and )(?!.*and )","|")]
  88. ubercombat.cmd(25795): [eval Base.Roomplayers.Input replace("",".","")]
  89. ubercombat.cmd(25796): [eval tempcount count("","|")]
  90. ubercombat.cmd(25797): [var index 0]
  91. ubercombat.cmd(25798): [Base.GetRoomPlayers.FindName.Loop:]
  92. ubercombat.cmd(25799): [if 0 > 0 then]
  93. ubercombat.cmd(25800): [if matchre("","([A-Z][a-z]+)(?!.*[A-Z])") then]
  94. ubercombat.cmd(25804): [}]
  95. ubercombat.cmd(25805): [math index add 1]
  96. ubercombat.cmd(25806): [goto Base.GetRoomPlayers.FindName.Loop]
  97. ubercombat.cmd(25799): [if 1 > 0 then]
  98. ubercombat.cmd(25799): [return]
  99. ubercombat.cmd(25787): [gosub CheckFriends]
  100. ubercombat.cmd(25809): [eval PlayerCount count("", "|")]
  101. ubercombat.cmd(25810): [var index 1]
  102. ubercombat.cmd(25812): [TestPlayers:]
  103. ubercombat.cmd(25813): [if 1 > 0 then]
  104. ubercombat.cmd(25813): [goto FriendlyEnd]
  105. ubercombat.cmd(25825): [if ("" != "") then]
  106. ubercombat.cmd(25829): [}]
  107. ubercombat.cmd(25830): [return]
  108. ubercombat.cmd(25788): [return]
  109. ubercombat.cmd(25767): [if ("YES" = "YES") then]
  110. ubercombat.cmd(25767): [math RoomCheck add 1]
  111. ubercombat.cmd(25768): [pause 0.1]
  112. The young ogre begins to advance on you!
  113. The young ogre is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.
  114. >
  115. ubercombat.cmd(25769): [if ("YES" = "NO") then]
  116. ubercombat.cmd(25770): [if (2 > 1) then]
  117. ubercombat.cmd(25770): [return]
  118. ubercombat.cmd(25758): [math count add 1]
  119. ubercombat.cmd(25759): [if (2 > 1) then]
  120. ubercombat.cmd(25759): [return]
  121. ubercombat.cmd(25745): [if !matchre("336","(336|337|338|339|340)") then]
  122. ubercombat.cmd(25746): [return]
  123. ubercombat.cmd(25684): [echo]
  125. ubercombat.cmd(25685): [echo ================================]
  126. ================================
  127. ubercombat.cmd(25686): [echo * SUCCESS! FOUND EMPTY COMBAT ROOM!]
  129. ubercombat.cmd(25687): [echo * INITIALIZING COMBAT!]
  131. ubercombat.cmd(25688): [echo ================================]
  132. ================================
  133. ubercombat.cmd(25689): [echo]
  135. ubercombat.cmd(25690): [gosub clear]
  136. ubercombat.cmd(25691): [put #tvar Combat.Time 1555389910]
  137. ubercombat.cmd(25692): [put #echo >$Log Chartreuse **** Hunting in Scout Ogres ! Roomid - 336]
  138. ubercombat.cmd(25693): [goto TrainLoop]
  139. ubercombat.cmd(1497): [math Loops add 1]
  140. ubercombat.cmd(1498): [var InCombat 1]
  141. ubercombat.cmd(1499): [var totalBoxes 0]
  142. ubercombat.cmd(1500): [action (inventory) on]
  143. ubercombat.cmd(1501): [action (combat) on]
  144. ubercombat.cmd(1502): [action (escape) on]
  145. ubercombat.cmd(1503): [action (switch) on]
  146. ubercombat.cmd(1504): [pause 0.001]
  147. ubercombat.cmd(1505): [if (1 > 15) then]
  148. ubercombat.cmd(1506): [if (100 < 65) then]
  149. ubercombat.cmd(1507): [gosub stowing]
  150. ubercombat.cmd(11663): [delay 0.0001]
  151. ubercombat.cmd(11664): [var LOCATION STOWING]
  152. ubercombat.cmd(11665): [pause 0.001]
  153. ubercombat.cmd(11666): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "spear|baselard|bastard sword|bar mace|bola|nightstick|stonebow|shortbow|sling|NULL|NULL|NULL") then]
  154. ubercombat.cmd(11668): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "\bfan\b") then]
  155. ubercombat.cmd(11669): [if matchre("", "(crossbow|bow|short bow|sling|arbalest)") then]
  156. ubercombat.cmd(11670): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "cambrinth bracer") then]
  157. ubercombat.cmd(11671): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "almanac") then]
  158. ubercombat.cmd(11672): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "lumpy bundle") && (1 = 1) then]
  159. ubercombat.cmd(11673): [pause 0.001]
  160. ubercombat.cmd(11674): [pause 0.001]
  161. ubercombat.cmd(11675): [if matchre(" ", "material") then]
  162. ubercombat.cmd(11676): [if matchre(" ", "zills") then]
  163. ubercombat.cmd(11677): [if matchre(" ", "(grass|braided grass)") then]
  164. ubercombat.cmd(11678): [if matchre(" ", "(grass|braided grass)") then]
  165. ubercombat.cmd(11679): [if matchre(" ", "(vine|braided vine)") then]
  166. ubercombat.cmd(11680): [if matchre(" ", "(vine|braided vine)") then]
  167. ubercombat.cmd(11681): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "bundle") then]
  168. ubercombat.cmd(11682): [if matchre(" ", "rope") then]
  169. ubercombat.cmd(11683): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "bundle") then]
  170. ubercombat.cmd(11688): [}]
  171. ubercombat.cmd(11689): [pause 0.001]
  172. ubercombat.cmd(11690): [pause 0.001]
  173. ubercombat.cmd(11691): [if contains(" ", "(granite block|block)") then]
  174. ubercombat.cmd(11695): [pause 0.001]
  175. ubercombat.cmd(11696): [if (0) && (0 = 1) then]
  176. ubercombat.cmd(11700): [}]
  177. ubercombat.cmd(11701): [if (0) && contains("Empty", "NULL") && ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  178. ubercombat.cmd(11702): [if ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  179. ubercombat.cmd(11703): [if ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  180. ubercombat.cmd(11704): [return]
  181. ubercombat.cmd(1508): [if (1) then]
  182. ubercombat.cmd(1508): [gosub stowammo]
  183. ubercombat.cmd(11554): [delay 0.001]
  184. ubercombat.cmd(11556): [if (0) && contains("Empty", "NULL") && ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  185. ubercombat.cmd(11557): [if (0) && contains("Empty", "NULL") && ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  186. ubercombat.cmd(11558): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "null") then]
  187. ubercombat.cmd(11559): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "null") then]
  188. ubercombat.cmd(11560): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "stone shard") then]
  189. ubercombat.cmd(11561): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "cougar arrow") then]
  190. ubercombat.cmd(11562): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "stone shard") then]
  191. ubercombat.cmd(11563): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "stone shard") then]
  192. ubercombat.cmd(11564): [if matchre(tolower("Empty"),"(partisan|shield|light crossbow|buckler|lumpy bundle|halberd|mistwood longbow|gloomwood khuj|halberd)") && ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  193. ubercombat.cmd(11565): [if matchre(tolower("Empty"),"(partisan|shield|light crossbow|buckler|lumpy bundle|halberd|mistwood longbow|gloomwood khuj|halberd)") && ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  194. ubercombat.cmd(11566): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(double-stringed crossbow|repeating crossbow|bloodwood dako'gi crossbow|forester's crossbow|bamboo crossbow|forester's bow|battle bow|assassin's crossbow)") then]
  195. ubercombat.cmd(11567): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(river rock|spider-carved rock|heavy quartz rock|smooth rock|boggle-shaped rock|fist-sized rock|pumpkin-shaped rock|granite rock)") then]
  196. ubercombat.cmd(11568): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(frog-crotch bolt|angiswaerd bolt|basilisk bolt|ice-adder bolt|drake-fang bolt|jagged-horn bolt|leafhead bolt|barbed bolt|flint-tip bolt|blunt tip bolt|hele'la bolt|sabertooth bolt|elsralael bolts)") then]
  197. ubercombat.cmd(11569): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(basilisk head arrow\b|cane arrow\b|bone-tipped arrow\b|barbed arrow\b|stone-tipped arrow\b|serrated-bodkin arrow\b|razor-edged arrow|claw-tipped arrow|razor-tipped arrow\b|cougar-claw arrow|boar tusk arrow|blunt tip arrow)") then]
  198. ubercombat.cmd(11570): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(quartzite stone shard|obsidian stone shard|glaes stone shard|tyrium stone shard|onyx stone shard|senci stone shard|belzune stone shard)") then]
  199. ubercombat.cmd(11571): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"throwing blade") then]
  200. ubercombat.cmd(11572): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"telothian bola") then]
  201. ubercombat.cmd(11573): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"blowgun dart") then]
  202. ubercombat.cmd(11574): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"silver-edged star") then]
  203. ubercombat.cmd(11575): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"quartzite stone shard") then]
  204. ubercombat.cmd(11576): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(ironwood shield|wooden shield)") then]
  205. ubercombat.cmd(11577): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(elongated stones|granite stone|panther-carved stone|goblin-carved stones|unicorn-carved stone)") then]
  206. ubercombat.cmd(11578): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(pyrite clump|smoky-quartz clump|obsidian clump)") then]
  207. ubercombat.cmd(11579): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"sleek quadrello") then]
  208. ubercombat.cmd(11580): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"small shield|azure-scale shield") then]
  209. ubercombat.cmd(11581): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"T'Kashi mirror flamberge") then]
  210. ubercombat.cmd(11582): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"T'Kashi mirror flail") then]
  211. ubercombat.cmd(11583): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"mirror blade") then]
  212. ubercombat.cmd(11584): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"mirror knife") then]
  213. ubercombat.cmd(11585): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"Nisha short bow") then]
  214. ubercombat.cmd(11586): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"razor-sharp damascus steel sabre") then]
  215. ubercombat.cmd(11587): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"glaes and kertig-alloy katana capped with an ornate dragonfire amber pommel") then]
  216. ubercombat.cmd(11588): [if !matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(mirror axe|stonebow|pasabas|battle bow|throwing spike|thrusting blade|bone club|tago|quarrel|\btelo\b|flamberge|nightstick|mirror blade|katana|shadowy-black sling|sniper's crossbow|\btarge\b|throwing axe|throwing club|bastard sword|throwing blade|\bbola\b)") then]
  217. ubercombat.cmd(11588): [return]
  218. ubercombat.cmd(1509): [var COMBAT.ROOM 336]
  219. ubercombat.cmd(1510): [var COMBAT.ZONE 4]
  220. ubercombat.cmd(1511): [if (1 >= 6) then]
  221. ubercombat.cmd(1512): [if ("Empty" != "Empty") || ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  222. ubercombat.cmd(1513): [if matchre ("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre." , "(.*) ((which|that) appears dead|\(dead\))") then]
  223. ubercombat.cmd(1514): [if (0) then]
  224. ubercombat.cmd(1515): [if (0) then]
  225. ubercombat.cmd(1516): [gosub WEAPON.SET]
  226. ubercombat.cmd(1580): [echo ============================================]
  227. ============================================
  228. ubercombat.cmd(1581): [echo *** Calculating Weapon Skills - Stand By..]
  229. *** Calculating Weapon Skills - Stand By..
  230. ubercombat.cmd(1582): [echo ============================================]
  231. ============================================
  232. ubercombat.cmd(1583): [eval numberOfAllCombats count("|Bow|Slings", "|")]
  233. ubercombat.cmd(1584): [eval numberOfTotalCombats count("|Bow|Slings", "|")]
  234. ubercombat.cmd(1585): [SETHUNT.CombatRankCheck:]
  235. ubercombat.cmd(1587): [var count 0]
  236. ubercombat.cmd(1588): [var RankCounter1 1]
  237. ubercombat.cmd(1589): [var RankCounter2 1]
  238. ubercombat.cmd(1590): [SETHUNT.CombatRankCheck.ONE:]
  239. ubercombat.cmd(1591): [if |Bow|Slings != "|" then]
  240. ubercombat.cmd(1592): [{]
  241. ubercombat.cmd(1593): [if 0 < 2 then]
  242. ubercombat.cmd(1594): [{]
  243. ubercombat.cmd(1596): [var LowestRank Bow]
  244. ubercombat.cmd(1598): [gosub SETHUNT.CombatRankCheck.TWO]
  245. ubercombat.cmd(1619): [if "Bow" != "Bow" then]
  246. ubercombat.cmd(1625): [}]
  247. ubercombat.cmd(1626): [if 1 < 2 then]
  248. ubercombat.cmd(1627): [{]
  249. ubercombat.cmd(1628): [math RankCounter2 add 1]
  250. ubercombat.cmd(1629): [goto SETHUNT.CombatRankCheck.TWO]
  251. ubercombat.cmd(1619): [if "Bow" != "Slings" then]
  252. ubercombat.cmd(1620): [{]
  253. ubercombat.cmd(1621): [if 44.48 >= 54.42 then]
  254. ubercombat.cmd(1624): [}]
  255. ubercombat.cmd(1625): [}]
  256. ubercombat.cmd(1626): [if 2 < 2 then]
  257. ubercombat.cmd(1630): [}]
  258. ubercombat.cmd(1631): [return]
  259. ubercombat.cmd(1600): [if ("" = "") then]
  260. ubercombat.cmd(1600): [var combatsToTrain Bow]
  261. ubercombat.cmd(1601): [else]
  262. ubercombat.cmd(1603): [eval combatsToCheck replace("|Bow|Slings", "Bow", "")]
  263. ubercombat.cmd(1604): [eval combatsToCheck replacere("||Slings", "\|+", "|")]
  264. ubercombat.cmd(1605): [eval combatsToCheck replacere("|Slings", "\|$", "")]
  265. ubercombat.cmd(1607): [eval numberOfTotalCombats count("|Slings", "|")]
  266. ubercombat.cmd(1609): [math RankCounter2 set 1]
  267. ubercombat.cmd(1610): [pause 0.0001]
  268. ubercombat.cmd(1611): [pause 0.0001]
  269. ubercombat.cmd(1613): [goto SETHUNT.CombatRankCheck.ONE]
  270. ubercombat.cmd(1591): [if |Slings != "|" then]
  271. ubercombat.cmd(1592): [{]
  272. ubercombat.cmd(1593): [if 0 < 1 then]
  273. ubercombat.cmd(1594): [{]
  274. ubercombat.cmd(1596): [var LowestRank Slings]
  275. ubercombat.cmd(1598): [gosub SETHUNT.CombatRankCheck.TWO]
  276. ubercombat.cmd(1619): [if "Slings" != "Slings" then]
  277. ubercombat.cmd(1625): [}]
  278. ubercombat.cmd(1626): [if 1 < 1 then]
  279. ubercombat.cmd(1630): [}]
  280. ubercombat.cmd(1631): [return]
  281. ubercombat.cmd(1600): [if ("Bow" = "") then]
  282. ubercombat.cmd(1601): [else]
  283. ubercombat.cmd(1601): [var combatsToTrain Bow|Slings]
  284. ubercombat.cmd(1603): [eval combatsToCheck replace("|Slings", "Slings", "")]
  285. ubercombat.cmd(1604): [eval combatsToCheck replacere("|", "\|+", "|")]
  286. ubercombat.cmd(1605): [eval combatsToCheck replacere("|", "\|$", "")]
  287. ubercombat.cmd(1607): [eval numberOfTotalCombats count("", "|")]
  288. ubercombat.cmd(1609): [math RankCounter2 set 1]
  289. ubercombat.cmd(1610): [pause 0.0001]
  290. ubercombat.cmd(1611): [pause 0.0001]
  291. ubercombat.cmd(1613): [goto SETHUNT.CombatRankCheck.ONE]
  292. ubercombat.cmd(1591): [if != "|" then]
  293. ubercombat.cmd(1615): [}]
  294. ubercombat.cmd(1616): [goto SETHUNT.SetHunt]
  295. ubercombat.cmd(1634): [eval combatsToCheck replace("Bow|Slings", "|", "-> ")]
  296. ubercombat.cmd(1635): [put #echo >Log DodgerBlue Training Order: Bow-> Slings]
  297. ubercombat.cmd(1636): [echo]
  299. ubercombat.cmd(1637): [echo Training Order: Bow-> Slings]
  300. Training Order: Bow-> Slings
  301. ubercombat.cmd(1638): [echo]
  303. ubercombat.cmd(1639): [echo]
  305. ubercombat.cmd(1640): [var combats Bow|Slings]
  306. ubercombat.cmd(1641): [var combatcount 0]
  307. ubercombat.cmd(1642): [pause 0.3]
  308. ubercombat.cmd(1643): [pause 0.3]
  309. The young ogre closes to pole weapon range on you!
  310. >
  311. ubercombat.cmd(1644): [return]
  312. ubercombat.cmd(1517): [if def(SLINGS) || ("SLINGS != "NULL") then]
  313. ubercombat.cmd(1523): [}]
  314. ubercombat.cmd(1524): [if (toupper("ON") != "ON") then]
  315. ubercombat.cmd(1525): [goto SWITCH]
  316. ubercombat.cmd(1532): [var InCombat 1]
  317. ubercombat.cmd(1533): [math switchloop add 1]
  318. ubercombat.cmd(1534): [action (offhand) off]
  319. ubercombat.cmd(1535): [action (retreat) off]
  320. ubercombat.cmd(1536): [action (combat) on]
  321. ubercombat.cmd(1537): [action (escape) on]
  322. ubercombat.cmd(1538): [gosub FEET_CHECK]
  323. ubercombat.cmd(11934): [action var feet when ^Lying at your feet (.*)\.]
  324. ubercombat.cmd(11935): [pause 0.001]
  326. ubercombat.cmd(11936): [if ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  327. ubercombat.cmd(11937): [pause 0.3]
  328. >
  329. ubercombat.cmd(11938): [pause 0.2]
  330. ubercombat.cmd(11939): [matchre STOW_FOOT ^Lying at your feet]
  331. ubercombat.cmd(11940): [matchre STOW_FOOT_2 INVENTORY HELP|^You|^What|^I could]
  332. ubercombat.cmd(11941): [put inv weapon]
  333. [ubercombat]: inv weapon
  334. ubercombat.cmd(11942): [matchwait 8]
  335. All of your weapons:
  337. a polished steel parry stick
  338. [Type INVENTORY HELP for more options]
  339. >
  340. ubercombat.cmd(11957): [STOW_FOOT_2:]
  341. ubercombat.cmd(11958): [action remove ^Lying at your feet (.*)\.]
  342. ubercombat.cmd(11959): [return]
  343. ubercombat.cmd(1539): [gosub CLEARHANDS]
  344. ubercombat.cmd(4614): [delay 0.0005]
  345. ubercombat.cmd(4617): [pause 0.1]
  346. ubercombat.cmd(4618): [gosub SHEATH_CHECK]
  347. ubercombat.cmd(12229): [if matchre(" ", "fan") then]
  348. ubercombat.cmd(12230): [if !matchre("Empty Empty", "spear|baselard|bastard sword|bar mace|bola|nightstick|stonebow|shortbow|sling|NULL|NULL|NULL") then]
  349. ubercombat.cmd(12230): [return]
  350. ubercombat.cmd(4619): [if (0) && contains("Empty", "NULL") && ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  351. ubercombat.cmd(4620): [if (0) && contains("Empty", "NULL") && ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  352. ubercombat.cmd(4621): [if (0) && contains("Empty Empty", "NULL") && !matchre("", "Bow|Crossbow|Slings|Offhand_Weapon|Backstab|Brawling") then]
  353. ubercombat.cmd(4622): [pause 0.0001]
  354. ubercombat.cmd(4623): [pause 0.0001]
  355. ubercombat.cmd(4624): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "shortbow") then]
  356. ubercombat.cmd(4628): [}]
  357. ubercombat.cmd(4629): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "sling") then]
  358. ubercombat.cmd(4633): [}]
  359. ubercombat.cmd(4634): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  360. ubercombat.cmd(4638): [}]
  361. ubercombat.cmd(4639): [if contains(" ", "(partisan|shield|buckler|lumpy bundle|halberd|staff|longbow|khuj|spear)") then]
  362. ubercombat.cmd(4640): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "shortbow|sling") then]
  363. ubercombat.cmd(4641): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  364. ubercombat.cmd(4642): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  365. ubercombat.cmd(4643): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  366. ubercombat.cmd(4644): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  367. ubercombat.cmd(4645): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  368. ubercombat.cmd(4646): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  369. ubercombat.cmd(4647): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  370. ubercombat.cmd(4648): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  371. ubercombat.cmd(4649): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "shortbow") then]
  372. ubercombat.cmd(4650): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "sling") then]
  373. ubercombat.cmd(4651): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  374. ubercombat.cmd(4652): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  375. ubercombat.cmd(4653): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  376. ubercombat.cmd(4654): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  377. ubercombat.cmd(4655): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "null") then]
  378. ubercombat.cmd(4656): [if matchre("Empty Empty", "round sipar") then]
  379. ubercombat.cmd(4658): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre." , "null") then]
  380. ubercombat.cmd(4659): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre." , "null") then]
  381. ubercombat.cmd(4660): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre." , "stone shard") then]
  382. ubercombat.cmd(4661): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre." , "cougar arrow") then]
  383. ubercombat.cmd(4662): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre." , "stone shard") then]
  384. ubercombat.cmd(4663): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre." , "stone shard") then]
  385. ubercombat.cmd(4664): [if ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  386. ubercombat.cmd(4665): [if ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  387. ubercombat.cmd(4667): [return]
  388. ubercombat.cmd(1540): [gosub EXP_MODS]
  389. ubercombat.cmd(10129): [action (exp_mods) on]
  390. ubercombat.cmd(10130): [put #clear ExpMods]
  391. ubercombat.cmd(10131): [matchre EXP_MODS_DONE ^The|^I|System|\.\.\.wait]
  392. ubercombat.cmd(10132): [put exp mods]
  393. [ubercombat]: exp mods
  394. ubercombat.cmd(10133): [matchwait 3]
  395. The following skills are currently under the influence of a modifier:
  397. ubercombat.cmd(394): [put #echo >ExpMods +10 Defending]
  398. +10 Defending
  399. ubercombat.cmd(394): [put #echo >ExpMods +10 Attunement]
  400. +10 Attunement
  401. ubercombat.cmd(394): [put #echo >ExpMods +10 Evasion]
  402. +10 Evasion
  404. >
  405. ubercombat.cmd(10134): [EXP_MODS_DONE:]
  406. ubercombat.cmd(10135): [pause 0.2]
  407. ubercombat.cmd(10136): [action (exp_mods) off]
  408. ubercombat.cmd(10137): [return]
  409. ubercombat.cmd(1541): [if ("Cleric" = "Necromancer") && (0 = 1) then]
  410. ubercombat.cmd(1545): [}]
  411. ubercombat.cmd(1546): [if ("None" != "None") then]
  412. ubercombat.cmd(1547): [if matchre(toupper("ON"), "ON") then]
  413. ubercombat.cmd(1547): [put #tvar TrainStealth 1]
  414. ubercombat.cmd(1548): [if (0) then]
  415. ubercombat.cmd(1549): [if (1) then]
  416. ubercombat.cmd(1549): [gosub stowammo]
  417. ubercombat.cmd(11554): [delay 0.001]
  418. ubercombat.cmd(11556): [if (0) && contains("Empty", "NULL") && ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  419. ubercombat.cmd(11557): [if (0) && contains("Empty", "NULL") && ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  420. ubercombat.cmd(11558): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "null") then]
  421. ubercombat.cmd(11559): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "null") then]
  422. ubercombat.cmd(11560): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "stone shard") then]
  423. ubercombat.cmd(11561): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "cougar arrow") then]
  424. ubercombat.cmd(11562): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "stone shard") then]
  425. ubercombat.cmd(11563): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "stone shard") then]
  426. ubercombat.cmd(11564): [if matchre(tolower("Empty"),"(partisan|shield|light crossbow|buckler|lumpy bundle|halberd|mistwood longbow|gloomwood khuj|halberd)") && ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  427. ubercombat.cmd(11565): [if matchre(tolower("Empty"),"(partisan|shield|light crossbow|buckler|lumpy bundle|halberd|mistwood longbow|gloomwood khuj|halberd)") && ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  428. ubercombat.cmd(11566): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(double-stringed crossbow|repeating crossbow|bloodwood dako'gi crossbow|forester's crossbow|bamboo crossbow|forester's bow|battle bow|assassin's crossbow)") then]
  429. ubercombat.cmd(11567): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(river rock|spider-carved rock|heavy quartz rock|smooth rock|boggle-shaped rock|fist-sized rock|pumpkin-shaped rock|granite rock)") then]
  430. ubercombat.cmd(11568): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(frog-crotch bolt|angiswaerd bolt|basilisk bolt|ice-adder bolt|drake-fang bolt|jagged-horn bolt|leafhead bolt|barbed bolt|flint-tip bolt|blunt tip bolt|hele'la bolt|sabertooth bolt|elsralael bolts)") then]
  431. ubercombat.cmd(11569): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(basilisk head arrow\b|cane arrow\b|bone-tipped arrow\b|barbed arrow\b|stone-tipped arrow\b|serrated-bodkin arrow\b|razor-edged arrow|claw-tipped arrow|razor-tipped arrow\b|cougar-claw arrow|boar tusk arrow|blunt tip arrow)") then]
  432. ubercombat.cmd(11570): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(quartzite stone shard|obsidian stone shard|glaes stone shard|tyrium stone shard|onyx stone shard|senci stone shard|belzune stone shard)") then]
  433. ubercombat.cmd(11571): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"throwing blade") then]
  434. ubercombat.cmd(11572): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"telothian bola") then]
  435. ubercombat.cmd(11573): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"blowgun dart") then]
  436. ubercombat.cmd(11574): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"silver-edged star") then]
  437. ubercombat.cmd(11575): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"quartzite stone shard") then]
  438. ubercombat.cmd(11576): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(ironwood shield|wooden shield)") then]
  439. ubercombat.cmd(11577): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(elongated stones|granite stone|panther-carved stone|goblin-carved stones|unicorn-carved stone)") then]
  440. ubercombat.cmd(11578): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(pyrite clump|smoky-quartz clump|obsidian clump)") then]
  441. ubercombat.cmd(11579): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"sleek quadrello") then]
  442. ubercombat.cmd(11580): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"small shield|azure-scale shield") then]
  443. ubercombat.cmd(11581): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"T'Kashi mirror flamberge") then]
  444. ubercombat.cmd(11582): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"T'Kashi mirror flail") then]
  445. ubercombat.cmd(11583): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"mirror blade") then]
  446. ubercombat.cmd(11584): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"mirror knife") then]
  447. ubercombat.cmd(11585): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"Nisha short bow") then]
  448. ubercombat.cmd(11586): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"razor-sharp damascus steel sabre") then]
  449. ubercombat.cmd(11587): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"glaes and kertig-alloy katana capped with an ornate dragonfire amber pommel") then]
  450. ubercombat.cmd(11588): [if !matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(mirror axe|stonebow|pasabas|battle bow|throwing spike|thrusting blade|bone club|tago|quarrel|\btelo\b|flamberge|nightstick|mirror blade|katana|shadowy-black sling|sniper's crossbow|\btarge\b|throwing axe|throwing club|bastard sword|throwing blade|\bbola\b)") then]
  451. ubercombat.cmd(11588): [return]
  452. ubercombat.cmd(1550): [if ("Cleric" = "Barbarian) && (toupper("ON") = "ON") then]
  453. ubercombat.cmd(1551): [if (0) then]
  454. ubercombat.cmd(1552): [if (0 = 1) then]
  455. ubercombat.cmd(1553): [if (1 >= 6) then]
  456. ubercombat.cmd(1554): [if (0 >= 2) then]
  457. ubercombat.cmd(1555): [if (1 > 16) then]
  458. ubercombat.cmd(1563): [}]
  459. ubercombat.cmd(1564): [echo]
  461. ubercombat.cmd(1565): [echo ===================]
  462. ===================
  463. ubercombat.cmd(1566): [echo *** WEAPON SWAP ***]
  464. *** WEAPON SWAP ***
  465. ubercombat.cmd(1567): [echo ===================]
  466. ===================
  467. ubercombat.cmd(1568): [echo]
  469. ubercombat.cmd(1569): [if ("None" != "None") then]
  470. ubercombat.cmd(1570): [if matchre("Cleric", "Warrior Mage|Moon Mage|Bard|Ranger|Paladin|Empath|Cleric|Trader|Necromancer") then]
  471. ubercombat.cmd(1570): [gosub MAGIC_PREP]
  472. ubercombat.cmd(3274): [if ("None" = "None") && (27 > 40) then]
  473. ubercombat.cmd(3275): [if (0) then]
  474. ubercombat.cmd(3276): [return]
  475. ubercombat.cmd(1571): [echo **** Training Bow]
  476. **** Training Bow
  477. ubercombat.cmd(1572): [pause 0.3]
  479. * A young ogre feints to the side at you. You dodge.
  480. ubercombat.cmd(286): [put #var balance 3]
  481. [You're nimbly balanced with no advantage.]
  482. >
  483. Learned: Evasion, Shield Usage, Defending, Light Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  485. ubercombat.cmd(1573): [pause 0.2]
  486. ubercombat.cmd(1574): [if (toupper("ON") != "ON") then]
  487. ubercombat.cmd(1575): [goto Bow]
  488. ubercombat.cmd(1819): [BOWS:]
  489. ubercombat.cmd(1820): [math combatcount add 1]
  490. ubercombat.cmd(1821): [var summoning 0]
  491. ubercombat.cmd(1822): [var nextSkill Slings]
  492. ubercombat.cmd(1823): [var ranged 1]
  493. ubercombat.cmd(1824): [if (0) then]
  494. ubercombat.cmd(1825): [if (0) then]
  495. ubercombat.cmd(1826): [put #var WeaponType BOW]
  496. ubercombat.cmd(1827): [var WEAPON_EXP Bow]
  497. ubercombat.cmd(1828): [var WEAPON shortbow]
  498. ubercombat.cmd(1829): [var CurrentAmmo cougar arrow]
  499. ubercombat.cmd(1831): [if ("Cleric" = "Barbarian) then]
  500. ubercombat.cmd(1832): [if !matchre(toupper("shortbow"),"NULL") then]
  501. ubercombat.cmd(1832): [if (44.48 < 1750) then]
  502. ubercombat.cmd(1832): [if (32 < 33) then]
  503. ubercombat.cmd(1832): [gosub PRERANGEDTRAIN "Bow" "shortbow" "cougar arrow" "BOW"]
  504. ubercombat.cmd(2574): [var LAST RANGEDTRAIN_MONSTERCOUNT]
  505. ubercombat.cmd(2575): [delay 0.0005]
  506. ubercombat.cmd(2576): [action (retreat) on]
  507. ubercombat.cmd(2577): [timer stop]
  508. ubercombat.cmd(2578): [timer clear]
  509. ubercombat.cmd(2579): [var switchloop 0]
  510. ubercombat.cmd(2580): [var ATTACKNUMBER 0]
  511. ubercombat.cmd(2581): [var LEARNING Bow]
  512. ubercombat.cmd(2582): [var WEAPON shortbow]
  513. ubercombat.cmd(2583): [var MAINARROW cougar arrow]
  514. ubercombat.cmd(2584): [eval WEAPON tolower("shortbow")]
  515. ubercombat.cmd(2586): [var ranged 1]
  516. ubercombat.cmd(2588): [if ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  517. ubercombat.cmd(2589): [if ("Empty" != "Empty") && !contains("Empty", "shortbow") then]
  518. ubercombat.cmd(2590): [put #echo >Log LightSeaGreen *** Switched Training to Bow]
  519. ubercombat.cmd(2591): [echo **** Training Bow]
  520. **** Training Bow
  521. ubercombat.cmd(2592): [gosub STATUSBAR]
  522. ubercombat.cmd(10579): [var tempRanks 684]
  523. ubercombat.cmd(10580): [math tempRanks add 20]
  524. ubercombat.cmd(10581): [put #tvar TOTALRANKS 704]
  525. ubercombat.cmd(10582): [put #statusbar 1 Uber Combat Active - Training 2 Weapon Skills]
  526. ubercombat.cmd(10583): [put #statusbar 2 Skill: Bow]
  527. ubercombat.cmd(10584): [put #statusbar 3 Weapon: shortbow | Stance: Shield]
  528. ubercombat.cmd(10585): [put #statusbar 4 Ranks Gained: 704]
  529. ubercombat.cmd(10586): [put #statusbar 5 Bundled Items: 38]
  530. ubercombat.cmd(10587): [put #statusbar 6 Total Profit: 0]
  531. ubercombat.cmd(10588): [put #statusbar 7 Logouts: 0]
  532. ubercombat.cmd(10589): [return]
  533. ubercombat.cmd(2593): [timer start]
  534. ubercombat.cmd(2594): [if ("None" != "None") then]
  535. ubercombat.cmd(2595): [if matchre("Cleric", "Warrior Mage|Moon Mage|Bard|Ranger|Paladin|Empath|Cleric|Trader|Necromancer") then]
  536. ubercombat.cmd(2595): [gosub MAGIC_PREP]
  537. ubercombat.cmd(3274): [if ("None" = "None") && (27 > 40) then]
  538. ubercombat.cmd(3275): [if (0) then]
  539. ubercombat.cmd(3276): [return]
  540. ubercombat.cmd(2596): [if (toupper("OFF") = "ON") && (1) then]
  541. ubercombat.cmd(2597): [if contains("Empty", "round sipar") then]
  542. ubercombat.cmd(2598): [if !matchre("shortbow", "Nizukal|NULL") then]
  543. ubercombat.cmd(2598): [gosub WIELD shortbow]
  544. ubercombat.cmd(12629): [delay 0.0001]
  545. ubercombat.cmd(12630): [var item shortbow]
  546. ubercombat.cmd(12631): [if (!1) then]
  547. ubercombat.cmd(12632): [if ("BOW" = "BRAWL") then]
  548. ubercombat.cmd(12633): [if ("shortbow" = "NULL") then]
  549. ubercombat.cmd(12634): [gosub WIELD_CHECK]
  550. ubercombat.cmd(12657): [if !matchre(toupper("satchel"), "NULL") && matchre("shortbow","spear|baselard|bastard sword|bar mace|bola|nightstick|stonebow|shortbow|sling") && !matchre("Empty", "shortbow") then]
  551. ubercombat.cmd(12657): [gosub WIELD_IT "shortbow" "satchel"]
  552. ubercombat.cmd(12603): [delay 0.0001]
  553. ubercombat.cmd(12604): [var item shortbow]
  554. ubercombat.cmd(12605): [var SHEATH.WEAPON shortbow]
  555. ubercombat.cmd(12606): [var SHEATH.CONTAINER satchel]
  556. ubercombat.cmd(12607): [if ("shortbow" = "NULL") then]
  557. ubercombat.cmd(12608): [if (!1) then]
  558. ubercombat.cmd(12609): [var LOCATION WIELD_IT_1]
  559. ubercombat.cmd(12610): [WIELD_IT_1:]
  560. ubercombat.cmd(12611): [matchre WAIT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,|^Please wait\.]
  561. ubercombat.cmd(12612): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned]
  562. ubercombat.cmd(12613): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web]
  563. ubercombat.cmd(12614): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  564. ubercombat.cmd(12615): [matchre GET_IT1 ^You find it difficult to wield]
  565. ubercombat.cmd(12616): [matchre RETURN ^You (?:get|sling|draw|put|drape|slide|slip|deftly|attach|work|strap|hang|are already) .*(?:\.|\!|\?)?]
  566. ubercombat.cmd(12617): [matchre RETURN ^You're already holding .*\!]
  567. ubercombat.cmd(12618): [matchre REMOVE_WEAPON ^You're wearing]
  568. ubercombat.cmd(12619): [matchre WIELD_1 ^What were you referring to\?]
  569. ubercombat.cmd(12620): [matchre WIELD_1 ^\s*Wield what\?]
  570. ubercombat.cmd(12621): [matchre WIELD_1 ^I could not find]
  571. ubercombat.cmd(12622): [send wield my shortbow]
  572. ubercombat.cmd(12623): [matchwait]
  573. wield my shortbow
  574. You draw out your yew shortbow from the supply satchel, gripping it firmly in your right hand and balancing with your left.
  575. >
  576. ubercombat.cmd(22485): [RETURN:]
  577. ubercombat.cmd(22486): [delay 0.0001]
  578. ubercombat.cmd(22487): [return]
  579. ubercombat.cmd(12658): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && matchre("shortbow","NULL") && !matchre("yew shortbow", "shortbow") then]
  580. ubercombat.cmd(12659): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && matchre("shortbow","NULL") && !matchre("yew shortbow", "shortbow") then]
  581. ubercombat.cmd(12660): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && matchre("shortbow","NULL") && !matchre("yew shortbow", "shortbow") then]
  582. ubercombat.cmd(12661): [pause 0.1]
  583. ubercombat.cmd(12662): [pause 0.1]
  584. ubercombat.cmd(12663): [return]
  585. ubercombat.cmd(12635): [if matchre("yew shortbow", "shortbow") || matchre("Empty", "shortbow") then]
  586. ubercombat.cmd(12635): [return]
  587. ubercombat.cmd(2599): [if !matchre("Shield" , "Custom") then]
  588. ubercombat.cmd(2599): [gosub STANCE_SET_CUSTOM]
  589. ubercombat.cmd(10499): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "OFFHAND") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  590. ubercombat.cmd(10500): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "SE") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  591. ubercombat.cmd(10501): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "LE") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  592. ubercombat.cmd(10502): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "THE") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  593. ubercombat.cmd(10503): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "SB") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  594. ubercombat.cmd(10504): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "LB") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  595. ubercombat.cmd(10505): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "THB") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  596. ubercombat.cmd(10506): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "SLINGS") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  597. ubercombat.cmd(10507): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "CROSSBOW") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  598. ubercombat.cmd(10508): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "BOW") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  599. ubercombat.cmd(10509): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "POLEARMS") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  600. ubercombat.cmd(10510): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "STAVES") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  601. ubercombat.cmd(10511): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "LT") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  602. ubercombat.cmd(10512): [if !matchre(toupper("NULL"), "NULL") && ("BOW" = "HT") && matchre(toupper("NULL"), "(SHIELD|EVASION|PARRY)") then]
  603. ubercombat.cmd(10514): [if matchre("BOW","^(LE|THE|LB|THB|STAVES|POLEARMS)") && (0 < 20) then]
  604. ubercombat.cmd(10515): [if matchre("BOW","^(SLINGS|BOW|CROSSBOW|HT|LT|BRAWL)") && (1.LearningRate < 25) then]
  605. ubercombat.cmd(10515): [goto STANCE_SET_SHIELD]
  606. ubercombat.cmd(10494): [gosub SET_STANCE shield]
  607. ubercombat.cmd(10533): [var Stance shield]
  608. ubercombat.cmd(10534): [SET_STANCE_CONT:]
  609. ubercombat.cmd(10535): [matchre SET_STANCE_CONT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,|^Please wait\.]
  610. ubercombat.cmd(10536): [matchre RETURN ^You are now set to use your]
  611. ubercombat.cmd(10537): [send stance shield]
  612. ubercombat.cmd(10538): [matchwait]
  613. stance shield
  615. >
  616. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  617. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  618. The young ogre closes to melee range on you!
  619. >
  620. You are now set to use your shield stance:
  622. Attack : 100%
  623. Evade : 100%
  624. Parry : 20%
  625. Block : 61%
  627. >
  628. ubercombat.cmd(22485): [RETURN:]
  629. ubercombat.cmd(22486): [delay 0.0001]
  630. ubercombat.cmd(22487): [return]
  631. ubercombat.cmd(10495): [put #tvar DefenseSkill Shield]
  632. ubercombat.cmd(10496): [return]
  633. ubercombat.cmd(2600): [RANGEDTRAIN_MONSTERCOUNT:]
  634. ubercombat.cmd(2601): [delay 0.0005]
  635. ubercombat.cmd(2602): [if ("Cleric" = "Empath") && matchre("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (0 = 0) then]
  636. ubercombat.cmd(2603): [if (3 = 0) then]
  637. ubercombat.cmd(2604): [if (3 < 0) then]
  638. ubercombat.cmd(2605): [gosub PRETRAINCHECK]
  639. ubercombat.cmd(3013): [timer stop]
  640. ubercombat.cmd(3014): [if matchre("Cleric", "Warrior Mage|Moon Mage|Bard|Ranger|Paladin|Empath|Cleric|Trader|Necromancer") then]
  641. ubercombat.cmd(3014): [gosub MAGIC_PREP]
  642. ubercombat.cmd(3274): [if ("None" = "None") && (27 > 40) then]
  643. ubercombat.cmd(3275): [if (0) then]
  644. ubercombat.cmd(3276): [return]
  645. ubercombat.cmd(3015): [if (toupper("ON") = "ON") then]
  646. ubercombat.cmd(3015): [gosub HUNT_TIMER]
  647. ubercombat.cmd(3341): [delay 0.0001]
  648. ubercombat.cmd(3342): [if (196.2 > 1749) then]
  649. ubercombat.cmd(3343): [if ("None" != "None") then]
  650. ubercombat.cmd(3344): [put #tvar Hunt.Last {#evalmath (1555389916 - 1555389637)}]
  651. ubercombat.cmd(3345): [if (279 < 75) then]
  652. ubercombat.cmd(3346): [if (30 < 33) then]
  653. ubercombat.cmd(3346): [gosub HUNT]
  654. ubercombat.cmd(11034): [pause 0.0001]
  655. ubercombat.cmd(11035): [var LOCATION HUNT_1]
  656. ubercombat.cmd(11036): [HUNT_1:]
  657. ubercombat.cmd(11037): [if (!1) then]
  658. ubercombat.cmd(11038): [matchre WAIT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,|^Please wait\.]
  659. ubercombat.cmd(11039): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned]
  660. ubercombat.cmd(11040): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web]
  661. ubercombat.cmd(11041): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  662. ubercombat.cmd(11042): [matchre RETURN ^You take note of all the tracks in the area\, so that you can hunt anything nearby down\.]
  663. ubercombat.cmd(11043): [matchre RETURN ^You find yourself unable to hunt in this area\.]
  664. ubercombat.cmd(11044): [send hunt]
  665. ubercombat.cmd(11045): [matchwait 4]
  666. hunt
  668. You take note of all the tracks in the area, so that you can hunt anything nearby down.
  670. To the southeast:
  671. 1) Diasana
  672. 2) a young ogre
  674. To the west:
  675. 3) Koranan
  676. 4) a young ogre
  677. 5) a young ogre
  678. 6) a young ogre
  680. To the southeast, south:
  681. 7) Tikii
  682. 8) a tranquil alfar warrior
  683. 9) a young ogre
  684. 10) a young ogre
  685. 11) a young ogre
  686. 12) a young ogre
  688. Roundtime: 8 sec.
  689. R>
  690. Learned: Perception
  692. R>
  693. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  694. The young ogre closes to pole weapon range on you!
  695. R>
  696. The young ogre moves into a position to dodge.
  697. R>
  698. * A young ogre sweeps low at you. You partially block with a lumium round sipar with a tempered face.
  699. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  700. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  701. ubercombat.cmd(287): [put #var balance 4]
  702. [You're solidly balanced and have slight advantage.]
  703. R>
  704. Learned: Evasion, Shield Usage, Defending, Light Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  706. R>
  707. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  708. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  709. The young ogre closes to melee range on you!
  710. R>
  711. * A young ogre bashes a spiked mace at you. You partially block with a lumium round sipar with a tempered face.
  712. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  713. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  714. ubercombat.cmd(287): [put #var balance 4]
  715. [You're solidly balanced with opponent in better position.]
  716. R>
  717. Learned: Light Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  719. >
  720. * A young ogre sidesteps and bashes at you. You partially block with a lumium round sipar with a tempered face.
  721. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  722. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  723. ubercombat.cmd(287): [put #var balance 4]
  724. [You're solidly balanced with no advantage.]
  725. >
  726. Learned: Evasion, Shield Usage, Defending, Light Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  728. ubercombat.cmd(22485): [RETURN:]
  729. ubercombat.cmd(22486): [delay 0.0001]
  730. ubercombat.cmd(22487): [return]
  731. ubercombat.cmd(3347): [put #tvar Hunt.Time 1555389924]
  732. ubercombat.cmd(3348): [return]
  733. ubercombat.cmd(3016): [if (toupper("ON") = "ON") then]
  734. ubercombat.cmd(3016): [gosub PERCEIVE_TIMER]
  735. ubercombat.cmd(3360): [delay 0.0001]
  736. ubercombat.cmd(3361): [if matchre("Cleric", "Thief|Trader|Commoner|Barbarian") then]
  737. ubercombat.cmd(3362): [if ("None" != "None") then]
  738. ubercombat.cmd(3363): [put #tvar Perceive.Last {#evalmath (1555389924 - 1555389637)}]
  739. ubercombat.cmd(3364): [if (287 < 100) then]
  740. ubercombat.cmd(3365): [if (1 < 34) then]
  741. ubercombat.cmd(3365): [gosub PERCEIVE]
  742. ubercombat.cmd(10016): [if ("Cleric" = "Moon Mage") then]
  743. ubercombat.cmd(10017): [pause 0.0001]
  744. ubercombat.cmd(10018): [var LOCATION PERCEIVE_1]
  745. ubercombat.cmd(10019): [PERCEIVE_1:]
  746. ubercombat.cmd(10020): [matchre WAIT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,|^Please wait\.]
  747. ubercombat.cmd(10021): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned]
  748. ubercombat.cmd(10022): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web]
  749. ubercombat.cmd(10023): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  750. ubercombat.cmd(10024): [matchre STOP_PLAY ^You are a bit too busy performing]
  751. ubercombat.cmd(10025): [matchre RETURN ^Something in the area]
  752. ubercombat.cmd(10026): [matchre RETURN ^You aren't trained in the ways of magic\.]
  753. ubercombat.cmd(10027): [matchre RETURN ^You aren't trained in the ways of magic\, but you fake it\.]
  754. ubercombat.cmd(10028): [matchre RETURN ^There isn't the slightest trace]
  755. ubercombat.cmd(10029): [matchre RETURN ^You cannot detect the slightest trace]
  756. ubercombat.cmd(10030): [matchre RETURN ^Roundtime\:?|^\[Roundtime\:?|^\(Roundtime\:?|^\[Roundtime|^Roundtime]
  757. ubercombat.cmd(10031): [send perceive]
  758. ubercombat.cmd(10032): [matchwait]
  759. perceive
  760. You reach out with your senses and see flickering (8/21) streams of golden Holy mana radiating through the area.
  761. Letting your senses extend further, you feel there is somewhat less mana to the west, and moderately more mana to the southeast.
  762. ubercombat.cmd, [put #tvar spellMPP 1]
  763. You sense the Minor Physical Protection spell upon you, which will last for about nine roisaen.
  764. ubercombat.cmd, [put #tvar spellPFE 1]
  765. You sense the Protection from Evil spell upon you, which will last for about seven roisaen.
  766. ubercombat.cmd, [put #tvar spellCNTR 1]
  767. You sense the Centering spell upon you, which will last for about twenty-six roisaen.
  768. You sense the Persistence of Mana spell upon you, which will last for about thirty-one roisaen.
  769. ubercombat.cmd, [put #tvar spellDR 1]
  770. You sense the Divine Radiance spell upon you, which will last for about five roisaen.
  771. You sense the Bless spell upon you, which will last for about twenty-eight roisaen.
  772. ubercombat.cmd, [put #tvar spellMAPP 1]
  773. You sense the Major Physical Protection spell upon you, which will last for about seventeen roisaen.
  774. Roundtime: 4 sec.
  775. R>
  776. Learned: Attunement
  778. >
  779. ubercombat.cmd(22485): [RETURN:]
  780. ubercombat.cmd(22486): [delay 0.0001]
  781. ubercombat.cmd(22487): [return]
  782. ubercombat.cmd(3366): [if ("Cleric" = "Cleric") then]
  783. ubercombat.cmd(3366): [if (0) then]
  784. ubercombat.cmd(3367): [put #tvar Perceive.Time 1555389928]
  785. ubercombat.cmd(3368): [return]
  786. ubercombat.cmd(3017): [if matchre("Cleric", "Warrior Mage|Moon Mage|Bard|Ranger|Paladin|Empath|Cleric|Trader|Necromancer") then]
  787. ubercombat.cmd(3017): [gosub MAGIC_PREP]
  788. ubercombat.cmd(3274): [if ("None" = "None") && (34 > 40) then]
  789. ubercombat.cmd(3275): [if (0) then]
  790. ubercombat.cmd(3276): [return]
  791. ubercombat.cmd(3018): [if (toupper("ON") = "ON") then]
  792. ubercombat.cmd(3018): [gosub APPRAISE_TIMER]
  793. ubercombat.cmd(3350): [delay 0.0001]
  794. ubercombat.cmd(3351): [if (!3) then]
  795. ubercombat.cmd(3352): [if ("None" != "None") then]
  796. ubercombat.cmd(3353): [put #tvar Appraise.Last {#evalmath (1555389928 - 1555389637)}]
  797. ubercombat.cmd(3354): [if (291 < 30) then]
  798. ubercombat.cmd(3355): [if (0 = 1) then]
  799. ubercombat.cmd(3356): [if (26 < 33) then]
  800. ubercombat.cmd(3356): [gosub APPRAISE_CRITTER]
  801. ubercombat.cmd(11050): [pause 0.0001]
  802. ubercombat.cmd(11051): [if (!1) then]
  803. ubercombat.cmd(11052): [if (!3) then]
  804. ubercombat.cmd(11053): [gosub GET_MONSTER_NAME]
  805. ubercombat.cmd(10633): [pause 0.0001]
  806. ubercombat.cmd(10634): [if (!3) then]
  807. ubercombat.cmd(10635): [var critterList a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre]
  808. ubercombat.cmd(10636): [if matchre("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "(?<=Human-sized|dirt)(\sconstruct)") then]
  809. ubercombat.cmd(10637): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "\sand", ",")]
  810. ubercombat.cmd(10638): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "\.", ", ")]
  811. ubercombat.cmd(10639): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*,", ",")]
  812. ubercombat.cmd(10640): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*$", ",")]
  813. ubercombat.cmd(10641): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "that is flying around", ",")]
  814. ubercombat.cmd(10642): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "dragon priest", "")]
  815. ubercombat.cmd(10643): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "red bear", "")]
  816. ubercombat.cmd(10644): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "(?<!\S)an? ", "")]
  817. ubercombat.cmd(10648): [eval critterlist replacere("5ritterlist", "[-'\w]+ (?![-'\w]+\|)" "")]
  818. ubercombat.cmd(10649): [eval critterList replace("young ogre, young ogre, young ogre", ", ", "|")]
  819. ubercombat.cmd(10650): [eval critterList replacere("young ogre|young ogre|young ogre", "\,\s+", "|")]
  820. ubercombat.cmd(10651): [eval critterList replacere("young ogre|young ogre|young ogre", "\|+" "|")]
  821. ubercombat.cmd(10652): [eval critterTotal count("young ogre|young ogre|young ogre", "|")]
  822. ubercombat.cmd(10653): [echo Critters: young ogre|young ogre|young ogre]
  823. Critters: young ogre|young ogre|young ogre
  824. ubercombat.cmd(10654): [evalmath critterEcho (2 + 1)]
  825. ubercombat.cmd(10655): [echo Total Critters: 3]
  826. Total Critters: 3
  827. ubercombat.cmd(10656): [random 0, 2]
  828. ubercombat.cmd(10657): [eval Critter element("young ogre|young ogre|young ogre", 1)]
  829. ubercombat.cmd(10658): [eval Critter replacere("young ogre", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  830. ubercombat.cmd(10659): [return]
  831. ubercombat.cmd(11054): [APPRAISE_CRITTER_1:]
  832. ubercombat.cmd(11055): [pause 0.0001]
  833. ubercombat.cmd(11056): [var LOCATION APPRAISE_CRITTER_2]
  834. ubercombat.cmd(11057): [if ("Cleric" = "Thief) then]
  835. ubercombat.cmd(11062): [}]
  836. ubercombat.cmd(11063): [APPRAISE_CRITTER_2:]
  837. ubercombat.cmd(11064): [if (217.5 < 10) then]
  838. ubercombat.cmd(11065): [matchre WAIT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,|^Please wait\.]
  839. ubercombat.cmd(11066): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned]
  840. ubercombat.cmd(11067): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web]
  841. ubercombat.cmd(11068): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  842. ubercombat.cmd(11069): [matchre RETURN ^It's dead\!]
  843. ubercombat.cmd(11070): [matchre RETURN ^Appraise what\?]
  844. ubercombat.cmd(11071): [matchre RETURN ^You cannot appraise that when you are in combat\!]
  845. ubercombat.cmd(11072): [matchre RETURN ^You can't determine anything about this creature\.]
  846. ubercombat.cmd(11073): [matchre RETURN ^You ponder that\, briefly\, but decide to let it go for now\.]
  847. ubercombat.cmd(11074): [matchre RETURN ^Roundtime\:?|^\[Roundtime\:?|^\(Roundtime\:?|^\[Roundtime|^Roundtime]
  848. ubercombat.cmd(11075): [send appraise young ogre quick]
  849. ubercombat.cmd(11076): [matchwait 10]
  850. appraise young ogre quick
  851. You are certain that the young ogre is healthy.
  852. You are certain that the young ogre has an incredible spirit that is healthy.
  853. You are certain that the young ogre is somewhat fatigued.
  854. You are certain that it is rather weaker than you are.
  855. You are certain that it is somewhat less agile than you are.
  856. You are confident that it is rather less disciplined than you are.
  857. You are certain that it is somewhat less quick to react than you are.
  858. You are certain that it is rather less conditioned than you are.
  859. Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a lumium round sipar with a tempered face and a leather-gripped yew shortbow, you are certain that the young ogre is definitely less skilled.
  860. Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with a leather-gripped yew shortbow, you are certain that the young ogre is a relatively easy opponent.
  862. [Roundtime: 3 seconds]
  863. R>
  864. * A young ogre bashes a spiked mace at you. You dodge.
  865. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  866. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  867. ubercombat.cmd(287): [put #var balance 4]
  868. [You're solidly balanced with opponent in better position.]
  869. R>
  870. Learned: Evasion, Shield Usage, Defending, Light Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  872. The young ogre moves into a position to parry.
  873. >
  874. The young ogre moves into a position to parry.
  875. >
  876. ubercombat.cmd(22485): [RETURN:]
  877. ubercombat.cmd(22486): [delay 0.0001]
  878. ubercombat.cmd(22487): [return]
  879. ubercombat.cmd(3357): [put #tvar Appraise.Time 1555389932]
  880. ubercombat.cmd(3358): [return]
  881. ubercombat.cmd(3019): [if (NULL) then]
  882. ubercombat.cmd(3020): [if (0) then]
  883. ubercombat.cmd(3021): [if ("Cleric" = "Bard") then]
  884. ubercombat.cmd(3022): [if ("Cleric" = "Barbarian") then]
  885. ubercombat.cmd(3023): [if ("Cleric" = "Necromancer") && (0 = 1) then]
  886. ubercombat.cmd(3027): [}]
  887. ubercombat.cmd(3028): [timer start]
  888. ubercombat.cmd(3029): [return]
  889. ubercombat.cmd(2606): [RANGEDTRAIN:]
  890. ubercombat.cmd(2607): [delay 0.0005]
  891. ubercombat.cmd(2609): [if (!1) then]
  892. ubercombat.cmd(2610): [if ("Cleric" = "Necromancer") && (0 = 1) then]
  893. ubercombat.cmd(2614): [}]
  894. ubercombat.cmd(2615): [if matchre("Cleric", "Warrior Mage|Moon Mage|Bard|Ranger|Paladin|Empath|Cleric|Trader|Necromancer") then]
  895. ubercombat.cmd(2615): [gosub MAGIC_PREP]
  896. ubercombat.cmd(3274): [if ("None" = "None") && (37 > 40) then]
  897. ubercombat.cmd(3275): [if (0) then]
  898. ubercombat.cmd(3276): [return]
  899. ubercombat.cmd(2616): [gosub BUFF_TIMER]
  900. ubercombat.cmd(3507): [delay 0.0001]
  901. ubercombat.cmd(3508): [if ("Cleric" = "Warrior Mage") then]
  902. ubercombat.cmd(3509): [put #tvar Buff.Last {#evalmath (1555389932 - 1555389888)}]
  903. ubercombat.cmd(3510): [if (44 < 70) then]
  904. ubercombat.cmd(3510): [return]
  905. ubercombat.cmd(2617): [gosub RETRIEVE_CHECK]
  906. ubercombat.cmd(4671): [var RetrieveCheck 0]
  907. ubercombat.cmd(4672): [RETRIEVE_CHECK_1:]
  908. ubercombat.cmd(4673): [delay 0.0005]
  909. ubercombat.cmd(4674): [pause 0.1]
  910. ubercombat.cmd(4675): [math RetrieveCheck add 1]
  911. ubercombat.cmd(4676): [if (1 > 2) then]
  912. ubercombat.cmd(4677): [if (!1) then]
  913. ubercombat.cmd(4678): [var Ammo NULL]
  914. ubercombat.cmd(4679): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "null") then]
  915. ubercombat.cmd(4680): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "null") then]
  916. ubercombat.cmd(4681): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "\b(cougar arrow)\b(?! troll)") then]
  917. ubercombat.cmd(4682): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "\b(stone shard)\b(?! troll)") then]
  918. ubercombat.cmd(4683): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "\b(stone shard)\b(?! troll)") then]
  919. ubercombat.cmd(4684): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "\b(cougar arrow)\b(?! troll)")) then]
  920. ubercombat.cmd(4685): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(river rock|river rocks|spider-carved rock)") then]
  921. ubercombat.cmd(4686): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(pyrite clump|smoky-quartz clump|obsidian clump)") then]
  922. ubercombat.cmd(4687): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."), "(basilisk head arrow\b|cane arrow\b|bone-tipped arrow\b|barbed arrow\b|stone-tipped arrow\b|serrated-bodkin arrow\b|razor-edged arrow\b|razor-tipped arrow\b|blunt tip arrow|boar-tusk arrow\b|cougar-claw arrow\b|claw-tipped arrow\b|ice-adder arrow|drake-fang arrow|drake head arrow|jagged-horn arrow|angiswaerd arrow|hele'la arrow)") then]
  923. ubercombat.cmd(4688): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."), "(frog-crotch bolt|angiswaerd bolt|basilisk bolt|ice-adder bolt|drake-fang bolt|jagged-horn bolt|leafhead bolt|barbed bolt|flint-tip bolt|blunt tip bolt|hele'la bolt|sabertooth bolt|elsralael bolts)") then]
  924. ubercombat.cmd(4689): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."), "(quadrello|pulzone|quarrel)") then]
  925. ubercombat.cmd(4690): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(basilisk head arrow\b|cane arrow\b|bone-tipped arrow\b|barbed arrow\b|stone-tipped arrow\b|serrated-bodkin arrow\b|razor-edged arrow|claw-tipped arrow|razor-tipped arrow\b|cougar-claw arrow|boar tusk arrow|blunt tip arrow)") then]
  926. ubercombat.cmd(4691): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(quartzite stone shard|obsidian stone shard|glaes stone shard|tyrium stone shard|onyx stone shard|senci stone shard|belzune stone shard)") then]
  927. ubercombat.cmd(4692): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(elongated stones|granite stone|panther-carved stone|goblin-carved stones|unicorn-carved stone)") then]
  928. ubercombat.cmd(4693): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."), "(mirror axe|mirror blade|mirror shiv|mirror flail|stonebow|battle bow|throwing spike|thrusting blade|tago|quarrel|\btelo\b|nightstick|katana|sniper's crossbow|\btarge\b|throwing axe|throwing club|bastard sword|throwing blade|\bbola\b)") then]
  929. ubercombat.cmd(4694): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(river rock|spider-carved rock|heavy quartz rock|smooth rock|boggle-shaped rock|fist-sized rock|pumpkin-shaped rock|granite rock)") then]
  930. ubercombat.cmd(4695): [if ("NULL" = "NULL") then]
  931. ubercombat.cmd(4695): [goto RETRIEVE_DONE]
  932. ubercombat.cmd(4743): [delay 0.0001]
  933. ubercombat.cmd(4744): [return]
  934. ubercombat.cmd(2618): [if (0) then]
  935. ubercombat.cmd(2619): [if ("Cleric" = "Moon Mage") then]
  936. ubercombat.cmd(2622): [}]
  937. ubercombat.cmd(2623): [if (!3) then]
  938. ubercombat.cmd(2624): [if (100 < 65) then]
  939. ubercombat.cmd(2625): [if (("Cleric" = "Empath") && matchre(toupper("ON"), "ON")) || (1) then]
  940. ubercombat.cmd(2625): [gosub ASSESS]
  941. ubercombat.cmd(10662): [if (!1) then]
  942. ubercombat.cmd(10664): [pause 0.1]
  943. ubercombat.cmd(10665): [pause 0.001]
  944. ubercombat.cmd(10666): [var newdead 0]
  945. ubercombat.cmd(10667): [gosub GET_MONSTER_NAME]
  946. ubercombat.cmd(10633): [pause 0.0001]
  947. ubercombat.cmd(10634): [if (!3) then]
  948. ubercombat.cmd(10635): [var critterList a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre]
  949. ubercombat.cmd(10636): [if matchre("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "(?<=Human-sized|dirt)(\sconstruct)") then]
  950. ubercombat.cmd(10637): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "\sand", ",")]
  951. ubercombat.cmd(10638): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "\.", ", ")]
  952. ubercombat.cmd(10639): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*,", ",")]
  953. ubercombat.cmd(10640): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "\s(?:which|that appears)\b[^,]*$", ",")]
  954. ubercombat.cmd(10641): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "that is flying around", ",")]
  955. ubercombat.cmd(10642): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "dragon priest", "")]
  956. ubercombat.cmd(10643): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "red bear", "")]
  957. ubercombat.cmd(10644): [eval critterList replacere("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "(?<!\S)an? ", "")]
  958. ubercombat.cmd(10648): [eval critterlist replacere("5ritterlist", "[-'\w]+ (?![-'\w]+\|)" "")]
  959. ubercombat.cmd(10649): [eval critterList replace("young ogre, young ogre, young ogre", ", ", "|")]
  960. ubercombat.cmd(10650): [eval critterList replacere("young ogre|young ogre|young ogre", "\,\s+", "|")]
  961. ubercombat.cmd(10651): [eval critterList replacere("young ogre|young ogre|young ogre", "\|+" "|")]
  962. ubercombat.cmd(10652): [eval critterTotal count("young ogre|young ogre|young ogre", "|")]
  963. ubercombat.cmd(10653): [echo Critters: young ogre|young ogre|young ogre]
  964. Critters: young ogre|young ogre|young ogre
  965. ubercombat.cmd(10654): [evalmath critterEcho (2 + 1)]
  966. ubercombat.cmd(10655): [echo Total Critters: 3]
  967. Total Critters: 3
  968. ubercombat.cmd(10656): [random 0, 2]
  969. ubercombat.cmd(10657): [eval Critter element("young ogre|young ogre|young ogre", -1)]
  970. ubercombat.cmd(10658): [eval Critter replacere("young ogre", "^(\S+ )(?=\S+ \S+)", "")]
  971. ubercombat.cmd(10659): [return]
  972. ubercombat.cmd(10668): [matchre ASSESS_SET (?:facing|flanking|behind) (?:an?)(.*)(?:\(\d\)\s)]
  973. ubercombat.cmd(10669): [matchre RETURN ^How can you]
  974. ubercombat.cmd(10670): [matchre RETURN Encumbrance :]
  975. ubercombat.cmd(10671): [put assess;-1 encumbrance]
  976. [ubercombat]: assess
  977. ubercombat.cmd(10672): [matchwait 3]
  978. You assess your combat situation...
  980. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  981. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  982. ubercombat.cmd(287): [put #var balance 4]
  983. You (solidly balanced) are facing a young ogre (1) at melee range.
  984. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  985. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  986. ubercombat.cmd(286): [put #var balance 3]
  987. A young ogre (1: nimbly balanced) is facing you at melee range.
  988. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  989. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  990. ubercombat.cmd(287): [put #var balance 4]
  991. A young ogre (2: solidly balanced) is behind you at melee range.
  992. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  993. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  994. ubercombat.cmd(286): [put #var balance 3]
  995. A young ogre (3: nimbly balanced) is flanking you at melee range.
  997. (You are also defending against a young ogre.)
  999. >
  1000. ubercombat.cmd(10674): [ASSESS_SET:]
  1001. ubercombat.cmd(10675): [var Empath_Critter young ogre]
  1002. ubercombat.cmd(10676): [eval Empath_Critter replacere("young ogre",".*\s((?:Endrus )?(\w+)).?$", "$0")]
  1003. ubercombat.cmd(10677): [if ("Cleric" != "Empath") then]
  1004. ubercombat.cmd(10677): [goto FACE_IT]
  1005. ubercombat.cmd(10684): [delay 0.0001]
  1006. ubercombat.cmd(10685): [var LOCATION FACE_IT]
  1007. ubercombat.cmd(10686): [if (!3) then]
  1008. ubercombat.cmd(10687): [if ("Cleric" = "Empath") && matchre("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!0) && (0) then]
  1009. ubercombat.cmd(10688): [if ("Cleric" = "Empath") && matchre("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!0) && (0) then]
  1010. ubercombat.cmd(10689): [if ("Cleric" = "Empath") && matchre("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (!0) && (0) then]
  1011. ubercombat.cmd(10690): [if ("Cleric" = "Empath") && (toupper("ON") = "ON") then]
  1012. ubercombat.cmd(10703): [}]
  1013. ubercombat.cmd(10704): [FACE_NEXT:]
  1014. ubercombat.cmd(10705): [var newdead 0]
  1015. ubercombat.cmd(10706): [if (!1) then]
  1016. ubercombat.cmd(10707): [if (3 < 2) then]
  1017. ubercombat.cmd(10708): [if ("Cleric" = "Empath") then]
  1018. ubercombat.cmd(10709): [if ("Cleric" = "Necromancer") then]
  1019. ubercombat.cmd(10710): [matchre ADVANCE You turn to face|You are already]
  1020. ubercombat.cmd(10711): [matchre RETURN nothing else to|Face what]
  1021. ubercombat.cmd(10712): [matchre RETURN ^What's the point in facing]
  1022. ubercombat.cmd(10713): [put face next]
  1023. [ubercombat]: face next
  1024. ubercombat.cmd(10714): [matchwait 15]
  1025. You turn to face a young ogre, leaving the young ogre on your flank at melee!
  1026. >
  1027. ubercombat.cmd(10762): [ADVANCE:]
  1028. ubercombat.cmd(10763): [delay 0.0001]
  1030. ubercombat.cmd(10764): [if (!1) then]
  1032. ubercombat.cmd(10765): [if ("Cleric" = "Paladin") && (0) then]
  1033. ubercombat.cmd(10766): [if (!3) then]
  1034. ubercombat.cmd(10767): [var LOCATION ADVANCE_1]
  1035. ubercombat.cmd(10768): [ADVANCE_1:]
  1036. ubercombat.cmd(10769): [pause 0.0001]
  1037. > ubercombat.cmd(10770): [pause 0.1]
  1038. Learned: Appraisal
  1040. ubercombat.cmd(10771): [if ("Cleric" = "Necromancer") then]
  1041. ubercombat.cmd(10772): [matchre WAIT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,|^Please wait\.]
  1042. ubercombat.cmd(10773): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned]
  1043. ubercombat.cmd(10774): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web]
  1044. ubercombat.cmd(10775): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  1045. ubercombat.cmd(10776): [matchre RETURN ^You begin to advance]
  1046. ubercombat.cmd(10777): [matchre RETURN ^You begin to stealthily advance]
  1047. ubercombat.cmd(10778): [matchre RETURN ^.* stops you from advancing any farther\!]
  1048. ubercombat.cmd(10779): [matchre RETURN ^.* closes to melee range on you\!]
  1049. ubercombat.cmd(10780): [matchre RETURN ^You close to melee range on .*\.]
  1050. ubercombat.cmd(10781): [matchre RETURN ^You are already at melee with .*]
  1051. ubercombat.cmd(10782): [matchre RETURN You are already at melee]
  1052. ubercombat.cmd(10783): [matchre RETURN ^You are already advancing]
  1053. ubercombat.cmd(10784): [matchre FACE_RETURN ^What do you want to advance towards\?]
  1054. ubercombat.cmd(10785): [matchre ASSESS ^You stop advancing|^You have lost sight]
  1055. ubercombat.cmd(10786): [send advance]
  1056. ubercombat.cmd(10787): [matchwait 15]
  1057. > encumbrance
  1058. advance
  1060. >
  1061. ubercombat.cmd(256): [put #tvar Burden 1]
  1062. Encumbrance : Light Burden
  1063. >
  1064. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  1065. You are already at melee with a young ogre.
  1066. >
  1067. ubercombat.cmd(22485): [RETURN:]
  1068. ubercombat.cmd(22486): [delay 0.0001]
  1069. ubercombat.cmd(22487): [return]
  1070. ubercombat.cmd(2626): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "((?:which|that) appears dead|\(dead\))") then]
  1071. ubercombat.cmd(2627): [if ("Cleric" = "Empath") && !matchre("a young ogre, a young ogre, a young ogre", "Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|Asketian harbinger|Asketian Herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|Asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \S+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad") && (3 > 1) then]
  1072. ubercombat.cmd(2628): [if ("Cleric" = "Empath") && (toupper("ON") = "ON") then]
  1073. ubercombat.cmd(2634): [}]
  1074. ubercombat.cmd(2635): [RANGEDTRAIN_2:]
  1075. ubercombat.cmd(2636): [if matchre("Cleric", "Warrior Mage|Moon Mage|Bard|Ranger|Paladin|Empath|Cleric|Trader|Necromancer") then]
  1076. ubercombat.cmd(2636): [gosub MAGIC_PREP]
  1077. ubercombat.cmd(3274): [if ("None" = "None") && (37 > 40) then]
  1078. ubercombat.cmd(3275): [if (0) then]
  1079. ubercombat.cmd(3276): [return]
  1080. ubercombat.cmd(2637): [if (0) then]
  1081. ubercombat.cmd(2638): [if contains("Empty", "shortbow") then]
  1082. ubercombat.cmd(2639): [if ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  1083. ubercombat.cmd(2640): [gosub STATUSBAR]
  1084. ubercombat.cmd(10579): [var tempRanks 704]
  1085. ubercombat.cmd(10580): [math tempRanks add 20]
  1086. ubercombat.cmd(10581): [put #tvar TOTALRANKS 724]
  1087. ubercombat.cmd(10582): [put #statusbar 1 Uber Combat Active - Training 2 Weapon Skills]
  1088. ubercombat.cmd(10583): [put #statusbar 2 Skill: Bow]
  1089. ubercombat.cmd(10584): [put #statusbar 3 Weapon: shortbow | Stance: Shield]
  1090. ubercombat.cmd(10585): [put #statusbar 4 Ranks Gained: 724]
  1091. ubercombat.cmd(10586): [put #statusbar 5 Bundled Items: 38]
  1092. ubercombat.cmd(10587): [put #statusbar 6 Total Profit: 0]
  1093. ubercombat.cmd(10588): [put #statusbar 7 Logouts: 0]
  1094. ubercombat.cmd(10589): [return]
  1095. ubercombat.cmd(2641): [if (0) then]
  1096. ubercombat.cmd(2642): [if (0) then]
  1097. ubercombat.cmd(2643): [if (0) && (100 > 95) then]
  1098. ubercombat.cmd(2644): [if (0) then]
  1099. ubercombat.cmd(2645): [if (0) then]
  1100. ubercombat.cmd(2646): [if (0) then]
  1101. ubercombat.cmd(2647): [if ("Cleric" = "Paladin") && (41 > 19) then]
  1102. ubercombat.cmd(2648): [if matchre("Cleric", "Warrior Mage|Moon Mage|Bard|Ranger|Paladin|Empath|Cleric|Trader|Necromancer") then]
  1103. ubercombat.cmd(2648): [gosub MAGIC_PREP]
  1104. ubercombat.cmd(3274): [if ("None" = "None") && (37 > 40) then]
  1105. ubercombat.cmd(3275): [if (0) then]
  1106. ubercombat.cmd(3276): [return]
  1107. ubercombat.cmd(2649): [if ("Cleric" = "Barbarian") then]
  1108. ubercombat.cmd(2650): [if ("Cleric" = "Paladin") && (0 > 2) then]
  1109. ubercombat.cmd(2651): [if ("Cleric" = "Thief") then]
  1110. ubercombat.cmd(2652): [gosub RETRIEVE_CHECK]
  1111. ubercombat.cmd(4671): [var RetrieveCheck 0]
  1112. ubercombat.cmd(4672): [RETRIEVE_CHECK_1:]
  1113. ubercombat.cmd(4673): [delay 0.0005]
  1114. ubercombat.cmd(4674): [pause 0.1]
  1115. ubercombat.cmd(4675): [math RetrieveCheck add 1]
  1116. ubercombat.cmd(4676): [if (1 > 2) then]
  1117. ubercombat.cmd(4677): [if (!1) then]
  1118. ubercombat.cmd(4678): [var Ammo NULL]
  1119. ubercombat.cmd(4679): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "null") then]
  1120. ubercombat.cmd(4680): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "null") then]
  1121. ubercombat.cmd(4681): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "\b(cougar arrow)\b(?! troll)") then]
  1122. ubercombat.cmd(4682): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "\b(stone shard)\b(?! troll)") then]
  1123. ubercombat.cmd(4683): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "\b(stone shard)\b(?! troll)") then]
  1124. ubercombat.cmd(4684): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "\b(cougar arrow)\b(?! troll)")) then]
  1125. ubercombat.cmd(4685): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(river rock|river rocks|spider-carved rock)") then]
  1126. ubercombat.cmd(4686): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(pyrite clump|smoky-quartz clump|obsidian clump)") then]
  1127. ubercombat.cmd(4687): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."), "(basilisk head arrow\b|cane arrow\b|bone-tipped arrow\b|barbed arrow\b|stone-tipped arrow\b|serrated-bodkin arrow\b|razor-edged arrow\b|razor-tipped arrow\b|blunt tip arrow|boar-tusk arrow\b|cougar-claw arrow\b|claw-tipped arrow\b|ice-adder arrow|drake-fang arrow|drake head arrow|jagged-horn arrow|angiswaerd arrow|hele'la arrow)") then]
  1128. ubercombat.cmd(4688): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."), "(frog-crotch bolt|angiswaerd bolt|basilisk bolt|ice-adder bolt|drake-fang bolt|jagged-horn bolt|leafhead bolt|barbed bolt|flint-tip bolt|blunt tip bolt|hele'la bolt|sabertooth bolt|elsralael bolts)") then]
  1129. ubercombat.cmd(4689): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."), "(quadrello|pulzone|quarrel)") then]
  1130. ubercombat.cmd(4690): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(basilisk head arrow\b|cane arrow\b|bone-tipped arrow\b|barbed arrow\b|stone-tipped arrow\b|serrated-bodkin arrow\b|razor-edged arrow|claw-tipped arrow|razor-tipped arrow\b|cougar-claw arrow|boar tusk arrow|blunt tip arrow)") then]
  1131. ubercombat.cmd(4691): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(quartzite stone shard|obsidian stone shard|glaes stone shard|tyrium stone shard|onyx stone shard|senci stone shard|belzune stone shard)") then]
  1132. ubercombat.cmd(4692): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(elongated stones|granite stone|panther-carved stone|goblin-carved stones|unicorn-carved stone)") then]
  1133. ubercombat.cmd(4693): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."), "(mirror axe|mirror blade|mirror shiv|mirror flail|stonebow|battle bow|throwing spike|thrusting blade|tago|quarrel|\btelo\b|nightstick|katana|sniper's crossbow|\btarge\b|throwing axe|throwing club|bastard sword|throwing blade|\bbola\b)") then]
  1134. ubercombat.cmd(4694): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(river rock|spider-carved rock|heavy quartz rock|smooth rock|boggle-shaped rock|fist-sized rock|pumpkin-shaped rock|granite rock)") then]
  1135. ubercombat.cmd(4695): [if ("NULL" = "NULL") then]
  1136. ubercombat.cmd(4695): [goto RETRIEVE_DONE]
  1137. ubercombat.cmd(4743): [delay 0.0001]
  1138. ubercombat.cmd(4744): [return]
  1139. ubercombat.cmd(2653): [if (("Cleric" = "Empath") && matchre(toupper("ON"), "ON")) || (0) then]
  1140. ubercombat.cmd(2654): [if matchre("Cleric", "Warrior Mage|Moon Mage|Bard|Ranger|Paladin|Empath|Cleric|Trader|Necromancer") then]
  1141. ubercombat.cmd(2654): [gosub MAGIC_PREP]
  1142. ubercombat.cmd(3274): [if ("None" = "None") && (37 > 40) then]
  1143. ubercombat.cmd(3275): [if (0) then]
  1144. ubercombat.cmd(3276): [return]
  1145. ubercombat.cmd(2655): [if (1) && (0) then]
  1146. ubercombat.cmd(2656): [if contains("Empty", "shortbow") then]
  1147. ubercombat.cmd(2657): [gosub LOAD]
  1148. ubercombat.cmd(11087): [var LOCATION LOAD_1]
  1149. ubercombat.cmd(11088): [delay 0.0001]
  1150. ubercombat.cmd(11089): [if matchre("yew shortbow", "shortbow") && ("Empty" != "Empty") then]
  1151. ubercombat.cmd(11090): [if !matchre("yew shortbow", "shortbow") then]
  1152. ubercombat.cmd(11091): [if (!1) then]
  1153. ubercombat.cmd(11092): [gosub RETRIEVE_CHECK]
  1154. ubercombat.cmd(4671): [var RetrieveCheck 0]
  1155. ubercombat.cmd(4672): [RETRIEVE_CHECK_1:]
  1156. ubercombat.cmd(4673): [delay 0.0005]
  1157. ubercombat.cmd(4674): [pause 0.1]
  1158. ubercombat.cmd(4675): [math RetrieveCheck add 1]
  1159. ubercombat.cmd(4676): [if (1 > 2) then]
  1160. ubercombat.cmd(4677): [if (!1) then]
  1161. ubercombat.cmd(4678): [var Ammo NULL]
  1162. ubercombat.cmd(4679): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "null") then]
  1163. ubercombat.cmd(4680): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "null") then]
  1164. ubercombat.cmd(4681): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "\b(cougar arrow)\b(?! troll)") then]
  1165. ubercombat.cmd(4682): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "\b(stone shard)\b(?! troll)") then]
  1166. ubercombat.cmd(4683): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "\b(stone shard)\b(?! troll)") then]
  1167. ubercombat.cmd(4684): [if matchre("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre.", "\b(cougar arrow)\b(?! troll)")) then]
  1168. ubercombat.cmd(4685): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(river rock|river rocks|spider-carved rock)") then]
  1169. ubercombat.cmd(4686): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(pyrite clump|smoky-quartz clump|obsidian clump)") then]
  1170. ubercombat.cmd(4687): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."), "(basilisk head arrow\b|cane arrow\b|bone-tipped arrow\b|barbed arrow\b|stone-tipped arrow\b|serrated-bodkin arrow\b|razor-edged arrow\b|razor-tipped arrow\b|blunt tip arrow|boar-tusk arrow\b|cougar-claw arrow\b|claw-tipped arrow\b|ice-adder arrow|drake-fang arrow|drake head arrow|jagged-horn arrow|angiswaerd arrow|hele'la arrow)") then]
  1171. ubercombat.cmd(4688): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."), "(frog-crotch bolt|angiswaerd bolt|basilisk bolt|ice-adder bolt|drake-fang bolt|jagged-horn bolt|leafhead bolt|barbed bolt|flint-tip bolt|blunt tip bolt|hele'la bolt|sabertooth bolt|elsralael bolts)") then]
  1172. ubercombat.cmd(4689): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."), "(quadrello|pulzone|quarrel)") then]
  1173. ubercombat.cmd(4690): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(basilisk head arrow\b|cane arrow\b|bone-tipped arrow\b|barbed arrow\b|stone-tipped arrow\b|serrated-bodkin arrow\b|razor-edged arrow|claw-tipped arrow|razor-tipped arrow\b|cougar-claw arrow|boar tusk arrow|blunt tip arrow)") then]
  1174. ubercombat.cmd(4691): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(quartzite stone shard|obsidian stone shard|glaes stone shard|tyrium stone shard|onyx stone shard|senci stone shard|belzune stone shard)") then]
  1175. ubercombat.cmd(4692): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(elongated stones|granite stone|panther-carved stone|goblin-carved stones|unicorn-carved stone)") then]
  1176. ubercombat.cmd(4693): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."), "(mirror axe|mirror blade|mirror shiv|mirror flail|stonebow|battle bow|throwing spike|thrusting blade|tago|quarrel|\btelo\b|nightstick|katana|sniper's crossbow|\btarge\b|throwing axe|throwing club|bastard sword|throwing blade|\bbola\b)") then]
  1177. ubercombat.cmd(4694): [if matchre(tolower("You also see a young ogre, a young ogre and a young ogre."),"(river rock|spider-carved rock|heavy quartz rock|smooth rock|boggle-shaped rock|fist-sized rock|pumpkin-shaped rock|granite rock)") then]
  1178. ubercombat.cmd(4695): [if ("NULL" = "NULL") then]
  1179. ubercombat.cmd(4695): [goto RETRIEVE_DONE]
  1180. ubercombat.cmd(4743): [delay 0.0001]
  1181. ubercombat.cmd(4744): [return]
  1182. ubercombat.cmd(11093): [pause 0.2]
  1183. ubercombat.cmd(11094): [pause 0.1]
  1184. ubercombat.cmd(11095): [LOAD_1:]
  1185. ubercombat.cmd(11096): [matchre LOAD_1 ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,|^Please wait\.]
  1186. ubercombat.cmd(11097): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned\.]
  1187. ubercombat.cmd(11098): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web\.]
  1188. ubercombat.cmd(11099): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  1189. ubercombat.cmd(11100): [matchre STOW_LOAD ^You can not load the .* in your left hand\!]
  1190. ubercombat.cmd(11101): [matchre LOAD_STOW_ARM_WORN ^You cannot manage to load your]
  1191. ubercombat.cmd(11102): [matchre DROPPED_WEAPON ^What weapon are you]
  1192. ubercombat.cmd(11103): [matchre LOAD_ALT ^You can't load the .* silly\!]
  1193. ubercombat.cmd(11104): [matchre STEADY_UP ^Such a feat]
  1194. ubercombat.cmd(11105): [matchre LOAD_2 ^You are not skilled enough]
  1195. ubercombat.cmd(11106): [matchre AIM ^You reach]
  1196. ubercombat.cmd(11107): [matchre AIM ^You load .* in your hand\.]
  1197. ubercombat.cmd(11108): [matchre AIM ^.* is already loaded with]
  1198. ubercombat.cmd(11109): [matchre AIM ^\[Roundtime|^Roundtime|^\(Roundtime]
  1199. ubercombat.cmd(11110): [matchre LOAD_ALT ^You can not load the .* with]
  1200. ubercombat.cmd(11111): [matchre LOAD2 ^The .* must be in your inventory]
  1201. ubercombat.cmd(11112): [matchre LOAD_RETRIEVE ^You don't have the (?:right|proper) ammunition]
  1202. ubercombat.cmd(11113): [matchre LOAD_RETRIEVE ^As you try to]
  1203. ubercombat.cmd(11114): [matchre LOAD_RETRIEVE ^You must be|your hand jams|^You can not load]
  1204. ubercombat.cmd(11115): [matchre LOAD_STOW ^.* in your left hand]
  1205. ubercombat.cmd(11116): [if matchre("yew shortbow", "(spiritwood longbow|spiritwood bow|spiritwood shortbow|spiritwood reflex longbow|spiritwood short bow)") && !matchre("shortbow", "crossbow|stonebow") then]
  1206. ubercombat.cmd(11120): [}]
  1207. ubercombat.cmd(11121): [if ("Cleric" = "Ranger") && matchre("shortbow", "(bow|shortbow|longbow|short bow|long bow)") && !matchre("shortbow", "crossbow|stonebow") && (44.48 > 200) then]
  1208. ubercombat.cmd(11128): [}]
  1209. ubercombat.cmd(11129): [if ("Cleric" = "Barbarian") && matchre("shortbow", "(bow|shortbow|longbow|short bow|long bow)") && !matchre("shortbow", "crossbow|stonebow") && (44.48 > 200) then]
  1210. ubercombat.cmd(11136): [}]
  1211. ubercombat.cmd(11137): [if ("Cleric" = "Thief") && matchre("shortbow", "(bow|shortbow|longbow|short bow|long bow)") && !matchre("shortbow", "crossbow|stonebow") && (44.48 > 200) then]
  1212. ubercombat.cmd(11144): [}]
  1213. ubercombat.cmd(11145): [LOAD_2:]
  1214. ubercombat.cmd(11146): [var LOCATION LOAD_2]
  1215. ubercombat.cmd(11147): [matchre LOAD_2 ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,|^Please wait\.]
  1216. ubercombat.cmd(11148): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned\.]
  1217. ubercombat.cmd(11149): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web\.]
  1218. ubercombat.cmd(11150): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  1219. ubercombat.cmd(11151): [matchre LOAD_STOW_ARM_WORN ^You cannot manage to load your]
  1220. ubercombat.cmd(11152): [matchre DROPPED_WEAPON ^What weapon are you]
  1221. ubercombat.cmd(11153): [matchre STEADY_UP ^Such a feat]
  1222. ubercombat.cmd(11154): [matchre LOAD_2 ^You are not skilled enough]
  1223. ubercombat.cmd(11155): [matchre AIM ^You reach]
  1224. ubercombat.cmd(11156): [matchre AIM ^You load .* in your hand\.]
  1225. ubercombat.cmd(11157): [matchre AIM ^.* is already loaded with]
  1226. ubercombat.cmd(11158): [matchre AIM ^\[Roundtime|^Roundtime|^\(Roundtime]
  1227. ubercombat.cmd(11159): [matchre LOAD_ALT ^You can not load the .* with]
  1228. ubercombat.cmd(11160): [matchre LOAD_ALT ^You can't load the .*]
  1229. ubercombat.cmd(11161): [matchre LOAD_RETRIEVE ^You don't have the (?:right|proper) ammunition]
  1230. ubercombat.cmd(11162): [matchre LOAD_RETRIEVE ^As you try to]
  1231. ubercombat.cmd(11163): [matchre LOAD_RETRIEVE ^You must be|your hand jams|^You can not load]
  1232. ubercombat.cmd(11164): [matchre LOAD_STOW ^.* in your left hand]
  1233. ubercombat.cmd(11165): [if matchre("yew shortbow", "(spiritwood longbow|spiritwood bow|spiritwood shortbow|spiritwood reflex longbow|spiritwood short bow)") && !matchre("shortbow", "crossbow|stonebow") then]
  1234. ubercombat.cmd(11169): [}]
  1235. ubercombat.cmd(11170): [else]
  1236. ubercombat.cmd(11170): [send load my cougar arrow]
  1237. ubercombat.cmd(11171): [matchwait 15]
  1238. load my cougar arrow
  1240. >
  1241. ubercombat.cmd(279): [var shield 1]
  1242. Your round sipar makes the task more difficult.
  1243. You reach into your quiver to load the yew shortbow with a cougar-claw arrow.
  1244. Roundtime 4 sec.
  1245. R>
  1246. RT with no EXP.
  1248. The young ogre moves into a position to parry.
  1249. R>
  1250. ubercombat.cmd(11241): [AIM:]
  1251. ubercombat.cmd(11242): [delay 0.0001]
  1252. ubercombat.cmd(11243): [var fullAim 0]
  1253. ubercombat.cmd(11244): [action var fullAim 1 when ^You think you have your best shot possible now]
  1254. ubercombat.cmd(11245): [if (!1) then]
  1255. ubercombat.cmd(11246): [if (0) && ("Cleric" = "Paladin") then]
  1256. ubercombat.cmd(11247): [var LOCATION AIM_1]
  1257. ubercombat.cmd(11248): [gosub AIM_TIMER]
  1258. ubercombat.cmd(3517): [delay 0.0001]
  1260. ubercombat.cmd(3518): [put #tvar Aim.Time 1555389940]
  1261. ubercombat.cmd(3519): [return]
  1262. ubercombat.cmd(11249): [AIM_1:]
  1263. ubercombat.cmd(11250): [matchre WAIT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,|^Please wait\.]
  1264. ubercombat.cmd(11251): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned\.]
  1265. ubercombat.cmd(11252): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web\.]
  1266. ubercombat.cmd(11253): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  1267. ubercombat.cmd(11254): [matchre AIM_WAIT ^You begin to target]
  1268. ubercombat.cmd(11255): [matchre AIM_WAIT ^You are already targetting that\!]
  1269. ubercombat.cmd(11256): [matchre CALMED ^Strangely\, you don\'t feel like fighting right now\.]
  1270. ubercombat.cmd(11257): [matchre RETURN ^I could not find what you were referring to\.]
  1271. ubercombat.cmd(11258): [matchre RETURN ^\[You're .*balanced?\]]
  1272. ubercombat.cmd(11259): [matchre ASSESS ^There is nothing else to face]
  1273. ubercombat.cmd(11260): [matchre LOAD ^But your .* isn\'t loaded]
  1274. ubercombat.cmd(11261): [matchre RETURN ^You aren't close enough to attack]
  1275. ubercombat.cmd(11262): [matchre RETURN ^You turn to face]
  1276. ubercombat.cmd(11263): [matchre RETURN ^You spin around to face]
  1277. ubercombat.cmd(11264): [matchre RETURN ^You stop advancing because]
  1278. ubercombat.cmd(11265): [matchre RETURN ^You shift]
  1279. ubercombat.cmd(11266): [send aim]
  1280. ubercombat.cmd(11267): [matchwait 7]
  1281. aim
  1282. >
  1283. You begin to target a young ogre.
  1284. >
  1285. ubercombat.cmd(11269): [AIM_WAIT:]
  1286. ubercombat.cmd(11270): [var aimcount 0]
  1287. ubercombat.cmd(11271): [delay 0.0001]
  1288. ubercombat.cmd(11272): [put #tvar Aim.Last {#evalmath (1555389940 - 1555389940)}]
  1289. ubercombat.cmd(11273): [eval temp count("|bob|attack left|attack left", "|")]
  1290. ubercombat.cmd(11274): [if (0 < 29) && (1) then]
  1291. ubercombat.cmd(11274): [gosub HIDE]
  1292. ubercombat.cmd(11348): [delay 0.0001]
  1293. ubercombat.cmd(11349): [if (0) then]
  1294. ubercombat.cmd(11350): [if (!1) then]
  1295. ubercombat.cmd(11351): [var LOCATION HIDE_1]
  1296. ubercombat.cmd(11352): [HIDE_1:]
  1297. ubercombat.cmd(11353): [pause 0.0001]
  1298. ubercombat.cmd(11354): [matchre WAIT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,|^Please wait\.]
  1299. ubercombat.cmd(11355): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned]
  1300. ubercombat.cmd(11356): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web]
  1301. ubercombat.cmd(11357): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  1302. ubercombat.cmd(11358): [matchre HIDE_INCREMENT ^.* notices your attempt to hide\!]
  1303. ubercombat.cmd(11359): [matchre HIDE_INCREMENT ^.* reveals you\, ruining your hiding attempt\!]
  1304. ubercombat.cmd(11360): [matchre HIDE_INCREMENT ^.* discovers you\, ruining your hiding place\!]
  1305. ubercombat.cmd(11361): [matchre HIDE_RETURN ^You slip into a hiding]
  1306. ubercombat.cmd(11362): [matchre HIDE_RETURN ^You melt into the background]
  1307. ubercombat.cmd(11363): [matchre HIDE_RETURN ^Eh\? But you're already hidden\!]
  1308. ubercombat.cmd(11364): [matchre HIDE_RETURN ^You blend in with your surroundings]
  1309. ubercombat.cmd(11365): [send hide]
  1310. ubercombat.cmd(11366): [matchwait 8]
  1311. hide
  1312. The young ogre discovers you, ruining your hiding place!
  1313. Roundtime: 5 sec.
  1315. R>
  1316. RT with no EXP.
  1318. R>
  1319. The young ogre moves into a position to dodge.
  1320. R>
  1321. ubercombat.cmd(11371): [HIDE_INCREMENT:]
  1322. ubercombat.cmd(11372): [delay 0.0001]
  1323. ubercombat.cmd(11373): [math hideCounter add 1]
  1324. ubercombat.cmd(11374): [if (75 > 2) then]
  1325. ubercombat.cmd(11375): [{]
  1326. ubercombat.cmd(11376): [echo ======================================]
  1327. ======================================
  1328. ubercombat.cmd(11377): [echo ** CANNOT HIDE! TURNING OFF STEALTH]
  1330. ubercombat.cmd(11378): [echo ======================================]
  1331. ======================================
  1332. ubercombat.cmd(11379): [put #tvar TrainStealth 0]
  1333. ubercombat.cmd(11380): [return]
  1334. ubercombat.cmd(11276): [AIM_ACTIONS:]
  1335. ubercombat.cmd(11277): [pause 0.001]
  1336. ubercombat.cmd(11278): [if (3 > 0) && (0 >= 3) then]
  1337. ubercombat.cmd(11279): [if (0 > 3) then]
  1338. ubercombat.cmd(11280): [if ("None" != "None") then]
  1339. ubercombat.cmd(11281): [if (0) then]
  1340. ubercombat.cmd(11282): [pause 0.1]
  1342. * A young ogre bashes a spiked mace at you. You partially block with a lumium round sipar with a tempered face.
  1343. ubercombat.cmd(11283): [if (3 > 0) && (!0) then]
  1344. ubercombat.cmd(11283): [send ]
  1345. ubercombat.cmd(11284): [pause 0.5]
  1346. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  1347. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  1348. ubercombat.cmd(287): [put #var balance 4]
  1349. [You're solidly balanced with opponent in better position.]
  1350. >
  1351. Learned: Evasion, Shield Usage, Defending, Light Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  1353. ubercombat.cmd(11285): [pause 0.3]
  1354. ubercombat.cmd(11286): [math aimcount add 1]
  1355. ubercombat.cmd(11287): [goto AIM_ACTIONS]
  1356. ubercombat.cmd(11277): [pause 0.001]
  1357. ubercombat.cmd(11278): [if (3 > 0) && (0 >= 3) then]
  1358. ubercombat.cmd(11279): [if (1 > 3) then]
  1359. ubercombat.cmd(11280): [if ("None" != "None") then]
  1360. ubercombat.cmd(11281): [if (0) then]
  1361. ubercombat.cmd(11282): [pause 0.1]
  1362. ubercombat.cmd(11283): [if (3 > 0) && (!0) then]
  1363. ubercombat.cmd(11283): [send bob]
  1364. ubercombat.cmd(11284): [pause 0.5]
  1365. bob
  1366. You bob suddenly, lowering yourself into a smaller target.
  1367. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  1368. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  1369. ubercombat.cmd(286): [put #var balance 3]
  1370. [You're nimbly balanced and in good position.]
  1371. Roundtime: 4 sec.
  1372. R>
  1373. RT with no EXP.
  1375. R>
  1376. The young ogre moves into a position to dodge.
  1377. R>
  1378. The young ogre moves into a position to dodge.
  1379. R>
  1380. ubercombat.cmd(11285): [pause 0.3]
  1381. ubercombat.cmd(11286): [math aimcount add 1]
  1382. ubercombat.cmd(11287): [goto AIM_ACTIONS]
  1383. ubercombat.cmd(11277): [pause 0.001]
  1384. ubercombat.cmd(11278): [if (3 > 0) && (0 >= 3) then]
  1385. ubercombat.cmd(11279): [if (2 > 3) then]
  1386. ubercombat.cmd(11280): [if ("None" != "None") then]
  1387. ubercombat.cmd(11281): [if (0) then]
  1388. ubercombat.cmd(11282): [pause 0.1]
  1389. ubercombat.cmd(11283): [if (3 > 0) && (!0) then]
  1390. ubercombat.cmd(11283): [send attack left]
  1391. ubercombat.cmd(11284): [pause 0.5]
  1392. attack left
  1393. ubercombat.cmd(11244): [var fullAim 1]
  1394. You think you have your best shot possible now.
  1395. >
  1396. * A young ogre feints low at you. You block with a lumium round sipar with a tempered face.
  1397. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  1398. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  1399. ubercombat.cmd(286): [put #var balance 3]
  1400. [You're nimbly balanced and in better position.]
  1401. >
  1402. Learned: Light Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  1404. * A young ogre bashes a spiked mace at you. You partially block with a lumium round sipar with a tempered face.
  1405. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  1406. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  1407. ubercombat.cmd(286): [put #var balance 3]
  1408. [You're nimbly balanced with no advantage.]
  1409. >
  1410. Learned: Evasion, Shield Usage, Defending, Light Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  1411. ubercombat.cmd(11285): [pause 0.3]
  1413. < You punch your plate-clad fist at a young ogre. A young ogre fails to parry with a spiked mace.
  1414. The fist lands a good strike to the ogre's abdomen.
  1415. ubercombat.cmd(306): [var Pole.Range 1]
  1416. ubercombat.cmd(304): [var Melee.Range 1]
  1417. ubercombat.cmd(286): [put #var balance 3]
  1418. [You're nimbly balanced and in good position.]
  1419. [Roundtime 2 sec.]
  1420. R>
  1421. RT with no EXP.
  1423. >
  1424. You feel fully rested.
  1426. >
  1427. ubercombat.cmd(11286): [math aimcount add 1]
  1428. ubercombat.cmd(11287): [goto AIM_ACTIONS]
  1429. ubercombat.cmd(11277): [pause 0.001]
  1430. ubercombat.cmd(11278): [if (3 > 0) && (0 >= 3) then]
  1431. ubercombat.cmd(11279): [if (3 > 3) then]
  1432. ubercombat.cmd(11280): [if ("None" != "None") then]
  1433. ubercombat.cmd(11281): [if (1) then]
  1434. ubercombat.cmd(11281): [goto FIRE]
  1435. ubercombat.cmd(11311): [delay 0.0001]
  1436. ubercombat.cmd(11312): [var firetype fire]
  1437. ubercombat.cmd(11313): [action remove ^You think you have your best shot possible now\.]
  1438. ubercombat.cmd(11314): [if (!1) then]
  1439. ubercombat.cmd(11315): [if (0) && (!0) || (1) && (!0) then]
  1440. ubercombat.cmd(11315): [gosub HIDE]
  1441. ubercombat.cmd(11348): [delay 0.0001]
  1442. ubercombat.cmd(11349): [if (0) then]
  1443. ubercombat.cmd(11350): [if (!1) then]
  1444. ubercombat.cmd(11351): [var LOCATION HIDE_1]
  1445. ubercombat.cmd(11352): [HIDE_1:]
  1446. ubercombat.cmd(11353): [pause 0.0001]
  1447. ubercombat.cmd(11354): [matchre WAIT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,|^Please wait\.]
  1448. ubercombat.cmd(11355): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned]
  1449. ubercombat.cmd(11356): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web]
  1450. ubercombat.cmd(11357): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  1451. ubercombat.cmd(11358): [matchre HIDE_INCREMENT ^.* notices your attempt to hide\!]
  1452. ubercombat.cmd(11359): [matchre HIDE_INCREMENT ^.* reveals you\, ruining your hiding attempt\!]
  1453. ubercombat.cmd(11360): [matchre HIDE_INCREMENT ^.* discovers you\, ruining your hiding place\!]
  1454. ubercombat.cmd(11361): [matchre HIDE_RETURN ^You slip into a hiding]
  1455. ubercombat.cmd(11362): [matchre HIDE_RETURN ^You melt into the background]
  1456. ubercombat.cmd(11363): [matchre HIDE_RETURN ^Eh\? But you're already hidden\!]
  1457. ubercombat.cmd(11364): [matchre HIDE_RETURN ^You blend in with your surroundings]
  1458. ubercombat.cmd(11365): [send hide]
  1459. ubercombat.cmd(11366): [matchwait 8]
  1460. hide
  1461. The young ogre notices your attempt to hide!
  1462. The young ogre discovers you, ruining your hiding place!
  1463. Roundtime: 5 sec.
  1465. R>
  1466. RT with no EXP.
  1468. R>
  1469. The young ogre moves into a position to parry.
  1470. R>
  1471. [Script paused: ubercombat.cmd]
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