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a guest
Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. 適応 adaptation; conformity
  2. 照れくさい embarrassing; awkward
  3. 試着 trying on clothes
  4. へちゃむくれ term of abuse about someone's looks, etc.
  5. に付き because of; regarding​
  6. ほにゃらら something something; something or other
  7. 母性本能 maternal instincts
  8. 勢い force; vigor
  9. 程がある to have a limit; to go too far (e.g. joke)
  10. 抱き合う to embrace each other
  11. 赴任 moving to a different location to start a new job; (proceeding to) new appointment
  12. 不純異性交遊 illicit sexual relationship
  13. 厳禁 strict prohibition; ban
  14. 断固阻止 standing firmly against
  15. 私利私欲 desire to act only in one's self-interest; selfish desires​
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