
3-25-20 Crash - console

Mar 30th, 2020
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  1. 25.03 21:34:48 [Multicraft] Auto-saving world...
  2. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR ------------------------------
  3. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR The server has stopped responding! This is (probably) not a Paper bug.
  4. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR If you see a plugin in the Server thread dump below, then please report it to that author
  5. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR *Especially* if it looks like HTTP or MySQL operations are occurring
  6. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR If you see a world save or edit, then it means you did far more than your server can handle at once
  7. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR If this is the case, consider increasing timeout-time in spigot.yml but note that this will replace the crash with LARGE lag spikes
  8. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR If you are unsure or still think this is a Paper bug, please report this to
  9. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR Be sure to include ALL relevant console errors and Minecraft crash reports
  10. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR Paper version: git-Paper-105 (MC: 1.15.2)
  11. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR ------------------------------
  12. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):
  13. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] WARN [DiscordSRV] [JDA] Got disconnected from WebSocket. Attempting to resume session
  14. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR ------------------------------
  15. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR Current Thread: Server thread
  16. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR PID: 18 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: RUNNABLE
  17. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR Stack:
  18. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR java.util.WeakHashMap.expungeStaleEntries(
  19. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR java.util.WeakHashMap.getTable(
  20. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR java.util.WeakHashMap.get(
  21. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.injector.injected.AsyncWrapperStorage.setData(
  22. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.injector.injected.IAsyncWrapper.initializeAsyncWrapper(
  23. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.injector.core.visitors.Helpers.wrapResult(
  24. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR com.sk89q.worldedit.util.Location.toVector(
  25. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR
  26. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR
  27. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR
  28. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR
  29. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionProtectionListener.lambda$onUseBlock$2(
  30. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.RegionProtectionListener$$Lambda$4100/23912730.apply(Unknown Source)
  31. 25.03 21:34:50 [Server] ERROR
  32. 25.03 21:34:51 [Multicraft] Skipped 770 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
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