
c..tface's pulse

Dec 7th, 2014
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  1. In light of being messaged and being told I'm a ***** by my ex fiancΓ© of my old family I would just like to say a few things. The Internet is not always a very nice place. Sometimes we meet people who are kind and help us on our journeys but sometimes, more often than not, we meet people who are not so kind and want to bring us down. This isint just the Internet it's a real life thing too. It's bullying in a sense. But I guess what I'm trying to say is ignore the people that can't let go, ignore the jealousy. Because at the end of the day he said those things to me because his life is at a stand still and mine is starting a new with a new love and her family. I won't let those things stand in my way of my happiness. Call me what you want. I will get up again. I have to. Because I have things to fight for and people to love and protect. And one day I hope you find the same. To my old family. My apology still stands. I'm sorry for the things I said and did. I really am. And there isint a day that goes by that I don't think of the sad and good times spent with you. My loves family is trying hard to accept me and I'm holding on to the past because frankly it hurts. I won't lie. But even if it hurts I have to take that pain with me and start moving again. I have been rping since I was 13 years old. That's quiet a bit of my life. And I've been apart of any families. I was with yours the longest and I loved all of you the most o ever had. If I had a choice though of going back and changing what o said and did to all of you. I wouldn't. Memories are precious. Bad and good. And if we keep erasing the bad to re do it. We will never learn or grow. It's sad to say but true. So even if you spread hate around about me I still love all of you because at one point in my life we were a family. But now I have to move on and walk forward with what I have been given. So keep calling me names keep trying to bring me down. But I won't fall to your hands again. I will keep moving. And to those that face bullying just remember there is someone out there who cares, who is worth fighting for. Don't let them drag you down. Don't let them hurt you. Stand tall and walk on. You will find something worth the world.
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