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Sep 8th, 2017
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  1. ---
  2. template:
  3. templateName: Oracle-JCS-Simple-Create
  4. templateDisplayName: Simple Java Web App
  5. templateCategory: QUICKSTART
  6. templateVersion: 1.0.7
  7. templateDescription: A simple Java EE application stack with Oracle Database Cloud Service. Typical dev, test or departmental production app stack.
  8. learnMoreUrl: ""
  9. templateIncludes:
  10. - "Single Node Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2, Standard Edition"
  11. - "25 GB Database and 150 GB Block Storage using Oracle Database 12.2, Standard Edition; expandable"
  12. - "Total 2 OCPUs"
  13. parameters:
  14. wlVersion:
  15. label: JCS Version
  16. description: "Select a JCS Version"
  17. type: String
  18. default: 12cRelease212
  19. mandatory: true
  20. allowedValues: {"11gR1": "Oracle WebLogic Server 11g,", "12cR3": "Oracle WebLogic Server 12c,", "12cRelease212": "Oracle WebLogic Server 12c,"}
  21. wlComputeShape:
  22. label: Compute Shape
  23. description: Select a Compute Shape for this service.
  24. type: ComputeShape
  25. default: oc3
  26. mandatory: true
  27. allowedValues: [ oc3, oc4, oc5, oc6, oc1m, oc2m, oc3m, oc4m ]
  28. publicKeyText:
  29. label: SSH Public Key
  30. description: Click Edit to generate a new key pair, enter an existing public keys value or upload a new public key.
  31. type: ssh
  32. mandatory: true
  33. sensitive: true
  34. autoGenValue: {"Fn::GenerateCred" : "SSH" }
  35. wlAdminUser:
  36. label: Administrator Username
  37. description: "Your choice of name for the JCS administration user. Must be between 8 and 128 ASCII characters and cannot contain a tab, brackets, parentheses or the characters , < > & # | ?"
  38. type: String
  39. minLength: 8
  40. maxLength: 128
  41. default: "jcsAdmin"
  42. mandatory: true
  43. allowedPattern: "[\\p{Print}&&[^',<>#&|\\?\\(\\)\\{\\}\t ]]++"
  44. constraintDescription: "JCS administration username must be between 8 and 128 ASCII characters and cannot contain a tab, brackets, parentheses or the characters , < > & # | ?"
  45. autoGenValue: "jcsAdmin"
  46. dbSid:
  47. label: DB Name (SID)
  48. description: "Database name of your choice, up to 8 characters; must begin with a letter and can contain only letters and numbers."
  49. type: String
  50. minLength: 1
  51. maxLength: 8
  52. default: ORCL
  53. mandatory: true
  54. allowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"
  55. constraintDescription: "Database name can contain up to 8 characters; must begin with a letter and can contain only letters and numbers. "
  56. dbVersion:
  57. label: DBCS Version
  58. description: "Select a DBCS Version"
  59. type: String
  60. default:
  61. mandatory: true
  62. allowedValues: {"": "Oracle Database 11g Release 2", "": "Oracle Database 12c Release 1", "": "Oracle Database 12c Release 2" }
  63. commonPwd:
  64. label: Password (to access JCS and DBCS)
  65. description: "Password to access JCS and DBCS. Password must be between 8 and 30 characters with at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one number and one special character (_,#). For example, Ach1z0#d"
  66. type: Password
  67. minLength: 8
  68. maxLength: 30
  69. allowedPattern: "^(?=.*?[A-Z])(?=.*?[a-z])(?=.*[0-9])[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9_#])+$"
  70. mandatory: true
  71. sensitive: true
  72. constraintDescription: "Password must be between 8 and 30 characters with at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one number and one special character (_,#). For example, Ach1z0#d"
  73. autoGenValue: { "Fn::Join": ["", ["X", {"Fn::GetRandom" : [8, ALPHANUMERIC] }, "_"]] }
  74. dbComputeShape:
  75. label: Compute Shape
  76. description: Select a Compute Shape for this service.
  77. type: ComputeShape
  78. default: oc3
  79. mandatory: true
  80. allowedValues: [ oc3, oc4, oc5, oc6, oc1m, oc2m, oc3m, oc4m ]
  81. dbStorage:
  82. label: Usable Database Storage (GB)
  83. description: "Enter the value for usable Database Storage in GB. The number must be between 15 and 1200."
  84. type: Number
  85. default: 25
  86. mandatory: true
  87. targetServiceName:
  88. label: Service Name
  89. description: "Unique service name for this instance."
  90. type: String
  91. mandatory: true
  92. parameterGroups:
  93. - label: Java Cloud
  94. parameters: [ wlVersion, wlComputeShape, wlAdminUser ]
  95. - label: Access
  96. parameters: [ commonPwd, publicKeyText ]
  97. - label: Database Cloud
  98. parameters: [ dbSid, dbVersion, dbComputeShape, dbStorage ]
  99. resources:
  100. jcs:
  101. type: jaas
  102. parameters:
  103. serviceName: { "Fn::GetParam": targetServiceName }
  104. backupDestination: NONE
  105. serviceVersion: { "Fn::GetParam": wlVersion }
  106. subscriptionType: HOURLY
  107. edition: SE
  108. vmPublicKeyText: { "Fn::GetParam": publicKeyText }
  109. components:
  110. WLS:
  111. adminUserName: { "Fn::GetParam": wlAdminUser }
  112. adminPassword: { "Fn::GetParam": commonPwd }
  113. dbServiceName: { "Fn::GetAtt": [dbcs, serviceName] }
  114. dbaName: sys
  115. dbaPassword: { "Fn::GetParam": commonPwd }
  116. shape: { "Fn::GetParam": wlComputeShape }
  117. sampleAppDeploymentRequested : true
  118. dbcs:
  119. type: dbaas
  120. parameters:
  121. serviceName: { "Fn::Join": ["", ["Fn::GetParam": targetServiceName, DBCS]] }
  122. version: { "Fn::GetParam": dbVersion }
  123. level: PAAS
  124. edition: SE
  125. shape: { "Fn::GetParam": dbComputeShape }
  126. vmPublicKeyText: { "Fn::GetParam": publicKeyText }
  127. parameters:
  128. -
  129. type: db
  130. adminPassword: { "Fn::GetParam": commonPwd }
  131. sid: { "Fn::GetParam": dbSid }
  132. failoverDatabase: no
  133. timezone: UTC
  134. charset: AL32UTF8
  135. ncharset: AL16UTF16
  136. backupDestination: NONE
  137. usableStorage: { "Fn::GetParam": dbStorage }
  138. attributes:
  139. OraConnectString:
  140. value: { "Fn::GetAtt": [dbcs, components.DB_1.attributes.CONNECT_DESCRIPTOR] }
  141. description: DBCS connect descriptor
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