

Nov 16th, 2017
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  1. 1.) Do you have any experience as a chat mod? I have no experience as chat mod,at least for discord servers.
  3. 2.)What are, in your opinion, the current issues our sub and server are facing? What do you think you can contribute as an assistant when you are welcomed onboard? i.e. any changes you'd like to propose or implement?
  4. Like in every server: scammers/multi accounts.
  5. People usually use middlemans,even if sometimes those arent really trustworthy people.
  6. Some people get their waifus too much power(this is something normal tho)
  8. 3.) What do you think a chat mod should do for this server? Give us some examples of everyday tasks you think might need to be done here.
  9. Moderate the chat (eg.delete nsfw pics from other channels,warn excessively toxic people,block scammers and their group of people)
  10. Be very active on more channels possible to work more efficiently
  11. Help newbies
  12. Reply to questions related to the server(and games) to the people.
  15. 4.) How would you handle any sort of conflict on the server? Describe a time you had to settle a dispute involving you or another party. This could even be a real life experience.
  16. I'd tell people to calm down,if it doesnt work i warn them and then i block them from talk in the chats,i could also tell them to solve their problems in private chat or tell me their side of the story and get a compromise for both of them.
  18. 5.) In the giveaway channel, a user has been trying to claim multiple accounts the entire day and isn't getting an answer. The user is clearly frustrated and continues to post. Would you do anything in this situation?
  19. Block him from the channel for account hoarding.(and also track his future names)
  21. 6.) A user has posted multiple screenshots in a trading channel. What would you do in this situation?
  22. remove his extra screenshots and tell him to put everything into the same picture,there are a lot of apps that can do that.
  24. 7.) A few users are having a casual conversation in the wrong channel. What do you do?
  25. Invite them to switch to the general nonsense channel.
  27. 8.) There's no mods or middlemen around and a user reported a scammer to you. What should you do?
  28. Write down their names(middlemen,user and supposed scammer) verify it any of them was every involved with scamming on the server,reddit or with multi account,then ban the scammers,obviously this takes a bit more time.
  30. 9.)What would you do when you see abuse (rule violations, shady practices), either from regular users or from other fellow middlemen, moderators, or chat mods? Keep in mind the differences between actual abuse and staff members joking around. What would you do if someone accused you of actual abuse when you percieved it to be joking around?
  31. Just ask them in private chat if they accused me of actual abuse or if they were joking,then would respond to them.
  33. 10.) Give us an example of time commitment you can provide the server. Keep in mind, we don't expect you to be here every day all day, but we do expect activity and helping relieve the chat modding and rule enforcing off the middlemen.
  35. Usually all the days of the week,usually from 2PM to 9 PM (UST+1)
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