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Sep 11th, 2018
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  1. GovHack Admin: The following was submitted via email.
  3. The Wild Australia
  4. Objective : To establish a relationship of animal sightings in wild with particular time of year ,month and to combine it with commercial data to give information about natural habitats . The second objective is to showcase the regions which are under immediate threat from urbanisation, fires etc. which might pose threats to the animals living in those regions.
  5. Personas
  6. Tourists, Residents, Kids and Volunteers.
  7. Dataset and data
  8. Major dataset that was used was to extract the sightings dataof 10 popular animals (amongst tourists) for last 60 years.
  9. We then will combined the sighting data with the native vegetation data of NSW
  11. The dataset will be used to understand the natural habitats of some of these animals across NSW and what are the impacts of urbanisation on some of these areas. For example if a particular animals thrives on a particular species for plants which in turn only occurs naturally in particular parts of NSW. Those areas should then be protected more from the effects of urbanisation as they will have a major impact on the population of that animal species.
  12. Conservation efforts : For a particular animal , say Koala. The Sighing database gave us a areas of major populations of Koalas in NSW. We searched those bounds within this dataset to understand which plant species (say Eucalyptus) they love most. Using the
  14. dataset we can find how much how much wood has been cleared in those areas to understand the impact of rapid urbanisation and fires (through NSW Fire and rescue stats
  15. We also want to combine this with NSW government Dwellings project data to understand if those areas are under any immediate threat.
  16. For Tourists: We will combined the BOM weather data for NSW to recommend the best months for Sunshine and temperature to see those places based on last several years of data. For example ,use the Parramatta's temperature data to show the variation of animal sightings with temperature .
  17. This will give an idea to tourists where to plan , when to plan (based on sightings and weather data) and how to plan (which hotels are nearby and their relative prices over months in past) using Trivago's hotel price index
  18. Working prototype : Please note only the Koala link works at the moment. All the content and imagery sourced from NSW gov and public websites released under creative commons and not intended to be used for commercial purposes.
  20. Technology
  21. Drupal 8 CMS and CKAN module to fetch data directly from data.nsw. Since the CKAN module doesn't support views (as far as we know), we will also integrate Charts modules (with Highcharts lib) to showcase the Views based charts.
  22. Integration with Views will give us an ability to dynamically use complex logics to showcase data and also to integrate it with content and imagery. But for bigger datasets json feed from DVF is quite handy.
  23. We will use Bootstrap for front end theming . Google maps and Geocoding API's for maps spatial data.
  24. Other major modules used : Geolocation, Paragraphs, Charts, DVF etc.
  25. The solution is hosted on AWS (it can take a bit of time to load but it will eventually load :) )
  26. Issues we faced
  27. Obviously time was the biggest one,
  28. • There are issues with some of these data sets as the documentation is not adequate. A good data dictionary with all the fields and possible usage should be added.
  29. • The formats of all these datasets is different, some are excel, some rest API endpoints , some oData. All these data sets should be standardised (although CKAN does standardise them to certain extent.
  30. • Build (or extend) some open source js frameworks to easily use the data. Viewers are great but no one wants to view data on a map but rather they want to use it in their own targeted app.
  31. • Overall govhack is great, but we felt that there is a definite need to provide some credits or free licenses for some products. For example , when we wanted to host our site online , there was no mechanism to host it rather for us to either buy or use free limits on AWS.
  32. • More dev tools should be provided and exposure to tech mentors will definitely boost this up.
  33. • Gov hack devs - A good idea to create a pool for devs and devs can register in that pool. So if people are looking for any help from developers they can search in that pool and ping them on slack. A simple slack channel can do the trick. When I met some other team at Liverpool centre , they all wanted to have a dev in the team but dint know where to search for.
  34. • And finally, make Hackerspace website mobile friendly with some filters like state etc :) . I saw a lot of people on slack getting confused as to where to find right info etc.
  37. Challenges we wanted to enter
  38. Bounty: Is seeing truely believing?
  39. Bounty: Making open data more open.
  40. Bounty: Mix and Mashup
  41. More than apps and maps: help government decide with data
  42. Data4Good
  43. Urban Heat Challenge
  44. What do you want from government data challenge?
  46. Thanks for reading
  47. Cloudbench team (of two basically :) )
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